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Full text of "Ship construction and calculations, with numerous illustrations and examples for the use of officers of the mercantile marine, ship superintendents, draughtsmen, etc."

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VM 145 . N C 6 °3 rne,IUniv ^ y Ubrary 

S ^]P construction and calculations, with 

3 1924 005 003 367 

Cornell University 

The original of this book is in 
the Cornell University Library. 

There are no known copyright restrictions in 
the United States on the use of the text. 









Member of Institution of Naval Architects, Surveyor to Lloyd's Register 

of Shipping. 


JAMES BROWN & SON, 52-56 Darnley Street, Pollokshields, E. 


[All Rights Reserved.'] 



THE rapid advances that have been made in recent years both in design 
and in the details of construction of steel ships is the writer's best 
apology for placing the present volume before the public. The book 
is intended to explain in a simple and practical manner some of the pro- 
blems met with in the building and subsequent management afloat of ships, 
particularly cargo steamships, and while no claim to special originality is made, 
it is hoped that the matter presented will be found up to date. It may 
be mentioned that publication has been specially delayed so as to include 
reference to Lloyd's latest rules, which differ in certain important respects 
from those preceding them, and are "more readily applicable to the changing 
conditions of construction." 

It is hoped the book will be found useful by officers of the Mercantile 
Marine, ship superintendents, draughtsmen, and shipyard apprentices, to all • 
of whom a more or less intimate knowledge of naval architecture is essential. 
To the officer mariner the subject may now be said to be a compulsory 
one, in that those who wish to qualify for the certificate of extra master 
must pass an examination in it. But besides this, there are other good 
reasons why an officer should know something regarding the construction 
and theory of ships. For instance, it would enable him, if called upon, 
to act as inspector on behalf of his employers at the building of a new 
vessel or the repair of an old one. Or, if his vessel were to receive 
sudden damage, calling for immediate temporary repairs, it would give him 
confidence in directing his crew in the carrying out of these. In the 
management of his vessel afloat, a knowledge of simple theory would assist 
him at any time to arrive quickly at satisfactory conditions of draught, 
trim and stability, unattainable by mere guess-work or a system of trial 
and error. In other ways also such knowledge would prove useful. 

The examples chosen for illustration throughout the book have been 
selected for their practical interest, and every effort has been exerted to 
make the explanations simple. 

In conclusion, the author begs to thank Messrs. J. L. Thompson & Sons, 
Ltd., Sunderland, for their kind permission to publish diagrams and results of 
calculations of vessels built by them ; and he also desires to acknowledge 
his indebtedness to Mr. W. Thompson, B.Sc, for help in reading the proof 
sheets, and in verifying the examples, as well as for other valuable assistance 
rendered while the work was passing through the press. 

Glasgow, November, 1909. 



Simple Ship Calculations ........ i 

Moments, Centre of Gravity, Centre of Buoyancy .... 25 

Outlines of Construction . . .... 42 

Bending Moments, Shearing Forces, Stresses and Strains ... 45 

Types of Cargo Steamers ....... 75 

Practical Details .... 93 


Equilibrium of Floating Bodies, Metacentric Stability . . .177 

Trim . . . . ... 197 

Stability of Shits at Large Angles of Inclination . 217 

Rolling . ........ 254 

Loading and Ballasting ..... . 272 

Appendix A ..... 


Appendix B — Table of Natural Tangents, Sines and Cosines; Weights 

of Materials ; Rates of Stowage . . 305 

Appendix C — Additional Questions . . 309 

Index ....... . 324 


Simple Ship Calculations. 

A KNOWLEDGE of the principle of moments and of how to calculate 
areas of surfaces having curved boundaries may perhaps be said to 
be the only indispensable requisites in dealing with ordinary ship 

In view of this we propose to spend a little time on these subjects, 
first taking up areas of surfaces, and afterwards, as may be found convenient, 
the principle of moments, especially as applied to ship problems. 

The area of a plane surface bounded by straight or curved lines may 
be defined as the number of units of surface contained within its boundaries. 
The unit, in English measure, is usually a square foot, although it is some- 
times taken as a square inch, and sometimes, although more rarely, as a 
square yard. In France, and on the Continent generally, the metrical 
system is employed, the units of surface being the square metre and square 
centimetre, respectively. These metrical units have many points of advantage, 
but as the square foot is more familiar to us, we shall make it the standard 
in our calculations. 

The simplest figure of which we may obtain the area is a square, 
whose chief properties are — all sides equal, and all angles right angles. In 
fig. i, A B C D is a square, the length of one side being, say, 6 feet. If 
two adjacent sides, such as A B and A D, be divided into 6 equal parts, and 
lines be drawn through the points of division parallel to these sides, as 
shown in the figure, the square will contain 36 small squares, each of which 
has its 4 sides equal to a foot, and encloses one unit of area. There are, 
therefore, 36 units in a square having a side of 6 feet. It is obvious that 
to find the number of units in any square it is only necessary to multiply 
the length in lineal units of one side by itself. 


In passing to a rectangle the rule for the area is the same as for a 
square, i.e., the length of two adjacent sides are multiplied together, these 
being, however, in this case, unequal. As an example, let the adjacent 
sides in a rectangle be 16 feet and 8 feet long respectively. By the rule, 
we have — Area = 16x8 = 128 square feet. 

Fig. h 



Fig. 2. 



To find the area of a rhomboid, which is a figure having its opposite 
sides and angles equal, but none of the angles right angles, a modification 
of the previous rule is used. KLMH (fig. 2) is such a figure. From L 
and M drop perpendiculars on K l\l, or K N produced, as shown. It is 
easy to prove that the rectangle L P Q M = rhomboid L K N M, since obviously 
the triangles L K P and M N Q are equal in area. But the area L P Q M = 

Fig. 3. 

L M x Z. P, from which it follows that to obtain the area of a rhomboid 
the length of a side should be multiplied by the perpendicular distance 
between it and the one opposite. 

This rule is specially useful in explaining the method of obtaining the 
area of a triangle. Let ABC (fig. 3), be any triangle. Complete the 
parallelogram AGED, and from B drop a perpendicuhr on A G produced. 


Obviously A B bisects the parallelogram A G B D, and, as we have just seen 

Area ACBD = ACxBE, 

A P v R F 

Therefore, the area of the triangle ABO equals By this rule the 

area of any triangle may be obtained ; and it is seen that we only require 
to know the length of one side and the vertical distance between that side 
and the point in which the other two sides intersect. Thus, a triangle having 
a base of 25 feet, and a vertical height of 22 feet, will have an area of 

25 x 22 . 
— 2 75 square feet. The area of any plane figure bounded by straight 

lines may be found by one of the foregoing rules, or by a combination of 
them, and it should be noted that the earliest rules applied to the finding 
of the areas of ship waterplanes and sections were of this nature. 

Let ABODE (fig. 4) be a portion of a ship's waterplane. Bisect A E 
in F, and through F draw a line perpendicular to A E to intersect the curve 
in 0, FO will be parallel to A B and DE. Join B and D by straight 
lines, then ABCF and FGDE will be trapezoids. A B, F 0, ED are called 
ordinates to the curve : let these lines be represented by the letters y 1 y. 2 
and f/ 3 , respectively ; and let h be the common distance between consecutive 
ordinates. Obtain now the areas of the trapezoids ABCF and FGDE by ap- 

plying the rules already established. Draw B G parallel to A F, meeting C F in 
G, then— 

B G x G 
Area B0G= , and area A B G F = A Fx A B. 

Using the symbols, these may be written — 

Area B 06 = ^^ 

Combining we get — 

x h, and area A B G F = h x y v 

Area A B F= — (</ x + y. 2 ). 

In the same way area FGDE ^ — (ijz + y) 


,-. whole area A B D E - — (#1+ 2y 2 + y 3 ). 


The rule may be applied to curves with any number of ordinates. 
For example, take one having five as in fig. 5. 

By the rule, area ABDE = —(y x + 2y 2 + y % ) 
and, area EDHJ = —(y->+ 2y 4 -\-y 5 ) 
.\ the whole area, ABDHJ = —{y x + 2y. 2 + a(/ 3 + 2</ 4 + £/ 5 ) 

This is called the trapezoidal rule for obtaining areas of surfaces bounded 
by curved and straight lines. It may be stated as follows : — To obtain the 
area of any plane surface, bounded by three straight lines and a curved 
line, two of the straight lines being perpendicular to the other, which is 
taken as the base of the figure — divide the base between the end ordinates 
into any number of equal parts, and through the points of division draw 
perpendiculars to the curved line, as in figure 5 ; measure the length 
of these ordinates, taking one foot or one inch as the unit of measurement ; 
then to the sum of all the ordinates, except the end ordinates, add half the 
sum of the end ordinates ; the result, multiplied by the normal distance 
between any two ordinates, measured in same unit, will be the area of the 
surface, approximately. 

Example. — Let length of base = 48 feet. Let there be 5 ordinates, spaced 
as directed, giving a common interval of 12 feet, and let the value of the 
ordinates be in feet — y 1 = 3 ; y. 2 = 10 ; y 3 = 16 ; y±= 12 ; y 5 — 4, respectively. 

Tabulating the information, the calculation becomes — 



Function of 







1- 5 



I 2'0 
2 O 

4i 5 

Area approximately = 41/5 x 12 = 498 square feet. 


The area obtained as above is less than the actual area required by 
the small areas enclosed between the straight lines joining the extremities of 
each two consecutive ordinates and the curve, as indicated by the hatched 
spaces in fig. 5. It is clear that by taking a great number of ordinates, 
these hatched areas may be made extremely small, but however numerous 
the ordinates may be, the area obtained in this manner is always less than 
the actual area. It is obvious, too, that the difference is greatest w hen the 
curvature is excessive; this rule, therefore, will give most accurate results 
when applied to surfaces having boundaries with comparatively little curvature. 
In applying the rule to ordinary ship curves the ordinates should be close 
spaced at the points of greatest curvature, and wider spaced elsewhere. 

If the curves met with in ship design were of regular form, equations 
to them could be deduced by means of which the correct areas of surfaces 
enclosed by them up to any point could be written down. Unfortunately, 
this is not so. No rigid equation can be applied to ordinary ship curves, 
but it is found that no great error is usually involved in treating them as 
parabolas,* and this is now the common practice. 

* A parabola may be described as the curve forming the line of intersection of a right 
cone with a plane parallel to one of its sides ; it is also sometimes defined as the locus of a 
point which moves, so that— 

its distance from a fixed point 

its distance from a fixed straight line 


Fig. 6. 






The fixed point is called the focus and the fixed straight line the directrix. In fig. 6, P 
is the parabola, X and Y the co-ordinate axes, M L the directrix which is parallel to Y t 
and S the focus, or fixed point. If, now, any point P in the curve be taken, we have — 

S P 

m p = 1| MP being perpendicular to the directrix. PN, the ordinate to any point P, may be 

expressed in terms of the abscissa and a constant, thus — 

PN' 2 = C x ON. 
If the value of G be varied, other parabolas will be obtained also passing through 0. 


By an important formula, known as Simpson's Rale, named after the 
inventor, the area enclosed by any parabolic curve may be obtained. The 
rule may be stated as follows :— Simpson's First Rule. — Through the extremities 
of any chosen base-line, draw verticals to cut the curve. Divide the distance 
between these verticals into an even number of spaces, and through the 
points of division draw ordinates to the curve ; which ordinates will therefore 
be odd in number. Measure the length of each ordinate, and then add 
together four times the sum of the even ordinates and twice the sum of the 
odd ordinates, omitting the first and last. To this total add the sum of 
the first and last ordinates. Finally, multiply the result by one-third the 
length of the common interval between the ordinates ; this will give the 
exact area of the surface if the curve be that of a common parabola, and 
a close approximation to it if the curve be an ordinary shipshape one. 

This rule is of immense value in ship calculations, and we shall pro- 
ceed to take a few examples showing its application. Let ABC (fig. 7), be 
a ship's half-waterplane of which the area is required. The base A G is 
divided as indicated in the rule, and the ordinates y x y 2 y 3 , etc., are drawn 

Fig. 7. 

through the points of division ; h is the common interval between the ordinates. 
We may write— 

Area A B = j(y 1 + 4# 2 + 2^4-4^4+ 2^ + 4^+ 2t/ 7 + 4 */ 8 + &)■ 
It frequently happens that the curvature is greater at the ends of the 
waterplane, and a closer approximation to the area is attained by inserting 
intermediate ordinates at these places, as shown in fig. 8. The total area 
is now made up of three portions, as follows : — 
Fig. 8. JL 

Area A ED 

6 -(0i + 40U + 0s) = ~(ki + 2</H + i# 2 )- 

Area DEF6 = j (</ 2 + 4^ + 2</ 4 + 4 </ 5 + 2</ 6 + 4 </ 7 + </ 8 ). 
h h 

Axe&FGC = j-iyt + Ay&t+y*) = j(ii/ 8 + ays* + £#>)■ 

Combining these portions, we get — 

Area A BG = ~{ly x + 2t/ij + ihy 2 + 4y, + 2</ 4 + 4 </ 5 + 2 y 6 + 4^7 + i£jy a + 2y 9 + Jy 9 ). ( 1) 


Suppose now that the ordinates have certain definite values beginning 
with (/i, as follows: — *i, 5, n"6, 15*4, i6"8, jyo, 16*9, 16*4, 14/5, 9-4, 'i, 
and that the total length of the plane is 200 feet: we could find the area 
by filling in the values in equation (1), but it is. more convenient to tabulate 
the figures, as follows : — 

No.h. of 

\ Ordinates. 


Function of 























33' 6 





33°' 6 5 

Area A B = 330*65 x ^^ -755'4 square feet- 
This result, of course, must be multiplied by 2 for the area of the complete 


As showing the application of the rule to transverse sections, take the 

following : — The half ordinates in feet of the midship section of a vessel 

are — 12-5, 12-8, 13, 13, 12*8, 12*4, ir8, 10*4, 6'8 and -5 respectively; the 

common interval is 2 feet ; between the two bottom ordinates an ordinate 

at half interval is taken, its value being 4 feet; find the area of complete 

section. Arranging the work as before, the calculation becomes — 

Nos. of 

-"} Ordinates. 


Function of 











10 "4 























Whole area = 300*55 x - x 2 

72 square feet. 

= 4007: 


We have seen that to apply Simpson's First Rule to finding the area of 
any surface having a curved boundary, there must be an odd number of 
ordinates, and not less than three. It is, however, sometimes necessary to 
find the area between two consecutive ordinates, as, for instance, between 
f/i and y 2 in fig. 9. To do this we employ another rule known as the 

Fig. 9 

Five Eight Rule, which may be stated thus :— 

Five Eight Rule. — Three ordinates being given, to obtain the area between 
any two multiply the middle ordinate by 8, the ordinate forming the other 
boundary to the space whose area we are finding by 5, and the remaining 
ordinate by - 1 ; the algebraic sum of these products, when multiplied by T V 
the common interval between the ordinates, will give the area required. 
For example — 

Area A BCD (fig. 9) = — (Stfi +%*-&) 

and area D C £ F = —(5^ + 8z/ 2 -(/ x ). 

If these be added we get, after re-arrangement — 

Total area A B E F = ™ (</ 1 + 4</a + ffs), 

which shows that the Five Eight Rule is based on the same assumption 
as the first rule, namely, that the curve is that of a common parabola. 

Take a practical example. — The length of the half ordinates of a portion 
of a ship's waterplane are in feet, 6, 7 '6 and 8, respectively, the common 
interval being 9 feet. Find the area of the portion of the full waterplane 
between the first and second ordinates. Tabulating, we get — 

£ Ordinates. 


Function of 







Area = 82*8 x — x 2 

124*2 square feet. 


If the area between the second and third ordinates were required, the 
calculation would be — 

£ Ordinates. S.M. 


Function of 

6'o ! -I 
7*6 ! 8 

s-o ; 5 



Area = 94*8 x — x 2 = 142-2 square feet. 

Besides the First Rule, which requires an odd number of ordinates for 
its application, Simpson introduced another one specially adapted for figures, 
having 4, 7, io, 13, etc., ordinates, the number of ordinates to which the 
rule applies being given by a general expression. Obviously, this rule will 
apply in cases where the first rule would fail, and therein lies its importance. 
The statement of the rule is as follows : — 

Simpson's Second Rule. — Choose any base line in the surface, and, 
through its extremities, draw ordinates to the curve. Divide the space between 
these limits into equal parts so as to obtain a number of ordinates as given 
by the general expression (3/7 + 4), where ll is zero, or any positive number; 
multiply the end ordinates by unity, the 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 6th, 8th, 9th, etc., 
by 3, and the 4th, 7th, 10th, etc., by 2. Add these results together and 
multiply the result by f- the common interval between the ordinates. The 
quantity thus obtained will be the area of the surface within the given 
boundaries very nearly for ordinary ship curves. 

Practical Example. — Find the area in square feet of a portion of a water- 
plane whose half ordinates are, 2, 6*5, 9*3, 107, n, 11, 10, 7*4, 3^6, and 
■2 feet, respectively, the common interval between them being 14 feet. 

Arranging the figures as in previous examples, the calculation takes the form — 

No. of 

\ Ordinates. 


Function of 








x 9'5 






















7 '4 













Area of full-plane between the given end ordinates = 190 x 14 x „ x 2 = 1995 
square feet. 



Reviewing our rules for areas, we now find that surfaces can be dealt 
with having 3, 5, 7, 9, n, 13, etc., ordinates, as required by the First Rule, 
and 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, etc., ordinates as required by the Second Rule; for 
surfaces having ordinates whose number is not included in the foregoing, such 
as those with 6, 8, 12, 14, etc., ordinates, no single rule will apply, and a 
combination of the rules given must be resorted to. Take, for instance, a 
surface with eight ordinates as shown in figure 10 : — 

Examining the figure, we note that the portion A BCD may be treated 
by the second rule, and the remainder DGEF by the first. Proceeding 
thus, we get — 

Area A B C D = g% x + 3</ 2 4- 3^3 + ^) 

and area DC E F = ~(y 4 + 41/ 5 + 2y 6 + 4*/ 7 + y B ). 

Combining these quantities and re-arranging so as to get a common factor outside 
the bracket, we have — 

Whole area A B EF = -(i^ +3§# 2 + 3§03+ 2S& + 4& + ^ 6 + 4#7 + </ 8 )- 

Calculate the area of fig. 10, assuming the ordinates to be 12 feet apart, 
and of the following lengths: 167, 24*4, 28-9, 30*3, 29-9, 27-3, 22*3, and 
14-9 feet, respectively. The work will be as follows : — 

No. of 



Function of 








2 2'^ 







1 19*6 




541*37 x 12 x 3 
Area A B E F = - b — ~~ = 2436*12 square feet. 

It should be noted that the area of the above surface could have been 
obtained by combining the First Rule with the Five Eight Rule. The method 



would be very similar to the above, and we leave the reader to work it out 
for himself. 

Tcheuychkff's Rule. — This method of finding the areas of plane surfaces 
having curved boundaries differs in certain important respects from that of 
Simpson's Rule. The ordinates, for instance, are not equally spaced, as in 
the latter case, but arbitrarily, according to the number of them employed ; 
nor are they treated by multipliers. All that it is necessary to do to obtain 
the area in a given case when the ordinates have been placed in position, 
is to measure the lengths of the latter, add these together, divide the 
sum by the number of the ordinates, and multiply the result by the length 
of the base line of the figure. 

Fig. 11. 

As an example, let us find the area of A B D (fig. 1 1). Here we 
have six ordinates spaced according to rule, and numbered i, 2, 3, etc., 
in the sketch ; the total length of the base is 20 feet. Applying the rule, 
we have — 

No. of 







1 -83 


. « « n 2 V28 X 20 

Area of A BCD = -^—7 

— 7 7 '6 square feet. 

So far, the application of the method appears to be simplicity itself; 
but a little trouble is introduced in the spacing of the ordinates. This is 
done from the middle of the base line as a starting point, and symmetrically 
to right and left, the distances being in accordance with the figures obtained 
when the half length of the base is multiplied by certain fractions given 
in Table 1 . 

In obtaining the spacing of the ordinates in the practical example above, 
the half length of the base, or 10 feet, was multiplied by '2666, -42 2 2, 
and '8662, giving as positions to right and left of the point x, the distances 
in feet, 2*666, 4*222 and 8*662; and in the same way, by using the corres- 
ponding multipliers, the positions of any other number of ordinates could be 

t 2 


determined. It should be noted that where there is an odd number of 
ordinates, one occurs at the origin, that is, the middle point of the base 

Table i. 

Number of Ordinates and Multipliers for Same. 




















'5 2 97 
'3 2 39 




.91 16 





Of course, where a plane is of extended length, it may be necessary 
to have more ordinates than is provided by any of the columns of Table 1, in 
which case the area might be obtained by repeatedly applying any of the 
rules. For instance, if 18 ordinates were required, the two-ordinate rule might 
be applied nine times, the three-ordinate rule six times, the six-ordinate three 
times, and the nine-ordinate rule twice. This adaptability of the system has 
caused some calculators to use only the two-ordinate or three-ordinate rules, 
repeatedly applying them as necessary, much in the same way as with 
Simpson's 1st and 2nd rules, which, of course, apply initially to figures with 
three and four ordinates, respectively. 

Fig. 12. 

As an illustration of the foregoing, we have again taken the figure 
A B D y whose area has been found by directly applying the six-ordinate 
rule, have divided it into three parts, and have obtained the area by means 
of the two-ordinate rule. Fig. 12 shows the ordinates in their new spacing, 
and numbered from left to right The calculation may be arranged as 
follows : — 



No. of 






4 - 9 3 


2 ^ * 2A X 20 

Area A B D = 7 — 77*46 square feet, 

which is seen to be very nearly that by previous rule. 

It may be mentioned that the area of this figure by Simpson's First 
Rule with seven ordinates is 77*03 square feet. Tchebycheffs method is 
said to give as accurate results as Simpson's, and with a less number of 
ordinates. It has not been found, however, of such universal usefulness in 
ship calculations as Simpson's, and, for this reason, the older method is more 
generally employed. 

VOLUME. — We have seen that the common English units of area are: — 
a square inch, a square foot, and a square yard; the corresponding units of 
volume are, a cubic inch, a cubic foot, and a cubic yard. While area is 
a measure of surface, and therefore deals with two dimensions, volume is a 
measure of space, and has to do with three. In fig. 13, the top surface 

A B D is assumed to represent an area of one square foot ; the block is 
one foot thick, therefore the whole figure A B C G F E A represents the new 
unit, viz. : — a cubic foot. In finding the quantity of space or volume that 
any object occupies, we merely estimate how many times a standard unit 
volume, such as a cubic foot, is contained in it. For example, state in cubic 
feet the volume of a rectangular block 25 feet long, 15 feet broad, and 3 J 



feet thick. Let fig. 14 represent this block. The area of the upper surface 
A BCD = 15x25 = 375 square feet. If the block were one foot thick, 375 

would also measure the capacity in cubic feet ; the actual volume will 
obviously be 3! times this quantity, therefore : — 

the volume = 375* 3 '5 = 1312*5 cubic feet 

From this it appears that to obtain the volume of any rectangular solid, 
such as that in fig. 14, it is merely necessary to find the continued product 
of the three principal dimensions. There are various rules for obtaining the 
volumes of regular solids, and we proceed to state a few of them without, 
however, giving the proofs ; these may be obtained by referring to any work 
on mensuration. 

1. Volume of a pyramid with any form of base = area of base x J height 


2. Volume of sphere = diameter 3 x - — ~f~~~* 

3. Volume of an Ellipsoid = length x breadth x depth x - — p — • 

Passing from these, we come next to consider methods of finding the 
volumes of solids of more or less irregular form, such, for example, as the 
immersed body of a ship. 

Fig. 15 shows, roughly, a portion of a ship's body — say below the load 
waterplane — which may be supposed represented by A ED FA. Obviously, 
we have dealt with no rules which admit of direct application here. In 

finding the volume it is sometimes found convenient to proceed as follows : 

First, assume the body to be divided by an odd number of equidistant 



transverse planes (nine is shown in the figure), and calculate the areas of 
each of these planes from the keel up to the horizontal waterplane AFDEA. 

Next, take a horizontal line, HJ fig. 16, having a length equal, on some 
scale, to the length of the vessel, and erect equal-spaced ordinates to correspond 
with the transverse sections of the body previously mentioned. On each of 
these ordinates, which are numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc., in fig. 16, measuring 
from the base line H J, mark off to scale the number of square feet in the 
corresponding section of the vessel. Draw a fair curve through the points 
so obtained, and the surface H L J will have an area representing the cubic 
capacity of the body. 

2 2i2 2 2*3 

That the foregoing statement is true may be very simply shown. Let 
the space between any two sections, such as 2 and 3, be subdivided by 
ordinates drawn through the points 2 1; 2*, 2 3) and where they intersect the 
curve, let lines be drawn parallel to H </, as shown. Now, since the 
ordinate at 2 represents the area of a section of the vessel at that point, 
the little rectangle 2 2 l will represent the volume of a vertical layer between 
sections at the points 2 and 2 ± having a constant section equal to area of 
vessel at section 2. In the same way the rectangles 2 X 2 2 , 2 2 2 3 , and 2 3 3, 

i 6 


will represent volumes of vertical layers, the areas of whose sections will be 
those of the vessel at the beginning of each little interval. The sum of the 
volumes of the vertical layers represented by 2 2 Xi 2 2 2 2 , etc., between 
sections at 2 and 3, will be less than the actual volume of the vessel at 
this part, and the deficiency is obviously represented by the areas of the 
little triangles between the tops of the rectangles and the curve. But by 
making the division close enough, the areas of these little triangles can be 
made as small as we please, so that in the limit the volume of the body, 
between sections at 2 and 3, will be truly represented by the area of that 
portion of fig. 14 enclosed by the curve, the bounding ordinates, and the 
base line. Thus it is clear that, as stated above, the total volume of the 
body is represented by the area H L J H. 

Take a numerical example. — The areas of the vertical transverse sections 
of a vessel up to the load line, in square feet, are, respectively, o, 40, 163, 
230, 400, 750, 470, 350, 270, 50, and o, and the common interval between 
them is 12 feet. Calculate the total immersed volume of the body. It 
will be seen that this is merely a question of obtaining the area of a figure 
such as H LJ //, and the work may therefore be tabulated as follows : — 

No. of ■ /rea of 

g ^. Function 
of Areas. 













■ 5° 














Using the sum of the function of areas: volume of vessel = 8->86 x — 

1 • r 3 

= 33144 cubic feet. 
Besides this method of obtaining the volume of a vessel by using the 
areas of transverse vertical sections, there is another, and for many purposes, 
a more convenient one, which entails the use of the areas of horizontal 
sections, or waterplanes. Reverting to fig. 15, the upper plane A ED FA is 
such a horizontal section; another one is represented by GKHLG. To fully 
take account of the vessel's form, a sufficient number of these horizontal 
sections are required. In fig. 17, which shows the midship section of a vessel 
the traces of these horizontal planes with the plane of the paper are indicated 
as horizontal lines, numbered 1, 2, 3, etc. Only one half of the body is 



shown, the vessel being symmetrical about the middle line plane. The area 
of each of the horizontal planes is first calculated and set off to some scale, 
to the right of the middle line 5/3, on a horizontal line opposite the water- 
plane to which it refers. In fig. 1 7 these areas are represented by B 
for the first waterplane, FG 1 for the second, and so on. A fair curve GG^D, 
drawn through these points will obviously, from our previous consideration, 
enclose an area representing the volume of the vessel from the keel to the 
first waterplane; and therefore, to obtain the immersed volume of the vessel, it 
is only necessary to calculate the area of BCD. 

Fig. 17. 



3 W.P. 


Take one numerical example: If the areas of the waterplancs of the vessel 
in fig. 17, beginning at the upper one, be 8000, 7600, 7000, 6000, 4500, 2800, 
and 150 square feet, respectively, and the distance between them be 3 feet, what 
will be the total volume? The work of finding this area we tabulate as 
follows : — 

No. of 

A'ea of 
W. P. 


Funct 011s 
of Are s. 

























volume below No 1 waterplane = 88825 x = 88825 cubic f" ee t- 


DISPLACEMENT AND BUOYANCY.— At this point, for a reason which 
shall appear presently, we must endeavour to explain an important hydrostatic 
principle known as the Law of Archimedes. This law asserts that if any 
body be immersed in a fluid it will be pressed upwards by a force equal 
to the weight of the volume of the fluid which it displaces ; and if the 
body float at the surface of the fluid with only a portion of its bulk im 
mersed, that the volume of fluid displaced will have the same weight as the 
total weight of the body. Thus, a box-shaped vessel, ioo'x2o'xio', floating 
in salt water, with half its depth of 10 feet immersed, will displace — 
ioo x 20 x 5 = 10000 cubic feet of the fluid. 

And since we know, or may easily verify by experiment, that a cubic foot 
of salt water weighs 1025 ozs., or 64 lbs., and therefore that a ton of salt water 

2240 ' 
occupies a space of -7 — = 35 cubic feet, we are able to write — 

Weight of water displaced by vessel = ■ = 28 5*7 tons - 

By the Law of Archimedes this weight is equal to that of the vessel and its contents. 
The following is a simple proof of this important principle. If the body 

Fig. 18 

represented by A in fig. 18 be placed in a fluid of greater specific gravity 
than itself, it will float with a part of its bulk above the surface as shown. 
The immersed portion will be pressed in every direction by the fluid, those 
pressures which act on a section parallel to the plane of the paper being 
indicated by arrows. If, now, we imagine the fluid surrounding the body 
to become solidified, and the body itself to be non-existent, a cavity will 
remain having the exact shape of the immersed form of the body. If 
finally, this cavity be supposed filled to the top with the same fluid and 
the surrounding solidified fluid be supposed to .return to its former state 
there will be a free level surface, and consequently the equilibrium will not 
be disturbed — that is to say, the fluid occupying the cavity will have the same 
statical effect as the body itself, since the same resultant upward pressure 
keeps each of them in equilibrium. From this it at once follows that the 
weight of the floating body is the same as that of a volume of the fluid 
occupying a space equal to that of the immersed portion of the body. This 
principle is of enormous value to the naval architect, for by it, when a vessel 



is floated, he knows that its weight, including contents, is equal to that of 
the displaced water. He has thus an infallible means of checking his calcula- 
tions and of forming a basis on which to estimate the amount of cargo the 
vessel will carry. 

We now see the importance of being able to calculate correctly the 
volume of the immersed body of a ship. We have described two ways in 
which this work can be done, and pointed out that the method involving 
the use of horizontal areas is preferable to the other, because of its greater 
convenience. This is seen, for instance, in the ready means which it affords 
of obtaining the volume, and therefore the weight of the displaced water at 
each of the various waterplanes indicated on fig. 17. These intermediate 
displacements, although not of special value of themselves, when plotted to 
scale at corresponding draughts, give a curve from which the displacement 
at any draught up to the load-line may be read off. This curve constitutes 
what is known as the displacement diagram. 

As a practical example let us construct such a diagram in a specific case. Con- 
sider the vessel whose waterplane areas were used in the example on page 17. The 
volume up to the load waterplane was there determined to be 88,825 cubic feet.* 

Dividing this by 35 we obtain 



= 2538 tons as the ordinate of the displace- 

ment curve at a draught of 15 feet. Referring now to fig. 17, the volume 
up to the 2nd waterplane, or to a draught of 12 feet, is represented by 
the area DFG y . The simplest way of obtaining this volume is to deduct 
the layer between the 1st and 2nd plane represented by the area BFG l C 
from the total volume. The displacement to the 3rd waterplane may be 
found by direct application of the 1st rule, while for the value to the 4th 
waterplane, the volume between the 1st and 4th planes should be got by 
Simpson's 2nd rule, and the result deducted from the total volume. The 1st 
rule will be suitable for finding the displacement to the 5th plane, the half 
interval being used in this case. In the following table we show these cal- 
culations carried out as suggested ; the final results are arranged by themselves 
for easy reference : — 

Displacement Calculation. 

No. of 

Areas of 
W. Planes 


of Areas. 


of Areas. 


of Areas. 



of Areas. 


of Areas. 





























- 1 

- 7000 










1 There is assumed to be no displacement below the 6th waterplane. 


Displacement to load waterplane 

Displacement of layer between ist and 2nd W.P. 
Displacement to 2nd waterplane 
Displacement to 3rd waterplane 

Displacement of layer between ist and 4th \V. P. 
Displacement to 4th waterplane 
Displacement to 5th waterplane 

SSS25 x 3 Q . 
3 — 2 = 2^S tons. 

35 x 3 

93800 x 3 

35 x I2 

670 tons. 
1S68 tons. 
1240 tons. 

^ 43425 x 3 

35 x 3 

= 578oox3X3 = l8 8tonS- 
35x3 b 

— 680 tons. 

226 tons. 

= 79 2 5 x 3 
35 x 3 

The construction of the displacement curve is now an easy matter. Take 
a vertical scale of draught A B (fig. 19), and let the distance from A to B equal 
15 feet; divide it into five equal parts and draw horizontal lines from the points 
of division. Number these horizontal lines from B downwards. Now measure 
along these lines, to some convenient scale, distances representing the displace- 
ments corresponding to these draughts. A fair curve drawn through the points 
will give the diagram required. 

Fig. 19. 



, 5 f°, , , ,s c 

) I5C0 
















To complete it, a scale of tons should be shown along the top, and the 
distance between A and B divided off into feet and inches, so that any draught 
can be located immediately. The construction lines 1, 2, 3, etc., being no longer 
required, should be erased. It is necessary to note that in reading from the 
diagram mean draughts only should be used. For instance, if the displacement 
of the above vessel were required when floating at 12 feet aft and 9 feet forward 


the draught to be taken on the scale should be = io£ feet.* A horizontal 

line drawn out at this draught would intersect the curve in a point showing on 
the scale of tons a displacement of 1530 tons. In the same way the displace- 
ment at any mean draught, provided it did not exceed 15 feet, could be found. 

From the displacement diagram another very useful one may be constructed, 
called a "scale of deadweight." It is specially constructed for the use of ships' 
officers and others who may have to do with loading operations. It exhibits 
in graphic form the weight of cargo put aboard as the vessel sinks in the water, 
and may be looked upon as a kind of loading meter by which the officer is able 
to tell, at any moment during loading operations, the amount of cargo he has got 
aboard, and the amount still to be dealt with to bring the vessel to her 
assigned load-line. 

In fig. 20 we give an illustration of such a diagram deduced from fig. 19. 
It will be observed to consist of two columns, one of which is a scale of draughts 
in feet, while the other indicates the amount of immersion caused in the vessel 
by the addition of each 2007 tons in her load. The effect on the draught of 
quantities less than 200 tons is, of course, found by interpolation. 

Fig. 20. 


















G i _JL 

7 _ _J1_ 











200 - 










Draught (2538 tons displacement, 
1738 tons deadweight). 

Draught (Weight of ship including 
machinery, 800 tons). 

As an example, suppose that ihe vessel, whose deadweight scale is illustrated 
by fig. 20, is observed at a certain time during Joading operations to be floating 

* This is not absolutely correct, see Appendix A. 

f In ordinary cases increments of 100 tons deadweight are indicated. 


at 7 feet forward and 10 feet 4 inches aft, and that it is required to ascertain 
how much cargo has been put on board, and how much has still to be shipped 
to sink her to a mean draught of 15 feet? 

Mean draught at time of observation = — '■ — - — - = 8 ft. 8 ins. 


At this draught there will be 380 tons aboard. 

At 15 feet mean draught the vessel will carry 1738 tons, therefore the 
amount of cargo still to be shipped = 1736 - 380 = 1356 tons. 

sirable to know how much the draught of a vessel would be affected by shipping 
or discharging a moderate quantity of cargo. If the mean draught were known, 
this information could be obtained from the displacement diagram or the dead- 
weight scale ; it can, however, be more conveniently got by means of a special 
diagram, called a "Curve of tons per inch of Immersion," which shows graphically 
the number of tons required to sink or lighten the vessel one inch at any 
draught. The weight of cargo shipped, divided by a number read from the 
diagram, will give the number of inches by which the draught has been altered. 

Fig. 27. 



| 2 4 6 8 10 tt 14 16 r| | 



















If A be the area of any waterplane, then the weight of a layer of salt 

A x ~ A 

water one inch thick will be ^ ^ tons ; which by Archimedes' nrin- 

35 4 2 ° ^ 

ciple will also equal the number of tons of cargo necessary to sink or lighten the 
vessel one inch at this draught. 

To construct the diagram required take any vertical line representing to 
scale the full mean draught of the vessel, and at the heights of the waterplanes 


of which the areas are known, draw horizontal lines. Mark off to scale on each 


of these lines the corresponding quantities , and draw a fair curve through 


the points so obtained. This will be the curve of tons per inch of immersion. 

To complete the diagram, as shown in fig. 21, a scale of draughts and of tons 

must be drawn and the construction lines erased. 

Example. — If the vessel, whose diagram is given alDove, were floating at 
a mean draught of 9 feet, what would be the increased immersion due to 
shipping 50 tons of cargo? From the curve at 9 feet draught the tons per 
inch is found to be i6 - 6, therefore : — 

additional immersion — JL— = ^- i inches. 
16*6 ° 


1. State the Trapezoidal Rule for finding areas of plane surfaces having curved boun- 
daries, and point out wherein it is inaccurate. The half ordinates in feet of the load water- 
plane of a vessel are, commencing from aft, 2, 6*5, 9/3, 107, n, n, 10, 7*4, 3*6, and *2, 
and the common interval between them is 15 feet. Find the area of the plane by using the 
Trapezoidal Rule. 

Ans, — 21 18 square feet. 

2. What are the advantages of Simpson's First Rule for finding plane areas, and for what 
curve is the Rule accurate? What are the conditions as to the number and spacing of ordi- 
nates? The semi-ordinates of the waterplane of a vessel in feet are, respectively, 'I, 5, 11 '6, 
15*4, i6'8, 17, i6'9, l6'4, 14*5, 9"4, and *l. The spacing of the ordinates is n feet, find 
the area of plane in square yards. 

Ans. — 303*6. 

3. Given the values of three consecutive and equally spaced ordinates and the common 
distance between them, what Rule would you employ to find the area between the first and 
second ordinates? If the ordinates in feet are 5, 11 "6 and 15*4, and their spacing n feet, 
find the area between the first two. 

Ans. — 93*86 square feet. 

4. State Simpson's Second Rule. To what class of curve does it apply accurately? 
Given *i, 2*6, 5, and 8*3 as the value in feet of the half ordinates of a portion of a ship's 
waterplane, and 9 feet as the common distance between them, calculate the area including both 

Ans, — 210*6 square feet. 

5. Why are half ordinates sometimes introduced at the ends of plane figures? Deduce the 
modification in the multipliers of Simpson's First Rule due to the introduction of a half 

6. What are the main points of difference between Tchebycheff's Rule and Simpson's 
First Rule for finding plane areas? Compare by an actual practical example the results obtained 
by applying Tchebycheff's two ordinate Rule and Simpson's First Rule. 


7. Given the areas to the L.W. P. of the transverse vertical sections of a vessel, show 
that the volume of the displacement may be expressed as a plane area. If the tranverse 
vertical sections in a particular vessel are 4, IOO, 1S0, 240, 260, 242, 190, 120 and 8 square 
feet, and the common interval is 15 feet, calculate the volume of displacement. 

Ans. — 20,400 cubic feet. 

S. Explain why it is preferable to employ the areas of horizontal sections or waterplanes 
rather than of transverse vertical sections in calculating the volume of displacement. The areas 
of the waterplanes of a vessel are £000, 6000, 4S00, 3600, 2400, 1200, and IOO square feet; 
the common interval between the waterplanes is 2 feet. Calculate the displacement in tons (salt 
water), neglecting the portion below the lowest plane. 

Ans. — 1213-3. 

9. What is the "Law of Archimedes"? Explain in what way this Law is important to 

the naval architect. 

10. Referring to the latter part of question No. 8, calculate the displacement to the various 
waterplanes, and plut the diagram of displacement. 

11. How is a curve of "Tons per inch of Immersion" constructed? What use is made 
of such a curve? The areas of a ship's L.W.P. is 4000 square feet, and the areas of other 
parallel water sections are, respectively, 3650, 32:0, 2550, and 24 square feet. The vertical 
distance between the sections is 2 ft. 9 ins. Construct the curve of "Tons per inch of Im- 


Moments, Centre of Gravity, Centre of Buoyancy. 

MOMENTS. — If two equal weights be placed one at each end of a weight- 
less lever A B (fig. 22), it is obvious that the point at which they may be 

Fig. 22. 



supported in equilibrium lies midway between them. If the weights be un- 
equal the balancing point will not be at the middle but at some other 
position nearer the larger weight. 

In books on elementary mechanics it is shown that in all such cases the 


exact position of C may be obtained from the relation (fig. 23), n = irn (i), 

Fig. 23. 





where P and Q are the unequal weights, and A and OB the distances of the 
points of application of the weights from the fulcrum. Cross multiplying, 
this equation becomes P x A = Q, C B, (1). 

It appears then, that from a consideration of a balanced system of two 
parallel forces acting on a rigid bar assumed to be weightless, two items of 
interest may be deduced : first, that the position of the point of support must 




be fixed by equation (i); and second, that the moment of the force, or turning 
effort, about the point of support on one side must be equal and opposite to 
that on the other, as indicated by equation (2). 

Thus, if weights of 8 and 12 lbs. be suspended at A and B (fig. 24), the 

Fig. 24. 





extreme points of a weightless lever 36 inches long, and if X be the distance 
of the balancing point from A, we have, using equation (1), — — 

from which we get X = 2 if inches. 

That the point thus determined by X is the one required is proved by 
the fact that the moments of the weights about this point are equal, i.e., 

2i| x 8 = 14^ x 12. 

The following is an important theorem ; — 

The moment of the re$idta?it of a system of parallel forces in one plane 
acting on a rigid body about any point in the plane is equal to the sum oj 
the moments of the component forces about the same point. Take the simple 
case of two forces acting in the same direction, as in fig. 25. Let A and B 

Fig. 25. 
A c ft 



be the points of application of the forces ; join A B and assume the line to 
be horizontal. Let be the point about which the moments are to be taken, 
and R the resultant of the two forces, which may be called P and Q. Drop 
a perpendicular from upon the line of action of the forces, which for 
simplicity are assumed to be vertical, cutting them in the points D, E, and F 
as shown. 

It is clear that the above theorem will hold if RxOE = PxOD + 
Q x OF, that is, if (P+Q)0E = P(0E -DE) + Q (0 E + EF) or, multiplying 
out and cancelling like terms, if P x D E = Q x £ F. 



Since A B is parallel to D F, this may be written PxAC = QxCB. 
But this relation we know to be true, therefore so must be the above theorem. 

The theorem will, of course, hold if there be any number of forces acting, 
for if the line of action of the resultant be found, the forces acting on either 
side of this line may be represented by a single force, and this will reduce the 
case to the one just proved. 

We are now able to deal with questions in which it is necessary to find 
the position of the resultant of parallel forces. Consider the forces P ly P 2i P& 
etc., shown in fig. 26, which, in the first instance, we shall suppose acting in 

Fig. 26. 









' * 


' R 

one plane. In order to determine the position of the resultant we must take 
moments about some point in the plane. Drop a perpendicular upon the lines 
of action of the forces, which, as before, we assume to be vertical, cutting them 
in the points A, B, G, D, and £, and take the moments about a point in this 
line, say where it intersects the line of action of the force P v Assuming 
the resultant R to act at a distance x from A, we have by the theorem — ■ 
Rxx = P 1 xo + P 2 xAB + P s xA6 + P 4 xAD + P 5 xAE, from which, since 
R equals the sum of the several weights, 

_ P 1 xo-[-P 2 xAB + P 3 xA0 + P 4 xAD + P 5 xAE 

X " P 1 + P 2 + P3 + Pi+ P 5 

Suppose that the forces P Xi P 2i P 3l P 4 , and P 5i are of the following magni- 
tudes, viz. — 4, 8, 6, 12 and 10 units respectively, and that the distance A E, 
which is 12 feet, is divided into equal parts by the lines of action of the forces, 
the distance of the resultant from A will be — 

X = 

4X0 + 8x3 + 6x6+ 12 X9+ IO X 12 

7 '2 feet. 

If the forces in fig. 26 do not act in one plane, in order to find the 
centre of the system it will be necessary to determine its perpendicular dis- 
tances from two vertical planes at right angles. If we suppose one of these 


planes to be perpendicular to the plane of the paper, anJ its vertical trace to 
be represented by the line of the force P lt by a simple moment calculation 
about this plane we will determine, not the position of the resultant, but only 
of the vertical plane containing it parallel to the plane chosen as the axis. 
To fully determine the position we must now find another plane also 
containing the resultant parallel to the plane of the paper. Clearly, since it is in 
both planes, it must coincide with the line of their intersection. Let the forces 
in fig. 26 act at the distances shown from the plane containing P l normal to 
the plane of the paper; 7-2 will be the distance from the axis of one of the 
planes containing the resultant. To find the other one we must know the 
position of each of the forces from a plane parallel to the plane of the paper. 
Let these be given by the normal distances y u y<&-y& y* - {js, eacn one having 
the same suffix as the force to which it refers. Calling Y the distance of the 
plane of the resultant from the axis plane, we have — 

Y _ fill + fttfg ~ gsj/g + P*y*- P 5 y 5 • 

p x + p, + P 3 + Pi + P 9 

Putting in the numerical values 2, 4, - 7, 9, - 5, for y 17 </ 2 , etc., this becomes — 
4x2 + 8x4-6x7 + 12 X9-5X 10 

40 " T 4 

The two values, X ~ 7*2 feet and Y = 1*4 feet, determine the line of the 
resultant of the system of the assumed parallel forces. 

The preceding principle admits of many important applications, not the 
least of which is that to the finding of centres of gravity, to uhich we must 
now turn. We begin with a general definition. 

CENTRE OF GRAVITY.— If the mass of any body be supposed divided 
into an infinite number of parts, the forces or weight due to the attraction of 
the earth, acting on the various parts, will form a system of parallel forces of 
which the total weight of the body is the resultant • and the point through 
which the line of action of this resultant always passes, whatever be the position 
of the body with reference to the earth, is called the centre of gravity of the 

The centre of gravity of a body is also sometimes defined briefly as the 
point at which the weight of the body may be taken to act, no matter what 
position it may occupy. Thus, in the case of a ship and cargo, the total 
weight is taken as acting at a fixed point when making stability and other 

It is frequently necessary in dealing with ship calculations to obtain the 
centre of gravity of an area. In approaching such questions it is usual to keep 
the idea of weight and to consider the area as consisting of a homogeneous 
lamina of uniform but infinitely small thickness. Thus, the centre of gravity of 
a lamina of circular form is at its geometric centre, as evidently the resultant of 
all the forces due to the weight of the various portions of the lamina must pass 
through that point. Also the centre of gravity of a lamina of square form is in 
the point of intersection of the two diagonals. To find the centre of gravity 



of a triangular lamina such as A B C (fig. 27), we may proceed as follows: — 
First, bisect A C in D and join B D. This line contains the centre of gravity 
of all strips of the lamina parallel to A G, consequently the centre of gravity of 
the triangle must be somewhere in it. Next, bisect one of the other sides, say 

B % in £", and join A E. The centre of gravity of the lamina must obviously 
also be in A E ; therefore, it must be at the point G where the lines A E and 
B D intersect. G is at a point one-third of BD from D. 

In passing to the case of a lamina having a curved boundary, such, for 
instance, as the half waterplane of a ship, we cannot determine the centre of 
gravity by such geometrical methods, owing to the irregularity of the form. 
The usual practice is in effect to divide the lamina into an infinite number of 
elements, to take the moments of these elements about any two axes chosen at 

right angles in the plane of the lamina, and to divide the sum of each series of 
moments by the total weight of the lamina, each quotient being the distance of 
a line containing the centre of gravity parallel to its corresponding axis, and the 
centre of gravity itself, the intersection of the two lines. By employing Simpson's 



Rules it is only necessary to deal with specimen elements, which greatly simpli- 
fies the work. As an illustration consider the half waterplane A B G (fig. 28). 
Divide A B into a number of parts as shown, and draw ordinates to the curve. 
Now take a strip of the lamina of very small breadth a at ordinate 5, say ; its 
area will be y 5 a, and this may also stand for the weight since the lamina is 
homogeneous and of uniform thickness. 

The moment of this little area about A B as axis will be — 



= yi. a 

With a as base, set down^- as an ordinate below A B, and draw in the 

little rectangle shown in the diagram, which will represent the moment of the strip 
of area at y 5 . In the same way obtain and plot the moments of elementary areas 
at #i> #2, etc. A curve through the extremities of these little rectangles will en- 
close an area A D B, which will represent the moment of the area AGB about 
the line A B, and consequently, by the principle of moments, the distance of 
the centre of gravity of this area from the chosen axis will be given by — 
Total Moment Area about A B Area AD B 
Total Area ' ° r Area AGB' 

As a numerical example, let the above half waterplane be 140 feet long, 
and let 11 ordinates be taken so as to suit the application of Simpson's First 
Rule to the finding of the areas A D B and A B. 

The figures of this calculation are best arranged in tabular form as shown 
below. In the first two columns are the numbers of the ordinates and their 
values in feet, respectively. The third column gives Simpson's multipliers, and 
the fourth the corresponding functions obtained when the ordinates are treated 
by these multipliers. It will be seen that so far the work is simply in the 
direction of finding the area AGB. The next two columns are for obtaining 
the area enclosed by the moment curve, the fifth giving the squares of 
the ordinates, and the sixth the functions of the same when affected by the 

■ No', of 

Ordinates (ft). 


Function of 

Ordinates 2 . 

Function of 










J I'O 

7 4 













2 1*4 







I 21 'OO 



12 96 




4oo - oo 



r 97i'93 


3 1 

Using these figures we obtain at once — 
Distance of centre of gravity of half \ Area enclosed b y moment curve 

plane from axis A B 


Area of half plane 

*97i'93 x £4 
2 3 c 


217-3 x y 

4*53 feet 

It should be noticed that in the calculation the whole squares are employed 
in the table, the division by 2 being done at the end, as shown. 

We have, as a result of the preceding calculation, fixed the position of 
one line containing the centre of gravity. We must now, as already men- 
tioned, determine the position of another line also containing it at right angles 
to this one. The principle of moments is again employed, and in fixing upon 
an axis for the purpose, it is usual to choose an ordinate about the middle 
of the plane, as it will obviously mean a less laborious calculation than if 
the axis were taken, say, at either end. Care must also be taken .to select nr 

Fig. 29. 

ordinate which will allow of Simpson's First Rule being applied in arriving 
at the areas enclosed by the moment curves. In the present instance either 
ordinate 5 or 7 might be employed; the middle ordinate No. 6 is unsuitable 
(See fig. 29) 

Taking No. 5 as axis, the moment of a small strip at ordinate No. 
4 will be y 4 Cth, h being the common interval between the ordinates and a 
the breadth of the strip. At ordinate No. 3, the moment of a strip will be 
y 3 CtX2h, and so on for strips at the other ordinates, the little area in each 
case being multiplied by the number of times of the common interval it is 
removed from the chosen axis. The process is repeated for the area on the 
other side of the axis, the moment of a strip at No. 6 ordinate being y^a h ; 
that for strip at No. 7, */ 7 a 2/7, and so on. To construct the moment diagram, 
the moments thus found of the small areas are, as in the previous case, set 
down as little rectangles, each on a base a, on the other side of A B at the 
points to which they refer, and fair curves drawn as A H F and FKB in the 
figure. Evidently, the centre of gravity will be on that side of the axis which 



has the greater moment ; and its distance from the axis will be obtained by 
dividing the difference of the moments by the area of the half plane ; thus— 

Distance of centre of gravity from axis! Area FKB - Area AHF 

through ordinate No. 5, / ~ Area A B 

The work of finding the above areas is arranged below. The first four 
columns are the same as before; in the fifth are the multipliers representing 
the number of intervals each ordinate is distant from the axis through No. 5; 
the sixth column gives the functions of the ordinates after treatment by these 
multipliers as well as those of Simpson's Rule. 

No. of 



Function of 

Mult, for 

Function of 



. 4 








I I'O 


7 '4 

















1 '2 



94 '4 



59' 2 




Centre of gravity from axis through "\ (34° 4 
ordinate No. 5, / 

H 4) — x 14 

i + ~ ~ = 15-85 f eet. 

217*3 x 

The centre of gravity of the half plane is therefore situated at a. point 15-85 
feet forward of No. 5 ordinate, and 4-53 feet out from the centre line A B. 
Obviously, the centre of gravity of I he whole plane, since both sides are alike, 
will be in the middle line and at the same distance forward of the axis 
namely, 15*85 feet. 

Fig. 30. 
£ e. 

The same useful principle of moments is employed if we wish to find 
the centre of gravity of a portion only of a ship's watetplane, say, of the area 
ACEB (fig. 30), omitting the space GFLE As before, moments of elemen- 
tary areas are taken about A B and about an axis at right angles to it omitting 



the portion of the area, CFLE. The resulting distances obtained by dividing 
the sum of each of these systems of moments by the reduced area will deter- 
mine the position of the centre of gravity of the partial plane from the chosen 

CENTRE OF BUOYANCY.— It was shown, when treating of displacement 
and buoyancy, that the weight of any floating body is supported by the 
upward pressure due to the buoyancy of the water. Fig. 31 represents in 
section a ship floating freely and at rest in still water, and indicates the water 
pressures acting on her. It is the resultant of the vertical components of 
these pressures, which act everywhere normal to the surface in contact, which 
supports, and is therefore equal to, the total weight of the vessel. It now 
becomes necessary to state further that the line of action of this resultant, 
whatever be the position of the vessel, always passes through a certain point, 
viz., the centre of the immersed bulk, or the centre of gravity of the water 
that would occupy the same space. This point is called the centre of buoy- 

Hg. 31 

ancy. We now proceed to show how this centre may be determined in any 
given case. 

In a vessel of simple box-shape, floating at a level waterplane, the point 
will obviously be at mid length in the centre line plane, and at a distance 
below the surface equal to half the draught. In one of constant triangular 
section floating with a side parallel to the surface it will also be at mid length, 
but at J the depth below the surface. In a cylindrical vessel floating at even 
keel, it will as before be at mid length and at the same distance below the 
surface as the centre of gravity of the transverse section. In all these cases, 
the conditions being given, the point required can be easily determined. In 
ship-shape bodies, however, owing to the irregularity of form, no such simple 
methods can be applied. We must, therefore, resort to moment calculations, 
just as we had to do when finding areas of surfaces enclosed by ship curves, 



Take, as example, a vessel of ordinary form floating at a draught parallel to the 
keel-line (see fig. 32). In setting out to find the centre of buoyancy, we ob- 
serve, in the first place, that, since the vessel is symmetrical about the middle 
line plane, the point required must be somewhere in that plane, and that it 
will be fully determined if we know its position relative to a vertical and a 
horizontal line in the plane. 

To obtain the vertical position of the point, the immersed body is assumed 
divided into an infinite number of horizontal layers, and a calculation of moments 
made with respect to some horizontal plane, such as that of the load-water line. 

Fig. 32. 

For the horizontal position, the displacement is supposed divided into transverse 
vertical layers and another calculation of moments made ; in this case, with 
respect to a transverse vertical plane, such as that of the after perpendicular, or 
of a transverse section in the vicinity of amidships. It is only necessary to 
correctly plot the results of these calculations in the middle-line plane to obtain 
the position of the centre of buoyancy. In practice, as in the case of calcula- 
tions of areas and volumes, by using Simpson's or TchebychefFs rules, only 
specimen layers of displacement need be dealt with. 





A x ./| 









^ Ait- 



kV* 5 


As Ah. 


A«Ath. y 

Turning to fig. 32 we note that between the upper waterplane W.L. and 
the keel, four others are introduced at equal distances apart, with, in addition 
an intermediate one between the keel and the plane marked No. c. The 
plane at half interval is introduced owing to the increased curvature of the 
ship's form at that part, which makes a closer spacing necessary to obtain 
accurate results. 



Let Au Aj, A 3i etc., be the areas of the waterplanes, h the common in- 
terval between them, and a. a very small thickness of layer taken at each 
waterplane. The moments of the elementary layers about W.L. will be — 
0, A 2 ah, A 3 a 2h, and so on, volumes being treated as weights, the density 
being constant. Now take any vertical scale of draughts (fig. 33) and mark 
off horizontally at the planes, 2, 3, 4, etc., the corresponding moments just 
found, which should be plotted as rectangles of breadths, A 2 h,A 3 2h i etc., and 
depths a. A fair curve through the extremities of the little rectangles thus 
obtained, starting from the point £, will enclose an area representing the total 
moment of the volume below the upper waterplane. If, on the other side of 
the axis E /?, another diagram be plotted, the ordinates at the various water- 
planes being the corresponding waterplane areas, the area' of this diagram will 
represent the total volume of the vessel below No. 1 waterplane. 

From our previous considerations it is clear that we may write : — 
Distance of centre of buoyancy) __ Area E C B 
below No. 1 waterplane, / _ Area ED B 

As a numerical example, suppose the areas of the waterplanes in square 
feet are, beginning from the upper one, 8000, 7600, 7000, 6000, 4500, 1800, 
and 100, respectively, and that the common distance between them is 3 ft., 
with a half interval at the lower end. 

In obtaining the vertical distance of the centre of buoyancy below the 
upper waterplane, in this, and all similar examples, it is convenient to arrange 
the work in tabular form, as shown below. 

In the second, third, and fouith columns are the areas, Simpson's multi- 
pliers, and functions of areas, respectively. In the fifth column are the 
multipliers for leverage, and in the sixth, the products of the lever multiples 
and the area functions. The process is seen to be simply that of obtaining 
areas such as E G B and E D B by Simpson's Rule. 

No. of 


Areas of 


of Areas. 


Function of 



































173850 x £ x 3 
Distance of centre of buoyancy\ 3 

below No. 1 W.P., l~ 

6 feet. 

86800 x 3 
Volume of displacement below No. 1 W.P. = 86800 cubic feet 



The position of the centre of buoyancy below any ot the other vvaterplanes 

may now be obtained. Reverting to fig. 33 — area _ _ !* .. gives the distance 

area u t H N 

of the centre of the layer between the 1st and 2nd waterplanes from the 1st 
waterplane, and by a simple moment calculation, the fall in the centre of buoy- 
ancy consequent on the vessel rising to the 2nd waterplane is derived. In the 
same way, by first finding the centre of the layer between the 1st and 3rd water- 
planes, or between the 1st and the 4th waterplanes, the fall in the centre of buoy- 
ancy, due to the rising of the vessel to any of these planes, may be determined. 
We have here a means of constructing a diagram which will show the variation 
in the height of the centre of buoyancy with change in the displacement, and 
from which, therefore, the position of the centre of buoyancy for any draught may 
be read off. Take a vertical scale of draughts A B (fig. 34), and spot off on it 

Fig. 34. 

the positions of the various centres of buoyancy as calculated for the vessel 
when immersed to the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc., waterplanes. 

Through these points, indicated by 6 2) b 3) etc., in the figure, set out 
horizontally distances, b 2 h 2 , b 3 /? 3 , etc., equal to those between the load water- 
plane and the waterplane to which each centre refers. A fair curve through 
the points 6„ /z 2 , h :} , etc., will be the locus of centres of buoyancy required. 

If now the height of the centre of buoyancy at any draught be required 
it is only necessary to draw a line on the diagram parallel to the middle line 
A B, and at a distance from it equal to that between the load-line and the 
given draught; the point of intersection of this line with the locus gives the 
required height of centre of buoyancy. 

As showing the work in an actual case, let us construct the diagram for 
the vessel whose centre of buoyancy at the load draught has already been 



determined. Reverting to fig. 33, it will be necessary to find the areas PEQ 
and DEPN. 

The latter area may be obtained by the Five-Eight Rule already described ; 
area PEQ, however, cannot be correctly found by this Rule. In this case we 
should proceed as follows: — Multiply the near end ordinate, or A 19 by 3, the 
middle ordinate, or A& by io, the far end ordinate, or A 3 , by - 1, and the 
sum of these products by one twenty-fourth the square of the common inter- 
val between the ordinates. 

Arranged in tabular form, the figures of the calculation are : — 



No. of 

Areas ot 
W. Planes. 



Areas of 










- 1 


- 7000 



- 1 



- 7000 



Moment of layer D E P N 
Volume of layer D E PN 

93000 x 9 

93 8o ° x 3 


Distance of centre of buoyancy ^ 

of layer below No. 1 W.P., / ~~ 23450 

= 34S75 

= 23450 cubic feet. 

= 1 "48 feet. 

Having now got the position of the centre of buoyancy of the layer, the 
distance the centre of buoyancy will fall when the vessel rises to the 2nd 
waterplane may be easily determined, since the moment of the layer and the 
moment of the displacement below the 2nd waterplane aLout the centre of 
buoyancy of the total displacement are equal. The total volume of displace- 
ment we have found to be 86800 cubic feet. The volume of the layer between 
the 1st and 2nd waterplanes from our calculation is 23450 cubic feet; the 
volume below the 2nd waterplane will therefore be, 86800 - 23450 = 63350 
cubic feet. Calling d x the fall of centre of buoyancy in feet, we may write : — 
d\ x 63350 = 23450(6 - 1-48) 

23450 x 4-52 
■ •*-' 63350 =l67 

For the fall of the centre of buoyancy when the vessel is at the 3rd water- 



plane, we must find the areas FEG and DEFH, which may be done thus. 
using Simpson's First Rule ; — 

No. of 



Function of 

Moments from 

FuiH'ti »n of 














Distance of centre of buoyancy \ 
of layer below No. 1 W.P., / 

44400 x - x 3* 

45400 X 

= 2*93 feet. 

The volume of the layer = 45400 cubic feet, so that the volume below the 
3rd waterplane will be, 86S00 - 45400 = 41400 cubic feet. If d 2 be the fall 
of the centre of buoyancy in feet, we have — 

d 2 x 41400 = 45400 (6 - 2'93) 
45400 x 3-07 

d, = 


3'3 6 - 

d :i) the fall of the centre of buoyancy when the vessel floats at the 4th 
waterplane, will be found to be 5 '10 feet. To find the requisite areas in the 
diagram (fig. ^t,) the Three-Eight Rule should be used; otherwise, the calculation 
is similar to the preceding ones. 

dt> the fall of the centre of buoyancy to the 5th waterplane, is 6'8i feet 
We have now sufficient information to construct the locus which, when plotted 
as described, will be found to give the curve shown in fig. 34. 

We now proceed to show how the longitudinal position of the centre of 
buoyancy may be obtained. Reverting to fig. 32, the transverse sections 
marked 1, il, 2, 3, etc., are those at which the elementary layers or slices 
required for the moment calculation are taken, the number of divisions bein°- 
arranged to suit the application of Simpson's First Rule. At each end inter- 
mediate sections are introduced, the common distance being there reduced by 
a half. 

Having calculated the various vertical areas, we first take a horizontal line 
A B equal on a convenient scale to the length of the vessel (fig. 35), and draw 
lines at right angles to it at points in the length marked off to correspond with 
the positions of the sections. On the upper side of A B we then plot the 
sectional areas just found and draw a curve A C B through the extremities of 

* Multiplication by the common interval is done at the end as shown. 



the ordinntes, thus enclosing an area which represents the volume of the vessel 
below No. i waterplane. On the lower side of A B, the moments of the layers 
are set off. Station 6 is chosen as the axis of moments, as the areas of the 
moments curves may then be obtained by Simpson's first rule. Calling the 
vertical areas A 19 A^ A 2 , A 3 , etc., and the distance between them h, the moment 
of an elementary layer of very small thickness a at section 6 will be zero; at 
section 5, A 5 hct; at section 4, A 4 2ha; and so on to the left of the axis. To 
the right of the axis we have at section 7 a moment A n ha\ at section 8, 
A s 2ha; section 9, >4 3/7 a, etc. As in the previous case, the moments are 
plotted as rectangles, the base a being, in each case, measured along the 
axis, and the other side of the rectangle, represented by the area and lever 
multiple appropriate to the section under consideration, erected as an ordinate. 
Fair curves ADE and EFB are drawn through the extremities of these little 
rectangles on each side of the axis as shown in fig. 35. The area enclosed by 
each of these curves and the axis A B represents the longitudinal moment of 
the volume on the side of the axis to which it refers. 


















< < 






















By the principle of moments, we are obviously now able to write: — 
Horizontal distance of centre of buoyancy) _ area ADE - area EFB 
from axis through station No. 6 / area A G B 

To illustrate the foregoing and show its application, take the following 
numerical example : — 

The areas in square feet of the vertical transverse sections of a vessel up 
to the load waterplane are respectively, o, 20, 6o, 160, 230, 400, 750, 470, 350, 
270, 100, 30, and o. The sections are 12 feet apart, except at each end, 
where an intermediate one is introduced. It is required to determine the 
longitudinal position of the centre of buoyancy. 

From inspection, we note at once that section No. 6 will form a suitable 
axis about which to take moments. Keeping this in view, and also remember- 



ing that, in calculating the moments, multiplication by the common interval is 
left to the end, we are able to tabulate the figures as follows : — 

No. of 

Area of 


of Areas. 



Function of 


















[6 j 






































1. -1 









1 1 







ty <. f , r u (739° - 49 So ) — x 12 
Distance of centre of buoyancy 3 

from axis through section No. 6 ~ Q 12 

0200 x — 

3-52 ft. towards No. 7 section 

Fig 86. & 
















C '- 







We saw how to construct a diagram giving the vertical position of the 
centre of buoyancy at all draughts; a diagram giving similar information can 


be made for the longitudinal position. The work, however, will be more 
laborious than in the previous case, as a new set of vertical areas must be 
found corresponding to each draught, and a complete moment calculation, 
similar to the one just worked out, made in each case. Assuming the horizon- 
tal positions of the centre of buoyancy found up to a series of draughts 
between the top of keel and the load-line, the diagram may be easily con- 
structed. A vertical scale of draughts is taken, the horizontal distances of 
the centre of buoyancy, as calculated from some chosen axis, are marked off 
at the corresponding draughts, and a fair curve drawn through these points. 
Fig. 36 illustrates this diagram. 


T. Tf two unequal weights be suspended one at either end of a weightless lever, find the 
point at which the lever must be supported in order to be exactly balanced. If the lever be 
48 inches long and the weights 11 lbs. and 5 lbs. respectively, find the balancing point from 
the end loaded with 5 lbs. 

Arts. — 33 inches. 

2. If weights of 5, 8, 11, 13 and 17 lbs. lie on n table of rectangular outline, their posi- 
tions taken in the order given and measuring Iioni one end being 3, 4, 5-5, 6, 7 "5 feet, and 
from one side 1, 175, 2*5, 3, 275 feet, find the position of the point through which the re- 
sultant force acts. 

Ans. — 579 feet from end, 2*45 feet from side. 

3. Define Centre of Gravity. — The equidistant \ ordinates of a vessel's watcrplanc, 
beginning aft, are '2, 64, 10/2, 1 r 'O, 104, 7'o and '4 teet, and half ordinates introduced at 
the extremities in the usual way have values 4 feet and 4*3 feet; find the distance of the 
centre of gravity from the middle line. 

Ans.—- 4*5S feet. 

4. If the longitudinal distance between the ordinates in the preceding question be 14 feet, 
calculate the position of the centre of gravity with reference to the No. 4 ordinate. 

Ans. — *43 feet forward of No. 4 ordinate. 

5. Define Centre of Buoyancy. — The area of a ship's load waterplane is 7000 squaie 
feet, and the areas of other parallel waterplanes spaced 3 feet apart are respectively, 65CO. 
5500, 4000, and 2000 square feet (neglecting the volume below the lowest section); obtain the 
distance of the centre of buoyancy below the load waterplane. 

Ans — 5*03 feet below load waterplane. 

6. Referring to the previous question, calculate the fall in the position of the centre 0.1 
buoyancy as the vessel rises to each of the given waterplanes, except the last, and plot the 
locus of centres of buoyancy. 

7. Explain how you would proceed to calculate the longitudinal position of the centre of 
buoyancy? As a practical example, obtain the position of the longitudinal position of the centre 
of buoyancy of a vessel, the areas of whose transverse vertical sections arc, starting from aft, 4, 
100, 180, 240, 260 242, 190, 120, and 8 square feet, the sections being spaced 15 feet apait. 

Ans. — I'ji feet forward of Xo. s section. 


Outlines of Construction. 

AT this stage it is desirable to obtain an acquaintance, in a general way at 
least, with the system of construction of the modern ship, and with 

the names of the principal parts ; in a later chapter we shall take up 

In the old days, when wood was the medium of construction, vessels were 
invariably built on what is known as the transverse system; and, as was perhaps 
natural, the earliest iron ships, when that material began to displace wood, 
were built on the same plan. There were, of course, important differences in 
the details of construction due to the great difference in the nature of the 
materials, but the general principle was in each case the same. As a founda- 
tion and sort of backbone to the structure, there was, for instance, the keel 
running fore-and-aft, and, at equal distances along the keel, transverse vertical 
frames, or ribs, erected to give the form of the vessel at each point, and to 
offer a convenient means of fitting the watertight skin or shell At their 
upper end the transverse frames were joined by horizontal girders or beams, 
adapted to keep the frames to their proper shape, and to support a horizontal 
platform or deck. If the vessel were a large one, usually one or more decks 
might be fitted below the upper one, this being necessary for strength, and it 
might be for the convenience of stowing certain cargoes, or of housing 

In fig. 37, which is the midship section of a small steel vessel built on 
the transverse system, are seen all the characteristics just referred to. A\ the 
keel, is a steel or iron bar of considerable depth and thickness. The trans- 
verse frames, marked F, are angles running from the keel to the gunwale, and 
associated with bars of similar shape, called reverse frames from the circum- 
stance of their looking in an opposite direction to the frames as shown in 
horizontal section at A. At the bottom of the vessel, deep vertical plates 
called floor plates, are riveted to the frames and the reverse frames, the reverse 
frames being carried along at the upper edge of the floor plates, as shown. 
BB are the beams, which as above mentioned, tie the sides of the ship and 




resist any tendency to change ot transverse form. Vertical change in 
the transverse form is resisted by means of the pillars, which tie the 
top and bottom parts of the structure together, and assist the floor plates 
to carry the cargo. The longitudinal shape is maintained by means of the 
keelsons and side stringers, which tie the transverse parts together, distribute 
the stresses, and make the framing into one united structure. The most 

Fig. 37. 

S.S. 160-0 * 22-0x12-1 

Lloyds Numerals 

Transverse N* 34-92 

Longitudinal W 5587 

d = 11-87 FT V= 12-38 

v3r SSX-46T0-M 


36T0 12 

*-o TO -'HI 

56 to 32 

-36 to "32 


important part of all is the outer plating or skin, which gives the vessel its 
floating power. It will be seen to consist of strakes of plating riveted to 
each other and to the fore-and-aft flanges of the frames. The top deck is 
also covered in with plating or wood to give strength, and keep the water out. 
The strakes of plating running fore-and-aft on the outer ends of the beams, and 


connected to the shell by means of angles, are called stringers; they nre valu- 
able elements of strength, as we shall see when we come to consider the 
stresses to which a ship is liable. 

From the diagram it will be seen that the material forming the structure 
is not evenly distributed throughout. For instance, the shell-plating is thickest 
at the top and at the bottom. Between the sheer strake, which runs in way 
of the gunwale or the top deck at side, and the bilge strakes, the plating is 
reduced in thickness, being a minimum about midway between these points. 
Also the centre keelson is much heavier than the keelsons and stringers higher 
up on the sides. The scantlings, too, are not the same right forward and aft 
The 'midship thickness and sizes are only maintained for half the vessel's 
length, or thereabouts, and then a gradually tapering process is begun, minimum 
sizes being reached at the bow and stern. It should be mentioned that local 
requirements usually demand heavier materials just at the extreme ends, but in 
general the principle of reducing the scantlings as above is followed. We shall 
see presently the reason for all this. 

Fig. 37 illustrates only the simplest lorm of construction of steel vessels. 
Departures have been made at different times, called forth by the desire of 
the owners to increase the value of their property as producers of wealth, and 
these departures have eventually resulted in considerable modifications in the 
structure of vessels. Thus we have water-ballast tanks. When first introduced 
these tanks were mere additions to the ship's load, but they have now become 
incorporated in the structure, and, as we shall see, have added immensely to 
its strength and safety. In vessels of wood, to build in such tanks was im- 
possible, but in those of steel it is the natural thing to do, as the mild steel 
used in modern shipbuilding, owing to its nature, can be manipulated in such 
a manner as to ensure continuity of strength and absolute watertighlness with 
the ballast tank as part of the hull. 

Other departures brought about by commercial considerations have resulted 
in modifications of the framing; these we shall consider in detail when we 
come to deal more particularly with actual types of the modern cargo steamer. 
So far we have only attempted to obtain some familiarity with the various 
parts of a vessel's hull in order to follow intelligently a discussion of the 
stresses and strains to which ships aie liable, which we propose to take up in 
the next chapter. 


Bending Moments, Shearing: Forces, Stresses, 
and Strains. 

IN this chapter we propose to speak of the stresses and' strains to which ships 
are liable, and as the same principles are involved in calculations of the 
strength of ships and of simple beams, it will help us to begin with the 
simplest cases and gradually lead up to those which are more difficult. 

Take a beam A B (fig. 38), fixed at one end and loaded with a weight W 
tons at the other, and consider the system of forces in operation at any 

Fig. 38. 





■ ---.I, 



section. Take one at x feet from the extreme end B. Neglecting the weight 
of the beam itself, we have here acting : — 

(1) A bending moment = W X foot tons, tending to bend the beam as 
shown dotted.* 

(2) A shearing force = W tons, tending to cause the portion of the beam 
C B to move downwards relatively to the portion A 0. 

In this simple case, the bending moment obviously is a minimum at B 
and a maximum at A, since it varies directly with x. Also the shearing force is 

* The deflection is shown much exaggerated for clearness, 

4 6 


the sama for all sections of the beam from B to A. To express this in a diagram, 
take a line E F (fig. 39) to represent the length of the beam. At E set up 
an ordinate E G, representing on some scale the maximum bending moment, 
W x AB foot tons. Join G F ; EGF is the diagram of bending moments. 
From it, by simple measurement, we can obtain the value of the bending 
moment acting at any point of the length of the beam. For instance, the 

Fig. 39. 

bending moment at a section of the beam is given by the ordinate C x G 2 of 
the diagram, G l F being marked off equal to G B. 

For the diagram of shearing forces we have merely to construct a rect- 
angle E L M F, on EF as base, the side EL representing to scale the force W. 

If, instead of being concentrated at the outer end, the load be spread 

Fig. 40. 

evenly over the surface of the beam (fig. 40), at any section X feet from /?, 
we shall have : — 

(1) Bending moment = w X x 


X' 1 

foot tons, w being the load per 

foot of length. The curve of bending moments will now take the form K R F 
(fig. 39), and is obviously a parabola having its axis vertical. 
(2) Shearing force =* w X tons. 



The shearing force will thus vary directly with X, will be zero at B and a 
maximum at A, where it will equal the total load. The shearing force diagram 
will be a triangle such as ELF, EL giving to scale the shearing force at A. 

Consider now a beam supported at each end and loaded in the middle. 
Fig. 41 illustrates the case. A B is the length of the beam, W the load in tons, 
and P the re-action at each support. At any section x feet from the middle of 
the beam, the weight of the beam itself being neglected, we have : — 
Bending moment = P (A - x) foot tons. 
Shearing force = P tons 



Fig. 41. 



The bending moment increases directly as X diminishes. It is therefore 
a maximum at 0, the middle of the beam, and zero at either end A B y 
fig. 42 being the diagram. The tendency here is for the beam to become 
curved convex side downwards, the ends rising relatively to the middle, and it 
is convenient to describe the bending moment as negative, the diagram AGS 
being drawn below the line to indicate this. Where a bending moment gives 

rise to an opposite tendency, that is for the upper side of the beam to become 
convex, as in the previous examples, and in the case of beams supported at 
the middle and loaded at each end or uniformly, it is described as positive, and 
the diagram is drawn above the line. With regard to the shearing forces, it 
should be noted that at sections to the left of the middle, the tendency is 
to cause the left-hand portion of the beam to move upwards relatively to the 
right, and at sections to the right of the middle the reverse of this, 'the forces 
acting being conveniently described as positive and negative respectively. This 

4 8 


is expressed in the diagram by plotting the shearing forces for sections to 
the left of o above the base line, and those for sections to the right of 0, 
below that line. The diagram takes the form A G H K L B, as shown in fig. 42. 

As a numerical example, let the length of the beam be 20 feet, and the 
concentrated load at the middle of it, 12 tons. Neglecting the weight of the 
beam, the re-actions at the supports will each be 6 tons. At a point, say 2 
feet to the left of 0, the middle point of the beam, we have : — 
Bending moment = 6 (10 - 2) = 48 foot tons, 
and shearing force = + 6 tons. 

If the diagram (fig. 42) had been constructed for this beam, the values 
above of bending moment and shearing force corresponding to a section 2 feet 
from the middle of the beam, could have been obtained by reading off the 
ordinates at the corresponding point in the diagram. 

If, instead of concentrated at the middle, the load be distributed equally 
throughout the length of the beam (fig. 43), the diagram of shearing forces and 
bending moments will be modified somewhat from that given above. Calling the 
length of the beam 2 /, and the load per foot w tons, we have for the re-aclion 

Fig. 43. 




at either end of the beam, / w tons. At any section of the beam, say x feet 
to the left of the middle point, there will be acting — 

(1) A bending moment - / w {J - x) (/-*) {l-x) = — (P - X 2 ) foot- tons. 

2 2 

(2) A shearing force = Iw - (/ - x) W = w X tons. 

In plotting the diagrams, we note from the equation above that the curve 
of bending moments will be a parabola, that it will have zero values at each 
end of the beam, since X will there be equal to either +/ or - /, and a 
maximum value at the middle where X = 0. The shearing force diagram is 
obviously a straight line, since the ordinates vary directly as x ; it will have 
a zero value at 0, and maximum values at the supports. Calling, as before, 
the shearing forces to the left positive and those to the right negative, these 
maximum values are, respectively, +lw tons and -Iw tons. Fig. 44 illustrates 
the diagram for a distributed load, and it should be compared with fig. 42 
for a concentrated load. As an exercise it would be interesting to construct 
a diagram, assuming a distributed load, in an actual case, sav that of the 



20-feet beam previously mentioned; but we leave the student to do this for 

Diagrams of bending moments and shearing forces may be derived by a 
graphic process, and where the loads are irregularly distributed, as, for instance, 
in ship problems, this graphic process is the one most convenient to follow. 
We propose, therefore, to describe it briefly. 

Fig. 44. 

For this purpose, let us consider again the beam fixed at one end and 
loaded uniformly. By the proposed method we must start with a curve or 
diagram of loads. The weight on the beam, including its own weight from 
A to /?, being so much per foot of length, may be represented by the rect- 
angle A BCD (fig. 45). This load is supported by the re-action of the wall 

Fig. 45. 

on the portion of the beam embedded in it, but we shall only consider the 
external forces acting on the beam from the wall face outwards. 

Now, we know that at any point x feet from the end of the beam (fig. 
45) the shearing force = w X tons ; that is, the ordinate of the shearing force 
diagram equals the area of the diagram of loads from the end of the beam up 



to the point under consideration, and, therefore, as already shown, the diagram 
is a triangle. 

Take now the bending moment. For any section of the beam, say at G t 

X X 

bending moment — w X x — foot tons, or = shearing force x — foot tons, 

that is, equals the area of the shearing force diagram from B to G. 

To construct the bending moment diagram it is therefore only necessary 
to take certain points on the beam, to calculate the area of the shearing force 
diagram from the end of beam to these points, and to plot the bending 
moments thus derived on a convenient scale. BLAB (fig. 45), is the form 
that such a diagram would take in the present case. 

Fig. 46, 

The construction is quite as simple for a beam loaded uniformly and sup>- 
ported at the ends. Fig. 46 illustrates this case, A B being the beam drawn to 
a convenient scale and DABC the diagram of loads upon it between the 
points of support, including its own weight. In plotting the diagram of shear- 
ing forces we begin at, say, the left-hand point of support, at which the shearing 
force is positive and equal to half the load, that is, to half the area of DABC 
Its value may be plotted as A L. From L the diagram of shearing force falls 
in a straight line, the value of an ordinate at any section, x feet say, from 0, the 
middle point of the beam, being the shearing force at A minus the load repre- 
sented by the portion of the area of the rectangle DA BO from A to the section. 
At the half load and the re-action at A are equal, and there is therefore no 
shearing force. At sections to the right of the load exceeds the re-action at 
A and the shearing force is negative, reaching a maximum value at B as 
previously shown. 

For the bending moment of a beam loaded as described at a section x feet 
from middle, we have deduced the equation — 


Bending moment = — (P - x") foot tons, 

/ and W having the values previously given. 


This may be written — 

Bending moment = (/ - X) I l» 

which obviously expresses the area of the shearing force diagram from A to the 
point considered. Thus, having obtained the shearing force diagram, to get the 
curve of bending moment, it is only necessary to calculate the area of the 
former from either end of the beam to various points in its length, to plot 
these areas as ordinates and to draw a fair curve through their extremities. 
AM B A is the bending moment diagram for this beam. 

As the same principles apply, we are now in a position to consider the 
case of a floating vessel. In the first place, take a vessel, say a steamer, in 
the "light" condition, that is to say, completely built, and with all machinery 
aboard and water in boilers, but without bunker coal, cargo, or consumable 
stores; and assume her to be floating freely and at rest in still water. 

A moment's consideration will make it clear that a tendency to longitudinal 
straining, with which we are here dealing, must be principally caused by the 

Fig. 47* 


action of the vertical forces made up of the vertical components of the water 
pressures acting upwards, and of the weight of all the particles in the mass of 
the vessel acting downwards. In fig. 47, ILL is a diagram of loads for a 
"light" vessel. We shall show in detail, presently, when we consider the im- 
portant case of a ship among waves, how such diagrams are constructed; in 
the meantime it is sufficient to note that fig. 47 shows weight in excess of 
buoyancy at each end and amidships, and elsewhere, except at one point forward, 
buoyancy in excess of weight. The excess of weight is obviously due to the 
small volume and the great weight of the structure at the extremities, and to 
the concentration of the machinery amidships, and the excess of buoyancy to 
the empty holds. 

In fig. 47, diagrams of shearing forces and bending moments are also 
shown. The curve of shearing forces at any point in the length we know to 
be the area of the curve of loads from either end up to that point, reckoning 
the portions of area above the axis positive and those below negative. In the 
present case, the curve takes the form SSSS. In the same way, ordinates of 
the curve of bending moments are given by the area of the diagram of shearing 

* The diagrams represented by figures 47 and 48 are taken from a paper read before the 
North East Coast Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders, by Mr. Bergstr6m in 1 889, 


forces from either end up to the points in the length at which they occur. We 
thus obtain the cuive M M M, the ordinates ot which are seen to be a maximum 
about the middle or tlie forward ana afLer holds, and a minimum at about 
middle length. With a homogeneous cargo filling the holds, the case becomes 
considerably modified. The curve 01 loads is now as shown at L L L (fig. 48). 
It is seen to cross and recross the oase line at many points. In way of 
the machinery the weight is slightly in excess, out is much more so in the 
mainhold. In the forward and after holds, buoyancy is again predominant, 

Fig. 48. 

while weight is in excess at the extreme ends. The shearing force curve now 
crosses the axis at three points in the length, while the curve of B M has two 
maximum values, one forward and one aft, tending to strain the vessel in 
opposite directions. 

The bending moment and consequent straining effects on a vessel in still 
water are, as a rule, inconsiderable compared with those sbe rrjus'i withstand 
when among waves at sea. It is then that the ultimate strength of the structure 
is called out, in some cases with disastrous results. 

Fig. 49. 

Let us try to conceive for a moment the position of a vessel when in a 
seaway. If the waves be of regular form and speed, the vessel may, at a 
given instant, be in one of several positions. She may be traversing the 
waves in a line at right angles to the crests, or be rolling in the trough between 
the waves : or she may occupy some intermediate position with her length at an 
oblique angle to the crest lines. The bending moment will be different in 
every position, and the hull should be designed strong enough for the worst 



Of the above conditions, the first one, in which the vessel is assumed at 
right angles to line of wave crests, has been most frequently investigated. It 
is the condition in which longitudinal straining is greatest, and may, therefore, 
in this respect be considered to include the other two cases. 

Fig. 50. 

Taking the first condition, we note that it has two critical phases. One 
of these is indicated in fig. 49, where the vessel, assumed in full sea trim with 
cargo aboard, but with stores and bunker coal consumed as at the end of a 
voyage, is shown poised instantaneously in an upright position on the crest of 
a wave, the latter being at mid-length. The other phase is when the vessel, 

Fig. 51 

complete with bunker coal and stores as well as cargo — her worst condition in 
this case — has a trough amidships and a crest at each end (see fig. 50). 

As we shall see presently, when we construct the diagrams, the bending 
moments are reversed in the two cases. The general straining tendency, with 
the crest amidships, ordinarily is to cause the middle to rise relatively to the 

Fig. 52. 

ends, as shown in fig. 51, and with the hollow amidships, to cause the middle 
to sink relatively to the ends, as in fig. 52. These strains are known as 
hogging and sagging, respectively. 

Diagrams of shearing forces and bending moments for a vessel situated as 
indicated in figs. 49 and 50, are constructed on the assumption that the waves 
are stationary, and that the problem may be treated as a purely statical one.' 



No note is ordinarily taken of the fact that the quick passage of waves 
past a vessel, particularly one of relatively fine ends, has a tendency to develop 
an up and down motion in her, altering her virtual weight and buoyancy from 
moment to moment, and consequently directly affecting the magnitude of the 
bending moment, and, therefore, the strains brought upon her. It may be 
mentioned that, where they have been specially allowed for, these vertical 
oscillations have been found to reduce hogging and increase sagging strains. 

In these diagrams, too, it is not usual to allow for the difference in the 
water pressures in the waves as compared with those in still water, although 
it is known that they are less in the wave crests and greater in the hollows 
than at the corresponding depths in still water, due to the effect of the orbital 
motion of the water particles in the waves, the general effect tending to a re- 
duction of both hogging and sagging bending moments. Other points which 
are ignored, or are found impracticable so far to deal with, are the effect of 
longitudinal oscillations, that is, pitching and 'scending, and of rolling motions, 
although clearly they may have considerable influence on the bending moments. 

It is obvious, then, that diagrams as ordinarily constructed are only ap- 
proximately true, and should be used merely as a means of comparison between 
vessels. When so employed, they are most valuable as a guide in new designs 
for determining the lines to be followed in making departures in construction. 

Taking a vessel, then, in the condition exhibited in fig. 49, viz., with a 
wavef crest amidships, we begin, as in the simpler case of the vessel in still 
water, by constructing a curve of loads. Such a curve, we know, shows the 
difference of the forces of weight and buoyancy at all points in the length, 
and to obtain it we must first find the values of these forces. A curve of 
forces of buoyancy is easily drawn. It is only necessary to calculate the buoy- 
ancy per foot of length, at various cross sections, usually taken at equal distances 
apart, and then in a diagram, whose base line represents the length of the 


diagrams represented by figures 53, 54, and 5$ are from Mr. Bergstr6m's paper 
referred to on page 51. 

t In these calculations it is usual to assume the wave to. have a length equal to the 
length of the ship, and a height of j- of its length. 


vessel, to mark off the results on some convenient scale as ordinates at cor- 
responding points. Thus we obtain the curve ABO (fig. 53). 

To draw the curve of weights is more difficult. There are various ways 
of doing this leading to the same result. One of them is to deal first with 
the hull material, by calculating the weight per frame space of that which is 
continuous at chosen points throughout the length, and plotting the results on 
the same scale as employed for the buoyant forces at corresponding points on 
the diagram containing the curve of buoyancy ; and then on the curve obtained 
by penning a batten through these points, super-imposing the irregular weights, 
such as bulkheads, stern-post, propeller and rudder, engines and boilers, tunnel 
and shafting, coal in bunkers, cargo in holds, etc. 

The irregular weights are conveniently plotted as rectangles on bases 
extending over a portion of the length in the diagram corresponding to that 
occupied by them on the vessel. In the case of bulkheads, however, the 

weight is sometimes spread over a frame space, and in the case of coal and of 
cargo, the weight per foot of hold space is plotted. In the example chosen, 
a homogeneous cargo of a density to completely fill the holds and bring the 
vessel to her load-line has been assumed. This is usual in strength calculations, 
as it would be obviously impracticable to exactly allow for a general cargo, 
owing to the difficulty of obtaining the positions and weights of the various 
portions of it. The complete weight curve or diagram is of a very irregular 
form, as will be seen from the figure. It should be noted that the weight 
curve must be equal in area to the curve of buoyant forces and have its centre 
of gravity in the same vertical line, as these are the conditions of equilibrium. 
If the area of the weight curve be greater or less than that of the curve of 
buoyancy, the vessel will not float at the assumed water-line but at a deeper or 
shallower draught, as the case may be ; and if their centres of gravity be in 
different verticals a trimming moment will be in operation, showing the 
assumed line to, be wrong also as to trim. 

Having got the curves of weight and buoyancy to correspond as re- 
quired, we note that the actual load on the vessel at any point is the 


unbalanced force acting at the point; that is the difference between the two 
curves. These differences, measured at numerous ordinates and plotted to the 
same scale as the diagrams of weight and buoyancy, give a curve, or diagram 
of loads, marked L L L in fig. 54. The conditions of equilibrium required in 
this case are that the area of the portion of the diagram above the base 
line shall equal the area below that line ; also that the centres of gravity of 
the upper and lower areas shall be in the same vertical. 

To construct the curve of shearing forces is a simple matter, since the 
area of the curve of loads from the end to any point, is the value of the 
shearing force at that point. In the same way, the curve of bending moment 
is obtained by integrating the diagram of shearing forces. These two curves 
in the case assumed — that of an ordinary well-deck cargo steamer — take the 
forms SSS and M M M in fig. 54. 

In constructing diagrams of loads, shearing forces, and bending moments, 
for the other extreme condition in which the vessel is astride two consecutive 
waves, with a hollow amidships (fig. 50), the main point of difference is in the 

Fig. 55. 

curve of buoyancy, which will now take the form B B B *(fig. 53). The curve 
of weights will remain as before,* but the curve of loads will, of course, be 
of a different form, the weights being in excess amidships and the supporting 
forces in excess at each end (fig. 55), the tendency being, as already pointed 
out, to develop sagging strains amidships. 

RESISTANCE TO CHANGE OF FORM.— The foregoing shearing forces 
and bending moments give rise to stresses in the materials, and to con- 
sequent tendencies to change of form in the structure. It is, of course 
important to prevent the stresses on the materials becoming sufficient to cause 
rupture, and the tendencies to change of form from becoming actual permanent 

deformation. We shall show presently that this may be done in three ways 

first, by increasing the weight of materials; second, and preferably, by judicious 
disposition of materials ; third, by design of structure. 

To simplify our explanations, we shall take the case of an ordinary rect- 
' A ship is reall y a huge beam or girder, and, consequently, 

* Except that the bunker coal and stores, assumed consumed in previous case musi 
now be allowed for. 

angular beam 



what is true for the simple beam when under shearing stresses and bending 
moments, is also true for the ship. 

A BCD, fig. 56, is a rectangular beam, which we will assume to be of some 
elastic material, such as will yield equally under tensional or compressive stresses. 

Fig. 56. 


Draw a horizontal line at mid height, and at mid length also draw two vertical 
lines, ad, bd, at a little distance apart. Now, place this beam on supports 
at each end, and load it at the middle and observe what happens (fig. 57). 

The beam will be seen to sag in the middle ; also the top surface D C will 
be found reduced in length, the bottom surface increased, while E F, the line 
at mid height, though taking the curve of the beam, will have its length 



c f" 








a a 

b ' 

unchanged. The lines ac and b d, which were drawn vertically on the side 
of the beam, are now inclined to each other, although still straight. Let fig. 
58 be an enlarged sketch of this portion of the beam. The original straight 
beam is shown by dotted, and the beam as bent, by full lines. 



Now the stress due to the external bending moment has obviously in- 
creased a 6 to a 1 b\ and reduced dc to d l G l . There is thus a compressive 
stress on the upper part of the beam, and a tensional stress on the lower part. 
Since the strains are reduced from the outside of the beam to zero at the 
middle, e f being unchanged in length, the stresses must be correspond- 
ingly reduced. Also, it is clear that the strain, and, therefore, the stress at 
any point in the height of the beam, varies in direct proportion to the distance 
of that point from the line ef; for example, the strain at b is double that at 
a point midway between b and /. The surface of which ef is a portion of 
the section, is known as the neutral surface. Let us now consider the equili- 
brium of the beam as loaded in fig. 56 at any section such as ac. Taking 
the portion of beam to the right, there is, as we have seen, an external bend- 
ing moment due to W. 2 . No other external forces are acting, if we neglect the 
weight of the beam itself, so that this moment must be counteracted by the 
sum of the moments of the molecular forces of the portion of beam to the 
left acting at the section. Besides these moments there is due to the load 

Fig. 59. 

a vertical shearing force in operation tending to move the right-hand portion 
of the beam upwards relatively to the left. This shearing force is counter- 
acted by the resistance of the fibres of material to shearing. We shall return 
to this point again. 

In fig. 59 we show enlarged end and side views of the section a C. HA 
is a section of the neutral surface and is called the neutral axis at ac. At 
N A there is no stress due to bending. Above and below this line the mole- 
cular stresses push and pull the beam, as shown by the arrows. As the beam 
does not move in the direction of its length, these horizontal stresses must 
neutralise each other, that is — 

Pulling stress + pushing stresses = (1). 

We have seen that the stress at any point of a section varies directly 
with its distance from the neutral axis : if, therefore, we know the stress at 
any one point either above or below HA, we are able to write down equation 
(1), because in materials such as steel or wrought iron the resistance to com- 
pression and tension, within the elastic limits, is the same. 

When we know the external bending moment and the area and form of 
the section of the beam, we are able to find the internal stress at any point 

resistance to Change; of- form. 59 

of the section. Let us find it at unit distance, say one inch from the 
neutral axis. Calling the stress in tons per square inch at this • point s, 
at two inches from NA it will be 2 s tons, and, generally, at y inches either 
above or below NA, it will be — 

ys tons. 

On a small portion ol area a, at this distance from the neutral axis, 
the stress will be — 

ysa tons 
and the total stress acting at the section will be the sum of all such elements ; 
we may therefore write : — 

Total pushing and pulling stresses at section a C = S^yct tons, 
where the symbol 2 signifies that the sum of the elementary forces is taken. 
Now there must be no resultant stress acting at the section, so that — 

s^yct = 0. 
But ~yct is the moment of the area, and for this to be zero, the neutral 
axis, about which the moments have been taken, must pass through the centre 
of gravity of the area of the section. This fixes the neutral axis, and -is 
an important point to remember. To get now the stress at a point one inch 
from this axis as required, we must equate the sum of the moments of the 
internal stresses about the neutral axis to M, the external bending moment 
at the section. 

At any distance y inches from NA, either above or below, the moment of 
the stress acting on a small portion of area a is syaxy — sy 2 a inch tons. 
And for the whole section we may write : — Sum of moments of internal 
stresses = §2(/ 2 a inch tons. 

Now, the expression 2*/ 2 a is a well-known quantity in physics : it is called 

the moment of inertia of the section of the beam. If it be represented bv I, 

and the internal and external moments be. equated, we get: — sI=M. So that 

8, the stress in tons at one inch from NA,= -j-- 

To find the value of the stress at any point in the section, it is only 

necessary to multiply s by the distance of the point from the neutral axis. 

Thus, if y inches be the distance of the upper or lower surface of the beam 

from NA, and p be the stress there, we shall have :— 

• 1 % , s 

Maximum compressive or tensional stress in tons at section a C =p=y -j-. (2) 

This is the formula which must always be employed when dealing with 
the strength of beams and girders, such as ships, and is worthy of careful 
study. It shows that the maximum stress varies directly as M, the external 

bending moment, and inversely as — • Consequently, with a given bending 

moment, the stress is reduced by increasing this quantity and increased by 
reducing it. 

It is easy now to understand why in a ship or other loaded beam a 
reduction of stress is effected by increasing the sectional area, that is, the 


weight of materials, by judiciously disposing them, or by changing the design. 
It merely means that in each case the modulus — is increased. Increase of 


sectional area directly increases the moment of inertia /; the same effect is 
attained without increase of sectional area by concentrating the latter at points 
remote from the neutral axis. Deepening the beam or girder will affect the 
modulus in two ways ; / will be increased, but so also will y ; as / varies as 
y% however, the effect on the whole will be to increase the modulus and reduce 
the stress. 

It is for these reasons that in the case of a ship it is desirable to 
have the thickest plates at the upper deck stringers and sheerstrakes, and 
at the keel and bottom plates, and the thinnest plates midway between 
deck and bottom, the vicinity of the neutral axis in a ship. The above 
formula, indeed, tells us that at the neutral axis there is no stress on the 
materials due to bending moment, and it would thus appear that the scantlings 
at the neutral axis might be reduced indefinitely. It happens, however, that at 
this place in the depth a horizontal sliding or shearing action, which is de- 
veloped by the variation of the benJing moment from point to point of the 
length, and which tends to push the upper and lower portions of the structure 
in opposite directions, has its maximum value. To counteract this straining 
tendency, a considerable sectional area of material -is needed in the vicinity of 
the neutral axis. We shall deal more fully with this point presently. 

Another reason against thinning down too much the side plating of ships 
is found in the consideration that when rolling excessively at sea, the sides 
may frequently become, approximately at least, the top and bottom of the 
girder, and be called upon to withstand considerable bending stresses. 

To apply formula (2) to find the stress at any point of a beam, we must 
know three things. We must know the external bending moment at the section 
containing the point, the position of the centre of gravity of the area of the 
section, and the value of the moment of inertia of the sectional area about 
a horizontal axis through its centre of gravity. We propose to show in detail 
how the work is done in the case of a ship, but before dealing with so com- 
plex a girder, we shall take one or two practical examples of simple beams. 
In a previous page we have explained how the external bending moment may 
always be found ; we may therefore assume this item as known. Take then 
as a first case, a steel beam of rectangular section 20 feet long, 1 2 inches 
deep, and 3 inches thick, under a bending moment of 600 inch-tons at the 
middle of its length, and let us determine the maximum stress on the material. 
Begin by writing down the stress formula, viz. — 

In the above beam the centre of gravity is at mid-depth ; therefore 
y = 6 ins. Also the formula for the moment of inertia of the section in this 

case a rectangle, about a horizontal axis through its centre of gravity, is ---, 



where A is the area of the section and h the full depth. Substituting the 
given values, we have — 

7 ^6X12X12 - . 

I = ^ — — ^432 in. 4 

1 2 

. , r 600 x 6 . . 

and therefore p = — 8'3 tons per sq. inch. 

Fig. 60. 

> C 

1 *• 1 

Taking the strength of steel at 30 tons per square inch, this stress allows 
a factor of safety of rather more than 3-^-, which, in most cases, would be too 
low, 5 to 6 being common for ship work. The form* of section above given 
is by no means the most economical for steel beams. This material admits of 
being rolled into many forms, and to show the great importance of distribution 
of material as a means of increasing the strength of beams against bending, let 
us assume the length, depth, and sectional area, and therefore the weight, to 
remain as before, but the form to be as in fig. 60. The only additional work 

* Within elastic limits mild steel and wrought iron are equally strong under compression or 
tension, but this is by no means true of all materials. Cast iron, for instance, will withstand a 
six times greater stress under compression than under tension : wood, on the other hand, has 
its greatest strength under tension. In such cases, for maximum strength on minimum weight, 

Fig. 61. 

the section must be ol special design. The axis of moments must still pass through the 
centre of gravity, but the stress may be reduced on the weaker side by concentrating the 
material on that side near the neutral axis. For example, beams loaded at the middle and 
supported at the ends, if of cast iron, to be of economical design should^ have cross sections, 
pf such forms as indicated in fig. 61, 


to be done here is to find the moment of inertia of the new section about the 
neutral axis, which, as in the previous case, is at mid-height. The formula for 
the moment of inertia in this case is — 

/= BH s -2bh s 


where H is the full depth of beam, h the distance between the flanges, B 
the full breadth, and b the breadth from the outer edge of the flange to the 
side of the web. Substituting the values given in fig. 60 — 

t- nx 1728-2 x6x 1000 n • 4 

/= _•? i = 872 in. 


We therefore have — 

Stress at top and bottom of beam — — -— — — 4*1 tons per square inch, 


a maximum stress which is only half of the previous one. 

The above is only an illustration ; for various reasons, girders of this 
section are not usually rolled with flanges of greater width than 6 to 7 inches. 
Taking them at 7 inches, and increasing their thickness to if inches say, 
with the same weight of material, a girder of 18 inches depth and i T 3 F inches 
web could be obtained. The moment of inertia of such a girder would be 

1685; and, under the same bending moment of 600 inch-tons, the stress on 

the upper and lower flanges would be — 

600 x 9 
p = ~i68T~~ = 3' 2 tons P er square inch. 

Let us turn now to the case of a floating ship. We have seen how to 
obtain the external bending moment, and to apply the stress formula, it only 
remains to determine for the material at the transverse section under the maxi- 
mum bending moment, a method of fixing the position of the neutral axis, and 
of calculating the moment of inertia about that axis. Now, as we know that 
the neutral axis passes through the centre of gravity of the sectional area, its 
position may therefore be easily found. As we shall see presently, the calcula- 
tion involved is conducted simultaneously with that for the moment of inertia. 

In setting out to find the moment of inertia we must bear in mind that 
we are dealing with a built girder, and that only continuous material lying in a 
longitudinal direction is to be considered as available for resisting longitudinal 
strains. In ordinary cases the maximum bending moment occurs at about mid- 
length ; we must therefore choose the weakest section in this vicinity for the 
moment of inertia calculation, as, of course, if straining were to take place, it 
would be at this section. Careful note should be made of the fact that 
material under tension must be calculated minus the area of the holes for the 
rivets joining the frames to the shell plating, the beams to the deck-plating, 


etc. This precaution need not be taken with the material in compression, as 
the rivet, if well fitted, will be as effective to resist this stress as the unpunched 
plate. Where continuous wood decks are fitted, they are sometimes allowed 
for, wood being considered equivalent to about T \ of its sectional area in steel. 
In the case of tension, this must be reduced on account of the butts, which 
are usually separated by three passing strakes, also on account of the bolt 
holes. For compression the full area is taken. In modern cargo steamers 
continuous wood decks are seldom fitted, and there are none in the vessel 
whose moment of inertia calculation is given below. 

As already mentioned, the conditions dealt with in these strength calcu- 
lations are those depicted in figs. 49 and 50. In the first case, hogging 
strains usually predominate in ordinary vessels, the upper material being in 
tension and the lower in compression. In the second case, sagging strains 
would be expected, causing compressive stresses in the upper works and ten- 
sional stresses below. Since the rivet holes require to be deducted from 
the upper material in the moment of inertia calculations for hogging strains, 
and from the lower material in that for sagging strains, obviously a separate 
calculation is needed for each case. Dr. Bruhn* has pointed out that the 
necessity of two calculations may be obviated by obtaining the moment of 
inertia without correcting for the rivet holes, the stress so obtained being after- 
wards increased inversely with the reduced sectional area. The results obtained 
by this method do not differ much from those by the ordinary one, while 
the work is less. 

In the following example we show in detail how to find the moment 
of inertia for a cargo steamer of modern type subjected to a hogging bending 
moment. It will be observed that the full sectional areas are tabulated, the 
sum of those of the parts in tension being reduced by \ as an allowance for 
a line of rivet holes at a frame. It will also be noted that the moment 
of inertia, in the first instance, is obtained about an assumed axis, the 
position of the neutral axis being unknown ; that the distance between the 
neutral axis and the assumed one is next determined, and that the value 
of the moment of inertia about the neutral axis, which is what we require, 
is obtained from that about the assumed axis, by employing the well-known 
property of the moment of inertia expressed by the formula : I = I x - A h 2 . 

Where / = moment of inertia about neutral axis. 
I x = moment of inertia about assumed axis. 
A = area of material in section. 
h = distance between axes. 

This principle is also employed in the first instance to obtain the moment 
of inertia for each item about the assumed axis. For items of small scant- 
lings in the direction of the depth of girder, the moment of inertia is expressed 
with sufficient accuracy by multiplying the areas by the squares of their dis- 

- See his paper on Stresses at the Discontinuities of a Shifs Structure^ read before the 
Institution of Naval Architects in 1899, 

6 4 


tances from the axis as in column 7. In the case of the side plating, however, 
and the vertical parts of the double bottom, such as the centre girder, margin 
plate, and intereostals, the figures of column 6 have to be increased by the 
moment of inertia of each item about an axis through its centre of gravity, 
that is, T V A d\ where d is the depth of the item, and A the sectional area ; 
these quantities are given in column S. 

The moment of inertia being obtained, the stress in tons per square inch 
on material at any distance //, either above or below the neutral axis, is 


quickly found, since p = — y. 

It should be remarked that when applied to a large girder like a ship, 
special units are employed, M being in foot-tons, A in sq. inches, y in feet, 
/ in feet- and inches 2 . 

Moment of Inertia Calculation. 

(Ship under a hogging strain). 

S.S. 350' o" x 50' 74" x 28' o". Assumed neutral axis above base, 16' o" 
Depth from base line to bridge deck, 36' 10 feet. 

Below Assumed Axis. 


Scantlings in 



= A 

C.G. ) 
from > =h 
N.A. J 

of Areas 

^ X /I 


A x A* 

a = 

Depth of 

\ Centre Girder, 

44 * inr 

1 IO 


I5 6 '7 




Top Angle, 







Bottom Angle, 

4J x 4-i x -i § 






In. Bot. Plating, 


102 'O 

i 2 '5 




Margin Plate, 

34 x^ 



2 43'9 




Margin Angle, 

4 x 4 X ^ 



5 2 '3 



Side Stringer, 

( 4 x -JS \ 










75' 6 



h Keel Plate, 

21 x§£ 




2 59 


8 Strake, 

54 x^ 




2 54 


G „ 

58 x JJ 






D „ 

56 x -1 1 






E „ 







F „ 

53 x|J 






G „ 

57 41 

37 '0 




6 549 


H „ 



9 -6 





J „ 








K „ (Part), 







2 2 








Above Assumed Axis. 



Scantlings in 


C.G. ) 
from } =h 
N.A. ) 


of Areas 

A xh 



& Ad* 

d = 

Depth of 


Bridge Deck 

Bridge Deck 

Bridge Deck 

Upper Deck 

Upper Deck 


Side Stringer, 
P Strake, - 


H » 

M „ - - 

L „ 

K „ (Part), 


4h x 4j x -ii 

144 x ^ 




55 *U 
17 x^ 

2 1*0 





33 *o 
37 'o 
















39 6 '9 

















Less \ for rivet holes, 









Above assumed N.A., 
Below assumed N.A., 





2 532-5 



N.A. below assumed axis = _£3 — 5— 3*18 ft. 


N.A. above base = 16-3*18 — 12-82 ft. 

y — distance of top of vessel from N.A. = 36*0- 12*82 = 23*18 ft. 
/_ 28544 2 




The load displacement of the above vessel is 9600 tons, the draught being 
23 ft. 9 ins. ; if we assume, as is frequently done in approximate calculations, 
that the maximum bending moment on the wave crest is equal to a thirty-fifth 


of the displacement multiplied by the length, we shall have in the present 

instance : — 

Maximum bending moment = § 5l_ = 96000 ft. tons: 


and if we use this figure with that just obtained for the value of — , we shall 

get for the greatest stress acting on the vessel when under a hogging strain — 
M , 

— r QOOOO . . 

pe / = — = 779 tons per square inch. 

~y I2314 

To obtain the greatest stress under a sagging strain, as previously pointed 
out, a new moment of inertia calculation is necessary, otherwise the work is 
similar to that just explained and need not be here detailed. 

With regard to the magnitudes of calculated stresses, it may be said that, 
generally speaking, these increase with size of vessel. Small vessels have to be 
built to resist local strains, and are probably too strong, considered as floating 
girders. At anyrate, their actual calculated stresses, of which records are avail- 
able, show these to be very small indeed. In 1874, Mr. John investigated the 
longitudinal strength of iron vessels of from 100 to 3000 gross tonnage, on the 
basis of Lloyd's scantlings, the following being some of his results : — 

Gross tonnage of Ship. Tensional siress in tons per square inch 

at Upper Deck. 
IOO 1*67 

5 00 3"95 

IOOO 5'2 

2000 5*9 

3000 8*09 

Later calculations for steel vessels of large size, which have proved satisfactory as 
to strength, show maximum stresses of between 8 and 9 tons and even higher 
The Servia, a passenger and cargo vessel of 515 ft., had a calculated stress at the 
upper deck of 10*2 tons per square inch when on the wave crest, and of 8 - o4 
tons when in the wave hollow, while the Maurelam'a*, of 760 ft. length, is stated 
to have a calculated maximum stress of 10*3 tons on the top member. It should 
be added that a special high tensile steel was largely used in the construction 
of the upper works of the latter vessel. 

With regard to compressive stresses, it is important to note that thin deck 
plating is liable to buckle when in severe compression, and is therefore not so 
efficient under a sagging as under a hogging strain ; this should be borne in mind, 
particularly when considering maximum stresses on bridge and awning-decks. 

It has already been pointed out that stresses, such as the above, are 
not the actual stresses experienced by the vessel, since the conditions of figs. 
49 and 50 do not fully represent those of a vessel among waves. The results, 
however, are valuable for comparison. In the case of a proposed vessel, for 
example, if the calculated stress be not greater than in existing vessels whose 

* See the Shipbuilder for November, 1907. 



recoids have been satisfactory, the scantling arrangements in the new ship may 
be considered adequate. If it be much greater, so as to approximate to the 
calculated stress in vessels which have shown manifest signs of weakness 
when on service, then additional strength must be added. From our previous 
considerations, it will be clear that the most economical position for the 
new material to resist bending, will be either at the top or bottom of the 
vessel, /.*., as far as possible from the neutral axis, as it will there be of 
maximum efficiency in reducing the stress. 

SHEARING STRESSES.— We come now to consider the effect of shear- 
ing forces on a structure. We have already explained how the values of such 
^forces may be obtained at all points in the lengths of beams, including floating 
vessels, under various systems of loading, and we have now to determine the 
stresses caused thereby. 

Fig. 62. 

If the vertical shearing force at any section be taken as F, we may 
obviously write : — 

Mean stress per square inch / _ F_ 
due to shearing force \ A ' 

where A is the number of square inches of material in the section. For 
example, if a rectangular beam of section 8 inches by 4 inches be under a 
shearing force of 64 tons, then — 


Mean stress per square inch = 

= 2 tons. 


The actual stress at any point of the section may, however, be very different 
from this mean stress, as we shall now proceed to show. 

In fig. 62 we have the diagram of bending moments for a beam sup- 
ported at the middle and loaded at each end. The bending moment is a 
maximum at the point of application of the support, and has zero values at 



each end. For any two vertical sections A x A 2 and A 3 A^ the bending moments 
may be read from the diagram. Section Aj A 2 being nearer mid-length has 
the greater bending moment. /!//!/, the neutral surface, may be considered to 
divide the beam into two portions, of which the upper one is in tension and 
the lower in compression. 

Consider now the equilibrium of a small portion of the beam A X RLA Z , 
shown enlarged in fig. 63. There are pulling forces acting on the end A r R 
and on the end A 3 L. As the former section is under a greater bending 
moment than the latter, the stresses will also be greater. There" will' thus 
be a force equal to the difference of the total forces acting on the ends 
tending to move the portion of the beam A 1 R L A z towards mid-length. 
This action is balanced by a shearing force over the bottom surface - L R. 
Clearly, the magnitude of this shearing force will vary with the areas of the 
ends A X R and A 3 L At the top of the beam the shearing force will be 
zero, and will gradually increase as R L approaches N /I/, where it will be a 

Fig. 63. 



maximum. Below the neutral surface, the forces act in opposite directions, 
and therefore as RL approaches the lower end of the beam, the shearing force 
will gradually be reduced, becoming again zero at An A 4 . 

If the vertical sections be at; unit distance apart, say one inch, the horizon- 
tal shearing stress pei square inch at any point- Z. - of' -section A 3 A 4 will be 
obtained by dividing the shearing force acting on the surface R L by the 
breadth in inches of the beam at that point. This is also the value .of the 
vertical shearing stress on the section at the same point, since there cannot be 
a shearing stress in one plane of a beam without an equal one at the same 
point in a plane perpendicular to the first. Proceeding in this way, we arrive 
at the following formula for the shearing stress per square inch at any point of 
a cross section : — 

where A — Area in square inches of the portion of the cross section above or 

below the given point. 
g = Distance in inches of the centre of gravity of the area from the 

neutral surface. 
F = Vertical shearing force at the cross section in tons. 


/ = Moment of inertia of the whole section (in inches 4 ). 

q = Stress per square inch at the given point. 

b = Breadth of beam in inches at the given point. 
Let us apply the formula to the case of the rectangular beam whose mean 
shear stress was found above to be 2 tons. Substituting values, we get for the 
stress intensity at the neutral axis : — 

16 X 2 x 12 x 64 , -1 

a = 3 = 3 tons per square inch. 

4 x 32 x 64 

Thus the maximum shear stress is, in this instance, 50 per cent, greater than 
the mean. 

The above is for a simple beam of rectangular section, but the same 
formula may also be applied to the more complex case of a ship. In the 
latter instance, of course, the beam is of hollow section, and b will be twice 
the thickness of the shell plating. It is important to note that only continu- 
ous longitudinal materials must be used in rinding A. Obviously, the value 
of the shearing stress will vary with P, the vertical shearing force, which is a 
maximum in ordinary vessels at about one-fourth the vessel's length from each 
end ; so that at the neutral axis at these points of the length the shearing 
stress may be considerable. We see now why it is inadvisable to unduly 
reduce the scantlings in the vicinity of the neutral axis. 

It is also important to give special attention to the rivets in the landings, 
or longitudinal seams, in this neighbourhood, as the shear stress gives rise 
to a tendency for the edge of one strake to slide over that of the next. 
Recent experience with large cargo vessels has shown that the usual plan of 
double riveting the seams is only sufficient for vessels up to a certain size, 
say 450 or 480 feet in, length. Longer vessels will develop weakness at the 
longitudinal seams unless precautions be taken to increase the strength of the 
riveting. Lloyd's Rules now require treble riveted edge seams in the neigh- 
bourhood of the neutral axis in the fore and after bodies in vessels of the 
above length and beyond. 

TRANSVERSE STRAINS.— So far, we have dealt exclusively with stresses 
which tend to strain a vessel longitudinally, and while such stresses are prob- 
ably of first importance, we must not omit to refer to those which come upon 
a vessel in other directions. 

It has been customary to consider stresses which tend to change the trans- 
verse form as next in importance to those affecting a vessel longitudinally. 
Structural stresses in other directions are, indeed, partly, longitudinal and partly 
transverse, and where the predominant stresses are known for any vessel, the 
effect of their combination in a diagonal direction may be predicted. Unfortu- 
nately, the subject of transverse stresses of ships is a complicated one, and we 
cannot do more here than indicate generally the external forces which operate 
on a vessel so as to alter her transverse form, and point out the structural 
arrangements which best resist this deforming tendency. 



Consider in this connection the case of a vessel afloat in still water (fig. 64). 
The hull surface is pressed everywhere at right angles by the water pressures, 
indicated in the figure by arrows, and the resulting tendency is towards a general 
deformation of the vessel's form. Taking the transverse components of the 
water pressures, these obviously tend to force up the bottom and press in the 
sides, as shown exaggerated in fig. 64. Such tendencies, however, are pre- 
vented from becoming actual strains by the internal framing. The compara- 
tively thin shell plating, which might yield under heavy water pressure, particularly 
in the way of an empty compartment, is kept in shape by the frames, rigidly 
connected to the beams and to the floors at their top and bottom ends re- 
spectively, and supported between these points by hold stringers and keelsons. 
In way of the bottom, the deep floors, spaced at comparatively short intervals, 
and fitted, in the first instance, as supports to the cargo, are splendid preservers 
of the form. The floors, too, are tied to the beams of the decks by means of 

Fig. 64. 


strong pillars, and in this way a stress which comes upon one part of the struc- 
ture is communicated to it as a whole. Probably the most efficient preservers 
of transverse form are the athwartship steel bulkheads. Where these occur 
the vessel may be considered as absolutely rigid, and care should be taken 
to spread this excess of strength over the space unsupported by bulkheads 
by means of keelsons and hold stringers. 

Docking Stresses. — A vessel when docked or when aground on the keel 
particularly if loaded, has to withstand severe transverse tresses. The re- 
action of the weight at the middle line will tend to force up her bottom 
while the weight of cargo out in the wings will set up a considerable transverse 
bending moment and cause the bilges to have a drooping tendency. This is 
shown, much exaggerated of course, in fig. 65. There will be tensile stresses 
of considerable magnitude acting along the top edges of the floors ; and if the 
vessel be one having ordinary floors, weakness may be developed at the lower 
turn of the bilge, as the framing has there to withstand a shearing stress due 
to the weight of the cargo above. The floors should therefore be kept as deep 

transverse strains. 


as possible at the bilge, and should be carried well up the sides. In vessels 
having double bottoms this part of the structure is very strong owing to the 
deep wing brackets, which bring the resisting powers of the side framing into 

The straining at the middle line will be arrested by the pillars, if efficiently 

Fig. 65. 

fitted; these will act as struts and communicate the stresses to the deck beams, 
which will resist a tendency to spring in the middle and to bring the sides 
together. Thus, as in the case of still water tresses, the straining tendency 
will be resisted by the structure as a whole. This interdependence of parts, 
causing equal distribution of stress throughout, is what should be aimed at in 
design, and special pains should be taken to ensure efficient connections. 

Fig. 66. 

Transverse Stresses due to Incorrect Loading, — A preventable cause 
of transverse straining is that due to the manner in which heavy deadweight 
cargoes are sometimes loaded. Frequently, the heaviest items are secured at 
the middle line of the vessel instead of being spread over the bottom, the 
wings having therefore comparatively little weight to carry. The straining ten- 



dency in such a case is to elongate the transverse form, the water pressures on 
the sides tending to the same end. This condition is illustrated in fig. 66, the 
dotted lines representing the normal vessel, and the full lines the vessel as 
strained. The pillars will be here called upon to tie the top and bottom of 
the structure, but not unfrequently the rivets connecting the pillars at top and 
bottom have been sheared in places with consequent dropping of the bottom 
part of the hull. 

Transverse Stresses due to Rolling. — We have pointed out that it is 
when among waves at sea a vessel meets with the most trying longitudinal 
stresses, and it may now be added that tendencies to transverse straining are 
also greatest then. These latter stresses probably reach maximum values when 
a vessel is rolling in a beam sea, and they are obviously due to the resistance 
which the mass of the structure offers to change of the direction of motion 


each time the vessel completes an oscillation in one direction and is about to 
return. The stress is a racking one, and tends to alter the angle between the 

Fig. 67. 

deck and the sides, also to close the bilge on one side and to open it on the 
other. Such a racking strain is exhibited graphically in fig. 67. 

The parts of the structure most effective in preventing this change of 
form are the beam knees, transverse bulkheads, web frames or partial bulk- 
heads, and the ordinary side frames, in which is included the reverse bar, if 
any. The beam knees should be of good size, efficiently connected to the 
frames and beams, and fitted well into the corner formed by the side plating 
and the deck. Change of form at the bulkheads is practically impossible, if 
they be stiffened sufficiently against collapsing; careful attention should there- 
fore be given to this point. The side frames, owing to their position and 
close spacing, offer powerful resistance to racking, but in order to attain maxi- 
mum efficiency they should be securely riveted to the beam knees, and the 
floors or tank brackets should be carried well up the sides. These brackets 
virtually reduce the length of the frame, and it is well known that reducing 
the length in such a case greatly increases the rigidity 


Local Stresses. — Besides longitudinal and transverse structural stresses, 
vessels have to resist other straining tendencies due to local causes. For 
example, the engines and boilers with their seatings together form a heavy 
permanent load on a comparatively small fraction of the length, and thus give 
rise to considerable local stresses. These are provided against in various ways, 
some details of which are given in a later chapter. It may be said that the 
general principle is to increase the strength of the structure in way of the 
loaded zone, and, by means of longitudinal girders and otherwise, distribute 
the load to the less strained portions of the hull beyond. 

Other stresses due to the propelling machinery are those brought on the 
stern of the vessel by the action of the propeller itself. These are most severe 
when the vessel is rolling and pitching among the waves, and consist chiefly 
of vibrations caused by the frequent racing of the propeller and checking of 
the same, as it rises out of and sinks into the water. The parts that suffer 
most are the connections of the stern frame to the vessel, and it is highly im- 
portant, therefore, that these should be made amply strong. We shall see 
presently, when we come to consider details of construction, what the usual 
arrangements are in such cases. 

Panting Strains. — These strains, which are usually developed in the shell 
plating forward and aft, where it is comparatively flat, consist of pulsating 
movements of the plating, as the name indicates. They are partly due to blows 
from the sea, and partly to the resistance offered by the water to the vessel's 
progress as she is driven forward by the propeller. An ordinary cargo vessel 
is not so much troubled by these strains as a fine-lined passenger steamer, 
for she is slower, and her full ends are better able to resist a tendency to 
flexibility than the flatter form of the faster boat. 

The usual means taken to strengthen the shell against panting, is to fit a 
hold stringer in the vicinity affected, and connect it well to the shell plating 
and framing ; if the vessel be fairly large, the stringer should be associated 
with a short tier of beams, which act as struts and prevent movement in the 
plating. In very fine vessels the floor-plates should be deepened forward and 
aft. A panting arrangement for a cargo steamer is shown in the chapter on 
practical details. 

A class of strains somewhat akin to those of panting are frequently found 
developed under the bows of full cargo vessels, in the shape of loose rivets 
and generally shattered riveted connections. They are now recognised to be 
due to the pounding which a vessel receives from the waves as she rises and 
falls among them. As might be expected, they are found much aggravated 
after a voyage made in ballast trim, for the pitching motions will one instant 
lift the fore end high out of the water, and the next bring it into it with terrific 
force. It is scarcely wonderful that this pounding, repeated throughout a 
long voyage, should produce the results mentioned. Obviously, efficient ballast- 
ing is of vital importance, and that this is the opinion of those having shipping 
interests, was evidenced by the appointment of the Royal Commission, under 
Lord Muskerry, to consider the desirability of fixing a minimum load-line to 


sea-going vessels, although, for various reasons, there was no practical result 

Strains due to Deck Loads, etc. — These loads consist of steam winches, 
the windlass, donkey boilers, steering gear, etc. The resulting stresses can 
usually be counteracted by an efficient system of pillaring, with perhaps a few 
extra beams if the weights be very great. 

The Racking Strains brought on the deck of a sailing vessel by stresses 
from the rigging and masts should be mentioned. In sailing vessels not of 
sufficient size to require a steel deck, special tie-plates should be arranged in 
a diagonal direction so as to communicate the stresses from the plating round 
the mast to the deck beams and side stringers, to all of which the tie-plates 
should be securely riveted. 


i. Given a beam fixed at one end and loaded with a weight W tons at the other, 
describe the system of forces acting at any section, neglecting the weight of the beam. If the 
beam be 10 feet long and the load 2 tons, plot the diagrams of shearing forces and bending 
moments, and give numerical values for a section 4 feet from the free end of the beam. 

, _fS.F.,2tons. 
* m - \B.M., 96 inch tons. 

2. Referring to the previous question, if the given load be spread evenly over the beam, 
indicate the forms which the curves of bending moment and shearing force will then take. 

3. A beam 20 feet long supported at each end has a. load of 3 tons concentrated at a 
point 2 feet from the middle of the length. Draw the diagrams of shearing forces and bending 
moments, and indicate the value of the maximum bending moment. 

Ans. — Max. B.M. = 172-8 inch tons. 

4. Assuming the load in the previous question to be evenly distributed over the length 
of the beam, calculate the maximum shearing force and bending moment, and indicate the 
points in the length at which these are in operation. 

^ ns f Max. S.F. = 1*5 tons acting at points of support 

\Max. B.M. =90 inch tons acting at middle. 

5. Show that diagrams of S.F. and B.M. may be derived by a graphic process, and 
employ in your explanation the case of a beam fixed at one end and uniformly loaded. 

6. Explain how to construct a curve of loads for a ship floating in still water, and state 
what tests you would apply to prove the accuracy of your work. 

7. What is the connection between curves of loads, shearing forces, and bending moments, 
and show in one diagram the approximate forms these diagrams would take in the case of a 
cargo vessel floating *' light" in still water. 

8. A box-shaped vessel 200 feet long, 30 feet broad, 20 feet deep, floats in still water at 
a draught of 10 feet. If the weight of the vessel be 1000 tons uniformly distributed, and if 
there be a cargo of 715 tons uniformly distributed over half the vessel's length amidships, draw 
the curves of S.F. and B.M. and state the maximum shearing force and bending moment 

Ans _J Max - S - F - = *78'5 tons. 
* ns ' \Max. B.M. = 8925 feet tons. 

9. If the sides and top and bottom of vessel in previous question are composed of steel 
plating \ inch thich, find the greatest stress to which the material is subject under a maximum 
hogging moment of 8000 feet tons. Ans. — 1 '82 tons per square inch. 

10. — Assuming a cargo steamer in loaded condition to be poised on the crest of a wave 
sketch roughly the curves of loads, shearing force and bending moment. 

11. Referring to the previous question, at what points approximately in the length will the 
maximum shearing forces act and where will the maximum shearing stress intensity be developed? 

12. Taking the box vessel of question 8, and assuming her to be under a maximum 
shearing force of 400 tons, find the mean shearing stress over the section, and also the 
maximum shearing stress. , /Mean shear stress = '66 tons per square inch. 

\Max. shear stress = 1*82 ,, ,, 

13. Enumerate the various local strains to which ships are liable, and the methods adopted 
to strengthen the vessel against them. 

Types of Cargo Steamers. 

NOT the least among the many important points to be settled by an owner 
in deciding upon a new ship, is the question of type. A ship may be 
suitable as to cost, may be strong enough, have good speed and dead- 
weight capability, and yet may prove herself very unsatisfactory, if not an utter 
failure, in certain trades. Every owner of experience is aware of this, and is 
careful to see that he gets a ship suited to his purpose. 

Nowadays, an owner who knows his requirements can usually get them 
carried out in this matter. But this was by no means always the case. At 
one time it seemed to be thought that ships must be built to certain fixed 
designs, and cargoes had often to be adapted to suit a vessel's arrangements 
rather than the latter being made to suit the former, resulting in much annoy- 
ance, inconvenience, and expense. 

With the expansion in oversea trade, however, but more especially with the 
changes in materials ot construction — from wood to iron, and iron to steel — 
and the progressive spirit of the age, came a gradual evolution of type, until 
the cargo steamship of to-day has reached a high standard of excellence, and 
where applied to special trades, has become almost the last word of efficiency 
for the purpose intended. 

The variations which have marked this evolution and brought cargo vessels 
to their present stage of development have been, generally speaking, in the 
following directions, viz. : — (i) in design of structure to provide hulls of degrees 
of strength suitable for different trades ; (2) in form of immersed body and 
in general outline and appearance ; (3) in disposition of materials ; (4) in 
internal construction. 

STRENGTH TYPES.— It was long ago recognised that for economical 
working different cargoes should have different classes of vessels : that cargoes 
of great density, for instance, which occupy little space in comparison with 
weight, such as iron ore or machinery, and heavy general cargoes, should be 
carried in strong vessels having great draught and displacement and limited 
hold space ; and cargoes of less density, such as grain, cotton, wood, and light 
general cargoes, should be accommodated in ships of relatively greater hold 
capacity, but less deadweight capability. Thus, until their recent revision, 
Lloyd's Rules provided special schemes of scantlings for three strength types, 



viz., three-deck, spar-deck, and awning-deck types. Of these, the first-named 
was the strongest, and was reckoned to be able to carry any kind of cargo to 
any part of the world on a greater draught than any other type of vessel of 
equal dimensions. With regard to the spar and awning-deck types, we have 
the authority of the late Mr. Martell, a former chief surveyor to Lloyd's 
Register, for saying that they were not originally intended as exclusively cargo 
carriers. The upper 'tween decks were really meant to accommodate passengers, 
and the weather deck and the shell plating and side framing above the 
second or main deck, were allowed to be of comparatively light construction. 
But although thus built of smaller scantlings than the corresponding three- 
deck vessel of same absolute dimensions, these lighter vessels were not of less 
comparative strength. Their draughts were restricted, their loads reduced, and 
hence also the leading movements acting upon them ; so that their thinner 
materials were quite sufficient to ensure as low a stress per square inch on the 
upper and lower works as in the corresponding three-deck type of vessel. 

In the development of ship construction, the foregoing types have under- 
gone modification. In Lloyd's latest Rules, only two distinct standard types are 
mentioned, viz., the full scantling vessel, and an awning or shelter-deck type. 
The latter has still the characteristics of other vessels of the class, namely, light 
draught and large capacity, but has otherwise been greatly improved. 

FORM TYPES.— With regard to changes of form, it must be admitted that 
the body of the modern cargo steamer is no thing of beauty. The sentiment 
which demanded fineness of form and grace of outline has passed away under the 
pressure of ever-increasing competition. From the fine-lined under water bodies, 
with displacement co-efficients of from *6 to 7, and the nicely rounded top- 
sides of former days, we have come to sharp bilges, more or less vertical sides 
and bluff ends, with displacement co-efficients ranging from '8 upwards. Cer- 
tainly this side of the development of cargo ships has not proceeded on 
aesthetic lines. 

Appearances apart, however, and considering the case from a purely money- 
making standpoint, the changes have been in the right direction. The re- 
searches of the late Dr. Froude and others, and experience gained from actual 
vessels, has shown that at moderate speeds like 8 or 10 knots — the speeds of 
ordinary cargo vessels — the resistance to be overcome in propulsion is largely 
due to surface friction, the element of wave-making resistance only becoming 
important at higher speeds. As a considerable increase in displacement and 
therefore in deadweight capability can be obtained by a moderate increase in 
surface, the easiest and cheapest way for an owner to increase the earning 
power- of his vessel is obviously to fill her out forward and aft, and this has 
become the order of the day. Of course, for the best results, the filling out 
process must be done with judgment. An expert designer can do much even 
■with the fullest co-efficients. In general, vessels of '8 blocks and upwards 
should have small rise of floor and relatively sharp bilges amidships, thus 
. allowing most of the fining away to be done Lowards the extremities. In some 



cases this method has not been followed. It should be said that in Lloyd's 
former rules, the half girth appeared as a factor in calculating the numerals, and 
this induced some builders, for the sake of getting lighter scantlings, to design 
full cargo vessels with abnormally fine midship sections, thus causing the ends 
to be very clubby. But such vessels when built invariably proved unsatis- 
factory. They were found difficult to steer and therefore unmanageable in a 
seaway, also harder to drive, than vessels of 'similar block co-efficients designed 
on normal lines. Under the new rules the girth does not influence the 
numerals, and there is now no temptation to design freak ships of the kind 
mentioned; still, owners should not take too much for granted in ordering their 
cargo "tramps," but should see that they get a maximum of good design with 
any given conditions. 

More striking than the changes of the under-water forms, and those which 
have caused cargo vessels to be classified into various form types, have been those 
due to the imposition of deck erections on the fundamental flush-deck steamer. 

Very early in the history of the iron merchant ship, the necessity of 
affording some protection to the vulnerable machinery openings led to the latter 
being covered by small bridge erections. Then the obvious advantages of 
having the crew on deck caused the accommodation for the latter to be raised 
from below and fitted in a forecastle, this erection incidentally forming an 
admirable shield from the inroads of head seas, and the release of the space 
under deck making a desirable addition to the carrying capacity. Finally, poops 
were fitted, experience showing the necessity of raising the steering platform 
from the level of the upper deck. Thus the three-island type was arrived at,' 
whose outlines are characteristic of many of the cargo steamers of to-day (see 
fig. 68). 

The next step in the development of deck erections was in the direction 
of increased lengths, as, under Government Regulations, which became operative 
in 1890, considerable reductions in freeboard could thereby be gained, and, 
particularly as, provided they had openings in their end bulkheads, which, 
however, might be closed in a temporary manner, the erections were allowed 
to be exempt from tonnage measurement. Thus long bridges became common, 
and eventually vessels were built with bridge and poop in one, making, with a 
disconnected forecastle, one form of the well-deck type (see fig. 69). 

Fig. 68. 

Fig. 69. 




Fig. 70. 


Fig. 71. 

f | 



Fig. 72. 


i> 0j -° 

The obvious advantage of having a continuous side and deck, and the 
admirable shelter which the enclosed space would afford for cattle, etc., very 
soon produced the suggestion to fill in the former gap between forecastle and 
bridge; and this was rapidly carried into effect when it was found that by 
having one or more openings in the deck with no more than temporary means 
of closing, the space would escape measurement for tonnage. In this way the 
shelter-deck type (see fig. 70) was evolved— a type in recent years much run 
upon for large cargo vessels, and which, as previously mentioned, is now a 
standard of Lloyd's rules. 

Other modifications have consisted of short bridges on longer ones and on 
shelter decks, but these can hardly be considered as constituting distinct types. 

For the smaller classes of cargo carriers a somewhat special type of 
steamer has been developed, familiar to all who take an interest in ships, as a 
quarter-decker, which, in reality, is a one or two-decked vessel with the' main 
deck aft raised (see fig. 71). This raising of the after deck was undoubtedly 
due to considerations of trim. It was found that owing to the finer form aft 
and the large amount of space taken up by the shaft tunnel, the tendency with 
the normal deck line was to trim by the head when loaded, the predominance 
of cargo at the fore end causing this. To correct this state of things the hold 
space aft was increased by raising the deck. 

While the quarter-deck has certain advantages, such as good trim and 
general handiness, it has some drawbacks, one of which is the difficulty of 
making up the strength sufficiently at the break of the main deck. The usual 
plan is to double the shell plating and overlap the main and quarter deck 
stringers in way of the break, the hold stringers at this part being also over- 
lapped. In vessels of a size requiring a steel deck or part steel deck, the latter 


is overlapped where broken to form the quarter deck, and the two portions 
connected by substantial diaphragm plates. The doubling of shell and over- 
lapping of stringers is also carried out. 

The foregoing, or something equivalent, is what must be done to make 
good the loss of continuity. It is seen to involve a considerable amount of 
bracketing and troublesome fitting work, which tends to raise the first cost of 
the vessel. In the vicinity of the break, too, there is much broken stowage 
space; yet, in spite of all, for some trades this type still remains a strong 

Another modified type, in some respects the opposite of the last in that 
it leads to an increased hold capacity forward over the normal type, is the 
partial awning-decker. It is to be supposed that with ordinary cargoes this 
type would trim badly, but it appears to have been found very suitable for 
special light bulky cargoes. It was at one time very popular, but of recent 
years has not been much in evidence. The external appearance of the partial 
awning-decker is shown in fig. 72. It is seen to be a quarter-decker with the 
forward well filled in, and the precautions already described for maintaining 
the strength at the break have also to be taken in this case. 

One clear consequence of the long erections now become prevalent is un- 
doubtedly the modern system of distributing the materials of construction. 

Bridges which are very short have small structural value, as they are not 
really part of the hull proper, and should not be considered in estimating the 
longitudinal strength. It is otherwise, however, with bridge erections of 
substantial lengths, which must withstand the structural bending stresses acting 
on the vessels of which they form part. Moreover, it follows from the principles 
expounded in the previous chapter, that the heaviest longitudinal materials 
should be placed at the deck, stringer, and sheerstrake of an erection, whether 
it be a long bridge, an awning or a shelter deck, as the moment of inertia of 
the material at a section is thereby increased, and the stress under a given load, 
which is of maximum value at these parts, reduced. Modern vessels are now 
required to be built in this way by the rules of Lloyd's Register and of the 
other classification bodies, the old practice of making superstructures of light 
build and massing the strength at the second deck from the top being dis- 
continued. This may be considered to mark an important advance in the 
scientific construction of ships. 

CONSTRUCTION TYPES.— Coming now to the changes that have taken 
place in the internal construction of vessels, we find these to be of a wide- 
reaching character. Fig. 73* is the midship section of a large passenger and 
cargo steamer as built 25 to 30 years ago, and illustrates all the characteristics 
of the time, viz., thin side framing, numerous tiers of beams, ordinary floors, 
and deep hold keelsons. The expansion of commerce, however, the opening 

* See an interesting paper on "Structural Development in British Merchant Ships," by 
Mr. J. Foster King, in the Transactions of the Institution of Naval Architects for 1907, to 
which the author is indebted for particulars in preparing some of the sketches in this chapter. 



up of new trades, and the specialising of vessels for these trades, led first to 
increase in the average size of vessels, then to various modifications in their 
internal economies. The trouble and expense attending the use of dry ballast 
led to the adoption of water ballast tanks, which, ultimately becoming 
incorporated in the structure, caused the disappearance from the holds of the 
huge plate side girders which, as shown in fig. 73, accompanied the fitting of 
ordinary floors. In a later chapter we shall deal in detail with ballast tanks, 
but their general design and arrangement may be gathered from figs. 74 to 85. 
An early modification in the structure was the deepening of the holds by the 

Fig. 73. 

suppression of the lowest tier of beams, required by the construction rules of 
the time, and the fitting at every fifth or sixth frame of plate webs having face 
bars on their inner edges, the hold stringers being deepened to come in line 
with the inner edge of the plate webs, and the whole forming a strong box-like 
arrangement which amply made up the deficiency caused by the omission of 
the hold beams (see fig. 74). This style of construction long remained in favour 
and is still sometimes preferred, but the loss of stowage capacity, particularly 
for case cargoes, eventually led to its general abandonment in favour of the 
deepening of the frame girder itself, the system of framing which in one form 
or another is found in the cargo steamers building in the yards to-day. 





A natural development which came, although not quite immediately, was 
the reduction in size of the hold stringers, which, as stowage breakers, were 
found not less obnoxious than the webs. Moreover, the deep side framing 
alone was sufficient for all the demands of local stresses, and owing to their 
proximity to the neutral axis, the extent to which these hold stringers assisted 
me ship against bending was comparatively trifling. In fig. 75 is shown the 
hold stringers of fifteen years ago, and in fig. 76 those of the present day. 
Their work now is to keep the frames in position, to prevent them side 
tripping, and to stiffen the shell between the frames. 

Fig. 76. 

330 Feet Steamer. 

Recent experiments made by Lloyd's Register have gone to show that 
up to a frame depth of 7 inches (the limit of the experiments) there is no 
tendency to side tripping, and since then vessels have been built with a re- 
duced number of hold stringers, and in a few recent cases with none at all. 
Whether the hold stringer will ultimately disappear from the modern ship 
as an element of construction remains to be seen. This, it may be said, 
is the view taken by some naval architects, but the general feeling seems 
to be in favour of its retention in a modified form. 

Improvements in the manufacture of steel sections in recent years, and 
the broad-minded view now taken by the classification societies, have made 



it possible for builders, following the line of simplification of parts, to still 
further satisfy the demands of shipowners for large holds clear of beams, 
stringers, and numerous hold stanchions. Hence has come the well-known single- 
deck type {see fig. 77) Vessels of a size ordinarily requiring, by Lloyd's former 
rules, three tiers of beams and two steel decks, have been built with a 
single steel deck and one tier of beams, the structural strength, transverse 
and longitudinal, being made good by deepening the side frames and in- 
creasing the scantlings of the deck, shell plating, and double bottom- Purely 

Fig. 77. 

350' 0" X 51' 0" x 2ff 0". 


single-deck vessels have gone on increasing in size until they have attained 
lengths of 350 feet, and depths exceeding 28 feet, and it appears likely the 
advancement will still proceed so long as the needs of commerce demand 
it. In Lloyd's latest rules, the construction of single deckers up to a moulded 
depth of about 31 feet is provided for, but so far as we are aware, no 
single-deck vessel of ordinary design has been built approaching this depth. 

Fig. 78 illustrate? a type which may be considered to be in the tran- 
sition stage towards the pure single decker. It has bulb angle framing 



and strong hold beams widely spaced in association with arched webs and 
a broad hold stringer. Many vessels of this type have been built on the 
N.E. coast and have proved highly satisfactory. The designers and first 
builders of this type are an important Wearside firm. 

With the removal of hold stringers and beams, the presence of numerous 
hold pillars became specially objectionable. A middle line row for most 
trades is perhaps no great drawback, but with the increased breadths at- 

Fig. 78. 

SS. 350' 0" X 49' 0" X 28' 0". 


tendant on the steady rise in general dimensions, now the order of the 
day, additional rows of stanchions between the middle and the side, with 
the ordinary construction, became imperative. For a time, and up to a 
certain point, the case of vessels with breadths beyond that at which quarter 
stanchions are necessary, was met, without resorting to the latter, by increas- 
ing the scantlings of the beams and ot the middle row of pillars, but a 
limit was soon reached, and the question of the omission of pillars had to 
be reviewed from other standpoints. Hence arose the system of fitting wide 



spaced strong pillars in association with deck girders. Centre line rows of 
closely spaced pillars with one or two quarter pillars in each hold are now 
fonnd in vessels of 50 feet breadth and upwards. In some cases the 
centre row has been omitted, the whole work being done by, say, four 
specially heavy pillar columns in each hold. 

The great convenience of the latter arrangement from a stowage stand- 
point can readily be conceived, and although it entails a considerable addition 
in cost over the common arrangement, many shipowners have adopted it. 

Fig. 79. 

SS. 340' 0" x 45' 6" x 27' 3" and 34' 3". 

A few vessels have been built so as to be able to dispense with pillars 
of any kind, and to these we shall refer presently 

SPECIAL TYPES.— Besides the types of vessels already described which 
may be considered the standard ones, there are others of quite distinct char- 
acter, which the needs of commerce, the enterprise of shipowners, and the 
genius of shipbuilders, have called into being. Of these, probably the most 
important is the well-known turret-deck type of Messrs. Doxford. Fig. 79 
shows the midship section of one of these vessels, and illustrates the striking 
differences between them and those of ordinary form. 



The principal departure is in the outward form at the topsides, which, 
instead of being carried up with a moderate tumble home, are curved inwards, 
forming a central trunk or turret. The working platform is on the top of this 
turret, which runs forward and aft and contains all hatches, deck machinery, 
derricks, and everything requisite for efficiently working the vessel. 

The internal framing of the majority of these vessels (see fig. 79) is on 
the wide-spaced hold beam and web-frame system ; but in recent cases the 
no hold obstruction principle has been carried out, hold beams and pillars 
being entirely omitted, and the strength made good by fitting deep web-plates 

Fig. 80. 

SS. 350' 0" x 50' 0" x 26' 3" and 33' 6". 

with attachments to the turret deck, ship sides, and tank top, as shown in 

fig. So. 

Among the advantages claimed for this type over the ordinary ones are 
its self-trimming qualities, which make it well suited for bulk cargoes ; the 
greater safety which it affords to all vulnerable openings, such as hatches 
ventilators, etc., owing to the turret being much higher than the ordinary 
weather deck ; its greater stiffness and longitudinal strength, owing to its shape * 
increased depth and better distribution of longitudinal materials, the latter 
circumstance making it possible to reduce the structural weight and thus in- 



crease the deadweight. Although it cannot be said that these vessels have a 
nice appearance, it must be admitted that they have been a long time in 
service, and seem to be increasing in popularity as purely cargo boats. 

Another type, of which there is now a considerable number afloat, is 
Messrs. Ropner's patent trunk steamer. This class is of normal single deck 
construction to the main or harbour deck; above this there is a central trunk 
running fore-and-aft; the top of the latter forms the working deck and is 
fitted with hatchways, winches, etc. The ship is kept in form by strong beams 

Fig. 81 

SS. 350' 0" x 60' 0" x 25' 3" and 33' 3". 

at the hatchway ends, and the trunk is stiffened by webs and supported by 
strongly built centre stanchions. This ship, like the turret design, is specially 
suitable for bulk cargoes like grain, the trunk forming an admirable self-trimmer 
(see fig. 81). 

The Dixon & Harroway patent ship is another type whose speciality is its 
self-trimming arrangements. In this vessel (see fig. 82) the upper corner of the 
hold is plated in, the main frame of the vessel being carried up in the hold 
space. This corner space is well adapted for ballasting purposes, the high 
position of the ballast conducing to steadiness in a seaway. This type is of 



Co Em 


Co « 

types of cargo steamers. 

3 9 

great longitudinal strength and is also well suited to resist the tendency to 
transverse change of form set up when a vessel is labouring in a seaway. Self- 
trimming also forms the chief claim to distinction of the vessel shown in fig. 
83. It is seen to resemble the last type somewhat with the corner tanks away; 
and on the latter account is not so efficient from a strength standpoint. 
As in the Ropner trunk vessel, the ship is worked from a central fore-and- 
aft platform. 

Still another variation of the trunk or turret type is that devised by Mr. 
Henry Burrell. Like the other vessels just referred to this one is a self- 

Fig. 84. 

SS. 305' 0" x 46' 9" x 24' 0" and 30' 3". 

trimmer, and, as well as the upper trunk, has the corners at the bilges filled in 
(see fig. 84) and the inner surface sloped towards the centre, thus obviating the 
broken stowage space which might otherwise occur at the bilges. Incidentally, 
the corners thus cut off from the holds form a desirable addition to the 
ballast capacity. The deck, sides and trunkways are supported by cantilever 
webs, and there are no hold pillars. 

Other special types have been built, or are building, differing more or less 
from the foregoing, but in general not sufficiently to make it necessary to refer 
to them. One design, however, that of Mr. Isherwood, is of such distinctive 
and interesting a character as to warrant its being singled out. This type is 



framed on the longitudinal system, and in this respect recalls that famous 
work of Scott Russell and Brunei— the Great Eastern. Like the earlier vessel, 
the new ship has main frames and beams running fore-and-aft, with widely 
spaced transverse partial bulkheads. There is, however, no double skin on the 
sides, the inner bottom being of the normal present-day type, except that the 
main internal framing is longitudinal instead of transverse. 

Fig. 85 shows the midship section of a medium-sized cargo steamer 
framed on this system. The longitudinal beams and frames are seen to 
consist of bulb angles at wider spacing than on the transverse system. It 
should be noted, however, that the settlings of the frames are gradually 

Fig. 85. 

increased towards the bottom of the vessel, where they have to withstand 
greater loads, the intensity of the water pressure increasing in proportion to 
the depth below the surface. 

The transverse strength is made up by strong transverses or partial 
bulkheads attached to the shell-plating between the frames, and stiffened on 
their inner edges by stout angles. The transverses are spaced from about 
12 feet to 16 feet apart in ordinary cases, according to size of vessel, the 
largest vessels having the closest spacing. 

The double bottom, as previously mentioned, has fore-and-aft continuous 
girders, with intercostal transverse floors in line with the tranverses and also 
midway between them, the latter being required to provide sufficient strength 


9 1 

for docking purposes and to resist the excessive stresses which come on the 
bottom through grounding. 

It is claimed for this type of vessel, several samples of which are now 
afloat and giving good accounts of themselves, that it has greater strength 
and less relative weight than the normal type. The saving in weight is a 
point of great importance, as apart from any reduction of first cost which 
this may represent, it means for the vessel greater deadweight capability 
and therefore increased earning power. 

Fig. 86. 

The Isherwood system of construction appears to be specially suitable for 
oil vessels.* Fig. 86 is a section of an oil steamer framed in this way, the 
dimensions of which are, viz.: — length, 355 feet; breadth, extreme, 49 feet, 5 
inches; depth at centre, 29 feet. The longitudinal frames from the deck to 
the upper turn of the bilge are bulb angles as shown; on the bottom they 
are built of plates and bars ; the spacing is 29 inches. The beams are bulb 
angles spaced 27 inches apart. The main oil tanks are 30 feet long, and 
two strong transverses are fitted in each tank between the boundary bulk- 

*See a paper by Mr. Isherwood in the T.I.N. A. for 1908, from which figs. 85 arul 86 are taken. 


heads. The transverses are fitted to the shell-plating between double angles 
and have heavy double angles on their inner edges. 

The longitudinal frames and beams and longitudinal stiffeners on middle 
line bulkhead are cut at the transverse bulkheads and efficiently bracketed 
thereto in order to maintain the continuity of strength. In way of the 
double bottom, which is fitted for a portion of the vessel's length amidships, 
alternate transverses are fitted continuously around the bottom to the middle 
line, and the longitudinal girders are fitted in long lengths between these 
transverses, and efficiently attached thereto. The remaining transverses are 
stopped at the deep girder in the double bottom next the margin-plate, and 
are then fitted intercostally between the longitudinals to the centre line. The 
margin-plate is fitted intercostally between the transverses, and connected to 
them by double-riveted watertight collars. 

A comparison of the longitudinal stress acting on the bridge gunwale 
amidships of this vessel with that acting on an oil vessel of the same 
dimensions built on the ordinary system, showed the former to be 18J per 
cent, less than the latter. In spite of this there is stated to be an 
estimated saving in weight of materials, under the new system, of 275 tons. 


Practical Details. 

KEELS AND CENTRE KEELSONS.— The keel may be considered the 
foundation of a ship's structure. The simplest form of keel fitted in iron 
or steel vessels consists of a forged bar running almost the full length of 
the vessel. At the ends it is scarphed into the stem and sternpost, the 
three items together forming a complete longitudinal rib. The bars forming 

Fig. 87. 



the keel are fitted in lengths averaging about 40 feet, joined together by 
vertical scarphs nine times the thickness of the keel in length. These scarphs 
are frequently riveted up previous to the fitting of the shell by means of small 
tack rivets, so as to allow the keel to be faired. There is an objection to the 
use of tack rivets, in that, if it be necessary to remove a keel length, 




say, for repairs after grounding, plates on both sides of the keel have 
to be removed in order to knock out the tack rivets ; for this reason 
they are sometimes omitted. The main rivets connecting the scarphs together, 
and also the keel to the shell, are of large diameter, spaced five diameters 
apart, centre to centre, and arranged in two rows, usually chain style, as in 

Fig. 88. 

fig. 87, although zig-zag riveting is occasionally adopted; in the latter case, 
care must be taken to keep the rivets clear of the garboard strake butts. 

It will be seen by referring to fig. 8 7 that the only connection that 
this keel has to the main structure is through the riveted connection to the 
garboard strakes. For this reason it is frequently called a hanging keel. 

Fig. 89. 


The simple bar keel is sometimes fitted in association with a centre keelson 
running along the tops of the floors, consisting of double bulb angles in small 
vessels, and a vertical plate and four angles, two top and bottom, in larger 
vessels. In the largest vessels, a rider plate is fitted on top of the upper angles 
and a foundation plate on top of floors below lower angles. This style of keel- 



son, which is depicted in fig. 87, but without a foundation plate, is seen to 
have no direct connection with the external keel. From what we already 
know of the bending of beams, we must see that the arrangement is by no 
means a perfect one. Bending separately, the keel and keelson do not offer 
the same resistance as if rigidly joined. Moreover, the floors lying at right 
angles to the line of stress give no support, but develop a tendency to trip, 
as shown exaggerated in fig. 88. The weaknesses pointed out in the above 
plan may be largely corrected by fitting plates between the floors, from the 

Fig. 90. 

PLATE -,_ 


1 |o 

jo 1 I 

I — — —Ok 

ha 1 \ 


keel to the keelson (fig. 89). This transforms the separate beams of small 
resisting power into one powerful girder. The intercostal plates, too, prevent 
any possibility of movement of the floors. 

A better arrangement than the preceding one consists of a continuous 
centre through plate, extending from the top of keel to the top of floors, or 
top of keelson (see fig. 90). Sometimes the centre plate is extended to the 
bottom of the keel, the required thickness of the latter being made up by 
means of two side bars (see fig. 90a). These arrangements, of course, entail 




the severing of the floors at the middle line, causing considerable reduction 
in the transverse strength ; the floors are, however, connected to the centre 
girder by means of double angles, and a flat plate 12 inches wide, and of 
.the same thickness as the centre through plate, is fitted on top of the 
floors each" side of the centre plate, and connected to the latter by angles or 
bulb angles, thus making good the transverse strength and adding to the longi- 
tudinal strength. In the largest vessels the keelson is run up high enough 
to take four angles with a rider plate on the upper two (see fig. 90a). 

9 6 


It will be observed that a practical difficulty crops up in the riveting 
of the keel to the garboard strakes, in the case of a side bar keel, as five 
thicknesses of plating require to be united by the same rivets. There are two 
rows of such rivets, of size and spacing similar to the bar keel, and as it is 
usual to punch these holes before fitting the plates, it can be imagined that 
very careful workmanship is needed to keep the rivet holes concentric. As a 
matter of fact, they are frequently more or less obstructed. In such cases, 
before proceeding with the riveting, the holes should be rimered out. The 
objectionable plan of drifting partially blind holes — that is to say, of driving 
a tapered bar of round steel or drift punch into them, so as to clear a 
passage for the rivet — should not be encouraged. It is known, and has been 
proved many times in practice, that the bruising which the material round 
the edges of the holes gets by drifting, renders it brittle and therefore liable 
to break away, loose rivets resulting in consequence. 

An objection common to all projecting keels is the increase of draught 
which they entail. It is always considered a good feature in a vessel, and 

Fig. 91. 




particularly in a cargo vessel, to have a moderate draught of water. The reason, 
of course, is that many ports will be open to a vessel, if of shallow draught, 
which would otherwise be closed. These considerations have led many owners 
to adopt what is called a flat-plate keel in preference to the one we have been 
dealing with. In this case, the ordinary shell-plating is continued under the 
vessel instead of being stopped on each side of a projecting keel ; the middle 
line strake is increased somewhat in thickness, and is considered to be the 
keel of the vessel (see figs. 91 and 91a). This horizontal plate would of itself 
be a very inefficient substitute for the rigid vertical bar of the ordinary 
keel, but it is usually fitted in conjunction with an intercostal or continuous 
vertical centre plate, the two being connected together by double angle bars. 
With an intercostal centre plate, the floor plates are continuous ; with a con- 
tinuous centre plate, they are severed at middle line, and abut against the 
centre plate on each side. In both cases the floor and centre plates are 
connected by double vertical bars ; this prevents any movement of the parts. 
It should be noticed that with a flat-plate keel, the rolling reducing property 
of the projecting keel is lost. It is the custom, however, in modern caro-o 



vessels, to make up for this by fitting longitudinal bars or rolling chocks 
at the bilges (see figs. 75, 76, etc.). 

The flat-plate type of keel is frequently fitted where there is a double 
bottom (fig. 91b). As the floor plates are then of considerable depth, a much 
more satisfactory connection with the centre plate is obtainable than with 
ordinary shallow floors; by Lloyd's Rules double angles are not required in this 
case, except in the machinery space, where they are always necessary, until 
the transverse number reaches 66, corresponding to a vessel say, 300' x 40' x 26, 
when double angles are required for half length amidships. 

Fig. 91a. 



Fig, 91b. 




fc • O O O | C "^0 O °l 

f o o~~J 

oa — 



e o, 




, ° 

ol ° 






\ °; 

' " 

\' \° ° °\ ° 1 

1° ° ° 

LLOYD'S NUMERALS. — In the previous paragraph reference has been 
made to Lloyd's Rules, and we now propose briefly to consider the methods 
adopted in these Regulations for the construction of ships, of assessing the 
scantlings of the various parts of a vessel. Lloyd's Rules in this particular differ 
in details from the Rules provided by other classification bodies, but for the 
purpose of illustration it may be sufficient to refer to them alone, particularly 
as they represent the common practice of present-day shipbuilding. The 
numbers under which the Tables of Scantlings are graduated, are derived 
from the dimensions ; it is therefore necessary to define these. The definitions 
given in Lloyd's Rules are as follows ; — 



Length. — The length (L) is to be measured from the fore part of the 
stem to the after part of the sternpost on the range of the upper-deck 
beams, except in awning or shelter-deck vessels, where it is to be measured 
on the range of the deck beams next below the awning or shelter deck. 

Breadth. — The breadth (B) is to be the greatest moulded breadth of 
the vessel. 

Depth. — The depth (D) is to be measured at mid-length from the top 
of keel to top of beam at side of uppermost continuous deck, except in 
awning or shelter-deck vessels, where it may be taken to the deck next 
below the awning or shelter deck, provided the height of the 'tween decks 

Fig. 92. 


does not exceed 8 feet ; B and D are indicated in fig. 92, which shows an 
outline midship section of a vessel. 

From these dimensions the scantling numbers are obtained thus : — 
Transverse number = B 4- D 
Longitudinal number — L x (B 4- D). 
The transverse number regulates the frame spacing and the scantlings of 
the floors. Thus, taking a vessel of 45 feet breadth and 28 feet depth, 
we have — 

Transverse number = 45 4- 28 = 73. 

And under this number we find in the appropriate Table of the Rules that 
the frame spacing should be 24 J- inches, and the floors 30 inches deep at 
middle, '46 of an inch thick for ■? length amidships, tapering to -38 of an 
inch at ends. 

Lloyd's numerals. 


The scantlings of the frames are governed by the transverse number, 
i.e., by the size of the vessel, and also by the extent to which the frame 
is unsupported. The frame is assumed to be supported at the first tier of 
beams above the base and at the bilge. Reverting to fig. 92, d is the 
unsupported length of frame. Two cases are indicated, one assuming a tier 
of beams to exist below the upper deck, another assuming the frame to be 
unsupported from the bilge to the upper deck. It will be observed that 
at the bilge d is measured from a line squared out from the tank at side. 

Fig. 93. 

In this case there is an inner bottom ; when a vessel has ordinary floors, 
the line is squared out from the height of the floors at middle. 

The rules provide scantlings of frames for values of d up to 27 feet, 
this figure apparently marking the limit of a purely single-deck vessel. In 
fig. 93 the framing of three single-deck vessels of different dimensions is 
given, and shows how the scantlings increase with increase in size of vessel. 
The longitudinal number regulates the scantlings of the keel, stem, sternpost, 
side and bottom plating, double bottom, side stringers, keelsons, lower deck 


stringer plates, and lower deck plating. It is also employed with a number 
giving the proportions of length to depth in fixing the scantlings of the 
upper works. 

The importance of distribution of materials and depth of girder, pointed 
out in Chapter IV. } is fully recognised in the Rules. Thus the heaviest 
materials are concentrated at the side and deck-plating of upper, awning, and 
shelter decks, and of long bridges. Also the scantlings at these parts are 
less in a deep vessel than in one that is proportionately shallow. 

The depth employed in obtaining the proportions of length to depth for 
use with the Tables is to be measured at the middle of the length from the 
top of keel to the top deck at side in all cases, except in way of a short 
bridge, when the depth is to be taken to the upper deck, which thus becomes 
the strength deck. The scantlings at the upper deck beyond the ends of a 
long bridge, are to be determined by taking the depth for proportions to the 
upper deck. 

Shallow vessels, which have lengths equal to or exceeding 1 3 J depths, 
taken to the upper deck, are required to have a bridge extending over the 
midship half length, or compensation in lieu. As the bridge deck becomes 
the strength deck, this means a substantial increase of the depth of the 
ship girder. In the case of still shallower vessels, namely, those having 
lengths exceeding 14 depths, the question of the longitudinal strength has 
to be carefully considered, and Lloyd's Committee require proposals to be 
laid before them. 

FRAMES. — Next to the keel the transverse frame -is probably the most 
fundamental part of. a ship's structure, especially in vessels with ordinary floors. 
As previously explained, it extends from the keel to the top of the vessel in 
a transverse plane, and gives the form of the ship at the point at which it 
is fitted (see figs. 37 and 74). Frames of vessels built to Lloyd's Rules may 
be spaced from 20 to 2>Z inches apart, according to the size of vessel. In 
special cases, the spacing may exceed 33 inches, if suitable compensation be 
made. At the fore end, from a fifth the vessel's length from the stem to 
the collision bulkhead, owing to the pounding stresses to which this part of 
the vessel is liable at sea, the frame spacing should not exceed 27 inches, 
unless the frames are doubled to the lowest tier of the beams. In the peaks 
the frame spacing should not be greater than 24 inches. 

Each complete transverse frame may be made up of two angle bars, i.e. % a 
frame and reversed frame, as described in Chapter III.; or it may consist, as 
in many modern cargo steamers, of a single angle or bulb angle ; or it may 
be of channel section, with the addition, in the case of a large vessel, of a 
reversed angle. Lloyd's Rules provide tables of scantlings of frames of these 
various styles. In fig. 94 the side framing required for the vessel marked A 
in fig. 93 is shown, the three equivalent types being indicated. 

The fore-and-aft flange of a frame is riveted to the shell-plating, and 
the transverse flange, in vessels having ordinary floors, is at its lower 
part attached to a floorplate. When the construction consists of a frame 



and reversed frame, the latter is riveted to the frame on the sides of the 
vessel, to the turn of the bilge, whence it sweeps along the top edge of 
the floor, which being thus stiffened at top and bottom, becomes an efficient 
transverse girder. Both the frames and reversed frames are usually butted at 
the centre line, covering angle bar straps being fitted. The frame butt-straps, 
or heel-pieces, as they are called, are usually about 3 feet long, and are placed 
back to back with the frame, the floor-plate being between. These heel-pieces 
should be so fitted as to bear on the top of the keel, when of simple bar type, 
as in this way stresses due to docking or grounding are communicated 

Fig. 94. 

directly to the framing; .without unduly straining the rivets connecting the keel 
to the garboard strakes. Heel-pieces are only fitted for three-quarters the 
vessel's length amidships, the form at the ends making them unnecessary. 
Where the middle line keelson is a centre through plate, the heel-pieces are 
not usually fitted; and where the former is associated with a flat-plate keel it 
is, of course, impracticable to fit them. 

At the decks, the framing on each side of the vessel is connected by 
cross beams, special attention being given to the beam-knee connections, as 
the combination of beam, frame, shell-plating and deck-stringer in this neigbour- 



hood is most efficient for resisting the transverse racking stresses to which, as 
we have seen, a vessel may be subjected when rolling among waves at sea. 

WEB FRAMES. — When a transverse rib consists of a deep plate with 
stiffening angles on its inner edge, it is known as a web frame. Lloyd's 
Rules permit a system of web frames at six frame spaces apart, with com- 
paratively light intermediate frames, to be substituted for the heavier frames 
of the ordinary frame table, provided a deck be laid on the tier of beams at 
the height d. In fig. 95, the largest of the three vessels indicated in fig. 93 
is shown with web frames. It will be seen that the angles connecting the 

Fig. 95. 




webs to the shell-plating and to the side stringers are of the same thickness 
as the webs, and that angles are fitted to the inner edges of the webs and 
stringers. When webs become of considerable depth, they are really partial 
bulkheads, and to develop their full efficiency should have a substantial 
shell connection. Thus webs 24 inches and above, in vessels built to 
Lloyd's Rules, require double angles to the shell-plating, or equivalent single 
angles double riveted. 

A web frame being held rigidly at the deck by its connection to the 
beams, and at the bilge by its floor or tank side connection, forms a 


girder of comparatively short span, at least when compared with the side 
stringers, which are only properly held at the bulkheads. For this reason 
it is advisable to make the web frames continuous and the side stringers 
intercostal, and this is usually done. At the junction of each web and 
stringer, the discontinuity of the latter is made good by a double angle 
connection to the webs, and by fitting a stout buttstrap to the stringer face 
bar (see fig. 95). Web frames are attached by bracket knees to beams at 
their heads, the knees being double riveted in each arm and flanged on their 
inner edge. At the lower part, when associated with an ordinary floor, the 
inner edge of the web frame is swept into the top edge of the former, the 
connection to the floor being an overlapped riveted one. When the con- 
nection is to be made to an inner bottom, it should consist of a riveted 
angle on to the margin plate, with, in addition, a substantial gusset plate or 
angle bar from the top bar of the web on to the inner bottom plating 
(see fig. 95.) 

FLOORS. — These vertical plates will be observed to have a maximum 
depth, governed by the size of vessel, at the middle line where the transverse 
bending stresses are greatest. Thence they gradually taper towards the sides, 
the depth at three-quarters the half breadth, measured out from the middle 
line on the run of the frame, being half that at centre line. From this point, 
the upper edge of each floor sweeps into the line of the inside of the frame, 
terminating at a height from the base line equal to twice its depth at the 
middle line. There is one such floor at each frame, the floor, frame, and 
reversed frame forming, indeed, a transverse girder, which is the most char- 
acteristic feature of a vessel built without an inner bottom. Except in small 
vessels, the floor-plates are fitted in two pieces, connected by an overlap or 
buttstrap at the middle line, or alternately on each side of that line. When 
a vertical through centre-plate is fitted, the floors are fitted close against it 
on each side, a riveted connection being made by double vertical angle bars, 
as shown in fig. 90. The loss of transverse strength due to cutting the 
floors is also partly made good by a horizontal keelson plate fitted at the centre 
line on top of floors, referred to when dealing with centre keelsons. When 
inner bottoms are fitted, this part of the structure undergoes considerable 
modifications, as we shall see presently. 

SIDE KEELSONS. — As well as the centre keelson, vessels with ordinary 
floors have keelsons midway between the bilge and the middle line. The main 
function of these keelsons being to keep the frames and floors in their cor- 
rect relative positions, intercostal plates are fitted between the floors and 
connected to the shell-plating and to double angles on top of the floors. 
These intercostal plates need not be connected to the floors, but in order 
to develop their full efficiency should be fitted close between them. In 
small vessels, under 27 feet breadth, one side keelson is considered sufficient; 
in larger vessels, 27 feet and under 50 feet in breadth, two are necessary. 
In fig. 96, side keelsons for vessels of various sizes are shown. 



BILGE KEELSON. — In vessels of 50 feet and under 54 feet breadth, 
in addition to two side keelsons, a bilge keelson is required on each side, 
and should be carried as far forward and aft as practicable. This keelson, 
like a side keelson, should have an intercostal plate connected to the shell- 
plating (see fig. 96). 

Fig. 96. 

SIDE STRINGERS.— Between the bilge and the deck beams the framing 
is tied together, and stresses to some extent distributed by stringers con- 
sisting in small vessels of single angles riveted to reversed frames and lugs, 
and in larger vessels of similar angles associated with an intercostal plate 
connected to the shell-plating. Lloyd's Rules require side stringers of this 
latter type in vessels of all sizes. According to these Regulations, the number 

Fig. 97. 






7 \_y w ^u s^7~ 


of side stringers depends on the value of d. When this is 7 feet and less 
than 14 feet, that is in very small vessels, one is sufficient; where d is 14 
feet to 21 feet, two are necessary; and when d is 20 feet and under 27 
feet, three should be fitted. 

All keelson and stringer plates and angle bars, when continuous, should 



be fitted in long lengths, and to obviate any sudden discontinuity of the 
strength, adjoining butts should be carefully shifted from each other. Both 
plates and bars should be strapped at the butts, the angle-bar straps con- 
sisting of bosom pieces of the same thickness as the keelson bar and two 
feet long, having not less than three rivets on each side of a butt (see fig. 97). 

BEAMS. — A tier of beams is always fitted so as to tie the top of the 
frames together and support the deck ; the functions of beams as elements of 
strength in the structure of a ship are generally as have been already de- 
scribed (see pages 71, 72). 

The number of tiers of beams required in any vessel is a question of 
transverse strength, but it also depends on the trade for which she is intended. 

Fig. 98. 


Passenger boats usually require one or more decks below the upper one for 
purposes of accommodation. Many cargo vessels, owing to the nature of their 
cargo, also need one or more 'tween deck spaces; in most cargo boats, how- 
ever, as has been said elsewhere, the desire is for deep holds, clear of beams 
or other obstructions. Lloyd's latest Rules allow considerable scope to the 
designer in this matter. As was seen in a previous paragraph, they allow 
him, up to a certain point, to design his vessel entirely clear of beams below 
the upper deck, if he so wishes. The value of tf, in such a case, will, of 
course, be relatively great, and the scantlings of the side framing relatively 
heavy (see fig. 93). This is the penalty exacted for unobstructed holds, and 
it is obviously a just one; for each frame is a girder, whose strength is 
governed by its span. 


Spacing of Beams. — According to Lloyd's Rules, a complete tier of 
beams, such as is required to form the upper point of support of the frames 
in regulating the scantlings of the latter, may consist of : — 
(i) Beams at every frame. 

(2) Beams at alternate frames. 

(3) Beams widely spaced up to 24 feet apart. 

In arrangements (2) and (3) the beams are heavier than in (1) ; and 
in (3) a broad stringer must be fitted on the ends of the beams with a 
heavy face bar, and large horizontal gussets must be fitted between the 
stringer and the beams (see fig. 98). Lloyd's Rules require beams to be 
fitted at every frame in the following places : — 

(1) At all watertight flats. 

(2) At upper decks of single-deck vessels above 15 feet in depth. 

(3) At unsheathed upper decks, when a complete steel deck is required 

by the Rules. 

(4) At unsheathed bridge, shelter and awning decks. 

(5) At upper, shelter, or awning decks in vessels over 450 feet in 

length, whether the decks be sheathed or not. Under erections, 
such as poops, bridges, and forecastles in vessels less than 66 feet 
in breadth, upper deck beams may be on alternate frames, except 
for one-tenth the vessel's length within each end of a bridge, where 
they are to be fitted at every frame. 

(6) At the sides of hatchways, including those of engine and boiler 

openings, in all unsheathed steel or iron decks. 

Elsewhere, deck beams may be spaced two frame spaces apart, but 
only if the frame spacing does not exceed 27 inches. 

It is easy to grasp the reason for close spacing the beams on unsheathed 
decks. With thin decks and widely spaced beams, the plating would probably 
sag between the latter, which would make the decks most unsightly; with 
beams at every frame the sagging tendency will be very slight. The close 
beam spacing in way of hatches is necessary in view of the heavy weights 
which may be brought upon the deck there during loading operations. 

When a wood deck is laid, beams may be at alternate frames (except as 
above stated in vessels over 450 feet). In this case, the steel deck is sup- 
ported between the beams by the wood deck, the deck fastenings for the 
wood deck being fitted between the beams. The beams forming the weather 
decks are usually cambered, so as to throw off water quickly ; those of the 
lower tiers are sometimes cambered and sometimes straight. The usual 
camber given to weather decks is \ inch per foot of length of beam. 
Lloyd's Rules allow the beams of weather decks to be fitted without camber 
or with less than the usual amount, in the case of large vessels (30,000 
longitudinal number) if at least half the length of the top continuous deck 
is covered by erections. On the principle of the arch, it might be thought 
that camber should give additional strength to beams, but, as has been pointed 


out,* the sides of a ship are not really abutments, so that this can scarcely 
be the case. 

BEAM SECTIONS.— Beams are fitted of different sections according to 
the strength required; most of these being included in fig. 99. Sections 
A and B, and in large vessels, section E, are adopted when the beams are 
at every frame. G is not often used for ordinary beams ; it is a common 
section, however, for special beams built to carry the ship's boats. D and 
H are used when beams are to be fitted to alternate frames. Sections F 
and J are only fitted where extra strength is required. In way of the 
machinery, the material binding the sides of the vessel together is usually 
very much cut away owing to the necessity of providing ample space for 
shipping and unshipping the engines and boilers ; it is, therefore, of import- 
ance to make any beams that may be got across the vessel in that 
locality as strong as possible; beams similar to those just mentioned are 
usually fitted, with satisfactory results. (? is a form of beam found suitable 
for the ends of hatchways, the angle bar being, of course, fitted away from 
the hatch opening. In general, where heavy permanent deck weights are 
carried, specially strong beams are needed, and the section adopted will be 
that dictated by the experience of the designer. 

Fig. 99. 

In order to obtain special strength, and to allow of substantial knee 
connections between the beam ends and the frames, ship beams are not 
reduced in depth towards their extremities, as might be done in the case 
of an ordinary loaded girder supported at the ends. The reasons for having 
great strength at this part of a ship have already been explained. 

BEAM KNEES, — We shall now describe a few methods of forming and 
fitting beam knees. Several examples taken from Lloyd's Rules, of a common, 
and very efficient one when the workmanship is good, is shown at fig. 100. 
It is seen to consist of a triangular plate, fitted into the angle between the 
top of beam and the ship's side, and well riveted to the beam end and the 
frame. Sometimes for lightness, and to minimise obstruction to stowage, the 
inner edge of the knee-plate is hollowed. This knee can be fitted to any 
of the beam sections given above. 

Another way of forming a beam knee is to cut away the lower bulb for a 
short distance from the end of the beam, and weld in a piece of plate or bulb 
plate, the knee being afterwards trimmed to the size and shape required. This 
is called a slabbed knee (see fig. 101). Unless great care is exercised, the 

* See Practical Shipbuilding, by A. Campbell Holms. 



welds of these knees will give trouble ; for this reason this style is not so 
popular as the bracket knee, nor as the one we are about to describe. In 

Fig. 100. 




Fig. 101 

Fig. 102. 

this last case, each end of the beam is split horizontally at about the middle 
of th^ depth, as indicated in fig. 102, and the lower part is turned down; 


a piece of plate is welded into the space so formed, and, finally, the beam 
is cut to shape and size. This knee also depends on the quality of the 
welds, but it is stronger than the previous one, and has a fine appearance ; 
it is known as a turned knee. 

As the stresses are mainly met by the shearing strength of the rivets, 
these must be sufficient in number and diameter. Lloyd's Rules require that 
in knees under 17 inches deep there shall be not less than 4 rivets of f- 
inch diameter in each arm, while knees 40 inches deep require nine f-inch 
diameter rivets in each arm ; the number varies between these limits for 
knees of intermediate depths. 

Obviously, only about half the number of rivets required in bracket knees 
will be needed for welded knees of the same depth. 

The depth and thickness of a beam knee varies with the depth of the 
beam, and the position of the latter in the ship. Generally, beams which 
form the top of a hold space are required of maximum depth, the distorting 
stresses being greatest at these places. Hence, in steamers where there is but 
a single tier of beams, the beam knees are of greater depth than if there were 
intermediate decks. The upper deck beam knees in vessels which have a range 
of wide-spaced beams below the upper deck, are to be of the scantlings of 
the knees of an upper deck tier where it is the only one. In sailing ships, 
beam knees at all tiers of beams are to be the same as for upper deck 
beams *of similar scantling in steamers having one tier only. It may be 
mentioned that Lloyd's Rules require beams in sailing ships to be heavier 
than those of the same lengths in steamers having one tier only. These 
requirements are very necessary as sailing vessels have no watertight bulk- 
heads except one fitted at the extreme forward end ; they are, therefore, 
without the rigid transverse stiffening which every steamer possesses in virtue 
of her bulkheads, and need the bracing given by beams of special strength and 
depth of knees. 

All beam knees should measure across the throats at least ^ of the full 
depth of the knee. 

In large single-deck vessels the beams at every frame are to have plate 
bracket knees varying in size with the moulded depth. Thus, in vessels 23 
feet and under 24 feet depth, the knees are to be 33 inches x 33 inches ; 
and in vessels 26 feet and under 27 feet, 42 inches x 42 inches; the knees 
for vessels of intermediate depths varying between these. Deepening the knees 
strengthens the frames by shortening the unsupported length ; it also stiffens 
the vessel at the deck corners and arrests any tendency to change of form 
that might develop when the vessel is labouring among waves at sea. 

BALLAST TANKS. — Nearly all modern cargo steamers are constructed to 
load water-ballast when necessary, the water being carried in double bottoms, 
in peak tanks, in deep tanks, or in some other space specially devised for 
the purpose. Frequent^, all these methods are employed together in a single 
steamer, when it is desired to be able to proceed to sea without using supple- 
mentary stone or sand ballast. 



Ballast tanks are not usually fitted in sailing ships, as, unlike steamers, 
they have long voyages to perform and load and discharge comparatively 
seldom. In their case, therefore, rapid means of ballasting are of little use. 
Another important reason for omitting ballast tanks" in sailing ships is the 
saving in first cost. Still, where there have been special reasons for so doing, 
double bottoms, and even deep tanks, have been installed in sailing ships. 

When water began to be introduced as a means of ballasting, shipbuilders 
devised many more or less successful plans, to which we need not here refer, for 
economically carrying it, before they arrived at the efficient system now generally 
adopted. From the first it was seen that the broken space between the shell- 
plating and the tops of the floors in the bottom of the ship was admirably 
suited for this purpose, since use could thus be made of space not otherwise 
available for profitable employment. In the earliest vessels the tanks were usually 
only in one or two holds, and to obtain an adequate ballast capacity the tanks 

Fig. 103. 

° ° onW 


^i o o o o o 

o ■ o o 1 



^ v 



had to be deepened, which had the manifest drawback of encroaching consider- 
ably on the cargo space. The advantages, however, of the convenient ballast 
were considered sufficient to outweigh this loss, and many steamers were thus 
built. The usual plan followed, was to fit longitudinal girders spaced about 
3 feet apart on top of the ordinary floors and to cover them with plating, the 
tanks being sealed at the sides by carrying the tank top-plating down to the 
shell and connecting it thereto by means of an angle bar caulked watertight. It 
was at first found rather difficult to make a satisfactory joint at the ship's side. 
One method, shown in fig. 103, was to sever the reversed frames in way of the 
tank, to cut a hole in the margin plate for the frame so that the former 
could go close against the shell-plating, and then to joggle a bar round the 
frames and against the shell. The cutting of the reversed frames was compen- 
sated for by doubling the frame in the neighbourhood of the tank margin. 

Another method, which did not call for the cutting of the reversed frame, 
consisted in working a smithwrought angle bar round frames and reversed frames, 
and against the shell-plating, and filling in the little apertures left behind the 



reversed frames with plugs of wrought iron, the latter being tightly wedged into 
place a-nd carefully caulked. Neither of these methods was found to be 
very satisfactory, as the abrupt termination of the tanks gave rise to decided 
weakness in the structure at the bilges ; moreover, even with careful workman- 
ship, watertightness at the margin was difficult to secure. 

Both of these objections were eventually overcome by severing the main 
and reversed frames at the tank margin, and fitting a continuous bar directly 
on to the shell-plating, the loss of transverse strength being made good by 
fitting substantial brackets from the frame bar on to the margin plate of the 
tank top. This arrangement, known as the M'Intyre System from the name 
of its introducer, is, in principle, the one now adopted at the margin in all 
vessels having a ballast tank extending over the greater part of the length. In 
the earliest vessels built, on this system, the angle connecting the margin-plate 
to the shell-plating was fitted inside the tank and the margin-plate connected 
to the tank-top by an angle bar ; now, the margin-plate is flanged at the 

Fig. 104. 


top and the shell bar brought outside the tank, improvements which have led 
to much better workmanship. Fig. 104 shows the improved M'Intyre System. 

In constructing a ballast tank extending over a portion only of the length, 
a point of importance is the maintenance of the longitudinal strength at the 
breaks. To stop the tank structure abruptly at any point would accentuate the 
weakness of sections lying immediately beyond. In such cases the usual plan 
is to continue the keelsons of the part of the structure clear of the double 
bottom, so as to scarph the latter for some distance (Lloyd's Rules require 
a minimum scarph of three frame spaces), and to connect them to the 
longitudinal girders where practicable. 

It very soon came to be recognised that by making a ballast tank con- 
tinuous, and for the full length of a vessel, other advantages besides the import- 
ant one of carrying water-ballast could be secured. It was seen, for instance, 
that the double skin afforded by the tank top-plating would greatly increase a 
vessel's safety against foundering, in the event of grounding on a rocky bottom ; 
also that the material required for the construction of the tank, being at a con- 


siderable distance from the neutral axis, would be very efficient in resisting 
longitudinal structural stresses. These considerations led to the adoption of a 
continuous ballast tank in many vessels, and when later, the Board of Trade 
consented to measure the depth for tonnage in such cases to the inner bottom 
plating, a fore-and-aft double bottom became the rule in cargo steamers. 

The fitting of a full length tank brought immediate changes in the internal 
framing of this part of the hull. It was now found possible to reduce the 
depth of the tank as compared with that of one extending over a part only of 
the length ; but this made it impracticable to follow the usual plan in building 
of fitting longitudinal girders on top of ordinary floors, and a Cellular System 
of construction was introduced, and came to be generally adopted. 

There are two principal methods of constructing a double bottom on this 
system, illustrated in figs. 105* and 106* respectively. The first consists of 
longitudinal girders suitably spaced, and floorplates fitted at alternate frames, 
the girders being connected to the inner and outer bottoms by angle bars. 
By Lloyd's Rules at least one longitudinal girder is required in vessels under 
34 feet breadth, whose breadth of tank amidships is under 28 feet, and two 
in vessels between 34 feet and 50 feet in breadth, whose breadth of tank 
amidships is between 28 and 36 feet. Sometimes the parts are flanged in 
lieu of angles, but although the cost is thus somewhat reduced, there being 
fewer parts to fit and less riveting, there is a loss in rigidity, for which 
reason flanged work here is not very common. In way of the engine space, 
owing to the great vibration there due to the working of the machinery, the 
floorplates are fitted at every frame and stiffened at their upper edges by 
double reversed bars ; floorplates must also occur at the boiler bearers. As a 
rule flanged work is not resorted to in this region.! Before and abaft the 
engine space, at those frames to which no floorplates are attached, brackets, 
which in medium-sized! vessels should be wide enougn at the head to take 
three rivets in the vertical flange of the intermediate reversed angles for 4 
the vessel's length amidships, are fitted to the centre girder and margin 
plate, binding these parts together and strengthening them to resist the stresses 
set up by the action of the water ballast when the vessel is in motion among 
waves. The reversed bars in way of these intermediate frames are riveted to 
the tank top-plating, to Avhich they act as stiffeners ; frequently, however, they 
are dispensed with and the inner bottom slightly increased in thickness in lieu. 

The side girders and floors are pierced with manholes to give ready access 
to all parts of the tank, a considerable saving in weight being also thus 
effected. The centre girder is more important than the others, forming as it 
does a kind of internal keel ; it has, therefore, heavier scantlings, is not re- 
duced by manholes except perhaps at the extreme ends, and is stiffened top 
and bottom by heavy double bars (see fig. 105). In the earliest vessels built 
on this plan, the longitudinals were continuous and the floors intercostal, the 

* Figures taken from Lloyd's Rules. 

t See Remarks on Stiffening of Double Bottom at Fore End, p. 116. 

X When the longitudinal number is 20,000 and above. 



former, owing to their distances from the neutral axis, being considerable 
elements in the longitudinal strength. Nowadays, it is usual for the floors 
to be continuous and the girders intercostal, an arrangement leading to greater 
simplicity of construction — a most important point— and to some reduction in 
longitudinal strength, which, howe'ver, in modern vessels, calculations show to 
be still ample. An important advantage of the latter arrangement is a great 
increase in the stiffness of the bottom, the comparatively short floorplates 
obviously having greater strength and rigidity than long fore-and-aft girders. 

Fig. 105. 


£23" * 


/*■— 1 1 ft 






^^Tf F""^ 






ti or 

When longitudinals are continuous, in order that their efficiency as strength 
elements may not be impaired, the manholes through them should be as few 
as possible, and those in different girders shifted well clear of each other 

When the rule lengths of vessels exceed 400 feet, and in single-deck 
vessels which exceed 26 feet moulded depth, the above plan of framing the 
inner bottom is not considered adequate, and the second method, shown in 
fig. 106, should be adopted. In this case, the floorplates are at every frame 

ii 4 


and continuous from centre girder to margin plate on each side, while the 
longitudinals, except the centre one, are intercostal. The floorplates and side 
girders have lightening holes, one or two through the floors into each cellular 
space, and one through every intercostal girder plate. Fewer side girders are 
required by this plan, only a single one being necessary on each side of the 
centre if the ballast tank be under 36 feet in width and the breadth of 
ship under 50 feet, and only two if the tank be under 48 feet and the 
ship under 62 feet in breadth, the number being proportionately increased in 
larger vessels ; the spacing of the girders with the closer floors gives approxi- 
mately the same extent of unsupported area of shell and tank top-plating as 
in the previous case. The intercostals are attached to the floors and to the 

Fig, 106. 



inner and outer skins by riveted angle bars or flanges ; and the floors, as well 
as being riveted to the frames and to angle bars under the inner bottom plating, 
have angle connections to the centre girder and the margin-plate; the centre girder 
attachments, consisting of double angles for half length amidships when the trans- 
verse number reaches or exceeds 66. In the latest vessels of this size, single 
angle attachments between the floors and centre girder have sometimes been 
adopted, the flanges being double riveted. It is seen that as regards the in- 
ternal framing of the inner bottom, the longitudinal strength in this last plan is 
somewhat less than in the previous one, but in view of the tendency towards 
increase of breadth in modern vessels, demanding considerable transverse 
strength, and of the greatly enhanced stiffness of the bottom on account of 
the numerous deep floorplates, it would appear that the continuous floor on 
every frame method of construction is the better one, particularly as the 



absence of the bracket work required at the intermediate spaces in the previous 
plan renders the work of simpler construction. This arrangement is at anyrate 
a favourite with many builders, who have frequently adopted it in much 
smaller vessels than those requiring it owing to their size. Lloyd's Rules 
recognise the greater strength of this plan over the previous one by allowing 
the shell-plating (except the flat keel and garboard strakes) in way of the 
tank, when -52 to '66 of an inch in thickness, to be slightly reduced; when 
the plating exceeds '66 of an inch in thickness, no reduction is allowed. 

Fig. 107. 






■ 1 

1 - 

] lol a 





A part of the structure at which weakness has often been found developed 
in vessels fitted with double bottoms is where the side framing is attached 
to the margin plates. Experience with actual vessels has shown the need of 
making this connection amply strong, many of them having exhibited signs of 
movement in the shape of loose rivets in the angles connecting the side 
brackets to the margin plates. In Lloyd's Rules a minimum breadth of 
margin plate is given, with a corresponding minimum number and size of rivets 
for making the bracket connection. In small vessels, single angles are con- 
sidered sufficient to join the side brackets to the margin-plate, but with 


increase in breadth and depth, particularly the latter, double bars or equivalent 
single bars with double-riveted flanges quickly become necessary for this pur- 
pose, over some portion at least of the vessel's length. Experience has shown 
the fore end to require special attention in this respect, and Lloyd's Rules 
demand double angles from the collision bulkhead to one-fourth the vessel's 
length from the stem in vessels of moderate size. Besides the foregoing, 
with the growth of vessels additional strength becomes necessary at the 
tank margin, which is provided by fitting gusset-plates to the tops of the 
wing brackets and to the sides of the tank top-plating. In recent instances, 
angles have been substituted for the gusset-plates with good results. Detailed 
sketches of these arrangements are shown in figs. 105, 106, and 107. These 
gusset-plates or angles are fitted at every fifth, fourth, third, second or single 
Irame, according to the vessel's size, the limits being fixed in each case by 
the transverse number and the value of d, i.e., the length of unsupported 

The fitting of the inner bottom plating calls for little comment. Lloyd's 
Rules recommend that it be arranged in longitudinal strakes and the butts 
shifted well clear of each other and of those of the longitndinal girders, when 
these are continuous, and this is usually done. In some districts, notably the 
N.E. coast, transverse strips have been fitted under the watertight bulkheads to 
allow the building of the latter to be proceeded with at an early stage of the 
work, but the system cannot be otherwise commended. To save the fitting of 
packing pieces, inner bottom plating is sometimes joggled at the seams, but 
objection has been raised to the depression thus caused in the surface, as 
forming lodgments for water, particularly where ceiling is laid, rapid corrosion 
resulting in consequence. Like other longitudinal material, the thickness of 
this plating is reduced at the ends; it is increased in way of the machinery 
space to give additional strength, but more particularly to allow for <the 
corrosion which takes place there. 

Structural efficiency in double bottoms would not be obtained were care 
not bestowed on the riveted connections. It is especially important that the 
centre girder should not be weakened at the butts ; except in the case of 
small vessels, therefore, these must not be less than treble riveted amidships, 
and in very large vessels they should be quadruple riveted.* The butts of 
side girders, where continuous, should be double riveted, and in laro-e vessels 
treble riveted. The tank top-plating is an important element in both the 
longitudinal and transverse strength, and the riveting of butts and seams calls 
for careful consideration. The butts of the middle line strake, and those of 
the margin plate, must be at least double riveted throughout ; in large vessels 
they should be treble and in the largest vessels quadruple riveted. The re- 
maining butts of inner bottom plating are to be double riveted for half 

* In Lloyd's Rules, and also in those of the British Corporation, the requirements as to 
riveting of butts and edge joints at any part of a ship are fixed by the thickness of the 
plating and the position of the part. 


length, and in large vessels treble riveted. The edges of the middle line 
strake, where the transverse bending stresses are greatest, except in small 
vessels, should be double riveted, and in the largest vessels this should apply 
to the remainder of the plating; medium-sized vessels have single riveted edges 
clear of the middle line strake. All the preceding connections are usually 

On page 73 reference was made to special stresses which come upon the 
fore-ends of full vessels when sailing in light trim among waves at sea. To 
resist these stresses, such vessels are provided with extra strengthening forward 
in way of the inner bottom. If built on the cellular system with compara- 
tively closely spaced longitudinals, continuous or otherwise, and floors at alter- 
nate frames, the floors are to be fitted to every frame, and the main frames 
doubled from margin plate to margin plate from the collision bulkhead to 
a fifth of the vessel's length aft, measuring from the stem ; also the three 
strakes of plating next the keel are to maintain their midship thickness for- 
ward to the collision bulkhead. If built with continuous floors at every 
frame, the frames are to be doubled, and the shell-plating increased, as in 
the last case ; but in addition, special intercostal girders must be fitted of 
a depth equal to half that of the centre girder, and be extended as far for- 
ward as practicable. In both cases the rivets through the plating and frames 
in this region are to be of closer spacing than elsewhere. It should be 
mentioned that in vessels having ballast tanks constructed with longitudinal 
girders on top of ordinary floors, and in those without inner bottoms, if of 
full forms, adequate strengthening of a similar nature to the above is necessary. 

PEAK TANKS, — In steamers, after-peaks are now usually adapted for water 
ballast ; in some cases, the fore-peak is also so constructed, but more rarely. 
The principal value of peak tanks is, of course, their trimming effect ; they are 
like weights situated at the extreme ends of a lever poised at the middle, and 
have great power in this respect. In strengthening these compartments for 
their work, we have to bear in mind the special nature of the stresses set 
up by the load. Unlike ordinary cargo it does not lie on the floors, but 
presses immediately on to the shell, thus inducing severe stresses on the frame 
rivets which bind the shell-plating to the structure ; for this reason the pitch 
of such rivets is not to exceed 5 diameters. It is not usual to increase the 
shell-plating or framing in thickness, as owing to the shape at this part these 
are amply strong. The boundary formed by the hold bulkhead, however, 
requires special attention ; being flat and of considerable area, care has to be 
taken to prevent bulging ; this is done by thickening the lower plating if the 
tank is a deep one, and making the stiffeners heavier and closer spaced than at 
ordinary bulkheads. A centre line bulkhead or washplate is required in all 
such compartments, to prevent the water from damaging the structure by 
dashing from side to side in the event of a free surface, and to minimise 
the effect which such free surface would have on a vessel's stability. Such 
washplates need not be of strong construction, but should be securely attached 
to the bulkhead and underside of the deck. 



DEEP TANKS.— These usually consist of ordinary hold compartments 
specially strengthened to carry water ballast; one or two of them are fre- 
quently fitted in large modern cargo steamers. Where one only is required, 
the compartment immediately abaft the engines is usually adapted for the 
purpose ; where there are two, they are generally placed one at either end 
of the engines and boiler space. When situated thus, the machinery being, 


Fig. 108. 






i c 5 ° ' -j Tj/ PECK (TVT 





of course, assumed amidships, the water ballast has its greatest power in 
sinking the vessel bodily, without materially changing the trim. 

The same system of strengthening is followed here as in the peak 
tanks, but deep tanks being larger, the stiffening has to be correspondingly 
increased. The end bulkheads must have heavy vertical and horizontal 
stiffeners of bulb angle, or other section, fitted on opposite sides and 
bracketed at their ends, in the one case to the double bottom and deck, 


II 9 

and in the other, to the ship's sides. A centre line division is required, 
and must be of strong construction, as it takes the place of pillars, as well 
as acting as a wash plate. It should be connected by double angles to the 
deck and double bottom, and have substantial, close-pitched stiffeners bracketed 
at top and bottom. Cases have occurred in which the action of the water 
has swept this bulkhead entirely from its boundary connections, showing the 
need of having the latter specially strong. The deck forming the top of the 
tank is required to have beams spaced on every frame, and there should be 
large beam knee connections to the sides, as severe strains have been found 
developed at this part due to the action of the water in a partially-filled tank, 
when the vessel has been in motion at sea. Midway between the centre line 
and the ship's side, runners are required under the deck beams, and, in order 


to tie the top and bottom of the tank together, against the lifting forces 
exerted by the contained water when the vessel is in motion among wave^ a 
row of strong pillars are required. The riveting through the frame and shell- 
plating is of close pitch in way of deep tanks, as the load acts directly on 
the shell-plating. At the ship's side watertightness is secured in much the 
same way as at the margin of a double bottom. A continuous bar is fitted 
and caulked to tank top plating and shell, the side frames, which have, of 
course, to be severed, being bracketed to the tank top (see fig. 108); some- 
times, where the side framing consists of frame and reversed frame, only the 
reversed frames are cut, the frames being doubled in the vicinity and water- 
tight collars fitted ; in this last case, the severing of the reversed frames is 
further compensated for by fitting brackets at alternate frames (see fig. 109). 


Access to deep tanks for the purpose of shipping cargo is obtained by means 
of watertight hatchways, one of which, owing to the centre division, is required 
on each side of the centre line. 

OTHER TANKS. — As well as the foregoing, in many steamers special 
arrangements have been devised for carrying water ballast. Thus, in the 
Harroway and Dixon type of vessel, corner spaces under the deck are cut 
off from the holds, and specially strengthened for this purpose (see fig. 82). 
In the Burrell type the bilge corners are built up and utilised for water 
ballast (see fig. 84). In the latest Ropner Trunk type, portions of the trunk 
space have been specially strengthened to the same end. The M'Glashan 
system, which consists in continuing the double bottom up the sides of the 
ship to the height of the deck, is also worthy of mention. The chief point 
in favour of these arrangements is the high position thus secured for the 
centre of gravity of the water ballast, leading to steadiness and general good 
behaviour when in a seaway. 

TESTING OF TANKS.— On completion, ballast tanks are tested for 
watertightness by putting them under water pressure. Each compartment of 
a double bottom intended for water ballast is pressed by a head of water 
to the height of the load waterline as being the greatest pressure it need 
bear in actual service. Peak tanks and deep tanks are tested by a head 
of water 8 feet above the top of tank, but the head must in no case be 
less than to the height of the load waterline. 

PILLARS. — The importance of pillars in a ship structure has already 
been pointed out. It was shown that as struts and ties they communicate 
stresses from one part to another, and thus cause the strength of the various 
parts of the structure to act together. Short pillars are more effective than 
long ones, as the latter are liable to collapse by side bending at a much 
less strain than that represented by the compressive strength of the material. 
Pillars are, therefore, increased in diameters with their lengths; e.g., in a vessel 
of 55 feet beam with two rows of pillars, the latter, if just under 8 feet long 
and supporting a beam of a third deck, should have a diameter of 4 inches, 
and if just under 22 feet a diameter of 5! inches; intermediate lengths having 
diameters between these. The strength of pillars should also advance with 
the loads they have to bear; for instance, those in the upper erections, since 
they have only the weight of the deck structure and load to support, may be 
of comparatively small size ; those fitted under second or third decks below 
the upper deck, which may, therefore, have heavy loads of cargo to support, 
should be of considerable diameter. In the holds, too, the side pressure of 
the cargo is liable to bend the pillars unless they be of substantial diameter. 

As well as acting as struts and ties, pillars greatly augment the strength 
of the beams they support. A pillar placed below the middle of a rect- 
angular beam, supported at its ends but not fixed there, will double the 
strength of the latter and greatly increase its rigidity ; beams in ships have 
fixed ends, but except as modified by this circumstance, the strength value of 
middle line pillars is equally great. If two pillars be fitted to a beam so as 



to divide its length equally, the effective span is a third of its original value, 
and the strength of the beam is correspondingly increased; and so on for any 
number of pillars. Use of this is made in vessels as they increase in breadth ; 
for instance, beams 43 feet and under in length require only a centre row of 
pillars, but when they exceed this length, two rows become necessary; when 
the length of beam exceeds 60 feet, an additional row is required, placed 

Fig. 110. 

1 u 


Fig. 111. 

Fig. 112. 

Fig. 113. 



Fig. 114. 

Fig. 115. 

Fig. 116. 

one at the centre line, and another at each quarter breadth of the vessel, those 
in the latter rows being hence called quarter pillars. At the ends of the 
vessel, as the beam decreases in length, the number of rows of pillars may 
be correspondingly reduced. Where there are several decks, the various rows 
of pillars should be arranged as nearly as possible over one another, in order 
to rigidly join the upper and lower parts of the ship's structure. 

HEADS AND HEELS OF PILLARS.— The forms of the heads and 
heels of pillars are governed by the nature of the part of the vessel to 



which connection is made. Figs, no and in illustrate two methods of 
attachment to bulb-tee beams ; the first is the usual one, the second is not so 
common but has the advantage of gripping the beam round the bulb, and 
so relieves the rivets when the pillar is under tension. Figs. 112 and 113 
show the connection to H and channel beams respectively. When beams 
are fitted on every frame, the pillars being at alternate frames, it is necessary 
to have runners under them in way of the pillars so as to support the 


Fig. 117. 

^^^p—^^vt — ^ ^tm 

Fig. 118. 


Fig. 119. 


Fig. 120. 

Fig. 121. 

_V M 

Fig. 122. 

Fig. 123. 

intermediate beams. These runners should consist of double angles, but may 
be of other approved form. Figs. 114 and 1 15 show two styles of the 
beam runner ; it will be observed that the attachment to the beams is by 
means of a riveted angle lug; where the beams are of channel section this 
is unnecessary. Fig. 116 is a suitable form where the pillars have to be 
reeled for shifting boards, as is frequently the case with those at the middle 
line in cargo vessels. The plan adopted is to fit consecutive pillars on 



opposite flanges of the channel runner, thus forming two lines between which 
the shifting boards may be reeved. Where intercostals to the deck-plating 
are required, as in the case of quarter pillars to deep tanks, or where pillars 
are widely spaced, they are fitted in various ways, figs. 117, 118, and 119, 
also figs. 126 and 127, showing some of these with pillar head attachments. 
The intercostals transform the beam runners from simple ties into strong girders 
eminently qualified to stiffen the deck and to distribute the stresses. 

The heel attachments of pillars are not so varied in form as those of the 
heads. A common one is shown in fig. 120, and is seen to consist of a 
horizontal shoe forged on to the lower end and through riveted to the deck- 
plating or to the beam, as the case may be. A favourite method when 

Fig. 124. 

: o o : 




72117/ /T7VSf?S7K EZZZZZ 


Z &AVY ZZSzdssfea SSaZSaSS ^-w-wwy;^ 


/ ' : i 

the heel comes on an inner bottom, is to rivet a short bulb angle or tee 
lug to the plating, and connect the pillar to the vertical flange (see figs. 
121 and 122). This plan is sometimes followed for making attachments to 
steel decks when the latter are to be wood sheathed, the vertical flanges of 
the lags being made deep enough to allow of the heel of the pillar being 
above the wood deck (see fig. 123) to facilitate the caulking of the latter 
at this part. 

The end attachments of pillars should consist of at least two f-inch 
rivets. When they reach a length of 18 feet or a diameter of 4 inches there 
should be three rivets in each end. Pillars 5 inches or above in diameter 
require a four-rivet connection at the ends. 



Pillars are frequently required to be portable ; in way of the hatches, 
for example, they must be removed when loading many kinds of cargo. 
Bolt and nut fastenings are often adopted (see alternative plan in fig. 124), but 
occasionally, particularly at the heels, these are found impracticable or un- 
desirable, and arrangements such as those of figs. 124 and 125 are resorted 
to. When fitted in either of these ways a pillar can, of course, only act as 
a strut. 

WIDE-SPACED PILLARS. —While several rows of close-ranged pillars 
are valuable to a vessel as regards her strength, from a point of view of 
stowage they are obviously somewhat of a drawback. With almost all 
cargoes, the pillars, particularly those in the wings, must give rise to a con- 
siderable amount of broken stowage, and although by splitting up the cargo 
they prevent damage through side pressure when the vessel is rolling, many 

Fig. 125. 


owners have sought to dispense with them where possible. For example, 
in vessels of a breadth requiring say, three complete rows of pillars, it is 
permitted, and, for the above reasons, usually preferred, to substitute instead 
one complete middle line row, with two rows in the wings at wider spacing. 
With this modified arrangement, however, beam runners, having intercostal 
attachments at each deck, must be fitted in way of each line of quarter 
pillars, the scantlings of the intercostals and pillars being governed by the 
spacing of the latter, the breadth of deck to be supported, and the probable 
load. In Lloyd's Rules, Tables are provided giving the scantlings of wide- 
spaced pillars and of the girders at their heads. 

For many trades, as mentioned in the previous chapter, even when thus 
spaced, the pillars have been found to be too numerous, and the centre row 
has been dispensed with, and a very wide spacing aqlopted for the quarter 



pillars, in some vessels not more than two aside being fitted even in long 
holds. In such cases the decks have been supported, and the loads com- 
municated to the pillars, by means of runner girders of enhanced strength, 
and the greater stresses brought upon the pillars have been met by making the 
latter of special size and construction. Figs. 126 and 127 illustrate two 
arrangements to Lloyd's requirements. These pillars, it will be noted, are 

Fig. 126. 






stepped on the tank-top at the junction of a floorplate and intercostal girder. 
This is necessary for rigidity, and when pillars cannot be so placed they 
must be similarly supported by means of brackets or have seatings built on 
the tank-top. 

OUTER BOTTOM.— The most important part of any ship is the outside 
shell-plating. Its leading function is to give the structure a capacity to dis- 
place water, but, besides this, being spread like a garment over all the inner 



framing and securely riveted thereto in every direction, it binds the whole 
together and enables the various parts to efficiently resist the severe stresses 
brought upon them when the vessel is in lively motion among waves at sea. 
Every part of the shell-plating is of importance, but owing to their positions 
some parts must be of greater comparative strength than others. We have 
seen that the greatest longitudinal bending stresses come upon the upper 
and lower works, and the least in the vicinity of the neutral axis; so that, 

Fig. 127. 

with the vessel upright, the sheerstrake at the top, and the keel, garboard, 
and adjacent strakes at the bottom, are most severely stressed, while the 

material at about mid-height — the position of the neutral axis is stressed 

least. It has also been pointed out that the above conditions become modi- 
fied when, through the rolling of the vessel, the side-plating is raised towards the 
top of the girder away from the neutral axis and has to sustain a much 
increased stress; this, and the fact that the longitudinal sheering stresses 


where they occur in the length, are a maximum at the neutral axis, must 
be borne in mind when apportioning the scantlings to the various parts of 
the shell-plating. Towards the ends of the vessel the structural stresses 
are less than amidships, and the thicknesses are reduced; this applies to all 
longitudinal materials in a ship. 

The Rules of all classification societies require the sheerstrake, the keel- 
strake, and those adjoining, to be specially heavy, the strakes from above the 
upper turn of the bilge to the sheerstrake being of smaller scantlings. Of 
course, in certain places, where severe local stresses may be anticipated, 
special strength is introduced. Thus, the afterhoods of the strakes which 
come on the sternposts in steamers are retained of midship thickness to 
withstand the stresses which the working of the propeller brings upon that 
part of the structure. For the same reason the plates in the immediate 
vicinity of the propeller shaft, called boss plates, are increased in thickness 
beyond that required for the same strakes midships. Usually, the shell-plating 
is thickened forward where it has to take the chafe of the anchors ; and 
in some special vessels the plating in the vicinity of the stem is thickened 
to withstand ice pressure. 

The actual thickness of the various parts of the shell-plating of a vessel 
are governed by the size of the latter. For example, in a small vessel, 
say one 90 feet or 100 feet in length and under 10 depths to length, with 
a longitudinal number under 3350, the shell scantlings in fractions of an 
inch would be : — keel-plate, amidships '44, ends "36 ; garboard strakes, where 
there is a bar keel, amidships '34, ends '30 ; shell-plating, from flat keel- 
plate or garboard strake, to strake below sheerstrake, amidships '30, ends '26; 
sheerstrake '32 ; strake below '3, ends '26. In a cargo steamer of average size, 
say about 360 feet long, with a proportion of length to depth of between 
11 and 12, and a longitudinal number of 28,400, the corresponding scant- 
lings would be : — keel-plate, without doubling, '94 to "66 ; garboard strake 
with a bar keel, '64 to '54 ; from flat keel-plate or garboard strake to 
upper turn of bilge, "6o to "46 ; from upper turn of bilge to strake below 
sheerstrake, *6o to '44; sheerstrake, 72 to '44; strake below sheerstrake, 
•62 to '44. In each case, the second thickness is that at the ends. In 
each of these sets of scantlings, if the keel strake and sheerstrake be 
omitted, there is a comparative uniformity throughout ; this is what might 
have been expected from our considerations above. Another point of interest 
is the small amount of taper towards the ends in the scantlings of the 
small vessels, compared with those of the other. Structurally, the end 
thicknesses in the smaller vessel are probably too great, but as even the 
maximum thicknesses are small, the necessity of allowing for wear and tear 
prevents the liberal reduction permissible in the heavier material of the 
larger vessel. 

Having decided upon the scantlings, the next point of importance is to 
arrange the end joints of the plates forming the various strakes. These 
should be disposed in such a way as to avoid having too many weak points 



In the same transverse section. Lloyd's Rules stipulate that joints in ad- 
joining strakes must not be nearer to each other than two spaces of frames, 
and those in alternate strakes at least one space clear. They also demand 
that the end joints or butts of the sheerstrake be shifted clear of those of 
the deck stringers by two frame spaces, and the end joints of the garboard 

Fig. 128. 


i i 

i i i i • i ' 
' ! i 

Ui iii 

i :! i 

! i I ' ' * ' ' I ' I ! t 
l r ,-l 1t j- , » ; I;,; ^-U-fr 

■ i Hi^J 



1 1 

1 : 


: . ! ii 1 ■ ■ : : ii: I ' I i ■ 

strake on one side of the ship clear by a like distance of those of the same 
strake on the other side. This latter precaution is of course because of the 
proximity of the garboard strakes, only the keel separating them. Fig. 128 
illustrates a shift of joints or butts embodying the minimum requirements of 
Lloyd's Rules. It will be observed that there are here four passing strakes 

Fig. 129. 


I 1 • 

. ; i 1 j ii 

1 — r 1 ' 


I I 

I " » - . 

I ' l! 

T ri ~1 

' 1 1 

1 ■ < 


1 if , I I I 

4--t.i l -- L 4-fr.»4 

rt'^ , ^^I't 

I ' 1 ' 1 I I 1 it » I I 

1 ' I I 1 I l ' I 1 1 ! t • 

ihTTi j ' » . • 1 1 1 * , 

■■^m ...... 

1 l < 









between joints which occur in the same frame space. Nowadays, as plates 
may be rolled to almost any desired length, a better disposition of joints 
than that of fig. 128 is easily obtainable. It is not, however, necessary to 
have more than a certain number of passing strakes between consecutive butts 
in a frame space, no more, indeed, than is required to ensure the same strength 



at a line of end joints as at a line of frame rivet holes, the latter being 
taken as the standard because the loss of sectional area is there unavoidable. 
In strength estimates, of course, allowance must be made for the assistance 
rendered to the joints by the edge rivets between the joints and the 
frames. By actual calculation the best arrangement in any given case could 
be arrived at; such calculations are in practice, however, seldom called for, 
as a good constructor from his experience is perfectly qualified to devise an 
altogether satisfactory disposition of joints. Figs. 129 and 130 illustrate 
different arrangements carried out in cargo vessels recently built. 

A point to be noted in arranging shell-strakes is the question of their 
breadth. As very broad plates lead to a saving in riveting and in the 
work of erecting — fewer plates being required for the ship than where the 
strakes are narrow — they are naturally popular with builders. There are ob- 
jections to their use, however, in that the lines. of weakness which occur at 

Fig. 130. 

the butts are increased thereby, and that the edge laps being fewer than 
where the strakes are narrow, there is some loss of longitudinal stiffness. 
For these reasons excessively wide strakes are not adopted by the best ship- 
builders. Obviously, plates may be broader in large than in small vessels, 
as there will still be a sufficient number of strakes in the former case to 
give a good shift of butts. Lloyd's Rules fix the maximum breadth of 
strakes at 48 inches in vessels 20 feet in depth, and at 66 inches in 
vessels 28 feet in depth and above. 

The methods of forming the joints of the plates at the edges and ends call 
for careful attention. In early vessels the edges of the strakes were arranged in 
clinker fashion (as in fig. 131), but this had several objections, the principal 
one being the need of tapered slips at the frames ; it was, therefore, aban- 
doned in favour of the now universal raised and sunken strake system, shown 
at fig- 132. An obvious advantage of this style over the preceding one is 
that only half the number of frame slips are required, which, being parallel, 

i 3 o 


are also less costly and more easily fitted. Other advantages consist m the 
increased efficiency of construction consequent on having, at least, half the 
plating directly secured to the framing without packing, and in the possibility 

Fig. 132. 


of fitting all the inside strakes simultaneously instead of one at a time, the 
method of plating on the clinker system. In many modern vessels frame slips 
or packing pieces have been dispensed with altogether, the shell plates being 



dished or joggled at the edges (as shown in fig. 133), so as to bring their inner 
surfaces directly on to the flanges of the frames. The advantages claimed 
are — more efficient riveting, there being two instead of three thicknesses to 
join, and less weight and cost in the materials of construction. It has also 
been said that there is a saving in displacement, but there is very little in 
this, as against the saving in weight of ship at each frame, there is the loss 
of displacement due to the depression of the plating between the landings. 

Fig. 133. 

Fig. 134. 


This depression, too, it should be noted, causes a reduction in the internal 
capacity for grain cargoes. Moreover, there is no saving in workmanship, as 
the joggling of the plates has to be put against the fitting of the packing. 
On the score of appearance alone, many owners object to the system. Its 
greatest drawback, however, is probably found in the increased cc*st and diffi- 
culty of carrying out repairs to the sherl-plating, when, through the accidents 
of collision or grounding, these become necessary. 



The fitting of packing pieces may also be obviated by joggling the frames 
(fig. 134). As the plates are not dished, there is a saving in displacement 
represented by the weight of the packing pieces; also, there is no loss in in- 

Fig. 135. 

ternal capacity. In the case of repairs, if conveniences for joggling be not avail- 
able, renewed frames may be put in without joggling, packing being used in the 
ordinary way. For these reasons, this plan has found favour with many owners. 


In some yachts and other special vessels, instead of overlapping, the 
edges are butted, thus necessitating inside strips at the seams (see fig. 135). 
By this method double the number of rivets is required ; it also entails a 
greater weight of material and is considerably more costly than the common 
method. The flush joint has a decidedly good appearance, but obviously the 
important considerations of cost ancf weight are sufficient to debar its use in 
any but the vessels above referred to. 

The number of rows of rivets required in the longitudinal seams is 
governed by the thickness of the plating, and, therefore, by the size of the 
vessel. In small craft, in which the shell-plating is less than -36 of an inch 
in thickness from the keel-plate to the strake below the sheerstrake, a single 
row of rivets is sufficient; in larger vessels, in which the plating in the same 
region is '46 of an inch, or more, a double row of rivets is required in the 
seams. The landing edge of the sheerstrake, on account of its importance, 
should always be at least double riveted. 

Until recently, double-riveted seams were considered sufficient even for the 
largest vessels, but for reasons already given {see page 69), in vessels of 480 feet 
and upwards, built to Lloyd's requirements, or where the thickness of the side- 
plating is less than '84 of an inch, it is now necessary to treble rivet the 
seams in the fore and after bodies for one-fourth the length and one-third the 
depth in the vicinity of the neutral axis. The seam riveting of vessels of 
from 450 feet to 480 feet in length, is also to be increased at these parts, 
proportionately to their length. In very large vessels which have side-plating 
•84 inches in thickness or above, the edges must be treble riveted for i the 
length midships. Fig. 136 illustrates single, double and treble riveting at seams. 

The end joints of shell-plates may be formed either by butting or over- 
lapping ; examples of single, double, and treble riveted joints, formed in both 
these ways, are shown in fig. 137. In making the sketches, overlapped-edge 
seams on the raised and sunken-plate system have been assumed ; with the 
edge seams formed otherwise, there would be some differences in the details 
of the end joints. 

The question of the number of rivets is decided by the percentage of 
strength required in the joint compared with the solid plate. In no vessel, 
however, should the end joints of the shell-plating be less than double riveted. 
With increase in size of vessels, the need of greater longitudinal strength has 
made it essential to resort to treble and quadruple riveting at the end joints. 
In the largest vessels, especially when the proportion of length to depth is 
excessive, double buttstraps treble riveted are required for the end joints of 
the sheerstrake and neighbourhood. 

In comparing overlapped joints with those having buttstraps, notable points 
in favour of the former are : — reduction in number of rivets, saving in weight 
of materials, and reduced cost of construction. It has been objected that 
the projections due to overlaps cause a drag on a vessel's speed, on account 
of the dead water which they create ; also that the overlapped joint has not 
the nice appearance of the flush type with the strap inside ; but the question 

r 34 


of cost has, for cargo vessels at anyrate, quite established the supremacy of 
the former. 

Both lapped joints, and those having single straps, have a tendency to 
open when under stress, due to the line of the resultant stress not passing 
through the middle of the joint, thus causing a bending action to be 

Fig. 137. 

•i \ 




developed. Joints having double straps have not this defect, as the resist- 
ance to the pull is equal on both sides of the plate. 

It may here be mentioned that strained joints situated below the waterline 
usually leak, this being the unmistakable sign that undue straining has taken 
place. In such cases, recaulking is resorted to, and, although a cure is 



Fig. 138. 

Cat away where dotted in way of edge lap. 

Fig, 139. 


Dooted part cut away for breadth of edge lap. 


generally thus effected with overlapped joints, the same cannot be said for 
those of the butted type. In the latter case, if the opening at the seam 
is at all wide, an attempt to recaulk it will but make it more unsightly ; 
moreover, repeated treatment of this sort renders the material brittle and liable 
to break away. A better way to deal with such a case is to fill the seam 
with a suitable cement, taking care first to thoroughly clean out the rust ; 
this restores the flush appearance and makes the joint watertight. 

With overlapped end joints, some difficulty is experienced in obtaining 
good work where crossed by the seams of adjoining strakes. Until a few 
years ago, the usual method of construction was to resort to packing pieces, 
but this caused unfairness in the landings at each lap joint, and, unless 
great care were taken in fitting the packing, it could not be satisfactorily 
caulked. A method now largely adopted is that shown in figs. 138 and 
139. In the first figure, which refers to a joint in an outer strake, the end 
of one plate in way of the joint is seen to be tapered away for the breadth 
of the edge lap, so as to allow the landing of the outer strake to bear 
evenly on the inner one without the necessity of packing. In the case of a 
joint in an inner strake a similar plan is followed (fig. 139). An objection 
to this scarphing of the seams at the end joints is found in the increased 
difficulty of executing repairs, where, as may sometimes be the case, the 
requisite machinery may not be available. 

In working shell-plates care must be taken to shear from the faying 
surfaces — i.e., the surfaces which come together to form a joint — or the rag 
left by shearing must be chipped off, otherwise it will be difficult to close 
the work. To facilitate caulking, plates forming outside strakes are usually 
planed at edges and at one or both ends. In the case of plates forming 
insides strakes it is necessary to plane one end only, the other end and the 
edges not requiring to be caulked. When finally shaped and punched shell- 
plates are secured in place by bolts and nuts which should be sufficient in 
number to thoroughly close the plates joined, otherwise difficulty will be 
found in obtaining satisfactory riveting. 

RIVETS AND RIVETING.— Nowhere will a lack of efficiency more 
quickly show itself in the hull of a vessel than at the riveting. The 
thicknesses of the materials may be well distributed, and the joints carefully 
shifted from one another, but if the riveting be weak, the straining of the 
vessel will soon slacken the connections and render her leaky and unseaworthy. 

The strength of a riveted joint depends on the aggregate sectional area of the 
rivets in it, on the spacing of the latter, centre to centre, on the style of the 
heads and points of the rivets used, and on the material and workmanship. 

The number of rivets in a joint varies according as the latter is to be 
a single, double, treble, or quadruple riveted one — that is, according to the 
percentage of strength required in the butt as compared with the unpierced 
plate. We have already indicated generally when and where each class of 
joint should be employed in a ship, and we now propose to deal with the 
details of these riveted connections. 



The sizes of rivets may be said to be governed by the thickness of the 
plates they join. If the provision of adequate shearing strength had alone 
to be considered, wide-spaced rivets of large diameter might be fitted, but 
for watertight work the distance between the rivets next the caulking edge, 
especially in thin plates, must not be too great, otherwise the water pressure 
will cause a tendency to flexibility in the plate edges between consecutive 
rivets ; a comparatively close pitch is also necessary to resist the opening 
action of the caulking tool. For the same reason, the line of rivets next 
the caulking edge should not be further from the edge of the strake than 
about twice the thickness of the plate. 

If rivets were of large diameter compared with the plates joined, their 
shearing strength would greatly exceed the strength of the material between 
them and the edge of the pla'.e, and the connection would consequently 
fail, when under stress, by the rivets tearing through the plate edges. To 
prevent this happening, a maximum diameter of rivet is fixed at about twice 
the thickness of either of the plates joined. With the rivet at one diameter 
from the edge of the plate, it can be shown by a simple calculation that 
the shearing strength of the rivet is approximately equalled by the resist- 
ance of the material to tearing, and thus the joint is not more likely to fail 
in one direction than another. As plates increase in thickness with increase 
in size of ships, the diameter of rivets become considerably reduced from 
the maximum given above. Obviously, there is a limit to the size of rivet 
which can be efficiency worked by hand, and when great strength is required 
in a riveted joint and machine riveting is not available, this is obtained by 
increasing the rivets in number rather than in diameter. A lower limit to the 
size of rivets which may be used in any case is fixed by the punching machine, 
which cannot punch holes of a diameter much less than the thickness of 
the plates, as the punch is liable to crush up under the load. In the sub- 
joined table we give Lloyd's Rules for the diameter of rivets in steel ships. 
It will be seen that rivets 1^- inch diameter are required for plates 1 inch 
in thickness or thereabouts. These heavy plates are usually restricted to 
the keel or the sheerstrake, w T here ordinary machine riveting may be em- 
ployed, but in the big Cunarders Lusitania and Mauretania^ the riveting of 
a large part of the shell was done by special hydraulic machines with gaps 
sufficient to take the full width of a strake, the strakes being fitted and 
riveted up complete, one at a time, and consecutively. 

Thickness of Plates in Inches. 

■22 and 
under "64 

■34 and 
under *48 

•48 and 
under "66 

■66 and 
under - 8S 

■SS and 
under 1 14 

114 and 
under 1*2 

.Diameter of rivet in inches - 







Where joints are to be watertight, to ensure efficient caulking the rivet 
spacing should not in general exceed 4 to 4J diameter, centre to centre. The 
latter spacing, for example, is permitted in the joints of bulkhead plates, 
in gunwale and margin plate angles, and elsewhere ; the former in the fore- 


and-aft seams of shell-plating, the edge and end joints of deck-plating, in end 
joints of shell-plating where these are quadruple riveted overlaps, in double 
buttstraps, butts of margin plates, floor-plates and tie-plates, in the athwartships 
and fore-and-aft joints of inner bottom plating, and elsewhere. In some posi- 
tions, the need of providing sufficient strength entails the adoption of a closer 
spacing than required for watertightness. Thus the rivets in the end joints 
of shell-plating, where buttstraps are fitted, have a spacing of 3 J- diameters 
in the rows parallel to the joints, and of 3 diameters in the rows at right 
angles to the joints ; with overlapped end joints, except where they are quad- 
ruple riveted overlaps, the rivets are 3 J diameters spacing in both directions. 
Although the plate is thus pretty severely riddled with holes, there is still a 
sufficiency of strength left in the material between them to prevent the 
failure of the connection in that direction. 

In a few places, where special reasons demand it, the spacing for water-tight 
work is extended to five diameters centre to centre. The rivets in bar keels, 
those in the angles of keels of flat plate type, also the rivets connecting water- 
tight bulkhead frames to the shell plating, are of this spacing. In the case of 
keels, as the rivets are large and the riveting is usually done by hydraulic 
machines, which effectually close the surfaces, the spacing is found close 
enough to obtain good caulking. In the case of bulkhead frames, although to 
obtain watertightness a closer rivet pitch might be desirable, to resort to it 
would accentuate the line of weakness through the frame rivet holes. The 
standard weakest section is that through the ordinary frame rivet holes ; the 
section in way of the closer pitched bulkhead frame rivet holes is made up to 
this by doubling the shell in way of the outside strakes in the vicinity of the 
bulkhead, or other compensation is made. When unhampered by the necessity 
for caulking, we find that the spacing is widened. In the frames, beams, 
keelson angles, bulkhead stiffeners, etc., the distance between rivets may be 
seven diameters. In the case of frames, this spacing becomes modified in 
certain circumstances. When the frames are widely spaced, viz., 26 inches 
and upwards, to make up the number of rivets their spacing must be 
reduced to 6 diameters. A similar reduction is required when the framing 
is deep, viz., n inches and above, to develop its full efficiency. When 
each frame consists of a channel bar and inner reversed bar, the spacing 
must be reduced to 5 diameters, because the rivets connecting the frame to 
the shell plating are liable to a relatively high stress, due to the neutral 
axis of the frame girder being drawn towards the inner edge of the latter 
by the reversed bar. •Experiments carried out by Lloyd's Register have borne 
this out. In way of deep ballast tanks, and peak tanks, the spacing of 
frame rivets is to be 5 diameters, and in way of the oil compartments of 
bulk oil vessels, 6 diameters apart, owing to the circumstance that the 
weight acts directly on the shell plating, and the strength of the framing is 
brought into play entirely through the rivet connections. 

RIVET HEADS AND POINTS.— There is much variety in the methods 
of forming the heads and points of rivets ; a few of the commoner styles 



are shown in fig. 140. The rivet marked A is known as the pan type, and 
rivets employed in the shell, decks, tank top, and in handwork generally 
where strength is the first consideration, are usually made thus: — The pan- 
head is an efficient form, the shoulder under the head giving it good binding 
power when riveted up. The rivet-head marked B is in favour with some 
shipbuilders. It is considered that the plug-shape when hammered fits tightly 
into the hole, and secures watertightness independently of the laying up 
process; with pan-heads, such hammering frequently brings a strain on the 
head without affecting the shank of the rivet. The plug-head rivet is some- 
times used for decks, tank tops, etc., but owing to its lack of strength it 
has not found favour for shell work. Clearly it has not the binding power 
of the pan-head, and having little or no shoulder, under severe stress it is 
liable to be drawn through the rivet hole. At G a snap form of head is 


indicated. It is occasionally employed in handwork at places in sight, where 
a nice appearance is desired, such as in casings, bulkheads, etc. The flush 
head (see F) is only used in special cases where a surface clear of projections 
is required. It is a somewhat expensive form to work, as, of course, the 
plating must be countersunk to receive it, but it has fair holding power and 
makes efficient work. 

Of rivet points the commonest, and most efficient, is the flush one (see D). 
In general, it is associated with a pan-head, as, for example, in shell work. 
It is usually finished slightly convex, as shown, in order to maintain the 
strength. Being flush, the holding power of the rivet has to be obtained by 
giving the point the shape of an inverted cone. The widening of the hole 
in the plate for this purpose is called countersinking, which entails the drill- 
ing of each hole after punching. The flush point is sometimes adopted 
where plug, snap, and flush heads are employed. Usually the snap head 
goes with a snap point (see G). It cannot be said that this point, while it 


looks well, is always reliable. The manner of using the snap tool, with 
which the point is finished off, is the cause of much of this ; frequently 
the snap is applied before the rivet is thoroughly beaten into the hole, with 
the result that many such rivets afterwards work loose. The snap style of 
head and point is used in machine riveting, but the results are then invari- 
ably satisfactory. This is, of course, due to the great pressure available, which 
squeezes the rivet thoroughly into the hole and at the same time closes the 
joint. The hammered point indicated at A and B is very efficient, as in 
order to obtain the conical shape, it is necessary to subject the material 
to a severe beating-up process, which causes the rivet to thoroughly fill the 
hole, thus obviating the chief defect of the snap point. 

At £ a tap rivet is illustrated. This type is really a bolt, and is used 
where the point is inaccessible for holding up. It is frequently employed in 
connecting shell plates to stern frames at the boss and at the keel. 

In fitting tap rivets, the holes are first threaded, the rivet being then 
inserted and screwed up with a key fitted to the square head on the rivet. 
When the rivet is sufficiently tight the head is chipped off and the rivet 

In shipwork generally, the holes for rivets are made in the plates and 
bars by punching. The positions are spaced off or marked from templates, 
and are punched from the faying surfaces, i.e., the surfaces which come 
together when fitted in place. One reason for taking this precaution is to 
ensure that the rag, which is frequently left round the hole on the underside of 
the plate or bar after punching, shall be clear of the jointed surfaces ; another 
is to take advantage of the shape of the punched hole to increase the efficiency 
of the riveting. As is well known, a punch in penetrating a plate makes a 
cone-shaped hole, which has its smallest diameter at the point at which the 
punch enters, and plates which are to be joined together are so fitted 
that corresponding holes form two inverted cone frustrums, the finished rivet 
having thus much greater holding power than if it were merely cylindrical. 
Rivets are usually manufactured with cone-shaped necks to readily fill up the 
space under the head (see fig. 140). 

A disadvantage of punching holes in steel plates is found in the deteriora- 
tion of the material in the vicinity of the hole which is thereby caused. 
This deterioration takes the form of brittleness, the steel having thus a lia- 
bility to break away when through stress the rivet bears upon it. When 
rivet holes are countersunk this unsatisfactory material is largely removed. The 
strength may also be restored by annealing the plates after punching, t\e. t 
heating them to a cherry red and then allowing them to cool slowly. 

Drilled holes are not largely employed in shipwork because of the greater 
cost. Drilling, unlike punching, does not impair the quality of the material, 
but the cone shape which is got by punching could only be obtained in 
drilled holes by specially countersinking them. Sometimes, when considerations 
of cost are not allowed to intervene, as at the sheerstrakes and upper deck 
stringers of some large vessels, the holes are drilled in place by portable 


electric tools. By this means, perfectly concentric holes are obtained, and a 
good quality of riveting thus assured. 

STRENGTH OF RIVETED CONNECTIONS.— Riveted connections have 
been frequently experimented upon with a view to obtaining the conditions of 
maximum efficiency. Iron rivets are found to have maximum shearing strength 
when in iron plates ; in steel plates their shearing strength is less — a f-inch 
rivet, for instance, in iron plates has a shearing strength of 13*6 tons, which falls 
to n£ tons in steel plates. This appears to be due to the increased shearing 
effect of the harder plates upon them. Iron rivets are, however, much used 
in steel ships, as they are more easily worked than steel rivets, and their 
deficiency in strength is readily made up by increasing them in number. Steel 
rivets in steel plates give excellent results when carefully worked. Indeed, the 
quality of workmanship in riveted connections is of first importance. 

A point worthy of note is the friction which exists between parts riveted 
together. This is due to the contraction which takes place in the rivets 
while cooling, causing the surfaces in contact to press on one another. 
Careful experiments* have shown that the frictional resistance caused by 
i-inch rivets, when the points and heads are countersunk, is 9*04 tons per 
rivet, and by f-inch rivets, 4*95 tons ; with snap heads and points, the 
results were — 1 -inch rivets, 6 "4 tons, f-inch, 472 tons. In hydraulic work 
the frictional strength is greater. It is probable that connections are seldom 
stressed beyond what can be resisted by the friction between the surfaces ; in 
this case the rivets will not be under stress at all, and there will therefore 
be no movement in the joints to disturb the caulking and cause leakage. 

Of course, frictional resistance has its highest efficiency only when care 
is taken in fitting the plates and in riveting them. When this is not done 
the efficiency of a joint may be low indeed. 

One fruitful cause of unsatisfactory riveting are blind or partially blind 
holes. As mentioned above, rivet holes are usually marked from templates, 
and the plates and bars are punched before being erected into place. Ob- 
viously, to obtain an exact correspondence of holes with so many separate 
processes is a most difficult matter, so that even in work of fair quality a 
moderate number of holes are found out of line ; in careless work, the 
percentage may be very large. When only slightly unfair, the holes may be 
corrected by using a steel drift punch. This tool should not, however, be 
driven into holes which overlap to any great extent, as the tearing of the 
steel by the punch has a very pernicious effect upon it, much the same, 
indeed, as that caused when punching the plates in the first instance, i.e., 
the material becomes brittle and liable to fracture under stress. The best 
way to cure partially blind holes is to rimer them out to a larger size and 
use rivets of increased diameter. 

DECKS. — Next to the shell-plating, the decks are perhaps the most im- 

* See an interesting paper by Mr. Wildish, in the Transactions of the Institution of Naval 
Architects for 1885. 


portant features of a ship's structure. The top deck serves the purpose of 
making the holds watertight and suitable for the carriage of perishable cargoes. 
It is also available as a flat to walk upon, from which the crew may perform 
the various operations required in working the ship. But, besides this, it 
occupies a commanding position as a feature in the design. We saw, when 
dealing with strains, that the top and bottom members of a beam are of great 
value in resisting longitudinal bending tendencies, as they occupy positions 
most remote from the neutral axis. In a beam or girder, such as the hull 
of a ship, the top member is formed by the upper deck and the topmost 
parts of the shell-plating ; the importance of this deck as an item in the 
strength is therefore obvious. 'Tween decks, although they may not be 
disposed so suitably as the upper one to resist longitudinal bending, are 
yet splendid stiffeners of the hull, tying the sides together and offering 
powerful resistance to racking tendencies. These intermediate decks are a 
necessity in large passenger vessels, the sleeping and other accommodation 
being provided in the space thus cut off below the upper deck. In cargo 
vessels they are also necessary for some kinds of freight, although for general 
trading purposes large holds without obstructions, such as intermediate decks, 
are now much favoured (see Chapter V.) 

The minimum number of plated decks required by an ocean-going steam- 
ship, structurally speaking, varies according to her size, i.e., taking Lloyd's 
Rules, according to her longitudinal number. 

Of course, in small steamers and sailing vessels, no steel deck may be 
structurally necessary, the strength being sufficient without it. In such a case 
the necessary watertightness of the holds may be secured by covering the 
beams with a wood flat or deck, caulking the seams with oakum and 
paying them with pitch. 

A wood deck has some advantages over one of steel. It has, for instance, 
a finer appearance, and is pleasanter to walk upon, for which reason it is 
always fitted in passenger vessels, even when a steel deck is required struc- 
turally. For vessels trading in hot climates wood weather decks are desir- 
able, as the effect of the sun's rays on unsheathed steel or iron decks is 
such as to make it almost impossible to move about on them. The decks 
of ordinary tramp steamers, however, are seldom wood-sheathed on account 
of the cost, and because a steel or iron deck is found to stand much more 
knocking about than one of wood, for which reason in many small cargo 
vessels the upper deck is fitted of steel or iron, although uncalled for by 
considerations of strength. 

DECK DETAILS. — The most important part of the deck is the stringer; 
indeed, all tiers of beams must have stringer plates riveted to their upper sur- 
faces, whether a complete deck be fitted or not. These plates form a margin 
strake to the deck, by means of which, through the medium of an angle bar, 
it is connected to the shell plating. At weather decks this bar is continuous; 
at intermediate decks the stringers are slotted out to allow the frames to pass 
through, and the attachment to the shell is obtained by means of short, inter- 



costal lugs between the frames, a continuous angle bar, however, being fitted by 
way of compensation, along the stringer just inside the frames. 

In fig. 141 the usual methods of fitting stringer plates at an upper and at 
an intermediate deck are illustrated. As will be seen, in conjunction with the 
shell plating, it forms a powerful T-shaped girder eminently adapted to resist 
tendencies to deformation of transverse form. The upper-deck stringer plate is 
specially important as affording considerable resistance to longitudinal bending. 
The end joints of this strake must be at least double riveted, even in small 
vessels; in larger ones, treble and quadruple riveting is essential; while in the 
largest vessels, treble-riveted double straps are required. Both the latter 
methods of forming a stringer end joint arc shown in fig. 142. 

Fig. 141. 





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1 3 




The first plates to be fitted on a tier of beams are those of the stringer, 
as they bind the structure together and keep it in proper shape. When a 
wood deck only is to be fitted, the beams are further held to their work 
by having two fore-and-aft lines of tieplates fitted, one on each side of the 
centre abreast of the hatch openings, or in some other convenient position. 
In sailing vessels severe racking stresses are communicated to the deck 
through the masts, and to counteract these, a system of diagonal tieplates is 
fitted in conjunction with those running fore-and-aft (see fig. 143). Where the 
two lines of tieplates cross, to ensure that only a single thickness shall pro- 
ject above the* surface of the beams into the wood deck, one is joggled under 





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Fig. US. 



the other, or is cut and a double-riveted lap or butt joint made. Tieplates 
are of the same thickness as the stringer plates of the deck on which 
they are fitted. 

If a steel or iron deck is to be fitted, the tieplates are, of course, dis- 
pensed with, and the deck plating, which is usually considerably less in thick- 
ness than the stringer plates, is arranged in fore-and-aft strakes of considerable 
breadth so as to minimise the number of rivet seams. The end joints of 
deck plates in ordinary merchant vessels are invariably overlapped, and should 
be double riveted for half length amidships, single riveting being sufficient at 
the ends. The seams are usually single-riveted overlaps. When decks are 
unsheathed, the end overlaps should be arranged looking toward midships, as 

Fig. 144. 



° °_l1ii 2 J? ° — ? _^_ _? 



o o jo O O o o o o 

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t « O O Q 'f o | * o o~o o o il°Tl 


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II Tf 



this allows of better drainage. For the same reason the fore-and-aft strakes 
should be fitted clinker fashion, and the seams so placed as to impede drainage 
to the scuppers as little as possible. When decks are to be covered with 
wood, the clinker arrangement makes the fitting of the deck-planking more 
difficult; in such a case, the raised and sunken system of deck-plating allows 
of better work. In many recent cargo vessels- the edges of the unsheathed 
steel decks are joggled, which obviates the fitting of slips at the beams, but 
it has been objected that the depressions thus caused in the surface of the 
deck form lodgments for drainage water. 

At all deck openings compensation has to be made for the cutting away 
of the material, the extent of this compensation depending on the strength 



required in the deck, and whether the latter has been fitted for strength 
purposes, and not merely as a flat to walk on. In some cases increase in 
thickness of the strake of plating alongside the openings is found sufficient; 
in others, where the openings are very large, doublings are fitted. The strake 
of plating alongside the machinery openings on the upper deck of large 
vessels is an important one. Frequently, it is strengthened sufficiently so as 
to make, when combined with a strong vertical coaming plate, a rigid girder 
well adapted to resist longitudinal strains (see fig. 144). 

The corners of large deck openings are particular points of weakness on 
account of the sudden discontinuity of the deck-plating, etc., and unless pre- 
cautions are taken there is a probability of fracture occurring at these points 
when the vessel is under severe stress. 

The usual precaution taken is to fit corner doublings as shown in fig. 
145, but as well as this, at the upper deck within the half length, and also 
within the same range at shelter, awning and bridge decks, if there be such, 
the stresses being greatest at such places, girders should be fitted under the 
decks in line with the hatch coamings, to which they should be efficiently 

joined, or abreast of them, if not in the same line, in the vicinity of the 
corners of the openings, so as to bridge over the weak points. Such arrange- 
ments have been found to effectively strengthen vessels which had shown signs 
of straining at the hatch corners ; they are now required by Lloyd's Rules. 

Gutterways are usually fitted round the margin of weather decks where 
these are to be laid with wood. They are formed simply by running an 
angle bar fore-and-aft at a fixed distance from the ship's side, and riveting 
it to the stringer plate. Steel gutterways are frequently coated with cement 
as a preventative against undue corrosion. 

WOOD DECKS. — In laying a wood deck, whether it be on top of one 
of steel or iron, or merely on a tier of beams, it is important that tfre 
planking should be fitted close down on the metal work. In way of the 
tieplates and stringers in a non-plated deck, and of the edge seams and end 
laps where a deck is plated throughout, the underside of the planking should 
be scored out so as to obtain a solid bearing and an even upper surface. 
With a plated deck oh the raised and sunken system, the planking fitted over 
the sunken strakes is thicker than that over the raised strakes by the thickness 
of the plating. Sometimes the difference in thickness is made up by slips of 


wood, but this is most objectionable, as spaces are thus left between the 
wood and steel decks which a slight defect in the caulking of the wood 
deck causes to become receptacles for the lodgment of water; when this 
happens pitting and general decay of the steel deck quickly follow. Before 
laying planks the steel work should be coated with a suitable preservative 
composition, such as Stockholm tar powdered with Portland cement, and each 
plank should be separately coated with tar before being bedded down. This 
prevents the likelihood of lodgment spaces for water existing between the 
metal and wood to cause decay. The best wood for weather decks is 
undoubtedly teak, as it is of an oily nature and is well suited to stand 
changes of temperature, but it is somewhat expensive. Pitch pine is frequently 
used for weather decks of cargo vessels, where these are sheathed. It is 
less costly than teak, but more of it is required, as a pine deck must be 
thicker than one of teak. Pitch pine does not wear so uniformly, but it 
is of a hard grain and fairly durable. Yellow pine makes a handsome 
deck, and is therefore much used in passenger steamers. It is very soft and 

Fig, 146, 

therefore requires frequent renewals. On this account and because of its 
extra cost, it is seldom used in cargo vessels. 

Care should be taken when laying wood decks to have the hard side 
of planks uppermost; this reduces the likelihood of the deck wearing into 
holes in places. Three intermediate planks should separate butts in the 
same frame space. The plank butts should be of vertical type {see fig. 146) 
and arranged to come between beams where a steel deck is fitted, and on 
the beams where there is no steel deck. They should be fastened with bolts 
at each beam, or between the beams, where there is a steel deck ; and to 
ensure that the planking shall lie perfectly flat, when it exceeds 6 inches in 
breadth it should have double fastenings. Between 6 inches and 8 inches 
broad, a bolt and nut and a screw-bolt is considered sufficient ; when the 
planks are over 8 inches broad, two bolts and nuts are required. Deck bolts 
should be galvanised, and should have their heads well bedded in white lead, 
with grommets of oakum. When screwed up from below, the heads should 
be sufficiently sunk in the deck to allow of a dowel being fitted over the top. 

Pine decks should not be laid until the wood is thoroughly seasoned. 
If this precaution be not taken, the deck is likely to open at the seams and 


become leaky as well as unsightly. Lloyd's Rules require a period of four to 
six months to elapse, according to thickness, from the time of cutting to the 
time of using. Pitch pine planks for weather decks should be seasoned for 
six months. The above periods of seasoning are not required where a satis- 
factory artificial method of seasoning is adopted. 

It should be mentioned that wood decks are now being superseded in 
passenger and crew spaces by compositions like litosilo, corticene, etc. Decks 
thus covered are comfortable to walk on, have a good appearance, and, when 
carefully laid, have generally been found to wear well. 

CARGO HATCHWAYS.— There must be at least one deck opening into 
each main compartment of a vessel to allow of cargo being shipped into, 
and discharged from it. In the latest cargo steamers these hatchways are 
of considerable size, so as to be suitable for special cargoes of large measure- 
ment, such as pieces of machinery. Lengths of 24 to 28 feet, and breadths 
of 16 feet, are common, while these dimensions have frequently been exceeded. 

We have already indicated some of the means adopted to prevent these 
large gaps in the deck from becoming dangerous points of weakness, and it 
now remains to show how the hatch openings are framed. 

The main portion of this framing consists of vertical coaming plates 
fitted fore-and-aft and athwartships and carried down to the lower edge of the 
deck beams, those in a fore-and-aft direction forming an abutment for the 
beams that have been cut, and those fitted athwartships stiffeners to the con- 
tinuous hatch-end beams, to which they are securely riveted. The connec- 
tion between the hatch coamings and the severed beams is effected by 
means of angle lugs, fitted single where beams are at every frame, and double 
where they have a two frame spacing (see fig. 147). Lloyd's Rules require 
that there shall be three rivets in each flange of these lugs when attached 
to beams 7 -J- to 9^- inches deep, the number being increased to four where 
the depth of beam is 10 to 12 inches. 

The deck-plating is fitted so as to abut against the coamings, a riveted 
attachment being secured by means of a strong angle bar. In non-plated 
decks broad tieplates are fitted on the beam ends and against the coamings, 
and in this way a strong T-shaped girder is obtained round the edge of 
the opening. It should be mentioned that when decks are laid with wood, 
the vertical flange of the hatch-coaming bar is fitted of sufficient depth to 
project h inch above the wood, so as to facilitate the caulking of the latter. 

Weather deck hatch coamings (see fig. 147) should be of considerable 
height above the deck so as to protect the comparatively weak covers which 
seal the openings from receiving the full force of the heavy seas which in 
rough weather frequently fall upon the deck. On upper decks, coamings should 
have a minimum height of 2 feet except under awning or shelter decks. In 
certain classes of vessels, which have deep wells between the front of the bridge 
deck and the aft end of the forecastle on the upper deck, the coaming 
height should not be less than 2 feet 6 inches, as these spaces are specially 
liable to flooding. Obviously, on bridge, awning and shelter decks, which are 



situated high above the water/line, hatch coamings may be of reduced height; 
they need not, in fact, exceed 18 inches. 

Weather deck coaming plates, in order to be efficient as girders and as 
protecting walls to the hatchways against inroads from .the sea, should be of 
a substantial character. For instance, the coamings of hatches, under 12 feet 
in length should be -36 of an inch thick, while those having lengths of 16 
to 24 feet should have side coamings '44 of an inch thick; end coamings 

Fig. 147. 



' ' I 








ir irijf 

. ^ PUN 


in the larger hatchways are allowed to be '04 of an inch less in thickness 
than the side coamings, owing to their shorter length, and to the fact that 
they have no beam ends to support like the side coamings. 

Below the weather deck hatch coamings need not be so deep, as, of 
course, the openings are not exposed to the sea, and high coamings would 
impede the efficient stowage of cargo in the 'tween decks (see fig. 148). In 
'tween deck hatches 10 feet and under 14 feet long, the total depth of side 
coamings from underside of hatch end beams may be 16 inches, and in 



those from 18 feet to 24 feet, a depth of 20 inches is considered sufficient. 
The loss of strength due to reducing the depth of the hatch coamings at 
lower decks is made up to some extent by increasing the thicknesses by '04 
of an inch, as compared with upper deck hatches of the same length. 
Round corners are usually preferred for hatches on weather decks. This 
style makes the fitting of the wood covers at the corners somewhat difficult; 
it is also less convenient for fastening the tarpaulins, but otherwise it has 
obvious advantages. To begin with, the tendency for the deck to strain at 
the hatch corners is less where these are round than where square. Round 

Fig. 148. 



' 3Ji«3t»<46 




KJl-j'iTTi.r'ir SgSSSSSZZ: .^-"^^l^JJJv T-.--TT7^ 

j l fff— TT ft" 



corners are less likely to damage cargo which may collide with them ; they 
have also a nice appearance. The same advantages of having round corners, 
obviously, do not extend to 'tween deck hatches and, consequently, they are 
usually of square type (fig. 148). 

In order to strengthen hatch coamings against inroads from the sea 
and to provide adequate support to the wood covers, portable athwartship 
beams are fitted. In hatches 10 and under 16 feet long, one such beam, 
formed of a plate with double angles at top and bottom, or other equivalent 
section, is required; in those of 16 to 20 feet in length, the portable beam 



becomes a web-plate extending to the bottom of the coamings, fitted with 
double angles top and bottom. Two web-plate girders of this description 
are required in hatches from 20 to 24 feet in length. These portable 
beams are frequently bolted between double angles riveted to the coamings, 
when they .act as ties as well as struts, and to some extent compensate 
for the gaps in the deck made by the hatch openings ; occasionally, they 
are arranged to ship into special shoes. 

Fig. 149. 




MAI.' OlAMr 


Web-plate beams in hatchways below the upper deck should be equal 
in thickness to the coamings to which they are attached, and should extend 
to the lower edge of the coamings. Where the latter are shallow, as in the 
case of 'tween deck hatches, the web-plates are to be a quarter deeper in 
the middle than at the ends, and stiffened top and bottom by double angles. 

The top angles of the portable webs, as already hinted, form lodgments 


for the wood covers, but, as previously mentioned, heavy seas frequently fall 
upon the deck, and the covers have to sustain a substantial share of the 
weight; they therefore need additional support. This is provided by fitting 
strong steel or wood fore-and-aft bearers. In small hatches from 6 to 10 
feet broad, a single bearer fitted at the centre is sufficient; in larger hatches 
three or more in the breadth are required. The fore-and-afters should fit 
into iron or steel shoes securely riveted to the end coamings and to the inter- 
mediate webs, if any, and the shoes should afford a bearing surface not less 
than 2 inches broad. To support the wood covers at the hatch sides, ledge 
or rest bars are fitted, giving a bearing surface at least if inches broad. 
This ledge iron is riveted to the hatch coamings between the webs, except 
where the side moulding and ledge rest consist of a single special section, 
when it is, of course, continuous for the length of the hatch (see fig. 147). 
As well as at the top of coamings, mouldings are frequently fitted at the 
bottom on the inside to take the chafe of cargo. The latter requirement 
is sometimes met by flanging the lower edge of the side coamings, instead 
of fitting mouldings. At weather deck hatches, to ensure watertightness, 
strong tarpaulins are fitted over the wood covers, usually two or three to a 
hatch, one placed above another. The tarpaulins are secured in position 
by means of flat iron bars wedged into cleats riveted to the hatch coamings, 
round which they are spaced about 24 inches apart. 

In many recently built cargo vessels hatch beams have been fitted all in 
one direction, i.e., either all athwartships or all fore-and-aft, the direction being 
that of the shorter dimension of the opening, which, in ordinary cases, is 
athwartships. Lloyd's rules now provide for arrangements of wholly transverse 
webs for hatches ranging in breadth from 12 to 20 feet. The supports at 
the coamings for the wood covers in this case should have a bearing surface 
3 inches broad. Fig. 149 shows a hatch framed in this way. 

HATCHWAYS INTO DEEP TANKS.— These should be strongly framed 
and have means of closing in a watertight manner as they must withstand 
the testing pressure on the tank, viz., an 8-feet head of water above the 
crown of the tank, without straining or showing a leak. To simplify con- 
struction, watertight hatchways are made no larger than absolutely neces- 
sary. Usually they are about 6 feet to 8 feet square and, as already 
pointed out, owing to .the presence of the middle-line bulkhead with which 
deep tanks are provided, are fitted two abreast. The coamings of these 
hatchways frequently consist of deep bulb angles (fig. 150), but sometimes 
they are built of plates and angles. The cover is a plate of substantial 
thickness, with angle or bulb angle stiffeners at about -» feet spacing. It is 
secured in position by nuts and fall back bolts, or nuts and through bolts, 
and watertightness at the joint is effected by packing it with spun yarn or 
rubber. To gain admission to the tank without removing the hatch cover, 
a watertight manhole door is usually fitted in the latter. 

CARGO PORTS AND DOORS.— Many vessels are fitted with small side 
ports to give access to the 'tween decks. These are found useful in load- 

Cargo PORts and books. 


ing certain classes of bale goods, and allow the 'tween decks to be stowed 
while the holds are being filled through the main hatchways. When side 
ports do not exceed, say, 3 feet square, sufficient compensation for cutting 
the opening in the shell-plating is provided, by doubling the strake above 
it for a short distance and fitting a stout angle around the edge of the 

Fig. 150. 






" 6" APART 

opening. The door is sometimes secured by bolts and nuts at sufficiently 
close spacing to ensure a watertight joint with canvas and red lead between 
the surfaces ; usually, however, strong backs are fitted inside, one or two 
being used according to the size of the door; and to obtain watertightness 
at the joint spun yarn or rubber packing is used. 



In certain vessels — in those engaged in the cattle trade, for instance — 
very large doors are fitted in the ship's side in way of the bridge or 
shelter 'tween decks. These doors make big gaps in the side-plating and 
have to be carefully compensated for. Usually the shell-plating is doubled 
above and below the opening and for some distance, say two frame spaces, 
beyond each end of it; web frames are also fitted in the 'tween decks at 
each end of the doorway. The shell doublings make good the longitudinal 

Fig. 151. 





strength, and the web frames restore the loss entailed in the cutting of the 
side frames in way of the opening. Fig. 151 gives details of a cattle door 
12 feet long and 5 feet 6 inches deep, as fitted in a large modern cargo 
and passenger steamer. 

DERRICKS AND DERRICK POSTS.— Large and numerous hatchways 
are of little value unless an efficient installation of appliances for working the 
cargo in and out of them be also provided. This is specially the case with 



steamers whose economical working demands the utmost despatch in the load- 
ing and unloading of cargo. Sailing ships usually make long voyages and are 
seldom in port; they can, therefore, afford to spend a longer time there than 
the more ubiquitous steamer. Moreover, their working expenses are much 
less than those of the latter. For these reasons an expensive system of cargo 
gear is seldom fitted in sailing vessels. Hand-power winches are considered 
sufficient, and the cargo gear is usually suspended from the lower yards or 
from convenient wire spans. 

The cargo gear of modern steamers may consist of (i) ordinary derricks 
with steam winches, (2) hydraulics derricks, (3) steam cranes, (4) electric cranes. 
Electrical appliances, although frequently proposed, have not yet come much 
into use. Steam cranes are frequently fitted in coasting vessels, as they hoist 

Fig. 152. 


and slew quickly, and thus minimise the time a vessel need remain in port 
— an important consideration where a vessel has to be loaded and discharged 
every day or two, or even more frequently. Moreover, steam cranes may be 
placed anywhere about the deck. They take up a great deal of room, how- 
ever, and are more expensive than steam winches and derricks, for which reasons 
they are seldom fitted in ordinary ocean-going cargo vessels. Hydraulic der- 
ricks are sometimes fitted on first-class passenger steamers, as they work 
smoothly and without noise. They are costly to install, as, of course, a power- 
ful pumping engine is required in order to maintain an artificial head of water. 
The system of working cargo almost universally adopted in ordinary cargo 
vessels is that comprising steam winches and ordinary derricks. The latter 
may be constructed of wood or steel ; if for small lifts, say, from three to 
five tons, pitch-pine derricks are commonly fitted. They are hinged, if practic- 



able, on the masts, which, in cargo steamers, are now little else than derrick 
posts. One derrick and winch per hatch is sufficient where the holds are of 
moderate size ; where they are large, however, and where loading or discharging 
can be carried out on both sides of the vessel at once, two derricks and 

Fig. 153. 





winches are necessary. We thus see that in the usual arrangement, with a 
mast between two hatches, the former may have to support four large derricks 
with their respective loads. In special cases, where separate derricks are 
employed for hoisting and for slewing, the number of derricks per mast may 
exceed four. In fig. 152 is shown the usual way of hinging derricks on masts. 


Steam winches must be placed with careful regard to the derricks. 
Single winches are, of course, situated at the middle line with the middle of 
the winding drums in line with the derricks. Double winches should be 
placed on each side of the centre of the ship, with a sufficient distance be- 
tween them to allow a man to pass. To obtain compactness, the inner drums 
are frequently dispensed with, and to ensure direct leads from the derricks 
to the winding barrels, the axis of the winches are inclined to the middle 
line. Frequently, it is preferred to have the winches square to the middle 
line, as the winchmen are then better able to observe operations ; in these 
cases, direct leads to the barrels are obtained by means of snatch blocks on 
the decks, or, better, by extending the derricks out transversely on tables 
(fig. 153), so as to come in line with the middle of the winches. With 
this arrangement it is desirable to have the point of suspension in each case 
immediately over the heel of the derrick, otherwise difficulty will be experienced 
in slewing the latter. This drawback is found, for instance, where a single 
derrick is worked from a mast having considerable rake, and no arrangement 
is made to bring the point of suspension over the heel of the derrick. If the 
derrick is fitted forward there is a strong tendency for it to lie overboard, 
and if aft on the mast, to lie over the middle of the hatch ; considerable 
power being required to slew the derrick, particularly if loaded, against either 
of these biassed directions. The advantage of plumb derricks is therefore 
obvious, and some vessels are built with vertical masts to this end. 

When a mast is situated too near a hatch to allow of a derrick hinged 
on it being sufficiently long to plumb the centre, and swing clear of the 
ship's side, it becomes necessary to resort to the use of derrick posts. These 
may be placed between the hatch and the ship's side, and with a com- 
paratively short derrick a sufficient outreach may be easily obtained. Derrick 
posts were at first objected to as being unsightly, but their great utility has 
outweighed considerations of this sort, and they are now to be found in 
many up-to-date cargo steamers. Where the lifts are at all great,, derrick posts 
should be made of considerable height, otherwise excessive stresses will be 
brought upon them, as well as on the derricks and the spans. This can be 
readily demonstrated by drawing a diagram of forces. Derrick posts to carry 
a 10-inch to 12-inch derrick, and lift ordinary cargo, should be 20 inches to 
24 incises diameter at the deck, and have a height of 24 to 28 feet. Large 
derrick posts are constructed of |-inch steel plates, a little taper being allowed 
in the thickness towards the top. To give rigidity, a housing equal to the 
height of one 'tween decks is desirable; where this cannot be obtained, deep 
brackets must be fitted to the deck. Fig. 154 shows a derrick-post and 
appurtenances as ordinarily fitted. 

SEATS FOR STEAM WINCHES, Etc.— As before mentioned, decks should 
be stiffened locally in way of steam winches, by fitting plating on the beams, 
and by supporting the latter by special pillars. If winches are to be placed 
on a wood deck, the part under each winch should be of hardwood, or the 
wood deck increased in thickness locally, as the wear and tear is great at 



these places. Sometimes a steel angle bar is fitted round the winches and 

riveted to the deck-plating, the wood deck being butted against this bar, and 

the spaces enclosed coated with cement or left bare. In such a case, the 

Fig. 154. 

winch sole plates are either bolted directly to the steel or iron deck, or 
raised on Z or channel bar stools. The latter plan is the better one, as 
the stools stiffen the deck and take most of the vibration caused by the 


J 59 

working of the winches. In ordinary cargo steamers, which have, as a rule, 
unsheathed decks, winch stools like the above are commonly fitted. 

The steam supply and exhaust pipes to the winches (where the exhaust 
steam is returned to a tank in the machinery space) are usually led from the 
machinery-casing along the deck just outside the line of the hatchways, and 
are supported on stools of cast or wrought iron (fig. 155), except where 
they can be conveniently held by clips riveted to the casings or to the hatch 
coamings. Sometimes separate exhaust pipes are led from each winch across 
the deck to the ship's side. This latter plan has only cheapness to com- 
mend it, as the cloud of escaping steam always present about the deck 
during loading or discharging operations, is most objectionable. 

To protect the winch pipes from damage, solid plate or sparred iron 
covers are fitted over them. 

MASTS. — In a sailing-ship the masts are probably as important as 
the hull itself, since her power of locomotion depends on them ; in a 
steamer they have a much reduced value, and are even not indispensable, 

Fig. 155. 

some classes of steamers having none at all. As seems fitting, therefore, 
"we shall first consider the masts of a sailing-ship, and afterwards indicate 
the modifications usual in the case of a steamer. 

In a modern sailing-ship of average size, the masts, like the hull, are 
constructed mainly of steel, their diameters and scantlings being graduated 
in accordance with the strains they may be called upon to bear through the 
action of the wind-pressures on the sails. As the mast bending moments 
vary with the lengths of the masts, length is the natural basis on which tb 
fix scantlings, and, in compiling tables of the latter, this method is usually 
followed. Taking Lloyd's Rules, a lower mast 60 feet long has a maximum 
diameter of 20 inches, with plating -fa inch thick, and one 96 feet long 
a diameter of 32 inches, and a plating thickness of -|£ inch, the scantlings 
of masts of intermediate lengths lying between these. 

Mizen-masts of barques carry no cross-yards, and support a less sail area 
than mainmasts; reduced diameters and scantlings are therefore allowed in 
their case. 

The maximum diameter of a mast and the greatest thickness of plating 
are at the deck, as the bending moment is obviously greatest there ; towards 
either end, the diameter and the thickness of the plating are somewhat 



reduced. The number of plates in the circumference of a mast is governed 
by practical considerations. Lower masts, with a rule length of 72 feet and 
under, are built with two plates in the round ; those above this length should 
not have less than three plates. These plates are usually overlapped at edge 
and end joints ; sometimes the latter are butted, in which case the straps 
should be fitted outside, as opening at the joints due to bending of the masts 
is thus prevented, and better work can be made in the fitting of internal angles 
where these are necessary. 

Fig. 156. 



As the principal stresses on masts are cross-breaking ones, the end joints 
are very important, and in all cases should be treble-riveted above the 
deck; in way of the housing — by which is meant the part of the masts 
below the deck — double-riveting is permitted. The seams should be double- 
riveted ; but in masts under 84 feet long, single-edge riveting is considered 
sufficient, provided the loss of stiffening effect due to reducing the lap is 
made good by fitting internal angle bars. Above 84 feet length, double- 
riveted seams are required as well as internal stiffening angles, as the bending 
moments on masts of this length may be very great. 

Rigidity is given to masts by securely fixing them into the hull, and stay- 
ing them by means of steel wire ropes. Fig. 156 shows the modern method of 



framing a mast-hole and wedging the mast at the upper deck — the deck at 
which this is usually done. As will be observed, a stout plate is fitted on 
the beams, which, in non-plated decks, must have a breadth equal to three 
diameters of the mast. This plate is riveted to the beams and (in non-plated 
decks) to diagonal tieplates (fig. 143), which unite it to the side stringers and 
distribute the stresses communicated from the mast through the wedging. 
A bulb angle ring about 4 inches greater in diameter than the mast is 
riveted to the deck-plate, and when the mast is shipped the space between 
this ring and the mast, the plating of which should be doubled in this 
neighbourhood, is tightly wedged with hard wood. Above the deck the 
wedging is neatly rounded, and a canvas cover or coat, usually double, is bound 
to the mast and over the ring to prevent leakage of water into the hold space. 
The doubling of the mast at the deck is to give strength, but particularly 
to compensate for corrosion and pitting which may take place in way of the 
wedging, the material being there inaccessible except when the vessel is 
under special survey. When the mast-plating is doubled, the wedges need not 
be removed before the third special survey, i.e. about every 1 2 years. 

At the heel the mast should be supported on a strong stool, as very 
great downward stresses are communicated to the mast through the rigging, 
and if due provision be not made to resist these the mast may be forced 
downwards, the plating at the heel crushing up or the stool collapsing if 
not efficient Such movement of the mast would cause the rigging to be- 
come slack and valueless as a support against bending. 

Where a mast is stepped on a centre keelson, a good stool may be 
contrived by fitting a strong plate immediately under the mast, and support- 
ing it by brackets connected to the keelson and floorplate on each side of 
the middle line. For wedging purposes a ring is fitted on the plate round 
the mast-heel, and to keep the mast from turning, an angle or tee lug, riveted 
to the plate, is fitted through the bottom of the mast. The mast-heel plating 
is usually doubled for about 2 feet up from the bottom. 

The main portion of a mast, and that upon which the principal dia- 
meters and scantlings are fixed, is known as a lower mast, but above this 
there are a topmast, a topgallant mast, and a royal mast. These upper spars 
are sometimes constructed of wood, but in modern sailing vessels of fair 
size steel topmasts are common. Lower masts and topmasts are occasionally 
built as single tubes, but usually they are separate, the union between them 
being effected by overlapping in the manner indicated in fig. 157. In this 
case the topmast, which is of wood, passes through a cap hoop at the lower 
masthead, and is supported by a rectangular bar of iron, or fid, which passes 
through the heel of the topmast and rests on strong cheek-plates riveted 
to the lower mast. This overlapping method is sometimes adopted for 
uniting the topmast with the upper portions, the topgallant and royal masts 
usually consisting of a single wood spar ; but where the topmast is of steel 
the upper spar is frequently housed into its upper end. 

The scantlings of steel topmasts, like those of lower masts, vary with 



the length. Topmasts 38 feet long and above should have internal stiffening 
bars. The edge seams of topmast plating may be single-riveted, but the end 
joints, like those of lower masts, and for the same reason, should be treble- 

Obviously, so tall and comparatively slim a structure as a mast such 
as we have described, must be strongly stayed in order to hold it to its work 
of supporting the cross-yards and sails and resisting the wind pressure. We 
have mentioned that steel wire ropes are used for this purpose. Lower 
masts are stayed laterally by shrouds, which loop round the mast at the 

Fig. 157. 


hounds and extend down to the gunwale, where they are attached to chain 
plates riveted to the sheerstrake. Shrouds of smaller size are also fitted to 
the topmast and top-gallant mast. These are not carried down to the ship's 
sides, but are fastened to the mast just below the lower mast-top and the 
topmast trestle-trees respectively, the necessary spread being obtained by 
means of the mast-top and topmast cross-trees. As well as shrouds, the 
upper spaces are further held by backstays fastened to the gunwale and to 
the mast. In a fore-and-aft direction the masts are stayed to one another 
by powerful wire ropes at various heights. The stays of the foremast are 
run down to the forecastle deck, the upper ones being attached at their 
lower ends to a bowsprit ; this arrangement, which is to allow of sufficient 
spread in the stays, also permits of large-sized staysails. 


Obviously, all this rigging will have little staying value if it be slack, 
as in that case the mast which first receives the stresses due to the wind 
pressure might break before the strength of the wire could be called upon. 
Cases are on record of masts collapsing through lack of efficiency in the 
stays in this respect. To obviate such disasters, the standing side rigging of 
all vessels should be provided with rigging screws of simple design, by means 
of which the shrouds and backstays may be readily tightened up at any time. 

BOWSPRIT. — In modern sailing-vessels of fair size this spar is con- 
structed of steel, and as it has to withstand considerable bending stresses, 
due to the pull of the maststays attached to it, it is built of substantial 
diameter and thickness of plating; the latter, indeed, is about the same as 
for a lower mast of equal diameter. 

Usually the bowsprit is housed in the forecastle, passing through an 
aperture in a transverse bulkhead, or knighthead plate, fitted at the fore-end 
of the forecastle, and abutting against a vertical plate extending between the 
upper and forecastle decks, and strongly bracketed to the main deck-plating. 
To secure it in position, the bowsprit is wedged in way of the knighthead 
plate, angle rings being fitted to the latter around the aperture to take the 
wedging. Internal stiffening angles are fitted in the middle of each plate 
in the round, and, in addition, when the spar exceeds 28 inches in diameter, 
a vertical diaphragm plate is fitted in way of the wedging and extended 
some distance either way beyond. The end joints of the bowsprit plating 
outside the wedging should be treble-riveted ; inside the forecastle, they may 
be double-riveted. 

Sometimes, instead of being housed in the forecastle, the bowsprit is 
sloped away on the lower side at its after-end and bedded on the forecastle 
deck-plating, to which it is securely connected by strong angle bars ; the 
forecastle deck being stiffened in this neighbourhood by fitting the beams 
on every frame. The outer part of a bowsprit when fitted as a separate 
spar is called a- jibboom. The latter is usually built of wood and is fitted 
through the- cap-band of the bowsprit. Frequently, in large modern sailing- 
ships the bowsprit and jibboom are made of steel in one length, when it 
is known as a " spiked bowsprit." 

The bowsprit is stayed laterally by means of wire shrouds, and strong 
bobstay bars are fitted to eye attachments on the stem and the underside 
of the cap-bands at the fore-end of the bowsprit and jibboom. 

YARDS. — The cross-yards of small sailing-vessels are constructed of wood, 
usually pitch pine. In large ships having steel masts, the lower yard and the 
one above it are frequently built of the same material as the mast. The 
greatest diameter of a yard is, of course, in the middle, and is taken at -^ 
of its length ; at the ends it is tapered to half of this. When built of steel, 
yards have single-riveted seams and treble-riveted end joints. The lower top- 
sail and lower topgallant yards on each mast are usually fixed to the latter, 
but with attachments designed to allow of free movement to any angle ; the 
upper topsail and upper topgallant yards are attached to parrel hoops which 


fit loosely on the mast, thus admitting of each yard being hoisted into 
position by means of appropriate running gear. 

A special feature in the masts and yards of sailing ships are the mount- 
ings. These are very elaborate and are made of great strength, as the safety 
of a vessel might be seriously threatened if even one stay attachment were 
to give way, on account of the increased stress which would thus be brought 
on the others. 

MASTS OF STEAMSHIPS.— The masts of a steamer do not call for 
much comment. As has been said, in most modern cargo steamers they are 
mainly fitted for ornament; incidentally, they can be usefully employed as 
derrick-posts and standards for signal lamps, etc. The main function of masts 
in sailing-ships, which is to carry sails, has been almost done away with in 
steamers. No yards or square-sails are now carried ; two small fore-and-aft 
sails on each mast are all that are usually arranged for, and these are fitted 
not for propulsion but to give steadiness in rough weather. In many 
modern cargo vessels even these are omitted. This omission of sails has 
been deplored in some quarters, and there certainly seems a lack of economy 
in neglecting to use the power of the wind for propulsion when it is avail- 
able. The steadying effect of sails when a vessel is in ^a seaway is well 

Owing to their auxiliary character, a steamer's masts are of smaller 
diameters and scantlings than those of same -length in a sailing-ship. Where 
fore-and-aft sails only are carried, Lloyd's Rules permit the diameters to be 
a fifth less, and the plating of a thickness to correspond with this reduction. 

It has been pointed* out that in the case of a steamer's masts, whose 
main duty is to withstand the strains due to the working of derricks, the 
breadth of the ship should be considered in fixing upon the diameters and 
scantlings. The broader a vessel, the greater will be the outreach of the 
derricks, and, therefore, the greater the bending stresses on the masts. At 
present no notice is taken of this in Rules for masts, and in the case of 
a very broad vessel, where the mast has, say, to support four derricks, they 
are frequently none too strong for their work. 

It is customary to make a steamer's masts of pole type, i.e., in one 
piece from heel to topmast head. As the sail spread is unimportant, no 
greater height than this is necessary, so that topgallant and royal masts are 
dispensed with, the finishing pole being fitted into the topmast. Frequently, 
the topmasts are of wood, and made to ship telescope fashion into the 
upper ends of the lower masts, appropriate gear being provided for the pur- 
pose. Such an arrangement is demanded to allow of the vessel passing 
under bridges in reaching ports like Manchester. 

The edge seams of the mast-plating may be single-riveted, but the end 
joints, like those of a sailing-ship's masts, must be treble-riveted above the 

* See a paper by Mr. W. Veysey Lang, read before the Institute of Marine Engineers 
in February, 1909. 



deck or partners, and double-riveted in the housing. When the masts are 
of considerable length, the strength should be augmented by fitting and 
securely riveting internal angle bars up the middle of each plate in the 
round. The masts must be supported athwartships and fore-and-aft by strong 
steel wire standing rigging. 

The usual arrangement is, say, three or four shrouds, immediately abreast 
the masts on each side, with two fore-and-aft stays. This is not the best 
arrangement for the purpose intended. Instead of the close-spaced shrouds, 
it is better to fit two with as great a spacing as possible, as much, in fact, 
as will still permit the derricks to swing clear of the side. For access to 
the masthead an iron ladder may be riveted to the mast, or two additional 
shrouds may be fitted at close-spacing with ratlines to the masthead. 

The need of strong work at the mast-heels has been pointed put in 
the case of sailing ships, and similar remarks apply to steamers; for as well 

Fig. 158. 

as the bending stresses already referred to, the working of the derricks 
give rise to considerable downward thrusts, steamers should therefore be 
strengthened in way of mast steps. If these come on an inner bottom, 
brackets should be fitted to the centre girder, unless the mast-heel happens 
to be immediately over the junction of a floor-plate with the centre girder. 
Fig. 158 shows the arrangement when a mast is stepped on a tunnel. The 
stiffening of the latter in way of the step, which usually consists of stout 
angle-bars riveted to the plating, is not shown in the sketch. A steamer's 
masts are usually wedged at the upper-deck, and the arrangement is very 
similar to that described for a sailing-vessel. 

BULKHEADS. — This name is given to all vertical partitions, whether 
fore-and-aft or athwartships, which, in a ship, separate compartments from 
one another. Many "of these partitions are of little value structurally, as 
those of wood between cabins, or those which, though built of iron or steel, 
are only intended to act as screens and are therefore of the lightest de- 
scription. Bulkheads, however, which divide a steel vessel into watertight com- 


partments, are of immense importance structurally and otherwise, and it will, 
therefore, be of interest to consider their principal functions and the lead- 
ing features in their construction. 

These main partitions, which are usually placed transversely, are strongly 
built and made watertight, so that in the event of a compartment being 
filled with water the containing bulkheads shall be strong enough to support 
the pressure and have joints tight enough to prevent the fluid escaping 
into adjoining compartments. Generally, main watertight transverse bulkheads 
are of value for the following reasons : — 

i. As Elements of Strength. — Where they occur the hull is prac- 
tically rigid transversely, so that they effectually prevent any tendency to 
deformation in that direction; they also afford support to the longitudinal 
framing, />., to the side stringers and keelsons, when the latter are 
efficiently bracketed to them. The keelsons, indeed, of themselves have but 
little rigidity, but when braced to the bulkheads they become efficient as 
girders, and transmit the stresses brought upon the hull to the massive 
bulkheads, thus spreading the strength of the latter over the region of the 
structure lying between them. 

2. As Safeguards Against Spread of Fire. — Their importance in this 
respect can hardly be over-esUmated, isolating as they do the various holds 
with their contents from each other. Many instances are on record of 
vessels having been saved from total destruction by fire through the medium 
of their bulkheads. 

3. As Preventatives Against Foundering Consequent on the Pierc- 
ing of the Hull by Striking a Rock or Otherwise.— We are already 
familiar with the effect on the flotation of bilging a compartment, and have 
seen that if the latter be large the loss of buoyancy may be sufficient to sink 
the vessel. The importance of restricting the lengths of compartments by 
a sufficient number of watertight bulkheads is therefore obvious. 

In the case of a steam-vessel, there are certain conditions which fix the 
lower limit of the number of bulkheads required. With the machinery 
amidships, for instance, there should be at least four : one at a short dis- 
tance abaft the stem, one at each end of the machinery compartment, and 
one placed at -a reasonable distance from the sternpost. With the machinery 
aft, a minimum of three watertight bulkheads might be allowed, the after- 
bulkhead forming one end of the machinery compartment. 

Of the above divisions the forward one, which is fitted as a safeguard 
in the event of collision, is probably of chief importance. It should not be 
placed too far aft, or the loss of buoyancy due to bilging the peak com- 
partment may be sufficient to cause the vessel to go down by the head. 
Lloyd's Rules require it to be fitted at a twentieth of the length from the stem, 
measuring at the height of the lower deck. The collision bulkhead, as it is 
called, has proved of immense service in saving vessels, and has often en- 
abled them, though seriously damaged by collision, to make a port in safety. 

It may here be said that the collision bulkhead is the only one usually 


fitted in sailing ships. In this case the transverse strength is made up 
otherwise, and the question of cost, to mention no other, has put to one 
side any idea of fitting numerous bulkheads. 

The importance of the bulkheads which isolate the engines and boilers 
from the cargo spaces scarcely needs emphasis. The chance of fire and 
other damage to cargo, if there were no efficient tight divisions, is clearly 
apparent. It is also necessary that the machinery compartment should be 
quite self-contained, so that the bilging of neighbouring compartments would 
not mean the extinguishing of the boiler fires. 

The after-bulkhead is required so as to isolate leakage which may be 
caused by the breaking of the stern tube, or by general vibration due to the 
action of the propeller. Usually, it is placed near enough the stern to 
prevent any loss of buoyancy consequent on the bilging of the after com- 
partment being sufficient to endanger the vessel. Incidentally, it forms a 
splendid stiffener at this part, an important consideration when the machinery 
is placed aft. 

Although no surveyor to the Board of Trade, under the existing regula- 
tions, could refuse to grant a declaration of survey that the hull, even of a 
passenger steam-vessel, whatever her length, was sufficient for her work, if 
fitted with bulkheads equivalent to the foregoing, such an arrangement can 
clearly be considered satisfactory only in small steamers. With increase in 
size, additional bulkheads very soon become desirable, partly because of the 
need of providing greater transverse strength, but as this may be met other- 
wise, mainly because safety in the event of fire or bilging demands an 
adequate sub-division of the holds. 

Thus we find, taking Lloyd's latest Rules for example, that when steam- 
vessels reach 285 feet in length, five bulkheads are necessary, the distance 
between the collision and boiler room bulkheads being sub-divided. In vessels 
of 2>35 f eet > tne a fter hold is in turn sub-divided, making six bulkheads, the 
number of watertight bulkheads becoming seven, eight, nine, and ten, when 
vessels reach lengths of 405, 470, 540, and 610 feet respectively. 

Obviously, the question of sub-division is of first importance in purely 
passenger vessels, no form of life-saving appliance being so efficient as a good 
system of watertight bulkheads. Few first-class passenger steamers are there- 
fore now built but can float safely with, say, any two* compartments in open 
communication with the sea, while some have even a better sub-division, 
and partly on this account, a few of these have been subsidised by the 
Government to act as auxiliary cruisers in time of war. 

A point of great importance in the fitting of bulkheads is that they 
should extend well above the loadwater line ; otherwise the bilging of one 
compartment may cause sufficient sinkage to submerge the tops of the bulk- 
heads, in which case the water would find its way into all the compartments 

* In the report of the Bulkhead Committee ot 1890, the highest class of sub-division 
is given as that which would enable a vessel to float safely, in moderate weather, with any 
two compartments in open communication with the sea. 


and thus sink the vessel. In general, bulkheads should extend to the top 
deck of the main structure. In vessels with continuous superstructures, such 
as an awning or shelter deck, the bulkheads (with the exception of the collision 
bulkhead, which should extend to the awning or shelter deck) are usually 
stopped at the deck below, i.e., the upper deck, in virtue of the greater free- 
board and reserve buoyancy of this class. In the 'tween decks of these 
vessels, a deep web frame or partial bulkhead is to be fitted on each side 
immediately over the watertight bulkheads, or other efficient strengthening 
must be provided. 

CONSTRUCTION OF BULKHEADS.— Although an ordinary watertight 
bulkhead may never be called upon to sustain the pressure due to a com- 
partment on either side becoming filled, it must be constructed strong 
enough to meet such an eventuality. It should, therefore, be built of plates 
of substantial thickness, and be strongly stiffened. Lloyd's Rules require a 
thickness of "26 of an inch in bulkheads having a depth from upper deck to 
floors of from 8 to 12 feet, i.e., in the smallest vessels, and of '46 of an inch 
in those in which the same depth is from 44 to 50 feet, i.e., in very large 
vessels. The plates are fitted vertically or horizontally, are usually lapped at 
edges and at end joints, and single-riveted, the rivets being spaced for water- 
tight work, i.e., 4I diameters apart. At the points where the end joints come 
on the edges, the two plates of the former are thinned down for the breadth 
of the edges laps so as to obviate the fitting of slips. 

In the stiffening of watertight bulkheads, the plan recommended by the 
Bulkhead Committee of 1S90 is now usually followed, the stiffeners being 
arranged generally in a vertical direction (see also stiffening of collision bulk- 
heads). In the former Rules of Lloyd's Register, bulkhead stiffeners were 
required to be arranged horizontally as well as vertically — a cross-bracing 
arrangement which assured the strength of the bulkhead in a transverse as 
well as a vertical direction, making it efficient to resist pressures tending to 
force in the ship's sides, which a purely vertical arrangement of stiffeners is 
not adapted to do. By the cross arrangement, too, the unsupported area is less 
than by the vertical. Still, the advantages of an entirely vertical arrangement 
of stiffeners are considerable. To begin with, as the depth of a bulkhead is 
less than the width, stiffeners are shorter and therefore more efficient arranged 
vertically than when arranged horizontally — the rigidity of girders varying in- 
versely as the cubes of their lengths. Again, the pressure which a bulkhead 
may be called upon to withstand is greatest at the bottom, and a range of 
closely-pitched vertical stiffeners bracketed to the tank top are effectively placed 
to resist this. 

The spacing of stiffeners in ordinary watertight bulkheads should not 
exceed 30 inches. In the case of a collision bulkhead, as a vessel's safety 
may depend on this bulkhead's ability to withstand the dashing about of 
masses of water admitted to the fore peak through collision, the spacing of 
vertical stiffeners should not exceed 24 inches, and in this case there should 
also be horizontal stiffeners consisting of bulb angles on the opposite side, 


spaced 4 feet apart, bracketed to the ship's sides. As the horizontal stiffeners 
are short, the vessel being narrow at this part, they add immensely to the 
rigidity of the bulkhead. 

Bulkheads which form the ends of oil compartments in vessels designed 
to carry oil in bulk, or which form the ends of deep-water ballast tanks, should 
be of extra strength, because, as well as fulfilling the main function of 
ordinary bulkheads in affording sufficient structural strength, they must be 
able to resist the pressure of the mass of fluid which the compartment con- 
tains, the speed of the vessel being communicated to the fluid in a com- 
partment through the bulkhead at its after-end ; also, as any compartment on 
occasion may not be quite full, its bulkheads should be strong enough to 
meet the very severe stresses which the dashing about of large masses of 
fluid in a partly-filled tank would give rise to. Lloyd's Rules provide scant- 
lings for the bulkheads of oil vessels. 

Frequently, the edges of plates forming bulkheads are flanged to act as 
stiffeners. This entails a vertical arrangement of somewhat narrow plates, 
since the distance between stiffeners must not be more than 30 inches. 
There is here a saving in riveting, and fewer parts require to be put 
together; this system is therefore rather popular, especially as experiments have 
shown the arrangement to be as strong as the ordinary one, and as mild 
steel may be readily flanged cold. Lloyd's Rules require that when flanged 
stiffeners are 12 inches or more in depth, intercostals are to be fitted between 
the stiffeners and connected to the bulkhead plating and to a bar on the 
face of the stiffeners (see fig. 159). These intercostals, which are to be spaced 
not more than 10 feet apart, should greatly stiffen the bulkhead by prevent- 
ing any tendency to trip on the part of the stiffeners. 

In Lloyd's Tables the scantlings of the stifTeners are shown to vary with 
the full depth of the bulkhead as governing the maximum pressure that 
could come upon it. When the bulkhead is divided into zones by the 
abutment of steel decks, the scantlings of the lower stiffeners, that is, those 
between the tank top, or in single bottom vessels, the top of floors and 
lowest laid deck, are governed by the full depth as fixing the intensity of 
the pressure, and the length of the stiffener as fixing the load. 'Tween deck 
stiffeners are, in the same way, governed by the distance from the top of the 
bulkhead to the lower part of the 'tween decks, and by the length of the 
stiffener. Stiffeners in way of holds and 'tween decks, except the upper 
'tween decks, should be bracketed top and bottom. This follows from the 
consideration that a uniformly loaded girder fixed at the ends is 50 per cent, 
stronger and five times more rigid than one with free ends. Lloyd's Rules 
permit bulkhead stifTeners, in small vessels, to be fitted without end brackets, 
provided their scantlings be increased beyond the tabular requirements. In 
oil vessels, which are generally built without inner bottoms in way of the oil 
holds, the knee brackets at the lower ends of the bulkhead stiffeners should 
be fitted between the floors to the shell. 

At the edge every watertight bulkhead should have a strong connection 



to the shell-plating, inner bottom (where one is fitted), and deck-plating. 
Double angles are frequently fitted to the shell-plating and inner bottom and 
make a good job, but it is becoming increasingly common, particularly in 
cargo vessels, to have instead large single bars double-riveted in both flanges • 
the latter arrangement is cheaper and is probably not less strong. Lloyd's 
Rules make provision for both methods. Reference has already been made 

Fig. 159. 

to the shell liners required in way ot outside st rakes, as compensation for the 
closer spaced rivets — necessary for caulking — through the shell angles of water- 
tight bulkheads. When the shell liners are not fitted, as with joggled plating 
or framing, bracket knees between the shell-plating and the bulkhead in way 
of outside strakes are necessary, except where the hold stringers are 5 feet 
or less apart. The joints on one side only of a bulkhead require to be 


caulked. Where hold stringers and keelsons pass through bulkheads, caulked 
angle collars should be fitted on the watertight side, and to give a finished 
appearance, plate collars, uncaulked, on the other side. Frequently, hold 
stringers are stopped at the bulkheads, and the longitudinal strength is made 
good by fitting substantial bracket plates connected to the bulkhead by angles, 
and to the stringers by a riveted lap (see figs. 159 and 160). 

The subordinate bulkheads of a ship, such as screens and casings, do 
not call for a lengthened description. They are constructed of light plates 
and bars, the former having single-riveted joints. They are not usually 
watertight, and where perforated by beams, dust tightness is secured by 
fitting plate collars. Where screens take the place of pillars, as in the case 
of side bunker casings and centre-line bulkheads, additional rigidity is called 
for, and is obtained by increasing the thickness of plating and making the 
stiffeners of substantial size, the latter being fitted two frame spaces apart in 
line with the beams and attached thereto. Where vessels have open floors, 
the centre-line bulkhead is attached to the vertical plate of the centre keelson. 
A centre-line bulkhead is usually stopped in way of the hatches, so as not 
to interfere unduly with siowage, and, when required for grain cargoes, the 
continuity of the division is made good by wood shifting-boards. Although 
interrupted in this way, when properly built, a centre-line bulkhead is a splendid 
vertical web, excellently adapted to resist longitudinal deflecting stresses. 

When machinery casings in 'tween decks have to take the place of 
quarter pillars, they must be strongly built, and the stiffeners should be 
riveted to the beams. 

DOORS IN WATERTIGHT BULKHEADS.— It is, of course, desirable 
that watertight bulkheads should be intact, as their efficiency as subdivisions of 
a hold is then at its highest. In some cases, however, doorways must be 
cut in them. For instance, the need of a direct means of access from 
the engine-room to the shaft tunnel, calls for a door in the watertight bulk- 
head at the after-end of the engine-room, where the tunnel abuts upon it. 
Again, in most cargo steamers, a reserve coal bunker lies immediately before 
the forward boiler-room bulkhead, in which doors must be fitted so that the 
coal may reach the stokehold floor. In special cases doors have been 
fitted at the ceiling level in all the watertight bulkheads of a vessel, when 
it has been desired to pass from hold to hold without going on deck. 
Besides the foregoing, particularly in passenger vessels, doors are frequently 
made in watertight bulkheads at the height of the 'tween decks, so that 
passengers may readily get from place to place in the region devoted to 
their accommodation. 

In designing doors for watertight bulkheads it is necessary to remember 
that one placed near the foot of a bulkhead would have to withstand con- 
siderable pressure, if from any cause a compartment on either side of it 
became flooded. The framing of the doorway and the door itself are 
therefore made specially strong. Usually these parts are of cast iron of 
substantial thickness. The door is made of wedge shape, as also the 



groove in which it works, any degree of tightness of the joint, which is a 
metal to metal one, being thus obtainable. As in the case of bilging a 
door would quickly become inaccessible, arrangements must be provided for 
working them from a high level. Doors in engine and boiler-room bulk- 

Fig. 160. 




bulb angles 




heads are usually wrought from an upper platform ; doors in other bulkheads 
are worked from the deck. Where doors open in a vertical direction (fig. 
161) the apparatus for working them commonly consists of a vertical shaft 
with a screw at one end working in a fixed nut in the door. Where they 



open in a horizontal direction, the vertical shaft is fitted at its lower end 
with a small pinion wheel which works a fixed rack on the door. 

Doors in bulkheads which give access into 'tween decks need not be 
designed to withstand great water pressure. Usually, they consist of plates 
hinged to the bulkhead and secured by snibs so fitted as to be readily 
operated from either side of the bulkhead. The joint between the door 
and the door frame on the bulkhead is made watertight by means of spun 
yarn or rubber packing (fig. 162). 

STEMS, STERNPOSTS, AND RUDDERS.— In merchant vessels the 


Fig. 161 



l t4t j I 



stem consists of a solid forged bar of iron or steel, or of rolled steel, of 
. suitable breadth and thickness, and forms the fore-end of the hull. Nowadays, 
stems are usually straight above the load-waterline with a slight rake— say, 
two feet— forward, to minimise the effect of a collision, should this happen, 
and to overcome the impression of falling aft at the head which a quite 
vertical stem gives. The clipper stem, so common at one time, is now 
seldom built on steamers ; in sailing ships, as it is a suitable construction 
with a bowsprit, and also has a fine appearance, it is always found. When 
associated with a hanging or bar keel, the stem becomes a continuation 
of the same, being connected to it by a vertical scarph similar to that em- 
ployed for uniting the lengths of the "keel bar. When the keel is of centre 



through plate or side bar type, a modification of the ordinary vertical scarph 
is adopted. By referring to fig. 163, it will be seen that the after-end of the 
stem is slotted out to receive the ends of the centre girder and the two side 
bars, which together make up the thickness of the keel* The total length of 
this scarph should be about eighteen times the keel thickness, Or double the 

Fig 162, 











^^^^^^ /P ; RUBBER 


length of scarph required for an ordinary bar keel, to allow a reasonable 
distance between the terminating points of the flat side bars. There are 
several ways of making a connection between a stem bar and a flat plate 
keel. Fig. 164 shows one adopted by many builders. The lower part of 
the stem is carried three or four feet on to the fore length of the keel, 



and is securely riveted to intercostal plates, which in turn are riveted to the 
floors. The lower ends of the frames in this vicinity extend below the top of 
the stem bar to the line shown dotted in the figure, and the fore end of 
the keel-plate is dished so as to come under the stem and yet fay against 
the ship's side. The keel-plate may be said to end where it rises on to 
the side of the stem (fig. 164), as in front of that point it becomes an 
ordinary strake of shell-plating. The preceding is an efficient plan, and 
obviates the necessity of tapering down and spreading out fanlike the after- 
end of the stem — a more costly arrangement, but one which gives good work 
and formerly frequently adopted. It will be observed from fig. 165, which 
illustrates this method, that the keel-plate is dished round the after part of 
the stem, and continued for the distance of a frame space, or two under it. 
Thence, as in the previous case, the keel-plate is lifted on to the side of 

Fig. 163. 



ALS — ^ 


t \ 





the stem and through riveted to it. Through riveting is also adopted at the 
after-end of the stem, if practicable, otherwise tap riveting is resorted to. 
The centre keelson-plate is carried intercostally for a few frame spaces for- 
ward of the after-end of the stem and attached to a tongue formed on the 
stem, as in the sketch, or in lieu of a tongue to bottom bars tap-riveted 
to the stem. 

As well as by means of the keel connection, the stem is thoroughly bound 
with the structure by the main shell-plating. The strakes at their forward 
ends are arranged to lap on each side of the stem, and rivets sufficient in 
length to pass through all three thicknesses are employed (see fig. 166). It 
will be noticed that the shell-plating is kept back 1-inch from the front of 
the stem ; this is to protect the caulking. At least two rows of rivets are re- 
quired to connect the shell-plating to the stem, and these should have the same 



spacing as the keel rivets, viz., 5 diameters, centre to centre. Below the load 
waterline the stem should be maintained at full thickness, as it is there liable 
to severe strains by grounding or collision ; above that point it is usually 
reduced somewhat. In practice it is tapered to the top, where the sectional 
area has three-quarters its maximum value. 

To facilitate construction and reduce the cost of repairs, in the event of 
damage to the stem, the latter is usually made in two parts with a scarph 
at about the light waterline. Mention may here be made of the practice of 



Fig. 164. 







using tack rivets in stem scarphs. They are fitted to join the parts together 
for the purpose of erection and fairing, but they are a drawback when a 
portion of the stem has to be removed, as plates on both sides of the stem 
have to be taken off in order to punch them out, for which reason they 
are frequently omitted. 

STERNPOSTS.— The sternpost forms the after-end of the hull structure. 
In sailing-ships and paddle steamers, and also in some twin-screw steamers, 
it consists, like the stem, of a simple bar, with the addition of forged gudgeons 
for hinging the rudder. In single-screw steamers, however, this part of the 
ship becomes more complicated, for in addition to providing facilities for 



carrying the rudder, the propeller shaft, which leaves the hull at this point, 
must be supported by it. Moreover, the strain caused by the continual 
working of the shaft has to be counteracted, and this can only be done by 
making p the post and its connections to the hull of ample strength. Fig. 
167 shows the stern frame of an ordinary cargo steamer. The stem of this 
vessel is 11 inches by 3 inches, and the increase in strength of sternpost 
necessary, for the reasons given, is represented by the increase of the thickness 

Fig. 165. 


Fig. 166. 

of the propeller post, which is joined to the shell-plating, to 9 inches, the 
breadth remaining n inches, while the rudder post, which is not called 
upon to withstand such severe stresses, may be 9^ inches x 9 inches. Besides 
this, as previously mentioned, the after lengths of the shell-plating, which come 
upon the propeller post, are augmented in thickness above adjoining plates, 
being usually of midship thickness, while the plates in way of the bossing 
round the shaft are still further thickened. The shell-plating is attached to 
the stern frame by two rows of rivets of large diameter, increased below 



the boss in vessels over 350 feet in length to three rows. The hull at- 
tachment is further improved by securely connecting the upper arms — marked 
A and B* in fig. 167— to floorplates, also by extending the arm G well 
forward, and connecting it to the keel-plate and middle line keelson. 

The size of the aperture is fixed by the diameter of the propeller, for 
the efficient working of which ample clearance must be allowed. It is of 

Fig. 167. 

importance to keep the propeller as low down as possible so as to ensure 
its always being under water, as when partly immersed, the efficiency is much 
reduced. For this purpose the lower part in way of the aperture is reduced 
in depth and increased in width, the sectional area being increased 15 per 
cent, over that of the propeller post, as this part has frequently to with- 

*Arm B is required by Lloyd's Rules in vessels whose longitudinal number is 16,000 and above. 

STERN P9STS. 176^ 

stand severe grounding stresses. The main purpose of the after-post is 
for hanging the rudder, for which the necessary braces or gudgeons are 
provided, as shown. These should be spaced sufficiently close to properly 
support the rudder. In Lloyd's Rules tabulated distances are provided 
on the basis of the diameter of the rudder stock ; in the Rules of the 
British Corporation, gudgeons are required to be spaced 4 feet apart in vessels 
of 10 feet depth, and 5 feet 6 inches apart in vessels of 40 feet depth and 
upwards, the spacing in- vessels between 10 feet and 40 feet depth being 
found by interpolation. Gudgeons should have a depth equal to j^ of the 
diameter of the rudder stock. These details of the sternpost are best con- 
sidered in association with the rudder. When vessels are of large size it 
becomes impracticable to make the stern frame in one piece. Moreover, 
as the part outside the hull proper is most liable to damage, it facilitates 
repairs and makes them less costly, if this portion can be easily discon- 
nected from the remainder. We, therefore, usually find that stern frames in 
large modern single-screw steamers are built up, as shown in fig. 168, 
with scarphs as shown. The upper joint can be disconnected without dis- 
turbing the main structure, while the lower one only interferes with the after- 
length of the lowermost strake of shell-plating. These scarphs should have 
a length equal to three times, and a breadth equal to i| times, the width 
of the frames, and be secured by four rows of rivets. 

It should be said that stern frames are built as just described, ue. y in 
several pieces, only when they are made of cast steel ; but there seems no 
good reason, except the extra expense and difficulty of forging the scarphs, 
why, in ordinary simple cases, forged stern frames should not be so made, 
considering the advantages accruing thereto. 

A word may here be said in regard to the relative merits of cast steel 
and forgings for stern frames, rudders, etc. The rules of the classification 
bodies permit the use of cast steel for such items, subject to their with- 
standing certain tests, and as castings are cheaper than forgings they are 
populaf with some builders. But, from an owner's standpoint there are 
objections to castings. They are, for instance, not as reliable as forgings, 
for while flaws in the latter are rare, inherent weaknesses, acquired in the 
processes of manufacture, frequently exist in stern frames and rudder castings, 
and these, though not disclosed by the usual tests, are sure to manifest 
themselves subsequently when the parts are in place and doing their work. 
Again, a defect in a forged frame may frequently be effectively, quickly, and 
cheaply repaired, but a serious flaw in a steel casting simply means its re- 
newal, which, in . addition to considerable expense, may cause loss to the 
owners in delaying the ship. It is only fair to state, however, that in recent 
years there has been improvement in the manufacture of large steel castings. 

Of course, where the forms of stern frames and rudder are complicated, 
as in the case of some war vessels and large passenger liners, steel castings 
are resorted to because forgings are quite impracticable. 



So far, reference has been made exclusively to the stern frames of single- 
screw steamers, but those of modern twin-screw vessels call for special 
mention. In the simplest form, as in the case of small vessels, the stern 

Fig. 168. 




frame proper is of the familiar L-shape fitted to saiiing-ships, the projecting 
propeller shafts being supported by means of a A bracket on each side. 
This form is illustrated in figs. 169, 170. In the first figure it will be 



observed that the upper palm of the bracket is fitted directly on to the 
shell, which is doubled in the vicinity, and the lower one is through-riveted 

Fig. 169. 







Fig. 170. 




V / 



to the keel, .the latter _.being made deeper for the purpose at the place 
required, a strong plate beam, connected to the sides by deep bracket 

i 7 6/ 


plates, being fitted across the ship in way of the palms, to give the neces- 
sary rigidity at this part. In the second case, the upper palm is riveted to 
a plate inside the ship, an angle collar being fitted round the strut where it 
passes through the shell-plating, and the lower palm is riveted to a projection 
forged or cast on the lower part of the stern frame. 

Very often, in order to keep the lines of shafts near the middle line, 
and thus minimise vibration as well as protect the propellers, the latter are 
overlapped, a screw aperture thus becoming necessary. The usual arrange- 
ment in such cases, when associated with a brackets, is as shown in fig. 
171. The aperture must be of sufficient width in a fore-and-aft direction 

Fig. 171. 

to take both propellers; it need not, however, be so high as for a single 
screw, the upper point of the propeller path being clear of the middle line. 
In the special instance before us, the stern frame is designed in such a way 
as to take the palms of the A brackets, the whole being riveted together. 
Other arrangements might easily be devised, although that shown is very neat. 
The different fore-and-aft positions of each propeller is arrived at by making 
the shaft bossing longer on one side than on the other. 

The A bracket system of supporting the propeller shafts, though simple, 
is not suitable where high speeds have to be attained. Experiments have 
shown that in such cases the projecting brackets cause a serious augmenta- 
tion of resistance. It was found, for instance, in one case, that of a twin- 



screw vessel of fine form, the propeller shafts of which were encased in tubes 
supported by two sets of struts, that the resistance caused by the tubes 
amounted to 4J per -cent, and by each set of struts to about 10J per cent. 
of the total hull resistance. Various attempts have been made to overcome 
this . objection by giving a suitable shape to the arms, which from a more 
or less circular section, in early vessels, became of a flattened oval shape 
in those more recently built. The results obtained in this way were better, 
but the resistance was still serious. The strut resistance being mainly due 
to the disturbance of the stream lines, an attempt was latterly made to 
eliminate this by bossing the form of the vessel round the shafts, right up 

Fig. 172. 

to the stern frame, thus allowing the streams an unbroken run aft.* This 
plan, although somewhat costly, has otherwise proved most satisfactory, and 
is now frequently adopted, particularly in fast vessels of large size. 

As well as reducing resistance to speed, bossing the hull round twin- 
screw shafts has an obvious advantage in that it adds much to the strength 
at the after end. It also obviates the possibility of any lateral strain being 
brought upon the shafts, as might happen where they are exposed. 

" A model of the liner Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse, when tried in the experimental tank 
at Bremerhaven, was found to have 12 per cent, more resistance with propeller brackets than 
when fitted with shaft bossing. — Engineering, 9th October, 1908. 



When properly constructed the bossing becomes an integral part of the 
hull structure. Fig. 172 shows in section the method of constructing the 
fin — as it is sometimes called — where the distance from the ship's side to 
the line of shafting is considerable. As will be seen, each main frame is 
carried down in the ordinary way, and on the reverse side a bar suitably 
shaped is fitted and made to overlap the main frame for some distance 
above and below the points at which it leaves the normal frame line. The 

Fig. 173. 



frame-work is strengthened by web-plates, as shown. All the frames in the 
bossing need not be built in this way. For a considerable distance the 
eccentricity in form may be met by bossing out the main frame, the object 
being to obtain the required shape and strength as economically as possible. 
For the purpose of forming bearings for the shafts and a termination 
to the bossing, a special steel casting, sometimes described as a spectacle 
frame, is fitted Fig. 173 shows this frame associated with an ordinary 


propeller frame having an aperture — a fairly common arrangement. In the 
figure the spectacle frame forms part of the propeller post ; frequently it is 
a distinct casting bolted to the propeller post, which is complete without it. 

RUDDERS. — The rudder is that part of a vessel which controls the 
direction of her movements when -afloat and in motion. As the axis about 
which a vessel turns is in the vicinity of amidships, and as the rudder 
takes the * deflecting force, obviously the best position for it is at either end 
of the vessel. The after-end is most convenient for the purpose, and, with 
a few exceptions, it is always placed there. 

In most mercantile vessels the rudder is hinged about an axis at its 
forward end (figs. 168, 174); in war vessels, and in some few merchant ships, 
what is termed a balanced rudder is fitted, having the a*is so placed that 
about a third of the area lies before it. The obvious advantage of the 
latter type consists in the ease with which it can be put over to port or star- 
board. It has a disadvantage, however, in being somewhat costly, a sufficient 
reason to debar its adoption in ordinary cargo vessels, especially, 'as owing 
to their low speed, a rudder of common type can be operated by a steer- 
ing gear of moderate power. 

Fig. 168 shows the rudder frame of a modern cargo steamer of large 
size. It is seen to consist of a vertical main frame or stock with arms at 
right angles to it, the latter being spaced close enough to afford sufficient 
support to a heavy plate which gives the contour of the rudder. The arms, 
which are forged or cast with the rudder frame, are arranged on alternate 
sides of the plate, as shown in the sketch. The rivets attaching the arms 
to the rudder-plate should be of large size, and the arms kept back a little 
from the outside edge of the plate to protect them from being torn off. 
The rudder is attached to the stern frame by means of bolts or pintles, 
which ship into gudgeons on the after-part of the stern frame. These 
gudgeons are forged or cast solid with the stern frame, and are afterwards 
bored out at the ship as required, care being taken to keep their centres 
in line so that the rudder may have a true axis. Formerly, the rudder 
pintles were also forged on the rudder frame, but are now usually portable 
bolts, as in the illustration given. 

Fig. 1 74 shows a style of rudder frequently fitted in modern vessels. 
It has a circular stock and arms that are separate forgings fitted one at 
each pintle. This is about double the spacing of the previous case, to 
allow for which the wider spaced arms are made relatively heavier. In 
fitting the parts together the post is turned in way of the arms, which are 
shrunk on, a key being fitted to prevent the arms turning. Usually a 
groove is cut in the back of the stock for the rudder-plate to fit into, the 
stresses on it being thus communicated directly to the stock and the rivets 
in the arms to some extent relieved. 

The weight of the rudder, in most cases, is taken by the bottom gudgeon 
of the sternpost. Fig. 175 shows this arrangement in detail. The socket for 
the bottom pintle -is not continued through the gudgeon as with the others-, 



but sufficient housing is allowed to prevent any danger of accidentally un- 
shipping. In the present instance, the depth of the socket is 4 inches. To 
minimise friction, the bottom of the pintle is rounded, and a suitable bearing 
provided by fitting a hemispherical steel disc into the gudgeon socket. 
Experience with this style of bearing has not shown it to be completely 

Fig. 174. 




satisfactory. The weight of the rudder soon produces wearing, which is usually 
uneven, the friction then becoming greater than if no disc were used. The 
hole from the bottom of the socket to the heel of the post is to enable 
the disc to be easily removed. 

Rudder pintles are all alike except the bottom one, which is some- 
what shorter than the others, and the "lock"' pintle, to which we shall 
refer presently. The part of each pintle which fits into the rudder frame is 



tapered from bottom to top, to prevent its being knocked out. On the head 
of the pintle a large nut is fitted, which secures it in position, any slacken- 
ing tendency being guarded against by a steel pin which is driven through 
the pintle immediately over the nut, as shown. 

To prevent accidental unshipment of the rudder, a locking arrangement 
must be devised. A simple plan is to make one of the pintles — preferably 
the top one — with a bottom collar (fig. 176). 

Another point of importance for the satisfactory working of the rudder 
is to provide a means of limiting the turning angle, which, in ordinary cases, 
should not exceed 35 to 40 degrees. Referring to fig. 177, which shows a 
common design of stopper, it will be seeri that the movement of the rudder 

Fig. 175. 

beyond a certain inclination is checked by widening out one of the gudgeons 
on the sternpost and altering the shape of the rudder stock in the vicinity, 
so that each surface may bear solidly on the other at the required angle. 
In a very large vessel two such stoppers would be needed, and they should 
be fitted so as to distribute the pressure equally over the sternpost. Stoppers 
must also be fitted on deck, the rudder movement being here controlled by 
stopping the quadrant or tiller arm. Where a good brake is fitted to the 
tiller, or the quadrant is geared on to the steam steering engine, no deck 
stops are necessary, the control being sufficient without them. 

The foregoing is a description of a rudder such as is fitted in an ordinary 
cargo vessel, and it will be observed that only bare essentials are provided 
for. Where an owner does not object to extra expense in order to obtain 
greater efficiency, refinements are introduced. For instance, it is advantageous 



to bush the gudgeons with brass or lignum-vilae (fig. 178), and more so 
to also line the pintles with brass or gun-metal (fig. 179). By these means 
the rudder is made to work more smoothly, and as the parts, when worn, can 
be renewed with little trouble or expense, a high standard of efficiency is easily 
maintained. The objection to carrying the weight of a rudder on the 
bottom gudgeon has already been referred to. This has sometimes been 
overcome by causing the rudder to bear on several or on all the gudgeons, cir- 
cular discs or washers of white metal being inserted between the rudder lugs 
and the gudgeons for this purpose. Another plan is to fit solid washers, 
cone-shaped at bottom, into each gudgeon, with pintles having tapered points 
to suit. The weight of the rudder is thus distributed over all the gudgeons, 
and there can be little or no side movement of the rudder. By both 
these arrangements, of course, more power will be required to turn the 
rudder than when it is supported on a footstep bearing only, but this is 

Fig. 176. 

Fig. 177. 

no drawback where there is an efficient steam steering gear. Occasionally 
rudders are fitted which do not bear on the gudgeons, the weight being taken 
by a thrust block inside the vessel, usually fitted at the level of the transom 
floor. With balanced rudders this is the invariable plan, the bottom pintle, 
where there is one, serving merely as a guide. The fitting of an internal 
bearing to a rudder of ordinary type adds to the cost, but it has the ad- 
vantage of accessibility, an important consideration when dealing with working 

When rudders increase greatly in size and weight, it becomes necessary 
to devise a simple means of shipping and unshipping them without disturbing 
the steering gear and inboard stuffing boxes. It is customary, in such cases, 
to fit a coupling just under the counter, and this is found to answer the pur- 
pose admirably. Horizontal couplings, as illustrated by figs. 168, 174 ancj 
180, are common, although others of a vertical type are sometimes fitted (figs. 
181 and 181a). With such an arrangement, to unship a rudder it is only 


t 7 6m 

necessary to unscrew the pintle nuts, thus allowing the pintles to drop out, 
and to disconnect the rudder coupling. By means of block and tackle, the 
rudder may then be easily moved out of its usual position. 

Fig. 178. 

i i 

Fig. 179. 

Fig. 180. 

Nowadays, the rudder proper is usually formed by a single heavy plate 
as previously described ; another plan, once universal, and still sometimes 
followed, is to design the frame to the desired contour, as illustrated in fig. 



182. Each side of this frame is covered by thin plating, through-riveted, the 
space thus enclosed being filled in solid with wood or cement. This style is 

Fig. 181. 

M'LACHLAN'S vertical coupling 

.-9 0IA' 

Fig. 181a. 




BOLTS g lDlA' 

not so strong as that of the single plate; it is also more liable to decay 
through corrosion, as the inside surfaces of the rudder-plating are obviously 



Fig. 182. 

inaccessible for- cleaning. These were the chief reasons of its abandon- 
ment in ordinary vessels in favour of the single-plate type. In special 
cases, such as yachts, it is still retained for 
its finer appearance. 

The sizes of the various parts of a rudder 
are governed by the area and shape of the 
latter, and the speed of the vessel. Knowing 
these particulars, the twisting moment can be 
determined and the requisite diameter for the 
head of the rudder stock calculated. The 
aggregate sectional area of the^arms support- 
ing the single plate depends to some extent 
on the bending moment to be sustained, but 
it should be increased beyond this requirement 
to allow for shocks from the sea, to which the 
rudder in stormy weather may be subjected. 
The sizes of the pintles should also be suffi- 
cient to withstand these shocks and provide 
for wear and tear, considerable at these parts. 
The strength of the coupling joint must be 
equal to that of the stock. This entails flanges 
of considerable thickness and a sufficient num- 
ber of coupling bolts, the moment of whose 
aggregate strength about the rudder axis 
should be equal to the twisting moment, and, 
therefore, to the torsional strength of the 
rudder stock. 

These are the principles which must be 
followed in making detailed calculations. Of 
course, if a ship is to be built to Lloyd's 
Rules, such calculations, on the part of 
the builder at all events, are unnecessary, 
as detailed dimensions of rudders are pro- 
vided in carefully compiled tables. In these 
the diameter of rudder stock is given^ for vari- 
ous speeds under numbers which represent 
the product of the total area of the rudder 
in square feet abaft the centre line of the 
pintles, and the distance in feet of the 
centre of gravity of this area abaft the same 

As previously remarked, rudders are sometimes fitted at the fore ends of 
vessels, such, for instance, as have to navigate channels too confined to turn 
in. These rudders are usually designed to come inside the line of the 
stem, and to follow the shape of the vessel, being thus more or less 




buoyant (fig. 183). The rudder stock is carried to the weather-deck and 
worked by a simple hand-gear. As a bow rudder is mainly for emergency 
purposes, when not in use it is locked in a fore-and-aft position by means 
of a strong bolt. 

Fig. 183. 



Equilibrium of Floating: Bodies: Metacentric 


FROM our considerations in Chapters I. and II., we know something of 
the forces in operation when, as depicted in fig. 184, a vessel is 
floating freely and at rest in still water. We know, for instance — 

i . That the total upward forces, or buoyancy, mus t equal the total 
downward forces or weight ; 

2. That the resultant of the downward forces acts through <?, the centre 
of gravity of the weights, and the resultant of the upward forces through B, 
the centre of gravity of the displaced fluid, already denned as the centre 
of buoyancy. 

It is now necessary to note that these two equal and opposite resultant 


Fig. 184. 


forces must act in the same vertical line, for, if the lines of action did not 
coincide, a turning moment would be in operation to disturb the equilibrium! 

Now, suppose an external force to act upon the vessel and cause her 
to heel over, as shown in fig. 185. No weights have been added, there- 
fore the displacement is unchanged, and the volume lifted out of the water 
on one side must be counterbalanced by the volume immersed on the 
other ; that is, the wedges W\S W and L X S L are equal. 

As the immersed body is now altered in form, the centre of buoyancy 

is no longer at B but takes up some new position B x ; and as there has 

been no change in the disposition of the weights, the centre of gravity G 

is not altered in position. The two equal resultant forces act clown through 

M 177 

i 7 8 


G, and up through B l respectively, their lines of action having a perpen- 
dicular distance GZ between them, as drawn in the figure. The turning 
moment acting on the vessel obviously tends to restore her to the original 

Fig. 185. 

position, and she is therefore said to be in stable equilibrium. Next, 
suppose the centre of gravity to be raised from the position in fig. 184 
say, by pumping out a ballast tank, and by putting a quantity of cargo 

Fig. 186. 

into the 'tween decks in order to keep the displacement the same, or by 
some other means. First, let G become exactly coincident with M (see 
fig. 186). As before, the weight will act downwards through G s and the 

Fig. 187. 

buoyancy upwards in the line B 2 M. The forces will therefore act in op- 
posite directions in the same vertical line, and being equal in magnitude 
will neutralise each other. In this case there will be no lever tending to 


heel the vessel, which will not tend to depart from its inclined position. 
The condition is said to be one of neutral equilibrium. Now, let G be 
raised above M. A glance at fig. 187 will show what will happen if the 
vessel be inclined as before. The two resultant forces will act in different 
lines, causing a heeling moment to be in operation on the vessel. There 
is, however, a very important difference between this heeling moment and 
that existing when G was below M> the tendency being now, not to right 
the vessel, but to incline her further from the initial position. With G 
above M, therefore, the vessel, when in the upright position, is in unstable 

We thus see that the relation between the points G and M in a 
floating vessel entirely determines the nature of her equilibrium. M is called 
the metacentre from its being the meta or limit beyond which the centre 
of gravity G must not rise, if a condition of stability is to be maintained. 
It may be defined as follows ; — 

Definition of Transverse Metacentre. — If a vessel be floating up- 
right at rest and in equilibrium, at a certaifi draughty and be then inclined 
through a very small angle \ the point in which the vertical line through the 
new centre of buoyancy intersects the middle line of the ship } is called the 
transverse metacentre at that draught. For every draught there is, in 
ordinary vessels, a different position of metacentre. The point also changes 
with every inclination from the upright. It is usual, however, and sufficiently 
correct for practical purposes, to assume it as fixed for inclinations up to 
10 or 11 degrees. This is important, as within these limits, if we know the 
distance G M, we can determine the vessel's righting power, since — 

Moment of Statical Stability in foot-l ,,, , _ .. 

tons at any angle 6 \ - W x B Z - Hf x Q M x Sm I, 

W, the displacement, being given in tons, and G Z or G M in feet. 

This is known as metacentric stability, G M being called the metacentric 
height It must be borne in mind that this method applies only up to the 
angles above given ; beyond these it is unreliable, as M changes rapidly in 
position, and G M has no longer its initial value, which is the only one that 
is used by the metacentric method. Further on we shall see, when considering 
actual curves of stability, that in many cases considerable error would be 
involved, even at moderate angles, by using the above formula for calculating 
the moment of stability. 

A knowledge of a vessel's metacentric height is, however, useful for many 
purposes. It is an excellent guide, for instance, for determining whether or 
not a vessel may be safely shifted in harbour, or whether ballast tanks may 
be run up, or, in the case of a vessel carrying oil in bulk, how the loading 
of cargo should be proceeded with. In conducting the first of these opera- 
tions, there need be no inclination from the upright exceeding that for which 
the moment of stability may be written — 

W x GM x Sin ft 
so that in order to shift the vessel with confidence, it is only necessary to 


make sure that the value of G M is sufficient. In the two last operations 
G M should be great enough to allow for the reduction in its value due to 
the presence of free liquid in the vessel. We shall return to this point again. 
Besides the foregoing, if the vessel be of known type, the metacentric height 
will furnish a good basis from which to predict the probable nature of 
her stability at large angles of inclination. 

The great importance of the points G and M will now be manifest, and 
a shipmaster ought to know for every condition of lading of his vessel in 
which she may have to put to sea, what GM or metacentric height he has 

In considering these two centres, the influences controlling the position 
of each should be carefully noted. Obviously, G is fixed by the distribution 
of the weights, and we shall show presently how it may be determined in 
any given case. The point M, however, is not affected by the weight dis- 
tribution, but only by the underwater volume of the vessel, and by the shape 
of the waterplane. This appears from the formula that gives the height of 
the point relatively to the centre of buoyancy, which may be written — 
Height of transverse metacentre "i R M I 
above centre of buoyancy / ' I/ 1 

where / is the moment of inertia of the waterplane about its middle line 
as axis, and V the volume of displacement. 

The numerator of the right-hand member of this equation may be ex- 
plained in a popular way, as follows : — Imagine the area of the whole waterplane 
to be divided into an infinite number of parts, and the distances of the centres 
of these elements from the middle line ascertained; then, if each of these 
small areas be multiplied by the square of its distance from the axis, and the 
sum of the products be taken, the result will be the moment of inertia required. 

Although it involves some calculation to obtain the above moment of 
inertia in the case of an ordinary-shaped vessel, owing to the varying nature 
of the boundary line of the waterplane, it may be quickly obtained for any 
figure of simple form such as a square, a circle, or a triangle, as established 
formulas are then available. We have a case in point in a floating box-shaped 
vessel. Here the outline of the waterplane is a rectangle, and the moment of 

L R 3 

inertia of this figure about the major axis is — , where L is the length of 

the vessel, and 8 the breadth. 

Applying the formula for the height of the transverse metacentre above 
the centre of buoyancy we have — 

L x B* 

V LxBxD i2 0' 

D being the mean draught. If the actual dimensions of the vessel be — length, 
150 feet; breadth, 30 feet; draught, 15 feet; then — 

12 x 15 


Almost as simple a case occurs when the vessel is of constant triangular 
section with the apex down. The waterplane is, as before, a rectangle, so 
that the expression for / is unchanged, but the displacement is obviously only 
half the previous value, and we now have — 

L x B* 

! B 2 

BM = 

LxBxD 6D 

We therefore note that a floating vessel of this form has its transverse 
metacentre at twice the height above the centre of buoyancy of another having 
a rectangular section, the extreme dimensions in each case being the same. 
Moreover, in a vessel of triangular section, the centre of buoyancy is at a 
greater height above the base line than in the other case, so that the abso- 
lute height of the metacentre is, on this account, still further increased. Now, 
the forms of the 'midship sections of ordinary ship-shaped bodies lie between 
the two extreme cases just considered, and, neglecting for the moment the 
influence of tapered lines, the general effect of change of design upon the 
position of the transverse metacentre may be grasped. It is important to 
note in the above formula that B M is independent of the length, while the 
breadth appears in the second power. This shows the influence of breadth 
on stability, and explains why broad shallow vessels have always high meta- 

A unique case occurs where the vessel is a floating cylinder with its 
axis horizontal. In ordinary vessels the metacentre, as we have seen, may 
be considered as a fixed point only for one draught. In this case, however, 
the vertical through the centre of buoyancy will intersect the middle line 
at the same point at all draughts. This will be apparent, if we consider 
that, since the immersed section is part of a circle, a normal to any water- 
line through its middle point will pass through the centre of buoyancy, 
and intersect the middle line of the vessel at the centre of section. Thus, 
for a vessel of cylindrical section, there is only one position for the trans- 
verse metacentre. 

In applying the formula B M = -rj to ship-shaped bodies, the work, as 

already stated, mainly consists in obtaining the value of /. In actual calcula- 
tion it is usual to divide the waterplane into an even number of equal parts, 
suitable for the application of Simpson's First Rule, to treat the cubes of the 
ordinates, measured at the points of division, as ordinates of a new curve, 
and find the area of the latter in square feet, two-thirds of the quantity 
so obtained being the moment of inertia of the waterplane about the middle 
line. To obtain the value of the height of the transverse metacentre above 
the centre of buoyancy, this moment of inertia, as we have seen, must be 
divided by the volume of the ship's displacement in cubic feet up to the 
waterplane or draught considered. As practical examples of the foregoing, and 



in order to impress the method upon us, we shall calculate the value of 
B M in two particular cargo vessels, both of modern type. The first is a 
small deadweight carrier of full co-efficient, having the following dimensions: — 
length, 275 feet; extreme breadth, 39 feet, 6 inches; moulded depth, 20 feet, 
3 inches; the load draught is 18 feet, 9 inches, and the displacement 
4535 tons. We shall deal with the vessel when in this condition. The 
work is given in the table below. In the first and second columns we 
have the numbers of the half ordinates of the load-waterplane, reckoning 
from the after end, and their breadths as measured at the points of division ; 
in the third column are tabulated the cubes of these half ordinates, and in 
the fourth and fifth, Simpson's Multipliers and the products of these multi- 
pliers with the cubes, respectively. 

No. of 
J. Ordinates. 

J Ordinates. 

(£ Ordinates). n 


Functions of 
(i Ordinates). 3 


















-743 6 














































Height of transverse metacentre) n „ 174810x27*5x2 

> = d m = = 0*75 teet 

above centre of buoyancy 

3 X 3* 4535 x 35 

It will be observed that the figure 3 appears twice in the denomina- 
tor of the expression for the value of B M, once as required by Simpson's 
Rule, and once for the moment of inertia calculation. 

The other vessel chosen for illustration is of somewhat finer form, and 
much larger. Her dimensions are — length, 469 feet, 4 inches ; breadth, ex- 
treme, 56 feet; depth, moulded, 34 feet, 10 inches. This vessel at a draught 
of 27 feet, 6 inches, has a displacement of 15,814 tons. We shall find the 
value of B M at this draught, arranging the work in tabular form, as in the 
previous case — 



No. of 

4 Ordinates. 

Q Ordinates). 3 


Functions of 
(^ Ordinates). 3 










































1 1 



■ — 


As before- 

BM _ 497347 x 46-93 x 2 = ^ ^ 

3 x 3 x 15814 x 35 

ceding examples the vessels were treated as of rectangular form of the same 
extreme dimensions, and the rule applied, we should get for the small vessel — 

39'5 x 39*5 

and for the large one- 



12 x 18*58 
S 6 x 56 

= 7 feet ; 

= 9*6 feet. 

12 x 27^25 

The draught in each case is reduced by the depth of a flat keel. These 
results are sufficiently near the actual values to suggest the possibility of 
framing an approximate rule for readily obtaining the height of the metacentre 
for ordinary vessels, but employing the formula as for box-shaped vessels, 
with factors or co-efficients introduced to make up the differences between 
the types. Now, we know that the moment of inertia of a waterplane 

B 3 L 

of rectangular shape about the middle line is , where B is the full 


breadth and L the length ; this may also be written — 

/ = Ci x B 3 x /., where C x = — , or -083. 

For ship-shaped load waterplanes of moderately fine form, C 2 * will vary 

from '05 to '055 ; and where they are of full form, from '06 to '065. 

Thus, we are able to arrive at a ready expression giving the value of the 

numerator in the formula for B M. The denominator may be similarly 

* These co-efficients are from Sir Wm. Whyte's Manual of Naval Architecture, to which 
the reader is referred for figures applying specially to war vessels. 


treated, as the volume of a ship's displacement may always be written — 
V = t x B x D x G 2 , where C 2 is a co-efficient varying with the form. Using 
these approximations, we get — 

bM I/' C t LttD- 2 X D~ H D- 

For many classes of merchant vessels k = '09, while in vessels of full form 
it may become as low as *o8, or even less ; in fine ships, such as yachts, 
k may rise to '15. 

As a test, let us apply the approximate formula to the two examples 
for which we have made detailed calculations. For the small vessel, which 

has full ends, k = ~ = — ^ = *o8o6 ; and therefore — 
^2 7 8 7 

BM = -0806 x 39 ' 5 Q X ^ 9 ' 5 = 6-77 feet. 

In the larger vessel, the ends ot the load waterplane and the underwater 
body are both finer, and making due allowance — 

and BM = -0818 x ^ — *LL = 9 - 40 feet. 

Values of height of metacentre above centre of buoyancy thus obtained are 
therefore seen to approach the actual figures very closely. 

In order to fix the position of the metacentre in the vessel, it is necessary 
to know the height of the centre of buoyancy. In approximate calculations, 
for vessels of ordinary form, this value may be taken as varying between ^ 
and 2°o of the mean moulded draught, measured downwards from the water- 
line, the latter figure being used for full vessels. For detailed calculations, 
the position of the centre of buoyancy, as obtained from correct drawings oi 
the vessel, must, of course, be employed. 

While it is most important to know the position of a vessel's transverse 
metacentre when floating at her load draught, it is frequently necessary to 
know it for other draughts. For some classes of vessels the launching condi- 
tion is a critical one, and the amount of GM available then should be known. 
Cases are on record of vessels capsizing through deficient stability, while 
being launched. 

Another important condition for which the metacentric height should be 
known is that called "light-ship," which means that the vessel is complete, 
including machinery, but is without cargo or bunker coal. This condition 
forms an excellent basis from which to calculate the value of GM for the 
vessel when laden with any kind of cargo. 

Still another condition calling for special consideration is that when in 
ballast. Modern cargo vessels frequently perform voyages in ballast trim, 
and calculations should be made to find the disposition of ballast which will 
give a value of GM, ensuring the good behaviour of the vessel at sea. 



Thus we have, including the loaded one, four conditions for which it is 
essential to know the positions of the transverse metacentre and the centre of 
gravity. To enable us to find the former quickly at any draught, a diagram is 
constructed showing the change in the position of M with change in draught. 
(The centre of gravity must be dealt with specially, as we shall show afterwards). 
The curve of metacentres is usually plotted on a diagram, such as fig. 188, on 
which the curve of centres of buoyancy is also drawn — the distance between 
the two curves at any point being the value of B M at the corresponding 
draught. In plotting the curve of metacentres, the procedure is the same as 
for the curve of centres of buoyancy, which we may assume to be already 

Fig. 188. 

plotted. That is to say, referring to fig. 188, the height of M for various 
draughts is calculated and spotted off on A B. Then each of these points 
M } , M^ M s , etc., is translated out horizontally, a distance equal to that between 
the load draught and the draught to which it refers, and a curve is drawn 
through them. To complete the diagram, a line A A y at 45° to the vertical 
A B is drawn from the point A, where the load waterplane intersects A B. To 
obtain, now, from such a diagram, the value of B M at any draught, BE say, 
it is only necessary to draw a horizontal line at that draught to intersect the 
line AA x aX some point E lt and to draw through the latter point a vertical line 
to the curves of buoyancy and metacentres at B and M . It will be clear, 
after a little consideration, that B M is the height of metacentre above the 
centre of buoyancy corresponding to the draught BE. 



In fig. 189 are shown, in one diagram, curves of metacentres con- 
structed in this way for prismatic floating bodies having cross sections 
of rectangular, triangular, and circular form, marked respectively R /?, T 7", 
C 0. The curve marked applys to a cargo vessel of ordinary form 
with full lines. This diagram is very instructive. It will be noticed that 
the locus of M for a vessel of triangular section is a straight line which 
falls as the draught diminishes — a characteristic to be found in the dia- 
grams of fine vessels as they approach very light draughts, the immersed 
volume being then more or less triangular in form. The locus for a cir- 
cular section, as might be expected, is a horizontal straight line, M coin- 
ciding with the centre of the section for all draughts. The curve for the 

Fig. 189. 

vessel of box form resembles that for the ordinary ship in being convex to 

the base; that is to say, the position of M at first falls, as the vessel 

lightens. For a box-shaped vessel, B M = — -, so that, since B is constant, 

the value of B M continually increases as D diminishes. The convex shape 
of the curve of metacentres is, therefore, entirely due to the fact that, at 
first, the centre of buoyancy falls more quickly than the value of BM in- 
creases. This peculiarity in the curves of metacentres of vessels of full 
form should be carefully noted, as we see that if the position of the centre 
of gravity be assumed unchanged, while a vessel rises from the load 
draught to another somewhat less ; the initial stability will be reduced, 
although the " freeboard," or height of the deck above the waterplane, will 
be increased. 


GRAVITY. — A knowledge of the position of the transverse metacentre at 
any draught, as provided by such diagrams as the above, is of itself of no 
value whatever in predicting a vessel's initial stability. For example, we may 
have two similar vessels with identical curves of metacentres, and yet at the 
load draught one may have excessive initial stability, and the other be 
unstable. As stated already, it is the relation between the positions of M 
and G which is of paramount importance. In the similar vessels just 
referred to, the condition as to stability has been entirely influenced by the 
position of the latter point. In the stable vessel the heavy items have 
been placed low down ; in the other, the opposite has been the case. 
This shows how much the behaviour of a vessel at sea depends on those 
who have charge of her stowage. 

Fortunately, G may be determined very easily by means of an experi- 
ment, and being thus known for a given condition, the effect of a new 
disposition of cargo on the initial stability may be closely estimated. As 
well as by experiment, G may be found directly by calculation. This is 
the method employed by the naval architect in the preliminary stages of a 
ship's design in arranging the positions of the fixed weights. In warships, 
yachts, and other vessels, which sail at practically constant displacements, 
the estimate for the centre of gravity must be very carefully made, since 
any defect in the stability on completion cannot, without great expense, be 
corrected. In freight-carrying vessels the stowage of cargo, as we have 
seen, greatly influences the final position of 6, and its "light-ship" position 
is therefore not of the same importance. 

We cannot, in this work, elaborate in all its details the calculation 
method of finding G. It is, however, perfectly simple in principle, consist- 
ing, in fact, of a huge moment calculation, in which every item of a ship's 
weight, including her cargo, is multiplied by its distance from two datum 
lines at right angles in the middle-line plane, the centre of gravity being fixed 
by the values obtained when the sum of each of these systems of moments is 
divided by the total weight of the vessel. The datum lines are taken in the 
middle-line plane, as obviously, since both sides of the ship are alike, the 
centre of gravity must lie in that plane. The experimental method, which 
we now proceed to explain, briefly consists in heeling the vessel by moving 
a weight across the deck, observing the consequent effect upon the ship's 
centre of gravity, and thence deducing the value of GM. From this, since 
the position of M is known, the height of G may then be determined. 

In carrying out an experiment it is important to see, in the first place, 
that the vessel is floating quite freely, /.<?., not aground at any point, or 
unduly hampered by neighbouring vessels, or too tightly moored to the 
quay. Indeed, it would be better if moorings could be unloosed altogether. 
The condition of the vessel should next be noted. If she be "light," the 
holds, ballast tanks, and bunkers, should be empty. If some coal still 
remain in the bunkers, it should be trimmed level so that its weight and 


position of centre of gravity may be determined. The weights and positions 
of all items which may still require to go on board to complete the vessel, 
such as deck machinery, small boats, etc., must also be noted. A correction 
is made afterwards to allow for the effect on the final position of centre of 
gravity by the removal or addition of these weights. If the vessel should 
be in loaded trim, the ballast tanks will probably be empty, but they should 
be carefully sounded, and any loose water pumped out. Loose water in 
ballast tanks or holds is particularly detrimental to such an experiment. 
The apparatus may now be got ready. This consists of the heeling weight, 
a plumb line and bob, and a straight edge. For a vessel of fair size, the 
weight should not be less than about ten tons, so as to ensure a definite 
inclination when the weight is moved across the deck. Successful experi- 
ments have been carried out with a lighter heeling weight, when the dis- 

Fig. 190. 

tance moved has been considerable, as, of course, the heeling moment, which 
consists of the product of the weight into the distance moved, may be made 
up of a heavy weight into a short distance, or vice versa. 

The plumb line is usually hung in the middle-line plane of the vessel. 
A convenient place, when the holds are empty, is at a hatchway, the line 
being suspended at the upper-deck coaming, and the movements of the bob 
weight marked on a straight edge arranged for the purpose on top of the 
ceiling. With a loaded vessel this will, of course, not be possible, but a 
mast-stay, if screwed up tightly, will do quite well to suspend the bob weight 
from, and a straight edge on which to record the movements of the latter 
could be fitted in a suitable position near the deck. The method of conduct- 
ing the actual experiment may now be described. In the first place, half the 
heeling weight is arranged on each side of the upper deck, at a place 
allowing an unobstructed passage across the ship. The vessel is in the upright 


position, and the point N where the plumb bob crosses the straight edge 
is carefully marked (fig. 190). 

The weight on one side is then moved through a distance a feet across 
the ship, as shown, causing the plumb line to move out of the centre and 
take up a position R K. Now, moving the heeling weight from one side 
of the ship to the other causes the centre of gravity of the whole structure 
to move in the same direction through a distance given by the equation — 

G G\= — 777-, where W is the heeling weight in tons, a the distance it is 

moved in feet, and W the total displacement in tons. The point G\ is 
clearly the centre of gravity of the vessel in the inclined condition. Since 
there is equilibrium, the upward line of action of the resultant buoyant 
force must be in the vertical GJH ; and M being the intersection of this 
vertical line with the middle line, it is, by definition, the metacentre. 
From inspection, the triangles N R K and G M G l are similar, and therefore, 


GG,~N K* 
The inclination being very small, the distance NR may be taken as the 
length of the plumb line. We therefore get — 

GM = length of^umbline x0fly 

This is the metacentric height (uncorrected), and all that remains to be 
done to obtain the position of the centre of gravity above the base line, 
is to deduct this distance from the height of the transverse metacentre 
above the same line at this draft, as measured from the diagram of meta- 
centres. Corrections are afterwards made to allow for the removal of the 
inclining weights, and for the addition and deduction of other weights, if 
such be necessary to bring the vessel into the desired condition. 

It is the custom with certain shipbuilders to heel their vessels for the 
position of the centre of gravity when in the first two of the four conditions 
previously mentioned, viz., the " launching " and " light " conditions. With 
other shipbuilders the "light-ship" condition is the only one dealt with. 
The information obtained for the light condition is frequently supplied to 
the shipmaster, to be used as a basis for making estimates of the position 
of the centre of gravity when in any actual service condition, such as when 
in ballast, or when fully loaded. In these estimates it is, of course, 
necessary to have a strict account of the weights of the various items of 
cargo or ballast put on board, with the positions of their centres above 
the base, or any other datum line, and to combine the whole in a moment 
calculation. For ballast conditions, particularly where the ballast consists 
of water in fixed compartments, and for loaded conditions with homo- 
geneous cargoes, this method is quite 'reliable ; for loaded conditions with 
miscellaneous cargoes, however, it is not so satisfactory, as it is to be 
feared that the care required to ascertain the weight and the centre of 


gravity of every individual item of the cargo, would not always be exercised • 
and without such care, the calculated position of the ship's centre of gravity 
might be very wide of the mark. To make sure of the condition of his 
vessel with regard to initial stability, when fully loaded with a mixed cargo, 
a shipmaster can always resort to a special heeling experiment, which we 
have seen to be simple in character and absolutely reliable. As a practical 
example of such an experiment, let us take the case of the smaller of the 
two vessels (see page 182), whose nietacentre at the load draught we have 
found to be 675 feet above the centre of buoyancy, as recorded particulars 
of a heeling experiment carried out on her when fully loaded are available. 
At the time of the experiment the vessel, including the heeling weights, had 
a displacement of 4535 tons. The plumb line was hung from a stay and 
was 23 feet, 6 inches long. The inclining weights, arranged in two lots of 
five tons, were placed one lot on each side of the deck, at equal distances 
from the* centre line, the distance between their centres being 33 feet. The 
deflection N K of the plumb line caused by moving one portion of the 
weight across the deck from port to starboard, was found to be 6\ inches. 
As a check, the weight transferred across the deck was replaced in its old 
position, and an observation taken of the plumb line. It should, of 
course, have returned to the middle line, but scarcely did so. The other 
portion of the inclining weight was next shifted from starboard to port, and 
the resulting deflection of the plumb line noted ; it was 5! inches. In 
the calculation, the mean of the observations was taken, viz., 6 inches. 
Now — 

1 4535 "* J 

and, therefore, GM = —— x '0363 =171 feet. 

Assuming the positions of the nietacentre and the centre of buoyancy 
to be given, we have the following : — ■ 

Height of nietacentre above centre of buoyancy = 675 feet. 

Height of centre of buoyancy above base line = 875 feet. 

Height of nietacentre above base line = 15-5 feet. 

Distance of centre of gravity below nietacentre = 171 feet. 

Height of centre of gravity above base line — 1379 feet. 

The inclining weights were removed from the ship, and this was the only 
correction necessary. These weights being situated above the ship's centre of 
gravity, the effect of their removal was to lower the latter point. Calling 
the displacement of the vessel including the inclining weights W, the inclin- 
ing weights W, the uncorrected height of the centre of gravity above the 
base /;, the height of the centre of gravity of the inclining weights above 


the base /; and taking moments about the base (the weights being in tons, 
and heights in feet), we have — 

Corrected height of centre) W x h - W x / 
of gravity above base ) W - w ' 

4535 x 1 319 - 21 x 10 . A 

= H*2 2-iZ 2 = 1377 feet. 

There was a slight fall in the position of the centre of buoyancy due to 
the reduction in draught, but also a slight increase in the value of B M, the 
height of M above the base remaining as before. The corrected metacentric 
height thus became 15*5 1377 = 173 feet. 

To estimate the change in the position of the centre of gravity due to 
raising or lowering weights already on board, or removing them from the 
vessel altogether, is now a very simple matter. Let us take a specific case : — 
Assuming 250 tons of cargo are to be discharged from the bridge 'tween decks 
of the above vessel, at a certain port, find to what extent the centre of 
gravity and metacentric height will be affected. Taking moments about the 
base line, we have — 

New height of centre of gravity^ 4525 x 1377 — 250 x 26*5 
above base line )~ 45 2 5 - 2 5° ^ 

To get the corrected G M, we must allow for the fact that the position of 
M is altered by the change in displacement and in the form of the water- 
plane. Assuming no change of trim to take place — 

Weight of cargo removed 

Change in draught 

Tons per inch of immersion 
= -5- = 1 1 '36 inches, or "95 feet. 

The new draught is, therefore, 1875 -0*95 = 17*8 feet. From the curve of 
metacentres the corresponding height of transverse metacentre above the base 
line is 15*8 feet, and thus we have — 

GM = 15-8 - 13-02 = 278 feet. 
As a further example, take the case of the large cargo steamer previously 
dealt with (see page 182). This vessel's weight, when in the "light" condition, 
i.e., ready for sea, but with no coal or cargo aboard, is 5134 tons, the centre 
of gravity being 20 feet, 6 inches above the top of keel. Assuming the dis- 
placement scale and diagram of metacentres to be available, let us find the 
GM when laden with 10,680 tons of cargo and bunker coal distributed as 
follows: — 6420 tons of cargo in lower holds, 3320 tons in shelter 'tween 
decks, and 940 tons of coal in bunkers. Tabulating our data, we have — 

Light weight of ship = 5134 tons. 
Deadweight = 10680 tons. 

Total displacement — 15814 tons. 



Turning to the displacement scale we find the draught corresponding to 
this displacement to be 27 feet 6 J inches to bottom of keel. The transverse 
metacentre above the base line at this draught (from diagram) is 23-5 feet. 

To obtain the position of the centre of gravity, we must make a 
moment calculation, as follows : — 

Weight in 

0. of G. 
above base. 


Light Ship 

Cargo in holds 

Cargo in shelter 'tween decks 

Coal in bunkers 


33 2 ° 





995 10 





Height of centre of gravity) 363437 
above base line J 

= 22*98 feet, 

so that GM = 23*5 - 22*98 = '52 feet. 

This value is less than would be considered safe, unless the corresponding 
curve of stability were particularly favourable. If we haven't got this informa- 
tion, it will probably be considered desirable to remove some of the cargo 
from the shelter 'tween decks into the main 'tween decks, so as to lower 
the centre of gravity 4 or 5 inches. If 10 feet be the distance through 
which such cargo may be lowered, the quantity affected is given by the 
equation — 

Weight of cargo to be lowered x 10 = Displacement x fall in centre of gravity. 
Substituting values we obtain — 

Weight to be lowered = — — =522 tons. 

The new position of centre of gravity will be 22*98 - "33 = 22-65 ^ eet above 
the base line, and the value of GM '52 + '33 ="85 feet. 

The burning out of the bunker coal has often an important effect on the 
stability. Let us find what it would be in the present case. Assuming the 
weight of coal to be 940 tons, and its centre of gravity 24 feet above the 
base, the effect of burning out the coal in the present instance would be to 
lower the centre of gravity. Taking moments about the base line — 

New height of "^ 15814 x 22*65 ~~ 94° x 2 4 
centre of gravity/ 15814-940 ' *> 

The fall in draught of water would be — 



= IT* 

I7f inches, 

53 being the tons per inch of immersion at the load draught. The new 
draught would therefore be 27' 6£" 1' 5!" = 26' o$". From the diagram, 


the height of metacentre above base at this draught is 23-25 feet; so that 
under the assumed conditions — 

GM = 23*25 - 22*56 = '69 feet. 
The burning out of the coal would thus reduce the initial stability. 

As there would be draught to spare, it might be considered desirable 
to run up some water ballast in order to bring G M to about its previous 
value. Let sufficient water be supposed admitted to lower the vessel's 
centre of gravity 3 inches. Then, assuming the centre of gravity of the 
ballast to be 2 feet above the base, and taking moments about that line, 
we have, representing the weight of the ballast by B — 

(14874 + B) 22'3i - B x 2 = 14874 x 22*56 

, . , n 14874 x 22-56- 14874 x 22-31 

from which B = ' 3 — — =183 tons. 

20*31 J 


The added ballast would increase the draught — - = 3J inches, and from 
the diagram we find that the metacentre would rise half-an-incb, therefore- 
New value of G M = "69 + '25 4- '04 = -98 feet. 

MODERATE AMOUNT. — In order to make estimates of a vessel's meta- 
centric height, or initial stability, like the foregoing, considerable data must 
be available. In many instances a shipmaster may not have this informa- 
tion. By an approximate rule* he may, however, still find the effect on 
the initial stability of raising or lowering, adding or removing, a moderate 
weight, provided he knows its amount and the distance of its centre of 
gravity from the load-waterplane. If to be the weight in tons, and h its 
distance in feet from the load-waterplane, by this rule, the stability at an 
inclination of 6 degrees will be affected to the extent w x h x Sin 6 foot 
tons, the correction being a decrease if w is added at some point above 
the waterplane, or removed from some point below it, and an increase if 
the conditions be the opposite of these. Thus, the effect of running in 
183 tons of ballast on the initial stability of the vessel referred to above, 
will, by this approximate method, be to increase it by the amount — 

(26-04 - 2 ) x ^3 x Sin 6 foot tons = 4399 Sin Q foot tons. 

By the exact method, viz., Righting Moment =W x GM x Sin 0, the increase 
is the difference between the stability after adding the ballast and that 
existing before, that is — 

(15057 x -98 - 14874 x '69) Sin foot tons = 4492 Sin Q foot tons, 
so that the approximation is a good one. 

* See a paper by Sir Wm. Whyte in volume XIX. of the Transactions of the Institution of 
Naval Architects. 



As a further example, suppose 200 tons of deck cargo to be taken on 
board at n feet above the load-waterline. The effect will be to reduce 
the initial stability by the amount (200 x n) Sin foot tons, which 
at 10 degrees is 2200 x '1736 = 381-9 foot tons. If the cargo were re- 
moved instead, the initial stability would be increased by the same amount. 
This method only gives reliable results when the addition or removal of 
the weights causes no appreciable change in the form of the load-line. 

SAFE MINIMUM 6 A/. —The question of a minimum value of G M has 
been the subject of much debate and difference of opinion. Those who 
have favoured a large value have been confronted with the fact that great 
stiffness conduces to bad behaviour at sea, as will appear when we come 
to the subject of rolling. On the other hand, a very small value indicates 
a crank vessel, and may mean, although not necessarily so, an altogether 
unsafe one. The only secure manner of dealing with vessels in this respect 
is to compare them with others whose performances at sea are known, and 
to adopt values of metacentric heights thus suggested. 

In designing the various classes of warships, the value of the metacentric 
height must be carefully considered from the point of view of what ma} 
be expected from each vessel on active service. This is specially necessary, 
'since G M cannot be readily altered after the completion of the vessel, the 
weights being then fixed and the displacement more or less constant. If the 
only consideration is to obtain a steady gun platform, G M should be small, 
as a minimum of rolling motion at sea is thereby assured. If, however, 
other considerations intervene, such as a liability to lose a portion of the 
inertia of the load-waterplane when in action, to which some war vessels, 
owing to their design, are subject, the steady gun platform must be sacri- 
ficed and a sufficiently large initial value of G M provided to meet all 

It is beyond our province to fully discuss the subject as affecting 
warships, but coming to the case of trading merchant vessels, there seems 
to be a consensus of opinion in favour of limiting the minimum value 
of G M in steamers of about medium size to one foot when filled with 
a homogeneous cargo, which just brings them to the load-waterline. Cases 
are on record of vessels which have given a good account of themselves 
with smaller metacentric heights, when loaded as above. In one oft-quoted 
instance, the GM was as low as '6 feet, yet the vessel proved herself in 
every way a good sea-boat. The natural feeling, however, is to have a margin 
on the side of safety, and this is considered to be provided in ocean-going 
steamers when the metacentric height has the minimum value given above. 

For sailing-ships, of course; a much higher value of G M is requisite, in 
order that they may not be unduly heeled when under canvas. The best 
authorities give 3 to 3^- feet as a minimum value, and where a homo- 
geneous cargo will not admit of this, ballast should be carried. 



1. A vessel is floating at rest in still water; discuss the changes in the character of 
the equilibrium as the centre of gravity is raised. 

2. Define the transverse metacentre ; write down the formula for the height of the 
transverse metacentre above the centre of buoyancy, and state its numerical value in the 
case of a rectangular vessel 38 feet broad, floating on even keel at a draught of 20 feet. 

Ans. — 6 'Oi feet. 

3. What is metacentric stability? A vessel of 4000 tons displacement has a metacentric 
height of 18 inches; calculate the stability in foot tons at an inclination of 10 degrees. 

Ans. — 1041*6 foot tons. 

4. The equidistant ordinates of a vessel's load-waterplane, measured on one side of the 
middle-line at intervals of 16 feet, are — *2, 6-8, 9-6, ico, I0'2 io*o, 9*9, %•%, and 1 - 8 feet, 
and half ordinates introduced at the ends are 3 '8, and 7 '3 feet, respectively. Find the 
height of the transverse metacentre above the centre of buoyancy, the displacement being 530 
tons. Ans. — 3 '46 feet. 

5. A prism of circular section floats in still water with its axis horizontal. Show that 
the metacentre is at the centre of the section for all draughts. 

6. Two prisms of rectangular and triangular section, respectively, float on even keel 
at the same draught; they are also the same breadth at the waterline. Show that the height 
of metacentre above the centre of buoyancy in the first case is half that in the second. If 
the breadth be 35 feet and the draught iS feet, what are the values in the two cases? 

Ans. — 5-67 feet; 11*34 f eet - 

7. A raft is supported by, and rigidly attached to, two rectangular pontoons placed 
parallel to each other and 6 feet apart from centre to centre. Each pontoon is 4 feet wide 
and 2 feet deep, and floats half immersed when the raft is laden. Calculate the meta- 
centric height, assuming the centre of gravity of raft and lading to be 3 feet above the 
waterline. Ans, — 6*83 feet. 

8. Explain an approximate method of calculating the height of transverse metacentre 
above the centre of buoyancy, and work out the numerical value in the case of & full-formed 
cargo steamer of 48 feet beam and 25 feet draught. Ans. — 7*36 feet. 

9. How is a. metacentric diagram constructed, and what are its uses ? Construct such 
a diagram for a homogeneous rectangular prism afloat in still water, assuming it to be 30 
feet broad and 20 feet deep. 

10. The displacement of ^ vessel is 400 tons ; the transverse metacentre is 5f feet above 
the centre of buoyancy, and the centre of gravity 3 feet above the centre of buoyancy. If 
12 tons be moved 8 feet across the deck, find the inclination of the vessel. 

Ans. — 5 degrees. 

n. Explain how you would find the position of the centre of gravity of a ship— 

(1). By calculation. 
(2). By experiment. 

12. The centre of gravity of a certain cargo vessel of 4500 tons displacement is found 
to be 16 feet above the base; the following weights are then added, viz., 600 tons at 10 
feet, 400 tons at 15 feet, and 500 tons at 11 feet above the base; the following weights 
are removed, viz., 600 tons from 2 feet, and 100 tons from 14 feet above the base. 
Calculate the new height of centre of gravity. 

Ans. — 16'39 feet above the base. 


13. How would you estimate the change in initial stability of a vessel due to raising or 
lowering, adding or removing, a weight of moderate amount? 

(1). Accurately. 
(2). Approximately. 

14. Estimate approximately the change in stability at an inclination of 10 degrees, due 
to running in 150 tons of ballast at 2 feet above the base, and discharging 100 tons of 
cargo from 30 feet above the base; the load draught to begin with being 22 feet. 

Ans. — Stability increased 660 foot tons approximately. 


IN the previous chapter we examined the condition of vessels when heeled 
through small angles in a transverse direction ; in the present one we 
propose to deal with longitudinal inclinations — that is, with the subject 
of trim. 

The vessel in fig. 191 is supposed to be heeled to a very small angle 
in a fore-and-aft direction, by transferring a weight W tons from forward to aft 
through a distance a feet. W^ and W L represent, respectively, the lines of 

flotation before and after the transference. The draught is increased at the 
stern and decreased at the stem, as shown. The sum of the distances L Z. : , 
and W W v is called the change of trim, and the finding of this for any 
proposed condition of lading constitutes the trim problem. We shall en- 
deavour to explain two methods of solution — one that ordinarily given in 
text books \ the other not so well known. 

In fig. 191, the point of intersection S of the new and the old water- 
lines is at about the middle of the length. It actually coincides with the 
centre of gravity of the waterplane W Y L^ which, in most cases, is a little aft 
of the middle of the length ; however, it is sufficiently correct to assume 



SLj and S W x to be equal, and this simplifies the work somewhat. Re- 
ferring to the figure, obviously — 

Change of trim = W W x + L L x =■ (W.S + S Q tan Q. 

= length of load line x tan Q (i). 

Now the movement of the weight w causes the centre of gravity of 
the vessel to be drawn aft through a distance G G x given by the equation 

G G x = — r», — (W being the displacement in tons), and the resultants of the 

vertical forces of weight and buoyancy, when the ship is once more in equi- 
librium, act through the point G v This is indicated in fig. 191, as also the 
previous line of vertical forces through G, corresponding to the condition before 
the shifting of IV. Their point of intersection m is called the longitudinal 
metacentre, and the distance Gm the longitudinal metacentric height, the 
latter being of considerable importance in trim problems, as we shall see 
presently. The angle between the two lines is clearly Q, the inclination 
between the water lines, and therefore — 

GG X = Gm tan 0, 
or Gm tan = ^ 

w a 

so that tan = 

W x Gm 

Change of trim 
Length of load-line 

Calling the length of load-line /., and equating these two values of tan Q, we 

From (1) tan Q = 

ing the length 
obtain the relation 

Change of trim w a , -. 

I = WxGm {2h 

which is the ordinary formula for change of trim due to any given shift of 
weights already on board. 

One or two simple examples will illustrate the application of this formula. 
Take a vessel 200 feet long of 2000 tons displacement, in which the quantity 
Gm is 190 feet, and find the effect on the flotation due to shifting 50 tons 
aft through 80 feet. Transposing a little, and introducing the quantities 
given, we have — 

50 x So x 200 

Change of trim — = ^'1 feet, say 2^ inches. 

b 2000 x 190 ' J D 

The draught forward will therefore be reduced, approximately, 12 J- inches, 
and the draught aft increased by the same amount. 

Again, if it were found that the propeller tips in this vessel were show- 
ing 9 inches above the water when in the original condition, the minimum 
weight w required to be shifted, say, 120 feet aft, so as just to immerse 
the screw, would be — 

i'ij x 2000 x 190 

W = = 23*715 tons. 

200 x 120 ° ' J 

TRIM. 199 

In dealing with questions like the foregoing, and indeed, in working out 

any trim problem, it frequently saves time to find at the outset the moment 

to alter trim one inch. To do this it is only necessary to substitute in 

(2) 1 inch (or T \ foot, since the units are in feet) for "change of trim," 

and after transposing, Avrite down the equation giving the moment required. 


i-i W x Gm c L 

Moment to alter trim 1 inch — w x a = —r— — ~ foot tons. 

L x 12 

In the preceding example — 

2000 x 190 

W x a = = 158"? foot tons, 

200 x 12 ° ° ' 

and using this figure we get the same results as before more simply. Thus, 
for the effect of shifting 50 tons aft through 80 feet we have — 

-, .... Trimming moment 50 x 80 

Change of trim in inches = tt — — ~rf — — : r— - = - — s — = 2*:. 

b Moment to alter trim 1 inch 158*3 J 

In the second question, as the change of trim necessary to submerge 
the propeller tips is 18 inches, there must be a total trimming moment of 
18 x 158*3 = 2849*4 foot tons, and as we know that «/, the weight, may be 
moved 120 feet aft, obviously — 


W = = 2V7S tons - 

1 20 

The moment to alter trim one inch is thus seen to be very useful, and 
in order to have it ready to hand for all possible conditions as to draught, 
it is frequently found convenient to plot a curve of its values with varia- 
tion in draught. In the calculations it is usual to employ B m instead of 
Gm {see fig. 191) as, of course, the exact position of the centre of gravity at 
the various draughts is unknown, and B m, as we shall see presently, may be 
readily found. The difference between G m and B m, however, is usually small, 
and for practical purposes the trim moments thus found are sufficiently ac- 
curate. The plotting of the diagram is a simple matter, and as an exercise, 
the reader should draw one for any case for which he may have the data. 

LONGITUDINAL METACENTRE.— The only term in equation (2) call- 
ing for special explanation is G 17), already described as the longitudinal 
metacentric height — m being the longitudinal metacentre. The point m is 
obviously analogous to M the transverse metacentre, with which we are already 
familiar. In fact, the definition of M given on page 179 will also apply 
to m, if for transverse the word longitudinal be substituted. The points 
M and m have similar functions in respect to stability ; but vessels have 
enormous righting power in a longitudinal direction^ and detailed calculations 
of longitudinal stability are therefore unnecessary. The principal use of m 
is found, as illustrated above, in dealing with questions of trim. 

CALCULATION OF B m (fig 1 . 191).— As in the case of the transverse 



metacentre, the height of the longitudinal metacentre is first found above 
the centre of buoyancy. The same formula is used, viz. : — 

Bm = -n-i 

but here / is the moment of inertia of the waterplane with respect to a 
transverse axis through its centre of gravity. We shall see presently, that for 
ordinary vessels the calculation of / is rather more laborious than in the 
previous case ; for box-shaped or other vessels of simple form, this is, however, 
not so. Take, for example, a box-shaped vessel of length /, breadth 6, 
and draught d. Fig. 192 shows the waterplane, which is, of course, a 
rectangle; xx, drawn at right angles to the middle line, is the axis of the 

moment of inertia- 

l about x x = 



Fig. 192. 

Since the volume of displacement is Ibd — 

i 3 b _P_ 
12 / b d~ i2d' 

Bm = 

If it be given that / = 150 feet, and d = 15 feet, 


Bm = - j2 — — 7- = 125 feet. 
12 x 15 J 

If this vessel were of constant circular section, with its longitudinal axis 
in the waterplane, the numerator of the expression giving Bm would be un- 
changed, but the volume of displacement would be less. In such a case, we 
should have — 


Simplifying and substituting values 



lb 2 





r 5° 



6 x 30 x '7854 

159*1 feet. 



Coming to ship forms, we find that the varying nature of the outline 
of the waterplane and of the form of the underwater body introduces com- 
plexity into the calculation. No simple formula is available for the moment 
of inertia of the waterplane. To find this quantity it is usual to divide the 
waterplane by ordinates in number suitable for the application of Simpson's 
Rule, to calculate the moment of inertia of elementary strips of area at each 
of these ordinates about some chosen axis, to treat these moments as ordinates 
of a new curve, and calculate the area of the latter. This area, subject 
to a further correction to be explained presently, gives the moment of 
inertia required. The foregoing may, perhaps, be better understood by a 
simple graphic explanation. In fig. 193, ABO represents a half of a load 
waterplane of a vessel. x X is the axis about which the moment of inertia 
is to be calculated, and is usually taken in the vicinity of the mid-length. 

Fig, 193. 

The ordinates 6 b 6 2 , 6 3 , etc., are numbered from aft, and the common 
interval between them is h. Calling the breadth of each little strip a, we 
may write — 
Moment of inertia of elementary strip at b\ about x X = x (4A) 2 a — 0. 

6 2 „ = 6 2 x (3//)* a = gb 2 h 2 a. 

b 3 „ - 6 3 x (2hfa = 4b 3 h 2 a, 
b 4 „ = 6 4 x {hfa = 6 4 A 3 a. 
„ » b 5 „ = b 5 x 0. a = 0. 

In the same way, moments of inertia of strips of area on the other side 
of XX may be found. At the points of division on the middle line AC, the 
the moments of inertia of the strips are erected as rectangles, the base in 
each case being the small breadth a, and the ordinates, the quantities 0, 
963 h% 4& 3 /? 2 , etc. Fair curves drawn through the tops of these rectangles 
enclose areas as shown, which, added together, represent the moment of inertia 
of the plane about the chosen axis. 



Now, the axis of the moment of inertia must contain the centre of 
gravity of the waterplane area. If XX is not so placed, which generally 
would be the case, a correction must be made. This is done by means 
of the formula explained on page 63, viz., 

/, = / + Ak 2 
where / is the moment of inertia of the plane about an axis through 
the centre of gravity, I x its moment of inertia about any parallel axis X X y 
h the distance between these axes, and A the area of the waterplane. 
Applying this formula to the above case, it is necessary to find the dis- 
tance k t which is obtained if the position of the centre ot gravity of the 
plane is known. We have already seen how to find this latter point, and, 
having obtained 7 h the value of the required quantity may be at once 
written down. 

As a numerical example, take the 470 feet vessel for which we have 
calculated the transverse B M. The table below exhibits the full work, and 
scarcely calls for explanation. It may be mentioned, however, that columns 
4 and 6 are introduced to determine the area of the waterplane, and the 
position of its centre of gravity from the assumed axis at ordinate No. 5 ; 
also that, as each ordinate of the moment of inertia diagrams (fig. 193) in- 
volves the square of the interval between the ordinates, the finding of the 
areas introduces the cube of the interval in the expression for the moment 
of inertia, as shown below. 

No. of 



Functions of 

Levers for 

Functions for 



Functions of 

Moment of 








I 3 -0 


2 6 'OO 




5 2 6-50 










2 7 '5 


I lO'OO 

















11 i"6o 






III - 6o 


1 n'6o 









2 7'0 

































excess forward = 46*80 

Centre of gravity of L.W.P. forward of No. 5 ordinate = 7~~^ = 3'o6 feet 


Area of L.W.P. - '—^ ?-^A = 22388 square f ee ^ 



4S40'S X (46 "Q^) 3 X 2 

M.I. about axis through No. 5 ordinate = — — — 312890090. 

M.I. about axis through C.G. of L.W.P. = 312890090- (22388 x (3'o6) 2 ) 

= 312680458. 

The displacement of the vessel is 15814 tons; 

I ^126804^8 
so that, Bm = -77 = „ Q = 565 feet- 

V 15814x35 3 * 

For easy reference, values of B m, such as the above, are usually cal- 
culated for various draughts and plotted in a diagram from which, given a 
draught, the corresponding B ffi may be read off. Of course, for accurate 
trim calculations, G m and not B m is required ; the distance between B 
and G should therefore be deducted from the calculated distance B m, G 
being usually above B. In the above case, for instance, the centre of 
gravity is 6 feet above the centre of buoyancy, and, consequently — 

Gm = 565 - 6 = 559 feet. 

Fig. 194. 




The foregoing principles will be more clearly understood by the follow- 
ing trim calculations for a few actual cases : — 

Example 1. — Suppose 150 tons of cargo, having its centre 80 feet before 
the centre of gravity of the load-waterplane, is to be discharged from the 
above vessel ; what will be the new draughts forward and aft, it being given 
that the vessel to begin with is on even keel at 27 feet 6 inches? 

In questions such as this, and in those involving additions of cargo, it 

is usual to assume, in the first place, that the removed or added weight 

has its centre in the vertical plane, containing the centre of gravity of the 

layer of volume which rises out of or sinks into the water. Under this 

assumed condition, a vessel will obviously rise or sink through a parallel 

distance. For, in fig. 194, if b be the centre of gravity of the layer through 

which a vessel rises by the removal of a weight w/, and a be the distance 

of b from the vertical through fl, the original centre of buoyancy of the 

vessel, then — 

W x a — Moment tending to depress bow, 

the effect of the removal of the layer of displacement being to cause the 
centre of buoyancy of the vessel to move aft : and if, as assumed, the 
weight before removal had its centre in the vertical containing 6, another 
moment due to removing w will also be in operation, in this case tending 


to raise the bow. These two moments are equal and neutralise each other, 
and thus the vessel rises to the waterplane W1L1 without changing trim. 
On the other hand, if the vessel be floating at the waterplane W x L b and the 
weight w be added with its centre of gravity in the same vertical as 6, the 
moment due to the increased buoyancy will be w x a, and will tend to 
raise the bow, while that due to the added weight, being of equal amount 
but of opposite sense, will tend to depress the bow ; so that the final effect 
will be to sink the vessel to the line W L without change of trim. 

It should be noted that, where the weights to be added or removed are 
moderate, 6 may be taken as in the vertical containing the centre of gravity 
of the waterplane. 

Applying these principles to the working out of our question, it is 
assumed that the 150 tons of cargo is immediately over the centre of gravity 
of the waterplane, the effect of its removal therefore being to cause the 
vessel to rise through a parallel distance — 

150 150 . 

,-« ■ — r — t~- = — = = 2f inches, nearly. 

Ions per inch of immersion 53-3 4 J 

The reader already knows how to find the tons per inch at a given water- 

We next take account of the fact that the cargo is 80 feet forward of 
the assumed position. A little consideration will show that the removal of 
150 tons from a point 80 feet before the centre of gravity of the water- 
plane, has the same trimming effect as the addition of the same weight 
at 80 feet abaft that point. By removing the weight from its true posi- 
tion, we therefore get — 

Moment trimming vessel by stern — 150 x 80 = 12,000 foot tons. 


u . . , W x Gm . 
Moment to alter trim 1 men = — -. foot tons, 

= 1570 foot tons, 

12000 . 

so that, Trim by stern = — — — = 7-f inches, nearly. 

L x 12 

i5 8l 4 x 559 
470 x 12 


The final draughts will be — 

Forward, 27' 6" - 2|" - 3 J" =26' n-|" ; 
Aft, 27' 6" - 2 f + 3 f" = 27' 7 f . 

We have assumed the change of trim to be divided equally at stem 
and stern. This is not quite correct. Allowance should be made for the fact 
that S (see fig. 191), the point in which the water-lines intersect, which coin- 
cides with the centre of gravity of the load-waterplane, is not usually at the 
mid-length, and the change of trim, forward and aft, should be allotted 
according to the proportion — 

LL X S± 
WW X 8W 


In small changes of trim, however, it is not usual to proceed to this re- 
finement, as the difference is inappreciable ; in the present case, it is less 
than a quarter-of-an-inch. 

Example 2.— A vessel 360 feet long, 48 feet broad, and drawing 26 
feet aft and 20 feet forward, has to cross a bar which will only admit of 
a draught of 25 feet. She has a fore-peak tank of 160 tons capacity. 
Show by calculation whether the filling of this tank will trim the vessel 
sufficiently to enable her to pass over the bar. The centre of gravity of 
the water ballast is 166 feet forward of the centre of gravity of the load- 
waterplane, the tons per inch of immersion is 33, and the moment to alter 
trim one inch, 700 foot tons. 

From the information given, we may write : — 

Sinkage, assuming ballast immediately over^ 160 
the centre of ffravitv of load-waternlane J = 77 = 4 ' 84 ' ^ 5 inches. 


the centre of gravity of load-waterplane j 33 
Trim by head due to actual position oi\ 166x160 

= ^8 inches. 

ballast / 700 ° 

Assuming waterplanes to cross at mid-length — 

New draught forward =20' o'' + 5" + 1' 7'' = 22' o" > 
New draught aft — 26' o" + 5" - 1 7'' — 24/ 10"; 

we thus see the vessel may, with care, be safely navigated across the bar. 
In the two previous cases, the weights causing the change of trim are 
small in comparison with the total displacements ; had they been large, it 
would have been incorrect to assume b of the parallel layer to be in the 
vertical containing the centre of gravity of the original waterplane. Its true 
position is obviously somewhere in the line joining the centres of gravity 
of the two planes enclosing the layer; do is this line in fig. 194. If the 
areas A, A h of the planes WL and W\L h be known, the position of b may 
be determined from the relation — 

be A; 

Very little error is involved if 6 be taken as the mid-point of tfe, and 
in most cases this is done. 

Another point to be borne in mind is, that in dealing with large 
changes of trim, the plane of flotation, after movement of the weights, may 
have become so altered in shape as to materially affect the value of the 
moment of inertia, and, therefore, of the metacentric height. In actual 
calculations, it is customary to first approximate the trim by using the G m 
given by the original waterplane ; and, for a final result, to employ a mean 
G m between those corresponding to the approximate and the original water- 
planes. Taking an actual case, let it be required to find the draught and 
trim in the vessel of Example 2, after discharging 1000 tons of coal and 
cargo and loading 300 tons of water ballast. The reduction in displace- 



ment is 700 tons, and, assuming the weights to have their centres in the 
vertical plane containing b, the centre of buoyancy of the layer — 

Thickness of parallel layer = =21 inches. 

b is found to be one foot forward of the centre of gravity of the original 
waterplane, and the leverages of the weights are measured from b. The 
work of calculating the trimming moment may be tabulated as follows : — • 


Distance from b. 



u c J 

n 1 

400 tons bunker coal 

350 tons cargo from main hold 

250 tons cargo aft hold 

200 tons W.B. in aft main tank 

1 00 tons W. B. in aft tank 

14 ft. forward 
46 ft. forward 

121 feet aft 
7 1 feet aft 

1 3 1 feet aft 

foot tons 

3° 2 S° 

foot tons 



1 3 IOO 

30250 49000 


There is thus an aft-trimming moment in operation of 18,750 foot tons. 

The moment to alter trim 1 inch in the initial condition is 700 foot 
tons } as a first approximation, we therefore get — 

Change of trim = 



27 inches, nearly. 

The approximate draughts are — 

Forward, 20' o" - (1' 9") - (1' if) = 17' ij" ; 

Aft, 26' o"-(i' 9 ") + (i' ii*) = 25' 4"- 

Allowing for the difference in the displacement and the metacentric height, 
the moment to alter trim 1 inch in the above approximate condition is 
found to be 650 foot tons; so that a mean moment is 675 foot tons. Em- 
ploying this figure we get with more exactness — 

Change of trim == 

i87_ 5 _o 

28 inches, nearly. 

The final draughts will therefore be- 


17 1 -J - I 

17 1 : 

2 5 4* + i = 25' 5" 

MR. LONG'S METHOD.*— A method of dealing with questions of trim, 
which differs somewhat from the preceding one, and which has several 

* While Mr. Long makes no claim to the invention of this elegant method of solving trim 
problems, his paper contains what appears to be the first published description of it. As seems 
fitting, therefore, we have called the method by his name. 



points of advantage, is described by Mr. Long in a paper read recently 
before the North-East Coast Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders. 

In this system, use is made of what are called trim lines or curves to 
find the trim corresponding to any mean draught and longitudinal position of 
the centre of gravity. A trim line is obtained as follows: — First, a level line 
is drawn, as W L in fig. 195, to represent the mean draught for which the 
trim line is required. On this a point B is taken as the position of the 
longitudinal centre of buoyancy at level keel, and a datum line drawn show- 
ing its relation, say, to amidships. The horizontal distance from B of the 
centre of buoyancy, with the vessel trimming 2 feet by the stern, is then 
calculated and marked off at B 2 ; also the distance abaft B of the centre of 
buoyancy, with the vessel trimming 4 feet aft, is plotted as at Z? 4 . At B 2 and 
£ 4 verticals are erected, and the corresponding trims marked off, the same 
scale being used throughout. Through the points thus found and the point 
B a line is drawn ; this is the trim line required. 

Fig. 195. 

Obviously, we have here all the information necessary to determine any 
trim up to 4 feet, due to the movement of weights on board ; for, if the 
distance the centre of gravity travels aft on account of the movement of 
the weights be ascertained and plotted from B along the level line to G, 
say, and a vertical be raised to intercept the trim line at D y GO must be 
the trim by the stern, as the centre of buoyancy and centre of gravity are 
again in the same vertical line. 

For forward trims the trim line should be continued below its level line 
to indicate the movement of the centre of buoyancy in that direction. It 
should be noted that the centre of gravity and centre of buoyancy are here 
assumed to travel the same distance when a change of trim takes place. 
This is not quite true, as a glance at fig. 191 will show; B being below 
G } and therefore more remote from M, moves a greater distance. For quite 
accurate work, therefore, the distance plotted from B towards W (fig. 19c) 
should be the calculated travel of the centre of gravity plus B G tan 



(see fig. 191). It is not necessary to proceed to this refinement in ordinary 
cases, as the error thus involved is inappreciable. 

One advantage of the trim line system is the absence of formulae. No 
calculations are required except a simple one for the travel of the centre of 
gravity consequent on the movement of the weights. This will be seen by 
an example. It will be interesting to work out Example 1 (page 203) by this 
method ; we are able to do this, as fig. 195 is the trim line at the 
load draught of the vessel referred to. Employing the figures given, we 

Fig. 196. 

Travel of centre ot gravity "i 80x150 

on removal of weight / " 15814-150 = ? 

Plotting this distance from B to F, and erecting a perpendicular to meet 
the trim line at G, we obtain FG, or 7I inches, as the trim by stern 
required. This is the same result as before. 

The trimming weight in the foregoing example is small in comparison 
with the displacement, and for such cases we know the ordinary metacentric 
method is as accurate as any. Where the weights and moments are great, 
however, only approximate results are obtainable by the ordinary method 
due to the fluctuating nature of the metacentric height. In this respect the 


trim line method excels the other, as it is practically accurate for all changes 
of trim and draught, however large. 

It is perhaps scarcely necessary to point out that a trim line is only 
reliable at its own draught, and that where the change of displacement is 
considerable, a new curve is required. Experience goes to show that in 
ordinary cases the tendency of trim lines is to become less steep with 
reduction in draught. For this reason they should be drawn for use- 
ful draughts, as those of the load, ballast, and light conditions, and this 
would probably be sufficient in most cases. By constructing cross curves 
of trim, however, as is done for stability, a trim line for any draught 
within the limits of the cross curves can at once be obtained. Such a 
diagram obviously provides full trim information for a vessel. Fig. 196 
represents the case of the steamer of Example 1. The horizontal lines 
are the waterplanes for which trim lines have been drawn. The points in 
which the latter intersect their corresponding level waterplanes, and where they 
indicate trims of 2 feet, 4 feet, and 8 feet by the stern, and 2 feet by the 
head, are enclosed by small circles. Curves through these points give the cross 
curves required. If, now, a trim line at an intermediate draught, say of 26 
feet, be desired, it is only necessary to draw a level line at this point, 
and at heights of 2 feet, 4 feet, etc., parallel lines to cut the correspond- 
ing cross curves at A, 5, and 0, a line through these points being 
the trim line required. 

BILGING. — Given a diagram like that just described, any trim question 
relating to the ship for which the diagram is drawn can be readily and quickly 
dealt with. Consider, for instance, the important trim problem of finding the 
floating condition of a vessel consequent on one or more of her compartments 
being bilged and in free communication with the sea. Such a case is depicted 
in fig. 197, in which a vessel is shown bilged in the after compartment of the 
hold. W\L\ is the line of flotation after the accident, with the ship once 
more at rest ; W L the original waterline. The problem is to determine 
the line W X L V 

Now the change of trim is here caused, not by an added or deducted 
weight, but by a loss of buoyancy, and it is usual to treat the problem as 
one of loss of buoyancy. By an exercise of imagination, however, the 
question may be more easily dealt with ; for, if the hole into the bilged 
compartment be assumed closed — the vessel being once more at rest — the 
trim will not be affected, but an important change will have taken place 
in her floating condition, as the lost buoyancy will have been restored and 
the water in the compartment become, for practical purposes, a weight 
carried. Viewed thus, it is only necessary to obtain the weight and the 
position of the centre of gravity of this water for a complete solution of 
the problem. The process of calculation is tentative in character and may 
be as follows : — First, the weight of water in the compartment up to the 
original waterplane W L should be found, and the parallel sinkage determined 
assuming compartment open to the sea and the admitted water placed with 



its centre of gravity in the vertical plane containing the centre of gravity of 
the added layer of displacement. This distance, measured in the trim dia- 
gram above the height of the original waterplane, will give the point from 
which the level' line and corresponding trim line should be drawn. The trim 
can then be obtained, as already described, by finding the travel aft of the 
centre of gravity, assuming the weight to be translated to its true position. 
This is, of course, a first approximation. It will next be necessary to 
calculate the weight of water in the compartment, assuming the surface to 
rise to the level of the new draughts, and to use it in the same way in 
another trim estimate. If the second approximation should differ much 


Fig 197. 

from the first, it may be necessary to proceed to a third. But the experi- 
ence of the calculator must guide him here. 

As a numerical example, take a box-shaped vessel, 210 feet long, 30 
feet broad, and 20 feet deep, drawing 10 feet forward and aft; and suppose 
an empty watertight compartment at the extreme after-end, 10 feet long, to 
be in free communication with the sea. It will be necessary first to draw 
out the trim diagram. This is a simple matter owing to the regular nature 
of the vessel's shape. We begin by obtaining the trim line at 10 feet 

Fig. 198. 

draught. A B D, fig. 198, shows the vessel in side elevation, W L is the 
level keel water-line, W^U and W 4 L 4 those when 2 feet and 4 feet by the 
stern, respectively. Now, assuming the vessel to be floating in salt water, 
her displacement is- 

210 x 30 x 10 


= 1800 tons. 

and in passing from the water-line W L to water-line W 2 L% the wedge of dis- 



placement LSL 2 moves to the position W S W 2 - As S L is half the vessel's 
length, and L L 2 i foot, the volume of the wedge is — 

105 x 1 x 30 , . -. 
= 1575 cubic feet, 

and in moving aft, its centre of gravity travels' a horizontal distance g l g 2l 

210 x 2 


= 140 feet. 

The corresponding movement of the vessel's centre of buoyancy is from 
B to Z?2> and from what we know of moments, obviously — 

1575 x 140 

BB 2 

1800 x 35 

= 3-5 feet. 

fig. 199. 

The horizontal travel of the centre of buoyancy, with the vessel 4 feet by the 
stern, is clearly just double this amount, or 7 feet. This is all the infor- 
mation needed to construct the trim line at the initial draught. The trim lines 
corresponding to other displacements would be obtained in the same manner. 
Fig. 199 is the complete diagram for this vessel, and shows cross curves 
with a range from 7 feet 6 inches to 15 feet draught. We are now in a 
position to deal with our bilging question. 

Beginning with the initial condition, we have — 


„. . , r • 1 -, 1 10 x 10 x -jo 

Weight of water in bilged compartment = — = 85*71 tons, 


Parallel sinkage assuming water situated ^ ^ 

amidships and compartment open to,- = — = 6 inches, 

1 I JO ° x 3° 

the sea ; 


Horizontal travel* aft of vessel's centre of j 

gravity, assuming the water at the in- 1 90 x 100 _ , ~ 
creased draught to move into its true ~~ 1890 
position and the ship's bottom to be intact 

Referring to fig. 199, we can draw at once the trim line corresponding to 
a level line at 10 feet 6 inches, and by measuring 4*76 feet along this level 
line from the vertical AB, and erecting a perpendicular, we get 2 feet 10 J inches 
as the trim by the stern. The draughts of the vessel will thus be — 

forward, 100+0— 15^=9 o£ ; 
Aft, 10' o" + 6" + 1' si" = 11' "F- 

In the second approximation, we start with the vessel in this trim. The 
weight of water in the bilged compartment will now be — 

1 1 "86 x 10 x ^o 

— — 101*66 tons. 


„ „ n . , ior66 x 2C x 12 ,o., , 

Parallel sinkage = — = 64 inches nearly, 

210 x 30 

and taking the centre of gravity of the water at the middle of the length 
of the compartment, Ave get as before — 

Travel of vessel's centre of gravity duel ioi"66 x 100 

, . . c = — = S'^S feet aft. 

to admission 01 water J iroT'66 " 

From the trim diagram we find the corresponding trim by the stern to be 
3 feet 2 J inches. 

Dividing this equally forward and aft, and adding 6| inches as the 
parallel sinkage, the draughts become — 

Forward, 10' o'' + 6 J - (1' 7^") = 8' n§"; 
Aft, 10' o" + 6 1 + (i' 7f") = 12' 2 J". 

By a third approximation we obtain the draughts — 
Forward, 8' n" 
Aft, 12' 2f, 

in which condition the vessel will float in equilibrium whether the after compart- 
ment be now open to the sea or not. Of course, the same result could be 
obtained by the ordinary method, i.e., by calculating the height of the longi- 
tudinal metacentre, the moment to alter trim, and the heeling moment due to 

* The trimming of the vessel causes die water in the compartment to change level, and a 
small quantity of the water to move aft ; this affects the position of the ship's centre of gravity, 
and therefore the trim, but to no appreciable extent, except in the case of large compartments. 


the admission of the water, and finally dividing the latter by the moment 

to alter trim. We do not propose to deal with the problem in this way, 

as the principles involved have already been fully explained. The student, 
however, should work it out himself as an exercise. 

APPROXIMATE CALCULATIONS.— Although a commanding officer may 
know nothing regarding his vessel beyond her dimensions and displacement, 
he is still able to estimate, roughly, at least, the trimming effect due to the 
addition, removal, or movement of weights. In the formula — 

• , W x Gm c 

Moment to alter trim i inch = , loot tons, 

12 x L 

if we assume G m to be equal to L, which is roughly true in the case ot 
ordinary cargo vessels at their load displacements, the trimming moment per 

inch becomes foot tons. 

I 2 

Applying this simple formula to the example on page 198, we get — 


Moment to alter trim 1 inch = - — - — 166*6 foot tons, 


So x 80 . 

Change of trim = " rr , = 24 inches, 

which compares with 25 inches obtained by the exact method. 
In the case of Example 1, page 203, 


Moment to alter trim 1 inch — = 1318 foot tons. 

12 ° 

For the effect of discharging 150 tons from a position 80 feet before 
the centre of gravity of the load waterplane, we thus have — 

150 x 80 . 

Trim by stern = — q ~ = 9 inches, nearly. 

The ordinary formula gives 7J inches ; the approximation is thus near 
enough for practical purposes, an inch or two either way, in ordinary cases, 
not being of great importance. As the value of Bm rises rapidly with 
reduction in draught, the formula is inapplicable for draughts other than the 
load draught. Also, it is unsuitable in the case of vessels which are of 
abnormally shallow draught in relation to length, as G m and L are then far 
from being even approximately equal. 

An approximate formula, giving closer results than the foregoing, has 
been devised by M. Normand.* By this rule, for the height of the longi- 
tudinal metacentre above the centre of buoyancy in ordinary cargo steamers, 

we have — 

A- x L 
Bm = -0735 ~ b ~xT feet ' 

* See a paper in the Transactions of the Institution of Naval Architects for 18S2. 


where A = area of load waterplane in square feet. 

L = length on the load waterline in feet. 

b = breadth of ship amidships in feet. 

V = volume of displacement in cubic feet. 
Assuming Bm = G m, 

V A 1 x L 

Moment to alter trim i inch = — - x '0735 , —~n 

L x 12 

A 2 

= -000175 t- foot tons. 

This is Normand's formula. 

Now, if T be the tons per inch of immersion, 

A = 420 T 
A 2 = 176400 P. 
Substituting this value of A 2 , the formula takes the convenient shape — 

30 'o x 7~ 2 

Moment to alter trim 1 inch = r foot tons. 

Applying the Rule to Example 1, page 203, we get — 

- , 30*9 x SV3 x SVS 
Moment to alter trim 1 inch = ^— ^ ^-f ^^ 

= 1567 foot tons; 
the previous value being 1570 foot tons. 
In the case of Example 2 — 

Moment to alter trim 1 inch = ^— y — = 701 foot tons, 

which compares with 700 tons, the exact value. 

Besides the foregoing, we have in the trim-line method a ready means 
of making approximate estimates of trim. It happens that the trim lines in 
ordinary cases are practically straight, and make certain definite angles with the 
corresponding level lines, also that these angles, in different vessels of similar 
type, are about the same at corresponding draughts. It has been suggested, 
therefore, that in type vessels a note should be made of the trim angles at 
useful draughts, such as those of the load, ballast, and light conditions. 
The trim line in the case of any new design could then be plotted at once 
with sufficient accuracy for preliminary calculations. If only one trim should 
be required and the angle of the corresponding trim line is known, it can be 
found quickly by means of the formula — 

Change of trim in inches = — ^ — x C x 12, 

where W = weight shifted, 

d — distance shifted, 
W = whole displacement, 
Q = tangent of the trim line angle. 


C varies considerably with type of vessel. Ships of very light draught relatively 
to their length, have flatter trim lines than those of ordinary proportions, but 
an average value at the load draught of cargo steamers 300 to 500 feet in 
length, and of the usual fullness, is "9163, corresponding to a trim line angle 
of 42 J°. Assuming this trim line angle in the case of Example 1, page 203 ; 

_. . 150 x 80 

Change of trim = — 5 x •016-? x 12 =8 '4 inches, 

to 15814- 150 J ° t i 

which is a good approximation. The student should apply the rule in 
other cases ; an officer might try it on his own ship. 

use to which the trim line method may be applied, is the supplying of in- 
formation to masters and others who have to deal with loading and ballast- 
ing operations. With a good-sized diagram, showing the trim curves of his 
vessel, and a scale, a master should be able to decide in a few minutes 
any question of trim, provided the weights to be shipped and unshipped, 
and their movements, be known. We have already fully explained the pro- 
cedure. If builders would supply such trim diagrams to new vessels, with 
instructions as to their use, we are confident they would come to be 
highly appreciated. 


1. Define the longitudinal metacentre. A prism of rectangular section 200 feet long, 
and 33 feet broad, floats at a draught of 11 feet forward and aft, calculate the height of 
the longitudinal metacentre above the centre of buoyancy. 

Ans. — 303 feet. 

2. The equidistant ordinates of a vessel's waterplane measured on one side of the 
middle line are — "2, 7"2, I0'6, I2"0, 12*0, I2'0, 10*9, 9/6, and 1 9 feet, and half-oi'dinates 
at the ends have values 3*8 and 77 feet, respectively; find the height of the longitudinal 
metacentre above the centre of buoyancy, the volume of displacement being 20,000 cubic 
feet, and longitudinal interval between the ordinates 15 feet. 

Ans. — 102-26 feet. 

3. Obtain the expression giving the change of trim consequent on moving a small 
weight w tons longitudinally through a distance a feet. A vessel 300 feet in length 
floats at a level draught of 17 feet; she has a longitudinal metacentric height of 400 feet, 
and a displacement of 4500 tons ; a weight of 50 tons is moved aft through 100 feet ; 
find the new draught forward and aft. 

f Forward, 16 feet, 7 inches. 
Ans. -Draught ^ J? ^ $ ^^ 

4. Deduce the moment to change trim one inch in the case of the vessel of the 
last example. 

Given that the tons per inch of immersion is 30, calculate the new draught forward 
and aft when the following weights have been placed on board in the positions named. 


Weights Tons). Distance from Centre of Gravity of Waterplane. 

20 lool 

45 80 -before. 

15 40) 

60 50] 

40 80 J- abaft. 

30 1 10 J 

Ans. — Moment to change trim one inch, 500 foot tons. 
(Forward, 17 feet, 3f inches. 
Draught | Aftj I7 feetj lQi inches< 

5. Suppose a weight of moderate amount to be put on board a vessel, where must 
it be placed so that the ship shall be bodily deeper in the water without change of trim? 

Describe, clearly, why it is that vessels in passing from salt water to fresh water 
usually change trim slightly as well as change their draught of water. 

6. It is desired that the draught of water aft in a steamship shall be constant, 
whether the coals are in or out of the ship. Show how the approximate position of the 
centre of gravity of the coals may be found, in order that the desired condition may be 

7. What is a trim line? Describe how such a line is obtained, and explain its uses. 

8. A box-shaped vessel, 260 feet long, 40 feet broad, and 25 feet deep, floats at an 

even draught of 20 feet, construct the trim line for this draught. If 100 tons be shipped 

aft, with its centre 100 feet from amidships, find the new draught forward and aft, using 

the trim line. 

f Forward, 19 feet, 6f inches. 
Ans. -Draught | Aft _ 2[ ^ ^ ^ches. 

9. Referring to the vessel of the previous question — if a watertight compartment 

situated at the extreme after-end be bilged and in free communication with the sea, what 

will be the new floating condition, the bilged compartment being 10 feet long, the full 

breadth of the vessel, and with half its space occupied by cargo? 

(Forward, 19 feet, 2| inches. 
Ans. — Draught \ . - r , .. . . 

fa I^Aft, 21 feet, 7i inches. 

10. It is desired that a certain vessel shall float with any two compartments in open 
communication with the sea. Describe in detail the calculations involved. 

11. A steamer 330 feet long, 48 feet broad, drawing 24 feet aft, and 20 feet forward, has 
to cross a bar over which there is a depth of water of 23 feet, 6 inches. The vessel has a 
fore-peak tank with a capacity of 100 tons. Given that the centre of gravity of this tank 
space is 150 feet forward of the centre of gravity of the load-water plane, find, by an approximate 
method, if filling the tank will modify the draught sufficiently to admit of the vessel cross- 
ing the bar. The displacement in tons to begin with is 78CK). 

12. Referring to the previous question, if it be given that the longitudinal metacentric 
height is 345 feet, and the tons per inch of immersion 33, estimate correctly the effect on the 
draught of filling the fore-peak tank. 

/'Forward, 21 feet, 2 inches. 
Ans. — Draught -. , . . . , 

& l^Aft, 23 feet, 4 inches. 


Stability of Ships at Large Angles of Inclination. 

IN Chapter VII. we saw how to obtain the righting or upsetting moment 
for a vessel when inclined through initial angles about the upright 
position. We learned that up to angles of 10 or n degrees, the meta- 
centre may be considered as fixed in position, and that inside these limits the 

Heeling Moment * W x G M x Sin. Q. 

Thus, taking the two cargo vessels for which the values of G M were ob- 
tained, we have — 

Righting moment at 10 degrees (small vessel) = 4525 x 1-73 x '1736 

= 1359 foot tons. 
Do. do. (large vessel) = 15814 x "85 x '1736 

— 2 333 f° ot tons. 

Fig. 200. 

For inclinations much exceeding 10 to 12 degrees, however, except in 
the instance of a single type of vessel, the righting moment cannot be ob- 
tained by this method. The exception referred to, is where a vessel is so 
designed that all the immersed cross sections are circular segments with a 
common centre in the middle line. We have already shown that for floating 
bodies of this form the line of upward pressure passes through the same 
point M for all transverse inclinations, so that, if there is no disturbance in 
the weights, the distance GM will remain unchanged as the vessel heels from 
angle to angle. Fig. 200 represents a vessel of constant circular section in- 
clined to some angle Q t G M is the metacentric height, and if W be the 
displacement, we have, by applying the metacentric method— 




Righting moment in foot tons = W x 6 M x Sin. 

= W xGZ, 
G Z being the arm of the righting couple. 

The only variable in this expression is the sine of the angle ; therefore, 
to construct a stability curve for this simple case, it is only necessary to 
draw a horizontal line, set off on it, to a convenient scale, the various angles 
at z 5j 3°> 45) etc., degrees, erect perpendiculars at the points of division, on 
these perpendiculars scale off the various values of righting moment as ob- 
tained above, and draw a fair curve through the points so found. 

As a specific case take a cylindrical vessel, 20 feet in diameter, floating 
with its axis in the waterplane. We shall deal only with the levers or right- 
ing arms, so that the length of the vessel is immaterial. If we assume 
the centre of gravity to be 2 feet below the centre of the figure, we may, 
using a table of sines, at once write down the value of the righting arm 
for any inclination. Obviously, the righting arm increases from zero at o 
degrees to a maximum value at 90 degrees, and thence gradually decreases 

Fig. 201. 

♦5 ' «o n ♦« w3 t£5 


to zero again at 1S0 degrees ; obviously, too, by drawing a diagram, the 
righting arm or lever at an angle Q, say, is the same as at the angle 
180 - Q. It is, therefore, only necessary to calculate values from o degree 
to 90 degrees; and at intervals of 15 degrees, which is close enough for the 
purpose of constructing a curve, these are as follows : — 

in Degrees. 

J 5 



Sine of Angie. 



"9 6 59 

Righting" Arms, 
in Feet. 






2 'OO 

Fig. 201 is the curve constructed from this data. On a little con- 
sideration it will be seen to represent, for every draught, the curve of 
righting arms of all vessels of circular section, whatever their length or 
diameter, in which G M = 2 feet ; and since the righting moment at any 
angle is equal to G Z, or the ordinate of the curve at that angle, multiplied 



by the displacement, if the scales be always altered to suit, this curve will 
also represent the righting moments of all vessels of all circular section having 
a metacentric height of 2 feet 

SUBMARINE VESSELS.— The cylindrical vessel just referred to is 
assumed to float with part of its bulk above the surface — the case of 

Fig. 202. 


Fig. 203. 


ordinary vessels ; but when properly designed, a vessel may have stability 
even when totally submerged. The submarines, now so much in evidence, 
are examples in point. A stability curve of a submerged vessel may be 
easily obtained by a method analogous to that employed in the previous 
case. Figs. 202 and 203 show a submarine floating upright and heeled, 
respectively. B, the centre of buoyancy, is also the centre of bulk ; G is 
the centre of gravity. Here, G being below B, when the vessel is heeled 
as in fig. 203, the tendency of the resultant forces of weight and buoyancy 



is to restore the vessel to the position in fig. 202. If G were above B, 
and the vessel then inclined, the tendency would be to heel still further 
until G became vertically below B — the position of stable equilibrium. 

Applying the formula BM=-.j, since / = o, BM is zero, and therefore, 

B and M are coincident. Thus, in this special case, B and B G have 
much the same functions as M and GM in the preceding one, for at any 
angle 6 the righting or upsetting moment = B G Sin ; so that, as in the 
case of the cylinder floating at the surface, the lever varies directly as the 
sines of the angles of inclination, has zero values at o degrees and 180 
degrees, and a maximum value at 90 degrees. Clearly, if BG is 2 feet, 
fig. 20 1, the stability curve for a cylindrical vessel floating on the surface 
may also be taken to represent the curve of righting arms for the sub- 
merged vessel. 

Fig. 204. 

Fig. 205. 

A noteworthy point in curves of righting arms of totally submerged 
vessels is that they represent the stability when inclined in any direction, 
either transverse or longitudinal, which follows from the fact that the line 
of buoyancy must always pass through the same point, viz., the centre of bulk. 
This is, of course, by no means the case in vessels floating at the surface, 
which have enormous righting power when inclined longitudinally. 

VESSELS OF NORMAL FORMS.— The case of an ordinary vessel, it 
need hardly be said, admits of no such simple treatment as those just 
dealt with, owing to the increased difficulty of obtaining values of G Z. 
Fig. 204 shows, in cross section, an ordinary vessel floating upright at a 
waterplane W L. M is above G, therefore the condition is one of stable 
equilibrium. Fig. 205 shows the same vessel heeled to a large inclination. 
The movement has caused the centre of buoyancy B to travel out to B h 
through which the resultant buoyant pressure now passes. No weights are 
supposed to have been shifted during the heeling, so that the centre of 
gravity G is unchanged in position. Unlike the case of the cylinder, the 
line of upward force does not intersect the middle line at the metacenire, 


G M in fig. 204 and G A in fig. 205 having different values. Obviously, 
then, the equation — 

Righting Moment = W x GM x Sin Q 
is no longer applicable, and in order to obtain the values of righting arms 
or righting moments at large inclinations we must resort to another method. 
In this case, to find the lever GZ between the verticals through G and 
B when the vessel is inclined to any angle, we must proceed as follows : — 
Referring to fig. 205, as previously pointed out, the transference of the 
wedge of displacement from WSW V to LSL it compels the centre of buoy- 
ancy to travel from B to B x . A line joining these points is parallel to the 
line joining $$<& the centres of gravity of the wedges, and 

^ Volume of wedge x g 1 g 2 ^ 
1 Volume of displacement* 

Now, through B draw a horizontal line to cut the verticals through G and 
B 1% in N and/?; and from g x and g. 2 drop perpendiculars g Y h b g 2 h 2 on W\ L x ; 
then clearly, 

Volume of wedge x h x /z 2 
"~ Volume of displacement" 

Also, BR - BN = NR = GZ; 

and BN = BG sin 0; 

r. -, Volume of wedge x h y h.-> n ~ . 

so that, GZ - ^r^ , ,. ° -f - BG sin. 0; 

Volume 01 displacement 

this is the value of the stability lever required, and the equation is known 
as Atwood's formula. The only portion of this expression which cannot be 
quite easily obtained, is U x h\h^ the horizontal moment due to the transverse 
movement of the wedge of displacement, and we now propose to show how 
this is calculated, and the stability lever or moment arrived at. 

VOLUMES AND MOMENTS OF WEDGES.— A body plan of the ship 
is prepared with transverse sections, spaced as for a displacement calculation, 
and with radial planes drawn to represent the floating condition of the vessel 
when upright, and when inclined at all the inclinations required to give data 
for the construction of the stability curve. The sections should represent 
the full volume available for buoyancy, and be drawn to the top watertight 
deck and to the outside of the shell-plating. With regard to the radial 
planes, it is found convenient to draw them so as to intersect in the middle- 
line plane {see 0, fig. 206), although this does not usually ensure that the 
in and out wedges shall be of equal volumes, as, of course, they must be; 
but it allows all the inclined planes up to any maximum inclination to be 
drawn at once, while the correction due to the inequality of the wedges can 
easily be made afterwards. 

To furnish spots close enough to obtain the correct form of the stability 
curve, the radial planes should be drawn at intervals of about i o to 15 
degrees. Discontinuities in the vessel should be carefully dealt with. The 



entrance into the water of the deck edge, for instance, causes a sudden 
change in the form of the immersed wedge, and to ensure accuracy in find- 
ing the volumes and moments of wedges by Simpson's Rules, a radial plane 
should occur at this point, with a suitable number of radial planes on each 
side of it. 

These particulars attended to, the measurement and tabulation of the 
ordinates, or breadths of sections at the various radial planes on each side 
of the point 0, is proceeded with, those of the immersed side being kept 
separate from the emerged, and those of the various planes separate from 

Fig. 206. 

each other. At each radial plane, the volume of an elementary wedge and 
its moment about a fore-and-aft horizontal axis through is next calculated. 
To show how this is done, let b be the length in feet of an ordinate 
of a radial plane, say, on the immersed side; then the sectional area at this 
ordinate of a very small wedge of the immersed volume, treating it as a 

b 2 

segment of a circle, will be - 9 square feet, Q being the circular measure 

of the wedge angle; and if t be the thickness in feet of a thin transverse 

slice, its volume in cubic feet will be - b 2 1 



Having obtained such values for slices at various sections in the length 
of the wedge, to find the volume of the latter becomes simply a matter of 
finding the area of a plane surface, for, if a base line representing to scale 
the length of the vessel be taken, and at points corresponding to the 

positions of the various sections the quantities - b 2 t be set off as rect- 
angles, each on the little quantity t as base, and a curve be drawn through 
the tops of the rectangles, an area will be enclosed representing the sum of 
the volumes of all the slices into which the wedge may be supposed divided, 
and, therefore, the volume of the whole elementary wedge. 

The moment of an elementary wedge may be similarly dealt with. For 
instance, taking the same radial plane and ordinate, the distance from 0, of 

Fig. 207. 




^^"^-T n 





5 S 


S 6 


S 9 


the centre of gravity of a thin transverse slice of the elementary wedge is 


- b feet, and the geometrical moment of the slice in foot units about a fore- 


and-aft axis through 0, 

-6 x -b 2 t, or ^b s t 
3 2 3 

To express the whole moment as an area, it is only necessary to plot, at 
the same points in the length as in the case of the volume, rectangles, each 

on a base £, giving the various values of - 6 s £, and draw a curve. The 

volumes and moments of the elementary wedges may now be found by cal- 
culating the above areas. 

It is next necessary to combine the figures of the elementary wedges 
to obtain those of the full wedges of immersion and emersion. We shall 
show presently how this is done in an actual case, but it may also be 
explained graphically. Take a base line A B (fig. 207), and let it represent 



on some scale the circular measure of the maximum wedge angle. Mark 
off points at the various angles at which the volumes of the elementary 
wedges have been calculated, and plot rectangles, each on a base 9 (9 = 
the circular measure of the elementary wedge angle), representing the volumes 
of the corresponding elementary wedges. A curve through the tops of these 
rectangles will enclose an area A C D B, representing the sum of the volumes 
of all the elementary wedges, that is to say, the volume of the whole wedge. 
To find the volume of any wedge within the limits of A C D B, it is 
simply necessary to plot an ordinate at the correct wedge angle, and by 
Simpson's Rules calculate the area thus cut off. Separate diagrams are 
necessary for the immersed and emerged wedges. Coming to the moments 
of the full wedges, it must be noted that while the moments of the 
elementary wedges are, in the first instance, calculated about a longitudinal 

Fig. 208. 



axis through (the point of intersection of the radial planes) the moments 
required for statical stability are taken about a longitudinal vertical plane 
through (see y y, fig. 209), and, therefore, in combining the elementary 
moments to obtain those of the full wedges of immersion and emersion, 
each of the former has to be multiplied by the cosine of the angle which 
the particular elementary wedge makes with the horizontal. For instance, in 
calculating the moment of wedges of 30 degrees, the moment of the elementary 
wedges at o degrees about a longitudinal axis through has to be multiplied 
by the cosine of 30 degrees, and those at, say, 15 and 30 degrees, by the 
cosine of 15 and o degrees, respectively. Fig. 208 is the complete diagram 
of moments, the abcissse being in circular measure, A B representing 30 de- 
grees. Since the sum of the moments is required, the diagram takes 
account of the wedges on both sides of the axis y y. Thus the little rect- 
angle at AC is the sum of the moments of the in and out elementary 
wedges at o degrees multiplied by cosine 30 degrees; the rectangle at EF 



the sum of the moments of the in and out elementary wedges at 15 degrees 
multiplied by cosine 15 degrees; and the rectangle at DB the corresponding 
quantity at 30 degrees multiplied by cosine o degrees. Clearly, from our 
preceding remarks, the whole area A G D B represents the sum of the moments 
of the immersed and emerged wedges at 30 degrees about the axis y y. 

It will be seen that, in the case of the moments, a new diagram is 
required for each inclination at which the righting arm or moment is 
calculated, as the elementary wedge at the limiting inclination must always 
be multiplied by cosine o degrees, and the others by the cosine of the 
angle which each of them makes with the limiting radial plane. 

Such are the principles to be followed in finding the volumes and 
moments of the various in and out wedges, and they are seen to present 

Fig. 209. 

no greater difficulty than is involved in the application of Simpson's Rules 
to the calculation of plane areas. 

CORRECTION OF WEDGES.— It must not be forgotten that the moments 
of the various wedges, found as above, have to be corrected on account of 
the immersed and emerged wedges, as drawn in the body plan, being un- 
equal in volume. This may be done as follows : — Suppose the immersed 
wedge is in excess, then the vessel is shown deeper in the water than she 
should be, and the vertical distance between the true and the assumed water- 
planes, or — 

Thickness of layer = -7 ■?—. — ~. — — = — 

J Area of inclined waterplane 

where V x and V 2 are the volumes of the in and out wedges, as drawn. 



Let fig. 209 represent the case dealt with; let WL be the upright water- 
plane, W\Lx> the uncorrected inclined plane, and W 2 L 2 the corrected inclined 
plane. Since the correct wedges are W S W 2 and L 2 SL, the moment of the 
volume W\ S W 2 is to be added, and that of L x S L 2 deducted, from the 
moments of wedges as calculated. Call volume W x 0SW 2 V h and volume 
L x S L 2 u 2 , and let od x and od 2 be the distances of their centres of gravity 
from axis y y t then the correction is — 

u x xod x -v 2 xod 2 (1). 

If the centre of gravity of the whole layer W\ L x L 2 W 2 be at a distance x 
on the immersed side of the axis — 

u l xodi-u 2 xod 2 ^ (Vi + u 2 ) x t 

Fig. 210. 

and equation (1) will be negative, and the correction a deduction. If x 
be on the emerged side, (1) will be positive, and the correction an addition. 
Now, suppose the emerged wedge to be in excess (see fig. 210). In 
this case, the moment of the volume W x S W 2 will be deducted from, and 
that of volume L x S L 2 added to, the calculated moment of the wedges. 
Using the same symbols, we have — ■ 

Correction = t/ 2 x od 2 -v x x od { (2) 

and this is also equal to (u x + U 2 ) X, where x is the distance of centre 
of gravity of the whole layer from the axis y y. If x be on the emerged 
side, equation (2) will be negative, and the correction a deduction ; if on 
the immersed side, positive, and the correction an addition. A little con- 
sideration will make this quite clear. Rules for the correction of the 
moments of wedges may now be stated as follows : — 

1. If the immersed wedge be in excess, and the centre of gravity of 


the layer on the immersed side of the axis of moments, the cor- 
rection will be a deduction; but if it be on the emerged side, an 

2. If the emerged wedge be in excess, and the centre of gravity of 
the layer on the emerged side, the correction will be a deduc- 
tion, but if it be on the immersed side, an addition. 

In most cases the layer is small, and the centre of gravity of the in- 
clined plane may be used for that of the layer. This simplifies the work, 
but if the layer be large, its centre of gravity must be calculated, and its 
correct distance from the axis employed. Thus we arrive at the value of 
the quantity u x h\ h 2 at any inclination, and by Atwood's formula the length 
of the stability lever may be written down. 

As a practical example, let us obtain the stability curve for an actual 
vessel, such, for instance, as the large cargo steamer whose dimensions and 
other particulars are given on page 182. 

This vessel, laden to her full draught, has, with a certain distribution 
of cargo, a metacentric height of '85 feet. The centre of gravity is 22*65 
feet above the base line, and the centre of buoyancy 14*4 feet above the 
same line, so that B G, the distance between the centre of buoyancy and 
centre of gravity, is 22*65 -14*4, or ^' 2 5 f eet - Let this be the basis of 
our calculation. 

Fig. 206 shows the body plan drawn out as already directed, with trans- 
verse sections and radial planes, the former showing the vessel's shape at 
each tenth part of the length, and also at intermediate positions towards the 
ends, and the latter being drawn at intervals of 14J degrees so as to ensure 
a radial plane striking the deck edge, which becomes immersed at 29 degrees. 

Before starting to measure the ordinates, sheets must be prepared (see 
Table I.) with a suitable number of columns to take the calculations for 
the areas of the radial planes and the functions for the volumes and moments 
of the elementary wedges. Two such sheets are required for each radial 
plane, the immersed and emerged sides, as previously mentioned, being kept 
separate. In Table I. we give the calculations for the elementary wedges 
on each side of the axis at 29 degrees inclination. As the work is the 
same for each elementary wedge, the method followed is amply illustrated in 
this table, which is drawn up in accordance with explanations given for the 
general case. 

Having obtained the requisite information for the various elementary 
wedges, it is utilised to determine the values of the righting arms when 
inclined to angles increasing by increments of 14-J- degrees. 

Let us deal with the vessel when inclined, say, to 29 degrees. The 
elementary wedges required are those at o degrees, 14^- degrees and 29 de- 
grees, respectively. The information is combined, as in Table II., which is 
seen to consist of the numerical work entailed in deducing the areas of 
the volume and moment diagrams previously described. 






29 Degrees, Emerged 



Products for 

Products for 




Ords. 2 

Volume of 

Ords. 3 

Moments of 




El. "Wedge. 

El. Wedge. 











2 1'0 
























6 3 -8 






3 1 '9 








3 r 9 


6 3 *8 
















6 3 -8 










379 6 














2 2 - 4 

125 | 








3) 79 2 ' 


3) 2327c 


3 J706362 
2 35454 




29 Degrees, Immersed 




Products for 

Products for 




Ords. 2 

Volume of 

Ords. 3 

Moments of 



El. Wedge. 

El. Wedge. 


















43' 2 









93 6 



I I4608 










3 1 ' 1 








3 1 ' 1 








3 I# i 












r 934 










H573 6 



1 A 




!5 2 53 













3) 839-9 3) 24925 

, J749969 


8308 249989 
Emerged wedge 235454 

Both wedges 485443 




Calculation for Stability (Statical) at 29 Degrees Inclination. 

Immersed Wedge. 

Functions of 

(both sides). 



Products of 
Functions of 

(both sides). 

Cosines of 

Angles of 


Functions for 
of Wedge. 


of Squares. 












3645 6 4 








Emerged wedge 

J Ang. interval 

Long, interval 

4*S l 7 







J Ang. interval 


Longitudinal interval 46*93 

Moment (uncorrected) 2875251 
Correction (deduct) 1518 

Im. wedge in excess 3000 cubic ft. Vol. of displacement 553490)2873733 
Stability corr. 3000 x -506 = 151S RN - ■ 

BG Sin. = 8*25 x -4848 = 4-0 

GZ = 1*19 feet 

Emerged Wedge. 
















Function of area of W.P. at 1 ,™ , . T , 

• /t a a \ f 2 79'9 (Table I). 

29 (Immersed side) ) ' 

Function of area of W.P. at 

29 (Emerged side) 

| 2 6 4 -i (Table I). 


Longitudinal interval 
Total Area of W.P. 


2 553° square ft. 

Functions of Ords. 2 of W.P. at 29 (Im. side) 8308 (Table I.) 
Functions of Ords. 2 of W.P. at 29° (Em. side) 7757 (Table I.) 

2 ) 55* 
Longitudinal interval 46*93 

2553° ) I2 9 2 9 
C.G. of W.P. towards immersed side '506 feet. 

Righting arms estimated in this way for the the three inclinations above 
mentioned are given in Table III., and the corresponding curve of stability 
in fig. 211. Of course, for the righting moment at any inclination, the 



ordinate given by fig. 211 must be multiplied by the displacement in tons, 
and this information is also included in Table III. 


Righting Arms and 

Righting Moments. 

S.S. 469' 4" x 56' 0" 

/ ft 

X34 10 

Displacement, 15^ 

>i4 tons. 



Righting ' 

of Wedges 

Arms in 

Moments in 

in Degrees. 


Foot Tons. 















33 68 3 




Fig. 211 












___— — -""'I 


3 11^ 






In plotting a stability curve the correct contour near the origin is 
readily obtained if the tangent to the curve at that point is drawn. This 
may be done as follows: — At a point on the base line indicated by 57*3 
degrees, erect a perpendicular and mark off on it, to the same scale as the 
righting levers, a distance equal to G M, the metacentric height. Join the 
point thus obtained with the origin of the stability curve. This is the 
tangent required, and it will be found that the curve will tend to conform 
with this line as it nears the origin. As an example, the stability curve of 
fig. 211 is reproduced in fig. 212, and the tangent to the curve at the 
origin is drawn as described, the metacentric height in this being '8$ feet. 
The explanation of the foregoing is as follows : — 




By the metacentric method — 

GZ = Gt 
GZ Gi 

Now the denominators of these fractions are in circular measure ; let them 
be expressed in degrees, Q becoming a\ and 5 7 '3 degrees being substituted 
for i, there being that number of degrees in the angle whose circular 
measure is 1 ; the equation may now be written — 

GZ _ GM 
«° 57'3°' 
Referring to fig. 212, if G Z be the stability lever at a point close to 
the origin of the curve, and a° the distance in degrees measured along 

Fig. 212. 



the base line up to this lever, the small portion Z of the curve will lie 
in a straight line, tangent to the curve at this place. 

The tangent of the angle which this line, 
and therefore the stability curve near 
the origin, makes with the base 





which is the value employed above in setting off the tangent to the curve 
at the origin. 

CROSS CURVES. — The foregoing method of obtaining curves of stability 
is seen to involve considerable calculation. It has also another drawback. 
For most vessels several stability diagrams are required. Such curves should, 
indeed, be available for at least the four conditions referred to when deal- 
ing with the metacentric height, viz., the launching, light-ship, ballast, and 
fully-loaded conditions. By the above method we should thus have four 
troublesome calculations. And, moreover, if the vessel happened to be loaded 
or ballasted to draughts other than those originally allowed for, it would 
not be possible to ascertain her condition as regards stability without fresh 



This defect in Barnes' method, as that by means of the wedges is called, 
was quickly seen when, a good many years ago, scientific attention was turned 
in earnest to this important subject. Many ingenious schemes were pro- 
pounded for arriving quickly at the knowledge of a vessel's stability under 
all conditions of draught and lading, of which the best and simplest, and 
most generally employed, is that known as the cross-curve method. Here 
the abscissae of the stability diagram is in terms of displacement, instead of 

Fig. 213. 

Too > 

egrees of inclination, as in the ordinary case. In the complete diagram 
there is a series of curves, each exhibiting for one inclination variations in 
the righting arms or righting moments, as the case may be, with change in 
the displacement. 

In fig. 213 a cross-curve stability diagram is depicted, with curves at 
15, 30, 45, 60 degrees, and so on. The great value of this diagram is that 
it supplies us at once with the stability at every displacement or draught, 
and every inclination from the upright within the limits of the calculation. 
For example, suppose we require to know the vessel's stability when floating 
at a draught corresponding to a displacement of, say, 4000 tons ; it is only 
necessary to draw a line at this point in the scale of tons perpendicular to 
the base of the diagram, to measure the distances A B, AC, AD, etc., cut 
off by the curves at 15, 30, 45 degrees, etc., to set off these distances as 
ordinates in a diagram having degrees of inclination as abscissae, and draw a 
curve through the points so obtained. The result, subject to a correction, is 
an ordinary curve of stability such as might be obtained by Barnes' method 



(see curve A, fig. 214). We thus see that the cross curves lie in planes 
perpendicular to those of the ordinary curves, and it is from this circum- 
stance the former derive their name. 

The relation between these two sets of curves may be simply illustrated 

Fig. 214. 


as follows :— Take a model representing half a solid cylinder, and assume it 
to be cut by planes perpendicular to the base and parallel to the longitu- 
dinal axis; these will intersect the curved surface of the model in straight 
lines. Next, suppose it to be cut by planes perpendicular to the base and 

Fig. 215. 

w / 







A tL 


to the longitudinal axis; the lines of intersection with the model surface 
will obviously be half circles. If these half circles are considered to be 
ordinary curves of stability, the straight line intersections will be the cor- 
responding cross curves. 



Fig. 216. 



to be noted that an ordinary curve of stability obtained by simply trans- 
ferring distances from the cross-curve diagram, as described above, will truly 
represent the stability condition only if the centre of gravity, at the particular 
displacement, is coincident with that used in constructing the cross-curve 
diagram. This, of course, would not usually be the case, and, as already 
indicated, a correction must be made. 

If the true position of the centre of gravity G be below the assumed one 
£?! (see fig. 215), the ordinary curve of stability, as transferred, must be in- 
creased throughout by the amount G G x sin. ft if the curve shows righting 
arms, and by W x G G\ sin. Q foot tons, if righting moments. Should the 
true position of the centre of gravity be above the assumed one, the pro- 
cess of correction would be the same, except that it would now, in each 
case, be a deduction. Assuming, for illustration, 6\ to be 6 inches above G, 
in the case represented by fig. 215, the stability curve would take the 
amended form B (fig. 214). 

very simple and may be briefly described : — First, the body plan is prepared 
with transverse sections showing the form of the vessel at regular intervals, 
as in ordinary displacement calculations. It is an advantage to have the 
fore-and-after bodies drawn on each side, and this is sometimes done, although 
a separate drawing is frequently used for each body (see fig. 216). Next, 
tangent to the midship section, a base line is drawn inclined as required to 
the middle line of the vessel, and above the base, waterplanes are intro- 
duced at sufficiently close intervals to take account of the vessel's form, 
and to suit Simpson's Rule, these waterplanes intersecting the middle-line 
plane in parallel lines ; usually an intermediate waterplane is introduced be- 
tween the base line and the first waterplane, but this is not shown in 
fig. 216. As the deck edge is a point of discontinuity, a waterplane should 
occur there. Lastly, a position of the centre of gravity is assumed, and a 
vertical line drawn through it to form the axis of the stability moments. 
This position of the centre of gravity remains constant throughout all the 
cross-curve stability calculations. 

The next step is to find the area of each waterplane and the transverse 
position of its centre of gravity from the chosen axis. It should be noted 
that a plane which does not cut the middle line has to be specially laid 
off and its area and centre of gravity determined. 

To calculate the transverse position of the centre of gravity of a water- 
plane, which is not symmetrical about the middle line as in the present 
case, it is convenient to follow the method described for finding the trans- 
verse position of the centre of gravity of a half waterplane (see page 29), 
that is, taking one side of the plane at a time, put the ordinates and the 
ordinates squared separately through Simpson's Rule, and add the products 
in each case. Deal in the same way with the ordinates on the other side. 
Subtract one total of functions of squares from the other; divide by 2, and 



again by the sum of the totals of the products of the ordinates by their 
respective multipliers. The result is the distance of the centre of gravity 
from the line of intersection of the middle-line plane with the waterplane in 
question. All the planes are treated in this way, and the areas and trans- 
verse positions of the centres of gravity thus obtained, are combined as 
shown in the subjoined table to obtain : — 

(i) The displacement below each of the waterplanes. 

(2) The horizontal distance of the vertical through the centre of buoy- 
ancy corresponding to the displacement below each waterplane from 
the vertical through the centre of gravity. 

Referring to the table, if H is the sum of the products of the water- 
plane areas with their respective multipliers up to any waterplane, and M the 
sum of these products multiplied in each case by the distance of the centre 

Areas of 



Functions for 

Distances of 

C.G. of Planes 

from Axis. 

Products for 

Moments about 









2 Av, 



2 ^ljtflj 

i J- A 2 d 2 



of gravity of the plane from the chosen axis, then, h being the common 
interval between the planes, we have, up to the chosen waterplane — 

Displacement in tons — H x — x — 

F 3 35 

Distance in feet of centre of gravity^ M 
from axis / H ' 

This work is performed for a sufficient number of displacements, and 
the results are plotted to obtain the cross-curve of stability at the °iven 
inclination, the displacements forming the abscissas, and the horizonral dis- 
tances of the centre of buoyancy from the axis, the ordinates. For other 
inclinations the process is the same. There are other methods of obtaining 
the data required for constructing cross-curves of stability. One of these 
consists in the use of a modification of Barnes' tables. For a description 
of this method the student is referred to Attwood's Theoretical Naval 

THE MECHANICAL INTEGRATOR.— Although cross-curves of stability 
can be correctly derived by arithmetical processes as above described, it is 
now customary to employ a Mechanical Integrator for this purpose, Amsler's 
being the one in common use. This instrument, which has several little 
wheels which run on the paper, also a long arm with a pointer, is placed 



in reference to the drawing in such a way that the movement of the pointer 
round the various sections of the body plan causes readings to be indicated 
on dials associated with the little wheels, from which, when affected by certain 
multipliers, the displacement and the moment of the displacement about a 
chosen axis may be derived. To find the distance of the centre of buoy- 
ancy from the axis it is only necessary to divide the moment by the dis- 
placement. Full descriptions of the work of calculating the stability in this 
way are provided in Reed's Stability of Ships, and Attwood's Theoretical 
Naval Architecture, and to these the student is referred for further infor- 

BEAM. — We saw in a previous chapter that beam is the element in design 
most powerfully affecting the height of the transverse metacentre above the 
centre of buoyancy; that, in fact, the height in similar vessels varies as the 
square of the beams. It is, therefore, clear that beam will also intimately 
affect the forms of stability curves, particularly at initial angles. This may 
be shown very simply, as follows. By the metacentric method we have — 
Righting arm at inclination Q = G M x Sin. 9, 

Fig. 217. 

6t *0 


from which it is seen that the lever of stability varies directly as the metacentric 
height, and that, therefore, a broad vessel with a high metacentre and a large 
value of GM will have a stability curve initially steeper than a narrow one, 
and vice versa. Using the box form for purposes of illustration, we show in 
fig. 217 the actual effect on the whole stability curve of adding to the 
beam. Curve A is for a vessel 100' x 20' x 20', floating at 15 feet draught, 
with the centre of gravity at 9 feet above the base. Curve B is for a 
vessel 100' x 30' x 20', the particulars as to draught and position of centre 
of gravity remaining as before. As expected, the latter curve is seen to be 
steeper and to have enhanced values of righting arms, although these advan- 
tages are associated with a shortening of range. This shortening of range 
becomes more pronounced as the vessel increases in beam ; curve G, for 
instance, corresponds to a vessel of 35 feet beam, with other particulars the 
same as the preceding cases. 

INFLUENCE OF FREEBOARD.— Another important element affecting 
stability is freeboard, i.e., clear height between load-waterplane and top-deck. 



The box-shaped vessels depicted in figs. 218 and 219 are of the same breadth 
and draughts, but fig. 219 has greater freeboard. The stability curves for these 
vessels are depicted at and D in fig. 220, and it is seen that, up to the angle 
at which the deck edge in the one with low freeboard becomes immersed, 

Fig. 218. 

they are identical. At this point the curve for the shallow vessel receives 
a check, and as the deck enters the water, quickly reaches a maximum and 
begins to fall. The curve of the other vessel, however, continues to rise 
rapidly with further inclination. The explanation is simple, if indeed not 

Fig. 219. 

quite obvious. In the figures the vessels are shown inclined to the angle 
which just brings the high freeboard vessel's deck awash. The deck edge 
of the other one is, of course, considerably under water. The points g^ g. 2 
mark the centres of buoyancy of the wedges of immersion and emersion in 



the shallow vessel, and the points g a g 4 the corresponding centres in the 
other. Clearly, the distance g 1 g i is less than g 3 g 4 , and, as the volumes of 
the wedges are greater in fig. 219 than in fig. 218, 

Oi x g 1 g 2 <u 2 x g 3 g, 

where v 1 and u 2 are the volumes of the wedges in each case. As the 
quantities in this equation are measures of the stability, the relation between 
the curves at this inclination is apparent. Beyond this angle both deck 
edges are under the surface and the centres g 3 g 4 begin to approach each 
other, but much more slowly than the centres gig 2 ; the actual differences in 
the values of the righting arms of the two vessels are shown in fig. 220. It 
should be stated that the centre of gravity is assumed at the same height 
in each case; in each case also the breadth is 35 feet, and draught 
15 feet, while one has 5 feet freeboard (curve C)* and the other 10 feet 
(curve D) 

Fig. 220. 












"*" 1 









1 ^ 




) ! 

^r 1 












N. 1 
TV ' 

4&** 1 








1 I 










90 to 

OL4RU.S OF "icli«4iidm 

In this comparison we see at a glance the enormous influence of in- 
creased freeboard in augmenting the righting levers and extending the 
range of stability curves. In the low freeboard vessel the lever is a 
maximum at an inclination of 45 degrees; in the other, this is not at- 
tained until an inclination of 60 degrees is reached, the value of the 
righting lever at this angle being more than double the maximum in the 
other case. 

Comparing figs. 217 and 220, we note that increased freeboard has a 
more beneficial effect on the forms of stability curves than increased beam. 
While both elements increase the righting arms, the former also extends 
the range which the latter rather tends to curtail. 

In the foregoing comparisons we have assumed the centre of gravity 
to be at the same height throughout. AVhere the breadth alone is affected 
this assumption is fair enough, but where the depth is increased, as in the 
high freeboard vessel, a change in the position of the centre of gravity 
must be assumed to take place, in the direction of raising it. For a 
useful comparison, therefore, the stability curve should be modified to some 



extent. If we assume the centre of gravity to be raised 2 feet by the 
5 feet addition to the depth, the corresponding stability curve will be that 
marked E (fig. 220). A considerable reduction is seen to have taken place 
in the lengths of the righting levers. These are, however, except at initial 
angles, still considerably greater than those of the low freeboard vessel with 
the lower centre of gravity. The range is also greater. 

influence of raising the centre of gravity is manifest from the last illustra- 
tion. To a great extent the position of this point is dependent upon the 
nature of the stowage. A shipmaster may therefore often make the stability 
of his vessel what he pleases. If he finds that she is deficient in stability, 
he cannot correct the defect by increasing the beam or the freeboard, but 
he can, it may be, stow the heavy weights low down in the hold, and 
the light ones higher up, and, by thus lowering the centre of gravity, 
attain the same end. 

Fig, 221. 

,_ — *x 

* . 1 *— 

^ 1 


1 ^^ 


1 ^v 



Z-^^lZ* ' 



9>~ 1 1 





10 O* 3* ■** 



TO fO 



OC^BS-ai or i-.cLtfiAT.or> 

It may happen that the stowing of a vessel needs to be conducted 
with a view to attaining a high position of centre of gravity. Such would 
be called for in a broad, shallow vessel with a consequent high meta- 
centre. A low centre of gravity in this case would mean a very large 
metacentric height, and this, as we shall see in the chapter on rolling, is 
by no means desirable. To get a high centre of gravity, the heavy 
portions of cargo should, of course, be stowed high up in the holds or in 
the 'tween decks, and the light cargo low down. To illustrate the effect 
on the forms of stability curves of raising the centre of gravity, we have 
performed this operation on three different box-shaped vessels, and the re- 
sulting curves, with those from which they have been deduced, are ex- 
hibited in fig. 221. A,B,C, are the original curves of stability; A, l B, ] 0\ the 
curves as affected by a rise of 2 feet in the position of the centre of 
gravity in each case. Comment on the diagram is unnecessary. 

fications in curves of stability due to variations in beam, freeboard, and 



position of centre of gravity, we have cited cases of box-shaped vessels 
only; vessels of ordinary form are, however, affected similarly. In fig. 222, 
for example, the effect due to beam and freeboard is shown.* A represents 
the stability curve of a cargo steamer whose dimensions are — length, 289*5 
feet ; breadth, 32*1 feet ; depth, moulded, 23*1 feet. This vessel was as- 

Fig, 222, 

sumed to have 300 tons of coal in bunkers, and to be laden with a homo- 
geneous cargo which completely filled the holds and 'tween decks and 
brought her down to her load-waterline. She had a regulation freeboard of 
4 feet 7 inches. Curve B shows the effect of reducing the breadth by 
2 feet, the conditions of lading being as before, The righting power, as 

Fig. 223. 

~5o So Co 


in the case of the box vessel, is seen to be much reduced by this altera- 

Curve G illustrates the stability curve of the same vessel after an in- 
crease of 6 inches in the freeboard, the density of the cargo being kept 

See Reed's "Stability of Ships," p. 104. 



as before, and the surplus space assumed to be at the ends of the 'tween 

Further illustrations of stability curves of actual ships are depicted in fig. 
223, the particulars of the vessels being given in the table below. Consider- 
able variation in stability is here shown. Compare, for example, curves 1 
and 4. The first may be considered an example of excessive stability ; 
the other of deficiency in this respect. This was borne out when the 
vessels were on service. During the voyages made by each when in the 
conditions stated in the table,* No. 1 vessel met severe weather and 


Three-deck vessel - 
Raised quarter-deck 

Spar-deck vessel 
Three-deck vessel, 
flush, except for 
small forecastle 

Quarter-deck vessel 
Quarter-deck type, 

erections § length 
Shelter-deck vessel 

modern type 
Shelter, deck vessel, 

modern type 




ft. ins. 

28 5 




















24.5 REG.D 


tt. ins. 

6 6 


17*6 „ 
24*0 „ 





23'° » 

ft. ins. 

II 10 M.D. 



1 4 


17 ° ,1 


2 1* 


34 10 „ 


7 9 


34 10 „ 


7 9 



Pig iron. 

Coal or grain. 
Coal or grain. 

Coal or grain. 


Coal or,grain. 


rolled so much that the hull was found to be considerably strained. Had 
her initial stability been more moderate, her behaviour would have been better, 
and there would probably have been little or no straining. No. 4 vessel, 
on the other hand, is a type of many that were lost when making voyages 
laden with coal or grain. The elements conducing to deficient stability in 
this case are the small metacentric height, low freeboard and almost flush 
deck, the only erection being a short forecastle. Vessels Nos. 2 and 3 are 
of about the same dimensions as No. 4, but they have certain important 
differences which account for their improved stability. No. 2, for instance, 
although she has less freeboard than No. 4 to the main deck, has a long 
raised quarter-deck erection, which increases the reserve buoyancy ; her meta- 
centric height is also greater. No. 3 vessel has double the freeboard of 
No. 4, and we are already familiar with the effect of this element on the 

Vessels Nos. 5 and 6 are additional examples of weakness in stability. 
No. 5, indeed, was lost on her maiden voyage when in the condition given 
above. Her behaviour after leaving port showed her to be very tender. 

* Examples 1, 2, 3 ant] 4 are from a paper by the late Mr. Martell in the T.I.N.A. for 1 




She first listed to one side, remained in that position for some time, then 
returned to the upright, but almost immediately lolled over to the other side. 
She continued for some time to heel from one side to the other in this 
manner, until eventually she was struck by a sea which caused her to heel 
further over, from which position she could not right herself. The water 
then poured into the engine-room through the casing door, and the vessel 
went down by the stern.* The curve of No. 6 is not so bad as that of 
No. 5. The maximum lever is '51 feet, and the range is seen to be 78 
degrees. But the vessel was always considered very tender and had to be 
handled with care. 

Curves Nos. 7 and 8 exhibit two stability conditions of a large modern 
cargo vessel of good freeboard. No. 8 is particularly interesting, as it shows 
that, with so small a metacentric height as '2 feet, there may be associated 
a stability curve quite satisfactory as to range and lengths of righting arms. 
In some instances, indeed, vessels having curves of stability of large area 
and range have had negative metacentric heights. Such vessels are unstable 

Fig. 224. 



30 40 50 60 




in the upright position and loll over to one side or the other. In the 
case of vessel No. 8, if the centre of gravity were raised 6 inches, the meta- 
centric height would be - '3 feet, and the vessel would be unstable from the 
upright to an angle of 13 degrees, her stability curve lying below the base 
line. She would thus loll over to this angle for her position of equilibrium. 
Beyond 13 degrees the curve would rise above the base line, the maxi- 
mum lever reaching 1*95 feet at an angle of 53 degrees, and the range 81 
degrees. The curve -is depicted in fig. 224, which shows the vessel to have 
considerable reserve of stability. In such a case as this, a vessel's ultimate 
safety obviously does not depend on there being a positive metacentric height 
(see p. 194). The latter, however, is necessary in order that she shall float 
upright and not be too easily inclined by the action of external forces. In 
the present instance, to gain a positive G M, if the vessel were in quiet 
water, the centre of gravity might be lowered by filling a compartment of 
the double bottom, but it may be pointed out that it would not be proper 
to do such a thing in all cases of instability in the upright condition. It 

* See an interesting paper by Mr. Pescod on "Stability of Small Steamers," read before 
the North-East Coast Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders, in 1903, 



would have been improper in the case of vessel No. 5 for instance, when in 
the condition described above, and would probably have hastened the disaster 
which eventually came upon her (see also chapter on Loading and Ballasting). 
SAFE CURVE OF STABILITY.— The curves of vessels Nos. 4, 5 and 
6, which show unsafe conditions of stability, also cause the question naturally 
to arise, "What does constitute a safe minimum curve of stability ? " In 
attempting an answer for any given case, two things are to be chiefly borne 
in mind — the size of the vessel and the nature of her cargo. 

Fig. 225. 

u (.0 




1 ""^t^-_ 

Z — 


_— -■ ■**T - ' - ^ *• ' 

1 **■ ' ^**** s *^*w 


j-- »*^***^ 1 **-i 


^*^T — ■ *' 

I'll ' ^^""n,^ 


r*""^ \ * 

. 1 1 ! ^^ 


SO *0 So 


From the relation : — 

Righting moment = displacement x GZ 
we make the deduction that vessels of small displacement will be more 
affected by movements of weights on deck or water in holds, by shifting of 
cargo or by the action of wind or waves, than those of large displacement 
with the same curve of righting arms, and that, therefore, a curve of righting 
arms suitable enough for a very large vessel, may be quite inadequate for a 
very small one. 

Again, vessels intended chiefly to load bulk cargoes, such as grain, which 
are liable to shift in heavy weather, should have a margin of righting power 
in excess of the safe minimum limit Many cargo vessels have to take all 

Fig. 226. 

AO «© feO 



kinds of cargoes, and for them it is not easy to decide upon a minimum 
curve of stability. A well-known firm of shipbuilders, however, have fixed upon 
a curve for ordinary medium -sized cargo steamers, of which fig. 225 is a 
copy, and experience has shown that vessels so provided are safe and com- 
fortable sea boats. Referring to this figure, it will be observed that the 
righting arm at 30 degrees and 45 degrees is, in each case, '8 feet, and 
that there is a range of 70 degrees. 

In fig. 226 we have reproduced the stability curves Nos. 5 and 6 (fig. 
223), and have shown in 5 A and 6 A the corresponding safe minimum 



curves, using fig. 225 as a basis. To obtain a minimum righting arm of *8 
feet at 30 degrees in these cases, the centre of gravity in No. 5 would re- 
quire to be lowered 1*04 feet, and in No. 6, -5 foot, making the metacentric 
heights 179 feet and 1*42 feet, respectively. It will be noticed that the righting 
arm at 45 degrees, and the range in each case, exceed those of the standard 
curve (see fig. 225). These curves are for small vessels, and, for reasons 
already given, we do not say that even the modified curves leave nothing 
to be desired ; the stability conditions, however, exhibited by them are a 
great improvement on those of the original curves. 

DYNAMICAL STABILITY.— The dynamical stability of a vessel at any 
angle is the work done in inclining her from the upright to that angle. 
It should be carefully distinguished from statical stability, which is the moment 
supporting the vessel at the given inclination and tending to return her to 
the original position. In heeling a vessel, work is done as follows : — 

(1) In raising the centre of gravity. 

(2) In depressing the centre of buoyancy. 

(3) In creating waves and eddies. 

(4) In surface friction. 

Fig. 227. 

Fig. 228. 

Comparing figs. 227 and 228, which show a vessel upright and inclined, 
respectively, we note the movement of the centres of gravity and buoyancy, 
the former point being obviously nearer the load-waterplane, and the latter 
further from it, in fig. 228 than in fig. 227, Items (1) and (2) constitute 
the dynamical stability as usually calculated ; items (3) and (4) cannot, from 
the nature of the case, be correctly estimated, and in practice are therefore 
ignored. The result, however, is on the safe side. 

The quickest way of obtaining the dynamical stability is by means of 
a curve of moments of statical stability ; for, as shall be shown presently, 
the area of such a diagram from the origin to any angle truly represents 
the work done on the vessel in inclining her to that angle, omitting, of 
course, the effect of surface friction, wave and eddy-making resistances. 

As a preliminary, consider the following : — If a force F lbs. acting on 



a body causes it to move in any direction through a distance h feet, then, 
works on mechanics tell us that the — 

Work done on the body — F x h foot lbs. 
For example, if F be 10 lbs. and h 5 feet — 

Work done = 10 x 5 — 50 foot lbs. 
If the force moves along a curved path, the length of the path traversed 
is employed in calculating the work done. Consider now a case of two 
equal parallel forces acting on a body free to turn. The body will revolve 
about an axis passing through its centre of gravity. If the points of ap- 
plication of the forces be fixed, the latter will move with the body, and in 
turning it through any angle (see fig. 229) if the forces be in lbs. and 
the distances in feet. 

Work done = (P x A B) + (P x D) 
= P{AB + CD) foot lbs. 
Since A B = A x Q, and C D = x Q, being the circular measure of the 
angle, we may write — 

Fig. 229. 

Work done = P(A0 + 0) 6 

= P x A x foot lbs., 
that is, the work done up to any angle is given by the product of the turn- 
ing couple and the circular measure of the angle. 

Applying these principles to the case of a ship, let a vessel be assumed 
floating at rest in stable equilibrium, then let an external heeling couple 
be supposed to act upon her. If, starting at zero with the vessel upright, 
this heeling couple be assumed to grow so as always to be equal to the 
righting couple, the righting moment diagram at any point will represent the 
value of the heeling or upsetting couple at the same point, and, generally, 
the curve of righting moments will also represent the curve of upsetting 

Reverting to fig. 214, curve A shows an ordinary curve of righting 
moments. Consider an ordinate at 30 degrees, say. On the above assump- 



tion, it gives the value of the upsetting couple at that angle. Let now 
the vessel be further inclined through one degree. If the upsetting couple 
be assumed constant through this small inclination, the work done by it 
will be equal to the ordinate at 30 degrees multiplied by the circular measure 
of one degree. If the base line of the righting moment diagram be in 
terms of circular measure, and a line parallel to the base be drawn through 
the top of the ordinate at 30 degrees, the work done by the upsetting 
couple will be represented by the area of the little rectangle thus enclosed. 
At 31 degrees, if the upsetting moment be assumed augmented so as to 
equal the righting moment at that angle, and to remain constant while 
the vessel is heeled through one degree, the work done will be represented 
by the little rectangle between 31 and 32 degrees, the base line, and a 
line parallel to the base through the ordinate at 31 degrees. 

Proceeding thus by intervals of one degree, the work done by the up- 
setting moment from the origin to any angle H will be represented by 
the area OHK less the sum of the little triangles between the curve and 
the tops of the little rectangles (those indicated in fig. 214 are shown in 
black). But by making the intervals infinitely small, the difference between 
the area OHK, and the work done by the upsetting couple, is made 
infinitely small. We may, therefore, ultimately say, that on inclining the 
vessel through the angle OH, the work done, or dynamical stability, is 
truly represented by the area of the curve of statical stability from the 
origin up to that angle. An ordinary curve of stability thus assumes a 
new importance, since, besides showing the variation in the statical righting 
moment from point to point, as the vessel is inclined from the upright, it 
also measures the amount of energy that must be expended to incline her. 

Practical Example. — Assuming the values of the righting moments in 
curve A, fig. 214, at intervals of 15 degrees, to be o, 1200, 4900, 9500, 
and 8000 foot tons, respectively, what is the dynamical stability at 60 
degrees? This is merely a case of obtaining the area of curve A from the 
origin to an ordinate at 60 degrees by means of Simpson's Rules. It is 
convenient to arrange the figures as follows : — 

Degrees of 


Moments in 

foot tons. 
















Dynamical stability at 60^ r , -2618 

, . ,. .. ^ = 6o6oox = 5288 foot tons, 

degrees inclination ) 3 ' 

•2618 being the circular measure at 15 . 

Curve 0> fig. 214, shows the complete curve of dynamical stability for 

this vessel. 



A knowledge of the dynamical stability* is particularly useful in the 
case of sailing-ships as a guide in fixing the area and distribution of the 
sails. In such estimates, the sails are assumed braced to a fore-and-aft 
plane and the pressure to act dead upon them. 

Let fig. 229 represent a sailing-vessel heeled to, and held steadily at, 
an angle Q. Here the upsetting and righting moments are obviously equal. 
That is, 

Pxh = WxGM xSin ft 

P being the total wind pressure in tons at the angle 0, h the vertical distance 

Fig. 229. 

*The dynamical stability may also be obtained by an equation known as Moseley's 
formula. Simply stated, this consists in multiplying the vertical movement between the centre of 
buoyancy and centre of gravity during the inclination by the weight of the vessel. Reverting 
to figs. 227 and 22S, B G is the distance between the centres when the vessel is upright ; B Z 
the distance when she is inclined. Therefore — 
Work done in inclining"! 

vessel to given angle/ = ^^ ~BG)W foot tons. 
Now, B V Z -B X R + RZ, and RZ = BG cos d. To find B 1 R we must multiply the volume 
(f) of the -wedge of displacement transferred across the ship by the vertical travel of its centre 
of gravity i.e., g l h l + g 2 h 2 , and divide by the volume of displacement (V). Thus, 

B 1 R = y(g 1 h l + g z h 2 ). 

Substituting in first equation, we get — 

Work done in foot tons = W\^y{g l h l + g 2 h 2 ) + B G cos 6 - B g) 

= ^(yteA + MJ- A 6(i -cos. *)) 


in feet at the same inclination between the centre of effort, or centre of gravity 
of the sail area, and the centre of lateral resistance, the point through which 
the resultant fluid pressure is taken to act, W the displacement in tons^ and 
GM the metacentric height in feet. It may be mentioned that the centre of 
lateral resistance is usually assumed to be at mid draught. 

From the above formula, the magnitude of the angle to which a sail- 
ing-ship will heel under a given sail area and wind pressure is seen to 
vary inversely as GM, and as it is desirable to have the deck as level as 
possible, the importance of a large G M in this class of vessel is apparent. 
In medium-sized sailing-ships it should not be less than 3 to 3J feet. In 
any special case, the best way of showing the effect of the wind pressure 
on the stability is to draw a curve of upsetting moments due to the wind 
pressure on the same diagram as the corresponding curve of stability. 
This may be done as follows : First, the upsetting moment in the upright 
position is calculated, this being equal to the total wind pressure on the 
sails in tons multiplied by the vertical distance in feet between the centre 
of effort and centre of lateral resistance. Then the upsetting moment acting 
when the vessel is inclined to the upright is obtained. In this case, the 
effective sail area, and therefore, the effective total wind pressure, are re- 
duced, being equal to the values corresponding to the upright position 
multiplied by the cosine of the angle of inclination; also the effective 
leverage is equal to the leverage in the previous case multiplied by the 
cosine of the angle of inclination. Thus, at any angle Q — 

The upsetting moment = { U ^> « in x cos. 6 foot tons. 
Employing symbols, let — 

A = Total sail area in square feet. 

H — Distance in feet between centre of effort and centre of lateral 

resistance (vessel upright). 
/) = Wind pressure per square foot in lbs. 
Then, with vessel inclined at some angle 0, 
Effective sail area = A cos. Q. 
Effective lever = H cos. 6. 
Upsetting Moment = A cos. x H cos. Q x p 
= A H p cos. 2 Q. 
In calculating the steady angle of heel for a vessel under full sail, it 
is usual to assume a wind-pressure of i lb. per square foot, which is taken to 
be the force of the wind in a fresh breeze. In estimating the effect of a 
squall, however, a much larger wind-pressure is assumed. 

Values of upsetting moments obtained in this way are set off at corres- 
ponding points on the base line of the stability diagram, and a "wind 
curve " drawn. 

EFFECT OF A SQUALL.— In fig. 230, OBD is an ordinary stability 
curve, and A BG F a curve of upsetting moments due to the wind pressure 
or wind curve constructed in the way described. Referring to this diagram 



it will be observed that at an inclination P the upsetting and righting 
moments are equal. This tells us that but for the energy which the vessel 
has stored up in virtue of the unresisted moment area B A, she would be 
held at the inclination P. As it is, she passes beyond P to some angle 
OH, when the energy of motion is overcome by the stability reserve BOD. 
H is approximately twice P, thus a sudden squall striking the vessel 

Fig. 230. 

















p ! 


C ' • \ 



H | [ 


when upright causes her to heel to about twice the angle that a steady 
force gradually applied would heel her to. 

The wind curve frequently crosses the stability curve at two points, 
such as B and F. The portion of the stability curve below the line A F 
is absorbed by the upsetting force, while the portion above the line 5 namely, 
B D F, is called the reserve of dynamical stability, and as we have seen, is 
available to overcome any energy of motion which the vessel may have 

Fig. 231. 

when she reaches the inclination at which the wind and stability curves 
have equal ordinates. 

In the case of a sailing-ship rolling freely at sea under full sail, probably 
the greatest demand will be made on the reserve of dynamical stability 
when a squall strikes her as she is about to return to the upright after 
completing a roll to windward. 


Fig. 2 3 1 illustrates this condition. The stability curve above the line 
refers to inclinations on one side of the upright ; that below the line to 
those on the other side. The inclination to windward is represented by 
A. At this point there is a righting lever A B tending to return the vessel 
to the upright position; and as the energy which heeled her thus has been 
expended, the influence of the righting moment is about to be felt. At this 
instant the squall is supposed to strike the vessel. AC D EG F is the wind 
curve, and the returning moment becomes suddenly increased from A B to B C, 
causing the vessel to return rapidly to the upright, her angular velocity continu- 
ing to increase until the angle corresponding to the point E on the other side 
of the upright is reached, when it is a maximum. Beyond this, the righting 
moment is in excess of the upsetting moment, and as the vessel becomes further 
inclined to leeward, her kinetic energy and angular velocity gradually de- 
crease, the vessel coming finally to rest at some angle //, when the excess 
of upsetting moment, represented by the area B £, is absorbed by the excess 
of dynamical stability EKME. Her energy of motion being now expended, 
the vessel begins to return by virtue of her excess of righting moment and, 
if the wind curve be assumed to remain as before, she will oscillate for a 
little about the angle corresponding to the point E and finally come to rest 
at that angle. 

We have neglected the retarding effect of the friction of the water and 
the hull surface, and of such head resistances as bilge keels. These con- 
siderably reduce the inclinations to which the wind heels the vessel, and if 
the wind were suddenly to fall, would, with the assistance of the air re- 
sistance on the sails, gradually bring her to rest. 


1. What is a curve of statical stability? How is such <% curve usually drawn? 

2. Distinguish between the terms "righting arm" and "righting moment." A vessel has 
a displacement of 4000 tons and a metacentric height of 2 feet ; what are the values of the 
righting arm and righting moment when the vessel is heeled to an inclination of 10 degrees ? 

Arts.— R.A. = -348 foot; R.M.= 1392 foot tons. 

3. In the case of vessels of ordinary form, correct values of righting arm and righting 
moment cannot be obtained at large inclinations by using the metacentric height ; explain 
why. For what special form of vessel is the metacentric height method correct ? 

4. Construct <x curve of righting arms for a vessel of cylindrical section, 15 feet in 
diameter, floating with its axis in the waterplane, the centre of gravity being iS inches below 
the middle of the section. 

5. A vessel's metacentric height is 2 feet 6 inches ; show how you would construct 
the tangent to the curve of righting arms at the origin, and prove that your method is 
correct in principle. 

6. Show that in a submarine vessel floating below the surface, the centre of buoyancy and 
metacentre coincide with the centre of bulk, and explain what in this special case are the con- 
ditions of equilibrium. 


7. If, in the previous case, the centre of gravity be below the centre of bulk, show that 
if the vessel be turned about a horizontal axis passing through the centre of bulk, the curve of 
stability will be the same whatever be the direction of the axis. 

8. Prove Atwood's formula for the statical stability of a vessel at any angle of heel. 
Show how a. statical stability diagram is constructed, and explain its uses. 

9. Explain the terms "angle of maximum stability, " and "range," as applied to curves 
of stability. A box-shaped vessel 35 feet broad, and 35 feet deep, floats at a level draught 
of 17 feet 6 inches. The metacentric height of the vessel being 2 feet, construct the curve 
of righting arms, indicating the "angle of maximum stability," the value of the "maximum 
righting lever," and the " range." 

10. Describe in detail how you would proceed to obtain the statical stability at large 
angles of inclination of a vessel of known form. 

11. A vessel having a deep forward well ships a heavy sea. Assuming the water ports 
to be set up with rust and inoperative, discuss the effect of the filling of the well on the 
vessel's stability, and state whether her safety is likely to be thus endangered. 

12. In Barnes' Method of calculating the statical stability of a vessel, show clearly how 
the "wedge correction" is made. The uncorrected sum of the moments of the wedges of 
immersion and of emersion for an inclination of 30 degrees is 263,00x3, and the vessel's dis- 
placement is 2000 tons. The volume of the layer is 600 cubic feet, and the horizontal distance 
of the centre of gravity of the radial plane at 30 degrees from the intersection with the middle- 
line plane is 1*5 feet. Find the value of the righting arm (1) assuming the immersed wedge 
in excess and the centre of gravity of the radial plane on the immersed side; (2) assuming the 
immersed wedge in excess and the centre of gravity of the radial plane on the emerged side ; 
(3) assuming the emerged wedge in excess and the centre of gravity of the radial plane on the 
immersed side ; (4) assuming the emerged wedge in excess and the centre of gravity of the 
radial plane on the emerged side. 

Note. — The centre of gravity of the layer may be assumed to be in the same vertical with 
the centre of gravity of the radial plane, and B 6 = 5 feet. 

Ans.f^ and M' Ri S htin S Arms = 1*24 feet. 
*\(2) and (3), ,, = 1-27 ,, 

13. A vessel whose displacement is 3000 tons, has a righting-arm of 1 foot at an in- 
clination of 30 . Cargo weighing 300 tons, whose centre of gravity is in the middle line at 
a depth of 1 foot below the common centre of gravity, is discharged; and the vertical 
through the centre of buoyancy of the layer through which the vessel rises when at an 
inclination of 30 is 6 inches on the immersed side of the vertical through the centre of 
buoyancy of the vessel corresponding with the load draught at that inclination. Find the 
length of the righting arm after the removal of the cargo. 

Arts. — fths of a foot. 

14. What are cross curves of stability? How are these related to the ordinary stability 

curves ? 

15. A vessel of constant circular section, 120 feet long and 14 feet in diameter, has its 
centre of gravity 1 '5 feet below the axis ; construct to scale cross curves of stability for trans- 
verse inclinations of 30 , 60% and 90 . 

16. Referring to the previous question, deduce an ordinary curve of stability for the vessel 
when floating with its axis in the waterline. If the centre of gravity be 9 inches below the 
position assumed in making the cross curves, show how the necessary correction would be 
made at the various inclinations, and plot the new curve. 


17. The plans of a vessel being given, state hilly how you would prepare the body plan 
for the calculation of a cross curve of stability. 

18. A vessel inclined transversely is cut by a series of horizontal equidistant planes at 
intervals of 3 feet, the intersection of the middle-line plane being parallel to the top of keel. 
The first plane touches the vessel's bottom tangentially. The areas of the successive planes are 
o, 30°» 590) 880, and 1 150 square feet, and the horizontal distances in feet of their respective 
centres of gravity from the vertical through the vessel's centre of gravity, omitting the tangent 
plane, are 1 "4, *9, '4, and *l, on the immersed side. Construct the cross curve of stability. 

19. What are the causes which influence the forms of curves of stability? Give an example 
of such curves for 

(1) a flush-deck vessel of low freeboard; 

(2) the same vessel fitted with a continuous watertight shelter deck. 

20. Discuss the comparative effect on curves of stability of increase of breadth and in- 
crease of freeboard. Taking a rectangular vessel 100 ft. long, 20 ft. broad, 15 ft. deep, floating 
at a level draught of 12 ft,, with the centre of gravity at 7 ft. above the base; show the effect 
on the stability curve of 

(1) an increase of 4 ft. in beam, 

(2) an increase of 4 ft. in freeboard, 

the draught and position of centre of gravity remaining the same in each case. 

21. What is meant by the dynamical stability of a vessel? In inclining a vessel from the 
upright position explain the several ways in which work is done. 

22. A rectangular pontoon 100 feet long, 25 feet broad and 25 feet deep, floats in salt- 
water at half depth with one of its sides horizontal ; the metacentric height is I foot. 
Calculate the dynamical stability at an angle of 45 . 

Ans. — 487 foot tons. 

23. Prove that the work done in inclining a vessel from the upright to any angle, is equal 
to the area of the curve of righting moments up to that angle. 

24. The ordinates of n curve of righting arms measured at equal angular intervals of io°, 
starting from the upright, are — o, *4, 7, -9, and i*o feet. Find the dynamical stability at 40 
inclination, the displacement being 2500 tons. 

Ans. — 1 102 foot tons. 


THE time that a vessel, rolling freely in undisturbed water, takes to com- 
plete an oscillation from port to starboard, or vice versa, is called her 
period of a single roll. Theoretical investigations in this subject are 
based on the assumption that the rolling medium is a perfect or frictionless 
fluid, so that in calculating the period of roll, the fact that water offers 
substantial resistance to the movement of the vessel is ignored. The result 
thus obtained is found to be nearly true, since, from actual rolling experi- 
ments, fluid resistance, while greatly limiting the arc of oscillation, appears 
to have little influence on the period. 

Early investigators were wont to think that if a vessel had great initial 
stability, and was, therefore, difficult to move, she would also be steady in a 
seaway. They were struck with the apparent analogy between a rolling ship 
and an oscillating pendulum, and thought that a ship might be looked upon 
as a simple pendulum suspended at the metacentre of length equal to G M, 
the distance between the metacentre and the centre of gravity. 

Now, the period in seconds of a single swing of a simple pendulum, 
from left to right, or vice versa, is 

T = 3-1416 J L, 

where / is the length of the pendulum, and g the acceleration due to 

If the above analogy between the pendulum and the ship were correct, 
G M might be substituted for / in this formula, and, consequently, the ship's 
rolling period would lengthen with increase in G M. We find, however, such 
to be by no means the case, all experience going to show that vessels of 
small metacentric heights are of longer periods, that is, make fewer rolls per 
minute, than those having large metacentric heights. Thus, the assumption 
that a ship is a simple pendulum, with its whole weight concentrated at the 
centre of gravity, and with a fixed axis of oscillation at the point M, is 
clearly an erroneous one. 

As a matter of fact, a ship has no fixed axis of oscillation. The in- 
stantaneous axis is for most vessels not at M, but in the vicinity of the 
centre of gravity, and it is usual to assume it as passing through that point, 
While accepting this as a fair approximation, it must not at the same time 
be forgotten that the centre of gravity itself, though fixed relatively to the 



ship, really describes a path in space as the vessel rolls. To obtain the 
instantaneous axis we may proceed as follows : — 

Referring to fig. 232, let W L be the waterplane, F F the curve of 
flotation, i.e., a section of the surface tangent to the various waterplanes 
which cut off a constant displacement as the vessel rolls, and G the centre 
of gravity. Now, neglecting the presence of the ship, assume the surface of 
flotation and the level water surface to become solid, and the former to roll 
or slip without friction along the latter as the vessel oscillates. F, the point 
of contact of the surfaces FF and W L, is a point in the oscillating vessel, 
and will move, at any instant, about a centre somewhere in the line F 0, 
Another determinable point in the vessel is the centre of gravity. It has 
vertical motion only, since the forces acting when the vessel is rolling freely 

Fig. 232. 

are purely vertical , therefore, the centre about which G turns is in the line 
G 0. The axis of the vessel at the instant considered is obviously at 0, 
the point of intersection of the lines FO and GO. The point in most 
cases is near G, so that very little error is introduced by the assumption 
that the axis passes through G. 

Let us consider what actually takes place when a ship is rolling un- 
resistedly in still water. This case is a purely hypothetical one, but it 
offers a convenient starting-point. 

Suppose a vessel floating freely and at rest is acted upon by an external 
force causing her to roll through some angle, say, to port. The work done 
is represented by the dynamical stability of the vessel at the angle at which 
she comes to rest. She has then energy due to position, which, on removal 
of the external force, takes effect in returning her towards the upright. 


When the vertical is reached the energy of position becomes transformed 
into energy of motion, the vessel attaining a maximum angular velocity. 
The energy of motion now carries the vessel to starboard, to the same 
angle as that reached on the port side, where she once more regains energy 
of position, which, in turn, sends her back to the upright. And so the 
rolling goes on, since, by our assumption, there is no external resistance. 

The formula for a single roll in the above hypothetical circumstances is— 

v g m 
where T is the time m seconds of a single roll, m the metacentric height in feet, 
and g the acceleration due to gravity (= 32*2 feet per second per second). 

The symbol k is known as the transverse radius of gyration. What 
this quantity is may be explained by stating that if the whole weight of 
the oscillating vessel could be concentrated at a point distant k from the 
axis of oscillation, the effect would be the same as with the vessel as she 
is, that is, the period of oscillation would be the same. To find the 
value of k in any case, it is necessary to assume the vessel's weight 
divided into very small elements w, say, and to obtain the distance between the 
centre of each of these elements and the rolling axis ; then, if r be taken 
to represent any of these distances, and W be the total weight of the 
vessel — 

Sum of all the products w x r 2 
h = W ' 

The numerator of this expression for k 2 is the moment of inertia of the 
vessel about the chosen axis ; calling this / 

Using the value given for g, the formula for the period may be written — 


We now see why vessels having large metacentric heights are of quicker 
motion, i.e., shorter period, than those with smaller values, for evidently T 
becomes reduced with increase of /??, and vice versa. Also, the period is 
increased or decreased with corresponding changes in the value of the radius 
of gyration, which varies according to the distribution of the weights on 
board the ship, being increased by spreading them out from the centre of 
gravity, and decreased by crowding them about that point. 

As a practical example, let us obtain the rolling period for a vessel of 
3000 tons displacement, whose metacentric height is 2*5 feet, and radius of 
gyration 17*16 feet. By substitution we get — 

T = '554 = = 6 seconds. 
J 2-5 

r= '554 r: 


Vertical movements of weights have greater influence on the period than 
horizontal movements. For instance, in the above vessel, if 120 tons were 
raised 14 feet, i.e., from a position 7 feet below the centre of gravity to one 7 
feet above it, the period would be increased to 6*8 seconds, while winging out 
this weight 14 feet from the centre would only lengthen the period to 6'i seconds. 
As well as by calculation, the still-water rolling period may be found experi- 
mentally. To do this it is only necessary to set the vessel rolling by some 
artificial means, and to note the number of complete rolls she makes in a 
certain time. The period of a single roll may then be got by dividing the 
time by the number of rolls- This follows from the fact that the time taken 
per roll, for all inclinations up to which the curves of statical stability are 
straight lines — that is, about 12 to 15 degrees— is the same, a characteristic 
known as Isochronism. 

It may be well to state here that it is important to know the value 
of a vessel's still-water rolling period in order to predict her probable be- 
haviour at sea. Vessels seldom roll to dangerous angles in still water, but, 
as we shall see presently, may do so among waves, unless precautions have 
been taken to provide them with suitable still-water periods. 

SEA WAVES, — Before dealing with the rolling of a vessel among waves, 
it will be necessary to give some attention to the structure of the latter in 
the light of modern theory, in order to obtain a clear idea of the action of 
water on a vessel when the surface of the former is undulated into wave shape. 

Waves are generated by the action of wind on the sea, and are the 
principal agents causing ships to roll. There have been various theories as 
to the action of wave water, the most satisfactory of which, and the one now 
generally accepted as representing the case best, being that known as the 
trochoidal theory. 

The groundwork of this theory is, that only the form of the wave travels, 
and that the particles of water affected move in small circular orbits about 
horizontal axes. That some such action does take place will be obvious to 
anyone who observes the movements of a piece of driftwood afloat among waves. 
It will be noted that the wood does not travel with the wave, but merely 
moves backwards and forwards, showing clearly that the water particles sup- 
porting it move only a short distance as the wave passes. 

According to this theory, a section of a wave in the plane of the line 
of advance, has for its outline a trochoid, i.e., a line described by a point 
having uniform circular and linear motion. A rough, but simple way of draw- 
ing a trochoid, is as follows : — Take any point between the centre and the 
circumference in a circular paper disc, and let the latter be rolled without 
slipping along a horizontal line ; the path described by the point is a trochoid. 
The reader should try this for himself. The theory also states that originally 
horizontal layers below the surface become, when under wave motion, distorted 
into trochoidal forms of the same general character as that of the upper sur- 
face, and that columns of water originally vertical curve towards the wave 
crest. The hollows and crests of the various trochoids are immediately under 



each other, and, therefore, the trochoids are all of the same length. But they 
become flatter as the depth below the upper surface increases, the particles 
moving in smaller and smaller orbits, until finally the wave, form disappears. 
Fig. 233, which exhibits in section part of a trochoidal wave, illustrates some 
of the points referred to. In this figure the original surfaces and subsurfaces 
in still water are shown by dotted horizontal lines, the same surfaces when 
in wave form by full curved lines. The orbits of surface and subsurface 
particles are also indicated. The lines containing the centres of these 
orbits (shown full) are seen to be at higher levels than the corresponding 
still-water lines, showing that in the wave, as well as kinetic energy, or energy 
of motion, the particles have also potential energy or energy of position. 

Another fundamental point in this theory is, that the pressure of a 
particle in the wave is affected by the centrifugal force generated by its 
orbital motion, and acts normally to the particular surface in which the par- 
ticle lies ; so that, as the slope varies at each subsurface, the directions of 

Fig. 233. 

the normals also continually vary. All this has to be remembered when 
considering the resultant of the wave forces which act on a vessel afloat 
among waves. 

The length of a wave is the horizontal distance from crest to crest, or 
hollow to hollow; the height is the vertical distance from hollow to crest; 
the period of a wave is the time it takes to move a distance equal to its 
own length. From calculations based on the trochoidal theory, we have the 
following : — 

t, • j r , 2 x V1416 x lensrth / length 

Period of wave in seconds = / ^ — 5 — = / -° , 

v 9 v 5-124 

Speed of wave in feet per) /length x a , -. — 


x 3-1416 

Results obtained from these formulae are found to agree closely with those 
of observations of actual waves. Atlantic storm waves 600 feet in length, for 


instance, have observed periods of 11 seconds, and from the formulas, using 
this length of wave, we get — 

Period = / = io'8 seconds. 

v 5* I2 4 

Speed — / 5*124 x 600 = 55*4 feet per second. 

The heights of waves have an important influence on rolling. The magni- 
tude of the maximum angle of slope of a wave depends upon the ratio of 
the height to the length, and it will be found that the extent of the arc 
through which a vessel oscillates, is largely governed by the value of this slope 
angle. The heights of well-defined ocean waves are usually found to vary from 
"sir to tV °f tne ^ngths, in long and in short waves, respectively, the steepness 
of waves decreasing with increase in length. 

ROLLING AMONG WAVES.— We have seen that the effect of the 
internal wave forces is to cause the resultant buoyant pressure on a surface 
water particle to act normally to the wave slope, and it must now be added 
that the same forces act upon the weight of any small floating particle or 
body, and cause the resultant force also to act normally to the wave slope, 
but in a line opposite to that of buoyancy. The truth of this was proved 
experimentally by Dr. Froude in the following manner : — Taking a small float 
of cork he fitted it with an inclined mast, from the top of which he sus- 
pended a simple pendulum. He then placed the float on waves, when it 
was observed that the pendulum did not hang vertically but took up a 
position perpendicular to the wave slope. 

Now, a ship displaces a considerable amount of wave water, and cannot, 
properly speaking, be looked upon as a surface particle. It intersects many 
subsurfaces, the pressures on the particles of which act normally to the 
curves of these subsurfaces, and the resultant pressure, on the whole body, 
is normal to a mean subsurface ; but in actual calculations it is usual to 
consider the vessel as very small relatively to the wave, and to treat it for 
all practical purposes as a surface particle, the resultant lines of pressure and 
weight being assumed to act normally to the slope of the upper surface of 
the wave. 

On this assumption, a vessel among waves will tend to place her masts 
parallel to the normal to the wave slope, which virtually becomes her upright 
position of equilibrium. This is illustrated in fig. 234, where the centre line, 
that is, the line of the masts, is shown inclined to the wave normal, with 
a moment W x G Z in operation tending to bring them into parallel lines 
and thus place the deck parallel with the wave slope. In calculating the 
angle of inclination of the vessel to the vertical at any instant when among 
waves, this modified righting moment, which is assumed to be proportional 
to the angle between the line of the ship's masts and the wave normal at 
that . instant, is employed. 

It is not our intention to attempt a description of these calculations, 



as they are difficult and would be quite out of place in a work of this 
kind. It is easy, however, in general terms, to predict the behaviour of a 
vessel among waves when the periods of ship and waves are known. 

Where the still water period of a vessel is very short in comparison 
with the period of the waves she is among, caused by her being specially 
broad and shallow, or having a cargo of great density placed low down in 
her holds, she will tend to keep her masts close to the wave normal, as 
depicted in fig. 235. Her motions will be quick and jerky, and although 
she will generally keep her decks clear of water, she cannot otherwise be 

Fig. 234. 

considered satisfactory. Her rapid motions are likely to strain the hull, 
especially during rough weather, and she will obviously be an uncomfortable 
boat in which to traveL 

Different results are obtained when the ratio of the periods is reversed, 
i.e., when the still water period is very long compared with the wave period. 
A vessel so circumstanced will be an easy roller, as may be readily ex- 
plained. Assume such a vessel, for example, to be upright when a wave 
approaches her. Under the influence of the wave forces, she will immedi- 
ately begin to heel, but her period being long compared with that of the 
wave, she will not have gone far when the wave normal, having passed 

Fig. 235. 

through its maximum angle to the vertical, at about the mid-height of the 
wave, will have returned to the upright, bringing a crest under the vessel. 
As the crest passes, the tendency of the wave pressures in the back slope 
will be to arrest the inclination of the vessel, and return her to the upright. 
And so the next hollow will find her a little inclined to the other side. 
This inclination will, in turn, be arrested by the following wave, and thus 
the departure from the upright of such a vessel will be small, and she will 
maintain a comparatively level deck. Such a state, of things is highly 
desirable in warships to ensure a steady gun platform, and for obvious 
reasons it is also sought after in merchant vessels. 



From the formula— 

v m 
it is seen that in order to obtain a long rolling period, /f, the radius of 
gyration, must be increased, and aw, the metacentric height, must be reduced, 
as much as possible. This would mean concentrating the weights away 
from the middle line, narrowing the beam, or raising the position of the 
centre of gravity. More important considerations than those of rolling limit the 
extent to which the foregoing modifications may be carried out. It is impractic- 
able, for instance, in merchant vessels to bank the weights against the sides, 
although with general cargoes something may be done by judicious stowage, 
while to bring down the value of m by reducing the beam or stowing the 
weights high in the vessel might seriously affect the stability, and no careful 
designer would recklessly do that. Experience must be the guide here, it 
being remembered that, generally speaking, vessels of great displacements 
may have smaller values of m than those of small displacement. 

A critical case arises when the half period of the waves is the same 
as the ship's still-water period, and she is rolling broadside on to the former, 
a state of things known as synchronism. 

In fig. 236 the effect of this coincidence of the effective time of the 

Fig. 236. 

two periods on a vessel's behaviour when rolling in a frictionless fluid, i.e., 
without resistance, is depicted. Referring to this figure, at A the vessel is 
in the hollow, and is supposed to be upright when the wave reaches her. 
As she rises on the latter, the internal wave forces cause her to heel from 
the upright, and her period agreeing with the half period of the wave, she 
reaches the end of a roll at the first wave crest. On the back slope the 
wave forces will assist the ordinary statical moment to return her to the 
upright, and to a maximum inclination on the other side of the vertical, 
which she will reach at the hollow, and which will be greater than if she 
had oscillated under her statical moment alone. The wave forces in concert 
with her statical moment will again change the direction of motion, and at 
the next crest, where she will complete another roll, her maximum inclina- 
tion will be further increased. Thus she will continue to roll, reaching 
a greater maximum inclination at each crest and hollow, until she finally 

Theoretical investigations show that the increment of roll due to the 
wave impulse is equal to f, or about if times the maximum wave slope. Thus, 
if this were 6 degrees, the maximum inclination would be increased each 


Lime by 9 degrees, and her arc of oscillation by 18 degrees; so that the 
effect of a few such waves would be to put the vessel on her beam ends. 

Dr. Froude proved the truth of the foregoing theory by experimenting 
with little models in a tank. Waves were generated having a period double 
that of the models in still water, and the latter when placed in the tank 
were upset after the passage of a few waves. 

We thus see that a vessel is most seriously situated when broadside 
on to waves whose period of advance is double that of her own still-water 
period. In some respects the ship, in receiving the wave impulse as above 
described, resembles an oscillating pendulum which has additional force 
applied to it periodically at the end of an oscillation in one direction, and 
just when it is about to return, the effect of which is to increase the angle 
of swing each time. Another illustration is given by a body of soldiers 
crossing a bridge, when the period of march keeps time with the period of 
vibration of the bridge, a state of things which, continued long enough, 
would greatly increase the amplitude of the vibrations, and might eventually 
bring the structure down. 

Summarising the foregoing remarks and deducing obvious inferences 
there from, we note : — 

(1) That vessels whose periods are very short in comparison with the 
waves, will tend to place their masts parallel to the wave normals ; 
that the angular velocity of such vessels may, in stormy weather, 
become very great and the rolling heavy; that excessive transverse 
straining may thus be developed, with a particular tendency to throw 
out the masts. 

(2) That vessels of long periods (single roll), if among waves with half 
periods considerably less, are likely to be slow rollers, and to incline 
through moderate angles from the upright ; that this is a most de- 
sirable state of things in both mercantile and war vessels, and after 
sufficiently allowing for stability, should be aimed at in new designs. 

(3) That vessels having periods which keep time with those of the 
waves are badly, if not dangerously, situated ; that such synchronism, 
as has been borne out in actual cases of which records are avail- 
able, is likely to conduce to heavy rolling and severe transverse 

A practical example of the effect of synchronism is afforded in the case 
of H.M.S. Royal Sovereign, a large warship which from her design was ex- 
pected to be very steady among waves at sea, and in general proved 
herself to be so • but on one occasion, when sailing in company of other 
vessels, there being a slight swell on the sea at the time, she rolled con- 
siderably, her maximum arc of oscillation reaching to 32 degrees, while the 
other vessels,, which were of quicker periods, were but slightly affected. 
Observation showed the waves to have a period which synchronised ap- 
proximately with the Royal Sovereign's single roll period of 8 seconds. On 
another occasion, when broadside on to a series of synchronising waves, she 


rolled through maximum arcs of 50 to 60 degrees. Excessive rolling is also 
reported of another vessel of this class, H.M.S. Resolution, the circumstances 
pointing to sychronism between the ship and apparent wave periods. 

These examples show how difficult it is to altogether avoid the effects 
of synchronism. Actual observation has shown ordinary storm waves to 
average 500 to 600 feet in length, with periods of 10 to n seconds, only 
in exceptional cases longer waves being met with. Consequently, vessels 
having still-water periods of 8 seconds like the Royal Sovereign class should 
be expected to practically escape synchronism. Experience, however, has 
shown that circumstances may arise which shall cause the unexpected to 
happen. But even where there is synchronism, a vessel of long period is 
better situated than one of short period. In the former case, the waves 
keeping time are longer and less steep and have smaller maximum slope- 
angles than in the latter. Thus, the increment added to the angle of roll 
at each hollow and crest is less in the vessel of long period than in the 

Of course, a master with his vessel well in hand is usually able to help 
matters considerably when his vessel is rolling excessively on account of 
synchronism. Should the rolling become heaviest when she is lying broad- 
side on to the waves, he may disturb the coincidence of the periods by 
changing to an oblique course, which would lengthen the effective time of 
the wave. Should, however, the synchronism be developed when sailing on 
an oblique course, he may affect a cure ' in various ways. He may turn 
his vessel into the wave trough, or direct her head to the line of crests, 
or if he wishes to keep the original course, he may change the effective 
time of the waves by increasing or reducing the speed of the vessel. Thus, 
by skilful navigation, much can be done even with a vessel of bad design. 

RESISTANCE TO ROLLING.— Although synchronism will always tend 
to make rolling heavy, as in the case of the Royal Sovereign, the resistance 
due to the friction of the water with the surface of an oscillating vessel, 
with that spent in the creation of waves, etc., will minimise the rolling at 
all times. Suppose, for instance, a vessel is set rolling in still water, and 
that, at a given instant, the external force causing her motion is removed, 
thus allowing her to roll freely. Her maximum range of oscillations will 
immediately begin to diminish. In any single oscillation, the difference 
between the maximum angle, say to starboard, from the following one to 
port, will be a measure of the resistance overcome. But when among 
waves whose period keeps time with that of her own motion, the periodical 
impulse given by the wave will cause the maximum inclination to be in- 
creased with each oscillation, so long as the resistance of the water is less 
than the increment of force due to the wave impulse. With increase of 
angle, however, the speed of oscillation will increase, since vessels describe 
the largest arcs in nearly the same time as the smallest. And, since the 
resistance of the water increases rapidly with the speed, a range of oscilla- 
tions is soon reached, to sustain which the repeated impulse due to syn- 

264 Ship construction and calculations. 

chronism is necessary. Moreover, although the period when the arcs of 
oscillation are large are only slightly greater than when they are small, the 
difference is sufficient to disturb the synchronism. The wave impulse does 
not occur at the same critical moment each time, and a fraction of the 
resistance being thus unbalanced, it takes effect in reducing the angular 
velocity, the rolling becoming less heavy. This reduction may increase the 
period, and again cause synchronism, with consequent increase in the rolling, 
which, as before, will in turn be arrested. We thus see that oscillations 
sufficient to place a vessel on her be:im ends, or to overturn her, are 
unlikely to occur in a resisting medium such as water. 

ANALYSIS OF RESISTANCE.— Many years ago, Dr. Froude m carrying 
out experiments on the resistance of vessels to rolling, divided it into three 
parts, viz., that due (1) to the hull surface; (2) to keel, bilge-keels, dead- 
wood, and the flat parts of the vessel at either end ; (3) to surface disturbance. 
He obtained quantitative results by calculating items (1) and (2) from the 
plans of the vessels, and placing the difference between the sum of these 
items and the actual resistance obtained from experiments to the credit of 
item (3). The results showed the hull surface resistance to be less than 2 
per cent., and the keel, bilge-keel, and flat surface resistance from 18 to 20 
per cent, of the total, leaving about 80 per cent, as due to surface dis- 
turbance and the creation of waves. 

While it is known that the creation ot a very small wave would be 
sufficient to account for this residual resistance, subsequent experiments and 
investigations have shown that item (2) has probably been under-estimated. 
In making his calculations for the resistance of flat surfaces, Dr. Froude 
took i*6 lbs. as a co-efficient of resistance per square foot at a velocity of 
one foot per second, and assumed the resistance to vary as the square of 
the velocity. This co-efficient he had obtained previously by oscillating a flat 
board in deep water. In the case of bilge-keels, it is now pretty well estab- 
lished that this figure, taken with the surface area of the bilge keels, does 
not represent the extinctive value ot these appendages. On the assumption 
that the whole work of extinction, due to the fitting of bilge keels, might 
be credited to a virtual increase in the co-efficient of resistance per square 
foot of bilge area, and that the resistance varied as the square of the velocity, 
Sir Philip Watts pointed out that, in the case of the warships Volage and 
Inconstant^ instead of i'6 lbs., the co-efficients at a mean velocity of one 
foot per second should be 87 and 7*2 lbs., respectively. 

In rolling experiments carried out in 1895 on H.M.S. Revenge^ a war- 
ship of large displacement, similar results were obtained, the corresponding 
co-efficient being 11 lbs. for a swing of 10 degrees, rising to about 16 lbs. 
for a swing of 4 degrees. 

Commenting on these results, Sir Wm. Whyte* pointed out that, as well 

* See a paper by Sir Wm. Whyte in the Transactions of the Institution of Naval Archi- 
tects for 1895. 


as offering direct resistance, bilge keels create further resistance by indirectly 
influencing the stream-line motions that exist about an oscillating ship. 

Investigation* has fully borne this out. Professor Bryan has shown that 
the motion of a rolling vessel, particularly if she be of sharp form at the 
bilge, gives rise to counter currents in the water which strike the surface 
of the bilge-keels and increase their extinctive value ; also, that the presence 
of the bilge-keels cause discontinuous motions in the surrounding stream 
lines, the result of which is a gradual reduction in the speed of the streams 
as they approach the keels and an increase of pressure on the hull surface, 
giving rise to turning moments tending to arrest the angular motion of 
the ship. Crediting these resistances to the bilge-keel area, Professor Bryan 
estimates the effect * of the counter currents as equivalent to doubling Dr. 
Froude's co-efficient, and the effect of the discontinuous motion to quadrup- 
ling it. 

It should be stated that the foregoing analysis is based on the assumption that 
the vessel has no forward motion, but rolling motion only. From the results 
of rolling experiments! with a destroyer, it is shown that the effect of discon- 
tinuous motion is much reduced, when a ship has motion ahead, the diminution 
increasing with the speed ahead for the same angle of roll ; the apparent 
reason being that the keel surfaces strike the water at an oblique angle, 
and thus do not create such masses of dead water as when rolling without 
forward motion. 

But however the work done by bilge-keels be analysed, the point of most 
importance concerning them is that they are invaluable as a means of 
reducing rolling. Experience has amply shown this in a general way, but 
figures deduced from actual experiments are perhaps more convincing. 
H.M.S. Repulse, a large battleship, was, as an experiment, fitted with bilge- 
keels 200 feet long and 3 feet deep, and when amongst synchronous waves 
at sea, was found to reach only half the maximum angles of oscillation at- 
tained by her accompanying sister vessels, which were without bilge-keels. In 
the years 1894-5, rolling experiments, with and without bilge-keels, were con- 
ducted on the Revenge, a vessel of the same class as the Repulse. In still 
water it was found that, starting with an inclination of 6 degrees, without 
bilge-keels it took 45 to 50 swings to reduce the angle to 2 degrees, and 
with bilge-keels, similar to those on the Repulse, only 8 swings. Again, it 
was noticed that, starting at 6 degrees inclination, after 18 swings the vessel 
without bilge-keels reached an angle of 3! degrees, and with bilge-keels, 
an angle of 1 degree. In the case of the destroyer above referred to, 
the decrement of roll for 4 degrees mean angle of roll was, without bilge 
keels, '24 degrees, and with bilge-keels, '5 degrees. Most important of all 
is perhaps the effect of bilge-keels on rolling when vessels have motion 

*See a paper in the Transactions of the Institution of Naval Architects for 1900. 
fSee an interesting paper by Mr. A. W. Johns in the Transactions of the Institution 
of Naval Architects for 1905. 


ahead. In the case of the Revenge^ starting at an angle of 5 degrees from 
the vertical in each case, after 4 swings the inclination with no motion 
ahead was 2-95 degrees, and at a speed of 12 knots, 2*2 degrees; after 16 
swings the corresponding inclinations were 1*15 degrees and '25 degrees. 
In the case of the destroyer the resistance to rolling for 4 degrees mean 
angle of roll, at 17 knots, was 3 J times greater than when not under weigh. 

The reason of the greater extinctive value of bilge-keels in vessels 
under weigh is due to their having at each instant new masses of water to 
set in motion, and the energy so imparted being continually left behind 
and thus lost to the ship. 

The experiments with the destroyer brought out another point, viz., that 
forward motion tends to reduce the rolling period both with and without bilge 
keels. The double period in seconds with no motion ahead was found to be — 
with keels, 5 '5 9; without keels, 5 '61. At about 17 knots speed the corresponding 
figures were 5*4 and 5*46 respectively. At higher speeds the reduction was 
still more marked. Another point to be noted in respect to bilge-keels is 
that they are more effective in small quick-rolling vessels than ■ in large vessels 
of slow angular motions. This follows because the resistance bilge-keels meet 
with from the water increases with their speed of motion through it, and 
because the power of this resistance in arresting angular motion is greatest 
when the oscillating body to which the bilge-keels are attached is of re- 
latively small weight and inertia. The importance of having these appendages 
on small vessels of quick-rolling period is thus apparent. The advantages of 
bilge-keels are now generally recognised, and they are regularly fitted to both 
war and merchant vessels. In warships they are frequently of considerable 
depth; in merchant vessels they are seldom more than 12 to 15 inches deep, 
and are often less ; but even when so limited in size, their effect on the 
behaviour of vessels at sea has been most beneficial. 

WATER CHAMBERS.— Besides bilge-keels, various other more or less 
successful methods have been advanced for minimising the rolling of ships. 
The best known of these consists in having a chamber partially filled with 
water fitted across the ship, so that when the vessel rolls, say, from port to 
starboard, the water, having a free surface, rushes in the same direction and acts 
against the righting moment operating to return her to the upright position. 
The efficiency of the method has been found to depend on the depth of water 
in the chamber. This was borne out by observations of the behaviour at 
sea of H.M.S. Inflexible^ which had such a chamber, her mean angle of roll 
being reduced 20 to 25 per cent, with the chamber about half full, this 
being the best result obtained. The value of a water chamber was further 
tested in a series of still water rolling experiments with the Edinburgh^ a 
warship of the same class as the Inflexible. The chamber in this case was 
16 feet long, 7 feet deep, and had a full width of 67 feet; by means of 
bulkheads the chamber could also be tried at breadths of 43 feet and 
51 \ feet, respectively. Increasing the breadth was found to have a powerful 
effect, the extinctive value at 67 feet being three times that at 43 feet. It 


was also found that the most effective depth of water was that which made 
the natural period of the wave traversing the chamber, the same as the 
natural rolling period of the ship. 

Experiments with a model of the water chamber, fitted on a frame 
designed to oscillate at the same period as the ship, showed the efficiency 
of the system to be greatest at small angles of inclination. 

For various reasons the water chamber method has not become popular. 
In the case of warships, changes in design have led to longer natural rolling 
periods, and a reduced necessity for special means of extinguishing rolling. 
The Inflexible^ for instance, had a G M of 8 feet, while modern battleships 
have seldom greater metacentric heights than about 3 feet. 

In the case of merchant vessels, the expense of fitting up a water chamber, 
and the loss of valuable space which would be entailed by its presence in the 
hold, has stood in the way of its general adoption, particularly as the in- 
expensive method of fitting bilge-keels has produced satisfactory results. 

THE GYROSCOPE. — A proposal for extinguishing rolling motion, which 
some authorities think is likely to be widely adopted in the future, has been 
brought forward in recent years by Dr. Otto Schlick. In Dr. Schlick's 
words, "the method depends in principle on the gyroscopic action of a 
flywheel, which is set up in a particular manner on board a steamer, and 
made to rotate rapidly. " The principle of the apparatus, and the method of 
application, is fully explained by Dr. Schlick in an interesting paper read 
before the Institution of Naval Architects in 1904, and to this the reader 
is referred for details. 

So far the apparatus has, we believe, only been practically applied in 
the case of two vessels, but from the reported results of these trials, the 
system appears to be a highly efficient one. The first of these vessels is a 
German torpedo-boat, 116 feet long, and of about 56 tons displacement. 
In this case* the gyroscope, which was fitted for purely experimental purposes, 
has a flywheel one metre in diameter, with a proportionate weight to weight 
of ship of 1 to 114. It is steam driven, the periphery of the wheel 
being provided with rings of blades, and the wheel enclosed in a steam- 
tight casing, and worked as a turbine. 

The casing containing the wheel is carried on two horizontal trunnions 
having their axis athwartships, the steam supply and exhaust passing through 
the trunnions as in an oscillating engine. When the vessel is upright and 
at rest the spindle of the flywheel is vertical, and the latter when in motion 
thus rotates in a horizontal plane ; also the apparatus is free to become 
inclined in a fore-and-aft direction. With the gyroscope in action, the effect 
of the transverse heeling of the vessel is to cause the apparatus to become 
inclined, and moments to be produced reducing the velocity of the vessel's 
oscillations and also their magnitude. To control the fore-and-aft move- 

*See a paper by Sir Wm. Whyte in the T.I.N.A. for 1907. 


ments of the gyroscope and the rotary movement of the flywheel, an 
arrangement of brakes is provided. 

At the commencement of the experiments the torpedo boat was rolled in 
still water. With the gyroscope at rest, a double-roll period of 4*136 seconds 
was obtained ; with the apparatus in action, and the flywheel running at 
1600 revolutions a minute, the period was found to be 6 seconds, an in- 
crease of 45 per cent. 

The roll extinguishing effect was found to be enormous. Starting from 
an angle of 10 degrees, with the gyroscope at rest, it took twenty single 
oscillations to reduce the inclination to half a degree ; with the gyroscope 
in action, the same angle was reached in little more than two single oscilla- 

The sea trials were quite as remarkable ; when through the state of the 
sea, the vessel was caused to roll considerably, the effect of the action of 
the apparatus, when brought into play, was practically to extinguish the 
rolling motion. On two occasions, for instance, the vessel, with the gyroscope 
fixed, reached arcs of rolling of 30 degrees, which, on the apparatus being 
allowed to act, became immediately reduced to 1 degree or ij degrees. 
The results of other observations were equally convincing. 

The other vessel referred to as being fitted with Dr. Schlick's apparatus 
is the coasting passenger steamer LochieL Very few details of the gyro- 
scope in this case are available, but it is stated that the flywheel is driven 
electrically. From the reports, the roll-extinguishing effect appears to be 
quite as great as in the torpedo-boat. On occasions the vessel was found 
to be rolling through arcs of 32 degrees, the gyroscope being at rest, and 
the effect of bringing it into action was to reduce the arc to from 2 to 
4 degrees, oscillations scarcely perceptible to those on board. 

It remains to be seen how far this unique system of extinguishing rolling 
motions at sea will be adopted in the future, but it is not unlikely that the 
success of the Lochiel trial may lead to the installation of gyroscopes in other 
vessels of the same class, and also in steamers engaged in cross-channel 
passenger traffic. 

PITCHING AND HEAVING.— A vessel among waves will have motions 
in many directions, depending on her position with regard to the crest lines. 
If broadside on, the principal motions will be those of transverse rolling, 
but there will be also more or less vertical dipping oscillations due to the 
wedges of immersion and emersion being instantaneously dissimilar in volume. 
If head on to the waves, while there will be some transverse rolling, the 
chief motions will consist of pitching, i.e., longitudinal rolling about a transverse 
axis through the centre of gravity, and heaving, due in part to the dipping 
motions above mentioned, and in part to the excesses of weight and buoyancy 
which occur as the vessel rides over the waves. If, however, the vessel 
lie in an oblique direction relatively to the wave crests, simultaneous skew 
rolling and pitching motions will be set up, as well as heaving. 

The conditions in each of these cases will be modified to a greater or 


less extent by the forward motion due to the propeller. We have seen how 
transverse oscillations are thus affected, and we shall consider presently the 
influence of speed on pitching and heaving. 

The period of unresisted pitching in still water may be determined by 
the formula which gives the period of similar transverse oscillations, provided 
K be the radius of gyration about a transverse axis through the centre of 
gravity, and M the longitudinal metacentric height. 

7", as before, being the period in seconds, the formula is — 

T = ri4io /— ■ ; 
6 J a I 

9 M' 

As an example, take a vessel of 4000 tons displacement, with a radius 
of gyration of no feet, and a longitudinal metacentric height of 285 feet. 
In this case — 

T , / IIO X IIO , j 

/ = V1416 / 7T— = 3'6i seconds. 

•* J 32-2 x 285 "* 

The corresponding transverse rolling period for this vessel is about 8 
seconds, i.e., more than double the other ; and this, in most cases, is the 
proportion between the two periods. 

In pitching, a vessel always tends to place her masts normal to the 
effective wave slope. When a vessel is long in comparison with the waves, 
the effective wave slope will depart very little from the horizontal, and the 
pitching will be slight; when the opposite is the case, i.e., when the vessel 
is short relatively to the waves, the extent of the pitching will be governed 
by the natural pitching period, the period of the waves, and the course and 
speed of the vessel relatively to the waves. If the wave period be long, 
and that of the vessel very short, she will follow the slope of the wave ; 
but if the wave period be naturally short, or, if it be made so by the t speed 
of the vessel, pitching is likely to become excessive, as the vessel will fail 
to rise on each successive wave crest ; her ends will thus become buried, 
and the periodical impulses received from the waves will conduce to larger 
longitudinal oscillations. Pitching, then, which is in the first instance caused 
by the passage of waves, will, like rolling, become excessive if the wave period 
keeps time with her natural pitching period. 

Every seaman likes his vessel to be lively fore and aft, i.e., to have a 
short pitching period. In such a case a vessel will follow approximately the 
wave slope, especially if she be short relatively to the wave length, and will 
rise on the waves instead of burying her ends into them. This vessel will 
be drier than a slower moving boat, and will not be subjected to the same 
hammering stress which continual plunging into waves is bound to set up. 

In order to obtain a short pitching period, thus seen to be desirable, 
the radius of gyration must be reduced or the longitudinal metacentric height 
increased. This follows from the formula for the period given above. The 


metacentric height cannot be affected to any appreciable extent, as the length 
and displacement, on which its value depends, are fixed by more important con- 
siderations than those of pitching ; the radius of gyration, however, may obviously 
be reduced by concentrating the heavy weights amidships, and in a merchant 
ship this should be done as far as possible in stowing the cargo. 

Of course, just as in the case of transverse rolling, a master may frequently 
help matters. Should pitching become excessive when he is sailing head to 
sea, due to synchronism, he may change to an oblique course and thus lengthen 
the apparent wave period, and give his vessel time to rise on the waves ; or, 
without changing his course, he may reduce speed and attain the same end. 

On the subject of vertical heaving and dipping it is unnecessary to say 
much. From what we know of synchronism, it is clear that motions of this 
kind are likely to be excessive, if the period of dipping is in approximate 
unison with that of the waves. Pronounced heaving will not endanger a 
vessel's safety, although, as was noticed in a previous chapter, the longitudinal 
bending moments, and therefore the stresses brought upon the hull, may be 
considerably affected thereby. It may be said that, as usually constructed, 
vessels are provided with a sufficient margin of strength to meet all such 


1. How would you set about obtaining the instantaneous axis of an oscillating ship? 

2. Write down the formula for the period in seconds of a single oscillation of a ship 
j.\ the supposition that there is no resistance. What use is made of this formula by the 
naval architect ? 

3. Given that the metacentric height in a certain vessel is 2 feet and the radius of 
gyration 18, calculate the period of a single roll. Ans. — 7 seconds. 

4. The radius of gyration of a vessel is 16, and the single roll period 5 seconds ; find 
the metacentric height. If the metacentric height be reduced one foot, what would be the 
periodic time? Ans. — 3"i4 feet; 6 - o6 seconds. 

5. What is Isochronism? To what inclinations are vessels of ordinary form isochronous? 
In rolling through large angles how will the period be affected? 

6. Explain briefly the modern theory concerning the form and action of sea waves? 

7. Calculate the period in seconds and the speed in feet per second of a wave 500 
feet long. Ans. 9S8; 50-6. 

8. What is meant by the term "effective wave slope"? Explain why a vessel among 
waves tends to place her masts parallel to the normal to the wave slope as virtually her 
upright position of equilibrium. 

9. Show that the behaviour of a vessel at sea depends largely on the relation between 
her still-water period and the period of the waves she may encounter. 

10. What difference in the behaviour of a vessel would you expect if her single roll period 
were — 

(1) longer than the half period of the waves; 

(2) much shorter than the half period of the waves? 


11. Explain the terms "steady," " crank," and "stiff," as applied to a vessel's condition 
when among waves at sea. 

12. Under what circumstances is the rolling of a ship likely to be most severe? 

The single roll period of a vessel is 6 seconds ; how would you expect her to behave 
if broadside on to a regular series of waves of 12 seconds period? 

13. Referring to the previous question, if the maximum slope angle of the waves be 5 
degrees and the vessel upright when a wave reaches her, in what position would you expect 
her to be after the passage of six waves, assuming the water to offer no resistance? 

14. If a shipmaster finds the rolling of his vessel to become exceptionally severe, to 
what cause may he justly attribute it? What steps should he take with a view to reducing 
the rolling motion ? 

15. Give an analysis of the resistance encountered by a vessel when rolling freely. 

16. What are bilge-keels ? In what way do they affect the rolling motions of vessels ? 
Discuss the effect of motion ahead on the action of bilge-keels. 

17. Bilge-keels are more effective in reducing rolling in small vessels of short period than 
in large slow-rolling vessels. Explain why. 

18. What are water chambers? Show how they tend to diminish the rolling of ships 
in which they are installed. 

19. Explain the terms " pitching " and "heaving." Give the formula for the pitching 
period of a vessel in seconds. The pitching period of a vessel being 4 seconds, and her 
longitudinal metacentric height 400 feet, calculate the radius of gyration. 

A n s.— 144*4 feet. 

20. Is a short or long pitching period preferable? Give a reason for your answer? 

21. Under what circumstances is a vessel likely to pitch excessively? Explain how a 
master, who has his vessel well under control, might help matters in such a case and ob- 
tain easier fore-and-aft motions. 


Loading and Ballasting. 

IT should now be clear that to efficiently load a vessel does not mean 
simply to fill her with cargo in the shortest possible time. In the 

previous chapters we have endeavoured to show that the nature of 
a vessel's sea qualities depends upon the manner in which the weights, 
including the cargo, are distributed, so that skilful stevedoring is almost as 
important as efficient designing. 

We have- already seen that the characteristics controlling a vessel's sea 
qualities have a conflicting interdependence, which makes it difficult in any 
given case to arrange for the values necessary to the best all-round results ; 
that with great stability heavy rolling is frequently associated, and with great 
steadiness a dangerously small margin of stability. It is thus clear that 
considerable care and experience is necessary in order to put cargo properly 
into a vessel. The superintendence of this work should, therefore, be en- 
trusted only to thoroughly-experienced persons, and owners who take no pre- 
cautions of this sort may find the subsequent behaviour of their vessels to 
be scarcely all that might be desired. 

An intelligent and experienced officer can, with care, usually do much 
to bring about a satisfactory condition of his vessel. Even if he does not 
gain all he may strive for, his vessel should still be safer and more com- 
fortable than if loaded in any haphazard way. 

GENERAL CARGOES. — In loading general cargoes, an officer who knows 
his business will be guided by the characteristics of his vessel. If she be 
narrow and deep, he will place the heavy weights low in the holds and the 
lighter weights higher up, thus ensuring a comparatively low position of the 
centre of gravity, necessary on account of the metacentre being low in 
position in vessels of this type. If the vessel be broad and shallow, the 
metacentre will be relatively high, and to obviate a too great value of G M 
he will aim at a higher position of centre of gravity, placing the heavy 
weights higher in the vessel. 

Besides this, following the principles of Chapter VIIL, he will see that 
the weights are distributed longitudinally in such a way as to secure a 
suitable trim. Thus, with sufficient stability, steadiness among waves and a 
satisfactory fore-and-aft flotation may be secured. 

The vessel's steadiness may be further improved, without affecting the 



stability, if, without raising them, the heavy items of cargo can be banked 
against the ship's sides, as the radius of gyration is thus increased and the 
roll period lengthened. Actual experience appears to indicate that, in 
ordinary cases, very little can thus be done to improve a vessel's condition, 
but the effect of "winging" the weights should not be lost sight of. 

The nature of a cargo, it is hardly necessary to point out, is always 
a determining factor of the style of loading. It is also admitted that 
circumstances may not always be favourable to good stowage. Suitable 
cargo may not be available for shipment at the correct time, and, in con- 
sequence, the heavy items may occupy positions either too high or too low, 
and at the centre of the vessel rather than at the sides ; but such a state 
of things may be considered exceptional. When the weights and other 
particulars of the various items for shipment are available, a good plan is 
for the officer in charge to make a rough estimate of the position of the 
centre of gravity. In this way the best places for individual items of cargo 
may be determined before commencing operations, and, although in the 
process of loading departures may require to be made, these may readily 
be allowed for. On completion of the stowage, the metacentric height may, 
as previously suggested, be checked by means of an inclining experiment, 
and, if necessary, corrected by transposing some of the weights. Also, the 
roll period may be ascertained by forcibly heeling the vessel and counting 
the number of rolls as already described. It is to be feared the value of 
such experiments is not fully appreciated. Owners make much of the 
trouble and loss of time involved, and do not give the encouragement they 
might to their commanding officers, and hence we find well-proportioned and 
designed vessels developing tendencies to excessive rolling, which the exercise 
of a little care at the time of loading would have done much to obviate. 

It cannot be doubted that the carrying out of the experiments above 
described would afford invaluable experience to a commanding officer as to 
how particular kinds of cargo should be stowed in his ship to obtain the 
best results at sea. Such an officer - might be said to "know his own 
ship." It sometimes happens, however, that a man is called upon to take 
charge of the loading of a ship of whose qualities he is in total ignorance. 

In such a case an officer should be quick to notice changes in the vessel's 
condition during the process of loading. If he should observe her to 
suddenly list to port or starboard, he may take it her stability, in the 
upright position at least, is dangerously small, the sudden movement being 
caused by the raising of the centre of gravity above the metacentre, and 
the vessel being put into a state of unstable equilibrium. Her stability 
curve will resemble fig. 224, that is, she will be unstable from the upright 
to the angle at which she has come to rest. The officer must on no 
account attempt to cure such a list by moving weights to the high side, 
as he might quite correctly do if the list had been a gradual one due to 
uneven loading. In the present case the raising of the weights would 
make matters worse, and, if the reserve of stability were small, might 


culminate in actual disaster. The only cure is to bring down the centre 
of gravity by lowering the position of weights already on board, or shipping 
additional weights low down in the holds. A good way is to run up a 
compartment of a ballast tank, but, as will be seen later on, this might 
be dangerous if the stability reserve were small. 

HOMOGENEOUS CARGOES.— In the foregoing remarks we have as- 
sumed a more or less general cargo. The case, however, is different with 
certain homogeneous cargoes, as we shall now proceed to show. 

Suppose, for instance, a vessel has her whole cargo space filled with a 
homogeneous cargo, of such density as to just bring her to the load water- 
line. This is a trying condition of loading, as an unfavourable position of 
the centre of gravity cannot now be corrected by shifting about the cargo. 
The only plan open is to discharge part of it, and this few owners would 
contemplate with any satisfaction. Such a resort, however, unpleasant though 
it be, would, under such circumstances of loading and position of centre of 
gravity, be unavoidable if the safety of the ship at sea were to be con- 
sidered at all. 

Of course, vessels intended frequent] y to load homogeneous cargoes of 
this critical density can always be designed to carry a full cargo with perfect 
safety. The naval architect would, in such a case, make this the one con- 
dition in which the vessel should have sufficient stability and trim properly, 
since it is the only one over which stowage has no control. 

The importance of good design has been demonstrated by the results of 
actual experience. The late Dr. Elgar, in a paper on "Losses at Sea," read 
before the Institution of Naval Architects in 1886, made an analysis of 
British shipwrecks over a certain period, and showed conclusively that many 
of the disasters were due to bad design. Few of the vessels lost were, indeed, 
of such proportions as to admit of sufficient stability when fully laden with 
a homogeneous cargo such as above described, and many of them were so 

It should be mentioned that the proportionately narrow and deep class 
of vessels, to which these mainly belonged, is no longer popular ; the modern 
tendency is towards greater breadth, and this is in the right direction. 

With homogeneous cargoes of other densities, as with general cargoes, 
something may be done to correct a high position of the centre of gravity 
due to faulty design. With those of lighter density, for instance, the whole 
cargo space may be filled as before, and the margin of draught taken up 
by running in water ballast ; if the vessel has no tanks, heavy dry ballast 
may be put in the bottom of the holds before the cargo is loaded. With 
cargoes of greater density, the whole internal space will not be required, and 
so the position of the centre of gravity can be affected by leaving an 
empty space in the holds, or in the 'tween decks, according as it is desired 
to diminish or increase the value of G M. 

SPECIAL HOMOGENEOUS CARGOES— OIL.— Bulk oil, as a freight, is 
becoming increasingly important, and special care is necessary in dealing with 


it. In explanation of this, suppose an oil-carrying vessel, in the process of 
loading, to be slightly heeled by some external means. Fig. 232 illustrates 
the case and is a section through a partially filled compartment. It will 
be noted that the act of heeling has transferred the small wedge of oil 
SiOSs across the ship into the position S 2 $& causing G, the centre of 
gravity, to be drawn out in the same direction to G v The forces of weight 
and buoyancy act through G x and the deflected centre of buoyancy, and, as 
drawn, form a couple tending to right the vessel, the arm of the couple 
being m Z v 

It is thus seen that the effective centre of gravity, so far as the initial 
stability is concerned, is raised to m, and the metacentric height reduced 
from GM to mM. If we assume that the liquid in the hold is of the 
same density as the water in which the vessel is floating, the reduction Gm 
in feet may be obtained in any actual case from the formula — 


Gm = y, 

where 1 is the moment of inertia of the free surface of the fluid in foot units, 
and V the volume of displacement of the ship in cubic feet. This formula is 

* This formula is obtained as follows: — Referring to fig. 232, 

Let 6=hatf breadth of free surface in feet. 

/ = length of free surface in feet. 

w l = weight per cubic foot of liquid cargo in lbs. 

lf„ = weight per cubic foot of water in which vessel is floating in lbs. 

V = volume of displacement in cubic feet, 

Assuming the vessel to be heeled as in fig. 232, and compartment to be rectangular 

at the level of the free liquid surface, 

Volume of wedge 8 % 0$ a or S z 0S t = ^b 2 fd cubic foot. 

Weight of wedge SJS, or S 2 08 4 = $b*f6 wjbs. 

Moment of wedge 8.08, or S..0S, about"* „ , „ , x , ,. 

f j ft ■ k In \=\b*iew±b foot lbs. 

fore-and-aft axis through U ) 

And, since weight of vessel = Vxw % lbs. 

Let a vertical line be drawn through G lt and call the point in which it intersects the 

middle line, m. Then, the inclination being small, 


GG, $6 3 / w, 
therefore, G m =—j- = -y- x — 

But §6 3 / is the moment of inertia of the liquid surface about the axis through 0, i.e., the 
middle line. Calling this /', we get by substitution, 

Gm= v x--, 

which becomes — 

when, as assumed above, liquid cargo and water in which the vessel is floating are of same 



seen to be similar to that for the height of the transverse metacentre above 
the centre of buoyancy, except that G takes the place of B as the point 
from which the resulting distance must be measured. Clearly, the greater 
the value of /', that is, the larger the free surface of oil, the greater will be 
the reduction in the metacentric height. It should be specially noted that 
the reduction does not depend on the quantity of oil in the compartment, 
as a small quantity having a large free surface will have more effect than a 
large quantity with a small free surface. 

Practical Example. — A midship compartment of a vessel of 4,500 tons 
displacement is partly filled with liquid of the same density as the water in 
which the vessel is floating. It being given that the free surface is 30 

Fig. 232. 

feet long, 38 feet broad,, and rectangular in shape, estimate the reduction 
in metacentric height. Applying the formula, we get — 

Gm = ^ * * ^-=-87 feet. 

12 X4500X35 ' 

If the liquid in the compartment were oil different in density from the 
water supporting the vessel, the above value would require to be multiplied 
by the ratio of the density of the oil to that of the water. Thus, if the 
cargo were petroleum, and the vessel afloat in salt water, the reduction in 
metacentric height would be — 

G m = '87 x -8 = -69 feet, 

the ratio of the density of petroleum to that of salt water being '8. 



In the above case there is assumed to be no middle line bulkhead. Such a 
bulkhead, however, is never omitted in modern oil-carrying vessels, as it is of 
great value in minimising the detrimental effect of a free surface. This is shown 
in fig. 233. The continuous line, S- t S^ indicates the oil surface with the vessel 
upright, and the two lines S 3 S^ S 5 Sq } the surface when the vessel is heeled, 
the presence of the bulkhead restricting the movement as shown. The wedge 
transferred here from one side to the other of each portion of the divided 
compartment is half the breadth and one-fourth the volume of that of the 
previous case; also the travel of the centre of gravity of the wedge of fluid 
is a half, and the moment an eighth. But two wedges of fluid move instead 
of one, so that the total moment is one-fourth of what it was in the previous 
case. The reduction in metacentric height due to the restricted oil surface, 
since it varies directly as the moment, is thus also a fourth. 

Fig. 233. 

w / 



/ w r 

$r^— V- — It 

/ sJ- 


— k 


From the foregoing considerations, there follow two results of importance. 
The first is the advisability of restricting the lengths of oil compartments; the 
second, the necessity of exercising great care in loading fluid cargoes. In 
conducting the latter operation, it is highly important to keep the vessel up- 
right, as a slight inclination caused by the movement of a weight of moderate 
amount on board is considerably accentuated by the action of the liquid 
cargo, which rushes in the direction of the inclination. 

It is customary to draw out a diagram showing the angle to which the 
vessel may heel as the liquid rises in the hold. If the vessel has sufficient 
stability, it may be possible to fill two holds simultaneously. When the liquid 
is first poured into the vessel its free surface is small, and the reduction in 
metacentric height, due to loss of moment of inertia of surface, may be less 
than the increase due to the fall in the centre of gravity consequent on the 


admitted liquid being low in the vessel; but as the liquid rises, its upper 
surface broadens rapidly, and m quickly overtakes and passes M, the vessel 
becoming unstable. 

In a case* investigated by the late Professor Jenkins, Yft coincided with 
M when the liquid reached a depth of 15 inches. Heeling then began, and 
rapidly increased as the oil rose in the hold, the vessel reaching a maximum 
inclination of 19!°. After that she began slowly to right herself, finally re- 
turning to the upright when m had passed below M, which took place when 
the liquid came within a few inches of the top of the tank. 

A point of special importance in loading oil vessels, which, perhaps, need 
scarcely be pointed out, is that adjacent compartments should be filled or 
emptied simultaneously ; for if one side only were dealt with the inclining 
effect would naturally be great. Vessels have frequently been inclined to 
dangerous angles when this precaution as to loading has been neglected ; and 
there are cases on record even of actual capsizing from this cause. Of course, 
when an oil compartment is quite full, no movement is possible, and the oil 
becomes virtually a solid homogeneous cargo. 

Expansion Trunkways. — A point which must not be overlooked in 
connection with bulk oil cargoes, is the loss due to evaporation, and unless 
specially provided against, the reduction in bulk may lead to free surfaces 
in the holds. Accordingly, every oil compartment has one or more open 
trunkways rising above it, and sufficient oil is pumped into the vessel to fill 
the holds and partially fill these passages. The horizontal areas of the 
trunkways are kept as small as possible, consistent with the volume of oil 
in them above the level of the tops of the compartments being fully suffi- 
cient to allow for loss due to evaporation without bringing the oil level 
below the trunkways. These trunkways, too, being open to the holds, also 
serve the purpose of allowing the oil to freely expand and contract in 
volume with change of temperature. 

GRAIN CARGOES.— Dr. Elgar, in the paper previously referred to, 
pointed out that between the years 1881 and 1883, the period covered by his 
analysis, vessels carrying grain had a greater number of losses than all other 
cargoes except coal. This is striking, as the number of vessels carrying grain 
is a small proportion of those engaged in the coal trade, and points to the 
existence of special characteristics in the nature of grain cargoes and their 
stowage. Investigation has proved these surmises to be correct. 

It is found that bulk cargoes, such as grain, even when loaded with 
care, have a tendency to settle down during a voyage and to leave empty 
spaces immediately under each deck. These spaces have been estimated at 
5 to 8 per cent, of the depth of hold, and in fairly large vessels may, 
therefore, be of considerable magnitude. After such settlement, the grain has 
a free surface, and it is here that the danger lies, for when the vessel is 

* See a paper in the Transactions of the Institution of Shipbuilders and Engineers in 
Scotland for 1889. 


rolling at sea, the grain tends to put its surface parallel with the wave 
slope, and, if the rolling is heavy, shifting is the inevitable result. 

The angle to which the free surface of grain must be inclined before 
sliding motion will ensue, may be easily obtained. If wheat, for example, 
be poured on to a floor until there is a heap, it will be found to take 
the form of a cone-shaped pyramid. When sliding has stopped, the angle 
which the side of this pyramid makes with the floor, is called the angle 
of friction or repose, of this kind of grain ; for, if more wheat be poured 
on to the heap, the angle of the cone will be increased, and the particles 
will run down the side of the cone until the same angle as before is at- 
tained. This is one of the principal differences between a liquid and a 
grain cargo. On the slightest inclination of the vessel, liquid puts itself 
parallel with the water surface ; with grain the tendency is the same, but 
friction between the particles prevents any movement until a certain inclina- 
tion is reached; this inclination, in fact, if the vessel be heeled in quiet 
water, being the angle of repose of the grain. The value of this angle has 
been obtained for various kinds of grain; for wheat it is 23^ degrees, for 
two kinds of Indian corn, 26^ degrees and 28-J degrees respectively, for mixed 
peas and beans, 27 J degrees. 

The late Professor Jenkins, who investigated this subject,* drew attention 
to some points of importance with regard to the sliding angle. He showed 
that the accelerative forces, which act on a vessel and her cargo when 
rolling at sea, qause shifting to take place at a much smaller angle than 
the still-water angle of repose. In the case of grain with an angle of repose 
of 25 degrees, he found it to be, in a certain vessel of which the par- 
ticulars as to stability and radius of gyration were assumed, as low as i6| 
degrees. He also found that heaving motions, when accompanied by rolling, 
will, at a certain point during each oscillation, cause still further diminu- 
tion of this angle. In the example above, it proved to be rather less 
than 14^ degrees. As this angle is frequently exceeded by vessels rolling 
among waves, the probability of shifting, where there is a free surface, 
becomes manifest. It should be mentioned that shifting would take place 
in the above vessel at 14 J degrees at one point only during the oscilla- 
tion, namely, when she had arrived at the end of a roll and was about to 
return ; also, that the whole surface would not slide at this angle, but only 
a portion of it at the upper part of the side about to descend. At any 
other part, the angle of shifting would be greater, reaching a value in excess 
of the still-water angle of repose at the other extreme of the free surface, /,<?., 
on the side about to ascend. Of course, when the vessel became inclined to the 
other side of the vertical, this state of things would be reversed. On the 
whole, the effect of rolling appears to increase considerably the tendency 
to shifting. 

* See a paper on the Shifting of Cargoes in the Transactions of the Institution of Naval 
Architects for 1887. 


Piofessor Jenkins showed further that the decrease of angle at which 
sliding begins is greater, the greater the stability., but at the same time 
pointed out that the effect of a shift of cargo is more serious in the case 
of a vessel of small stability than in that of one of great stability. He also 
showed that the part of the cargo most subject to movement is that above 
the centre of gravity, which, in double-decked vessels, would apply to the 
'tween decks. Government Regulations prohibit the carriage of grain in 
bulk in 'tween decks except such as may be necessary for feeding the 
cargo in the holds and is carried in properly constructed feeders ; generally, 
it is largely carried in bags ; dangerous shifting of the cargo at this part 
is thus obviated. The stowage of grain in the holds of vessels having a 
'tween decks requires special care.* In the case of single-decked vessels, 
when shifting of cargo has taken place the effect may be rectified by open- 
ing the hatches when the weather permits, and filling up the empty spaces 
with bags of grain carried for the purpose. Where there is a 'tween decks 
this cannot be done, as the holds are inaccessible, and shifting once begun 
cannot be corrected. It is usual to fit trimming hatches through the lower 
deck, and these to some extent allow the settlement in the holds to be 
made up from the cargo in the 'tween decks, the grain in way of the 
trimming hatches being in bulk ; but empty spaces under the beams are 
still likely to exist between these hatches. 

Allowing for certain exceptions, the Government Regulations require one- 
fourth the grain to be carried in bags in all spaces which have no efficient 
feeding arrangements. In such cases, before stowing the bags, the grain 
must be trimmed level and covered with boards. For the reasons given 
above, this rule, which is calculated to prevent serious shifting of cargo, 
should obviously apply specially to compartments constituting the lower holds 
of vessels having one or more 'tween decks. 

As a safeguard against the effects of possible shifting of cargo, grain- 
carrying vessels, whether the grain be in bags or in bulk, are required to 
have a centre division in the holds and in the 'tween decks, which restricts 
the extent of the movement of a grain cargo much as it restricts the 
movement of a cargo of liquid. Generally, the centre division consists ot 
portable wood boards fitted edge on edge and reeved between the centre 
line of pillars, which are reeled for the purpose • but in some modern 
vessels it consists of a permanent steel bulkhead (see page 161) except in 
way of the main hatchways, the exigencies of stowage demanding portable 
boards at these places. 

COAL CARGOES. — Owing to its density, coal can, in general, be 
stowed at such a rate as to ensure a certain amount of empty space in the 
'tween decks, the vessel at the same time being down to her load mark. 
There is, therefore, no apparent reason why coal-laden vessels should not 

* See a paper by the late Mr. Martell in the Transactions of the Institution of Naval 

Architects for 1SS0. 


have sufficient stability. From the great number of such vessels which have 
been lost, some of them known to possess a fair amount of stability at 
the start of their fatal voyages, it has been conjectured that shifting of the 
cargo may have been the cause of not a few of the disasters. Colliers 
are not usually fitted with shifting boards, and there is no restriction placed 
on the stowage of coal in the 'tween decks, as with grain ; and, although 
the angle of repose of coal is considerably greater than that of grain, the 
diminishing process it undergoes during rolling motions at sea may doubt- 
less often bring it within the range of a vessel's oscillations in stormy 
weather. From which considerations it would appear that the suggested 
reason of shifting for the loss of many coal-laden vessels may be quite near 
the mark. 

The lessons to be deduced here by the ship's officer are, first, to aim 
at so loading his vessel as to ensure easy motion when among waves at 
sea; and second, to see that no vacant spaces are left under the decks, 
as these inevitably lead to shifting of the cargo. 

TIMBER CARGOES.— In the case of cargoes of the heaviest woods, 
the full hold capacity is not required, and loading should simply follow the 
lines already indicated for ordinary heavy deadweight cargoes. With cargoes 
of mixed timbers, satisfactory conditions of stability and trim can always 
be attained by a proper distribution of the light and heavy woods. In the 
case of cargoes of the lightest timbers, however, the problem of stowage 
becomes more difficult, because, as well as full holds, there is usually a 
considerable deck load carried. 

Many vessels that are good deadweight carriers, and quite suitable 
for general trades, could not, without a considerable amount of ballast, be 
safely employed to carry a cargo of timber of the last description, the 
high position of the centre of gravity, due to the presence of the deck 
cargo, making the stability quite inadequate. In some cases, indeed, there 
might be actual instability in the upright position, and no seaman would 
care to face a sea voyage in a ship having a pronounced list to port or 
starboard. In this trade, vessels should be specially broad in relation to 
draught, as this ensures a relatively high position of metacentre, and a 
sufficient margin of stability, without having to resort to ballast. It should, 
of course, be noted that a deck cargo of wood, when well packed and 
securely lashed in place, affords valuable surplus buoyancy, which has a 
marked effect on the form of the stability curve, giving it increased area 
and range, although at initial angles, owing to a high position of the centre 
of gravity, the righting arms may be small. 

We have already referred to curves of this type (see curve No. 3, fig. 
223), and have pointed out that in such cases the value of GM may, with 
perfect safety, be quite small; and as this ensures a long rolling period, a 
vessel so circumstanced should prove an easy roller, and thus a comfortable 
boat in a seaway 

The value of G M in a case like this, should be limited by the con- 



sicleration of the vessel being stable, and not too tender, in the upright 
position throughout the voyage. That is, over and above a sufficient margin 
to cover diminutions from causes that may be anticipated, such as the 
burning out of the bunker coal and the increase in weight of the deck 
cargo through becoming saturated with sea water, a certain minimum value 
of G M, such as previous experience with the vessel may suggest, should be 
provided. A metacentric height of greater value is unnecessary, and, to the 
extent of the excess, might be considered as actually detrimental to the 

the quantity involved in any particular shift of cargo is not always an 
easy matter. In the case of oil cargoes, where there is a free surface, the 

Fig. 234. 

quantity shifted through the heeling of the vessel may be accurately deter- 
mined, since the oil cargo is always horizontal, but, as we have seen, 
owing to friction between the parts, dry homogeneous cargoes do not move so 
quickly nor so definitely as oil, and the same rules cannot be applied. 
Still, with grain, an approximation may be made to the heeling effect of 
the worst shift of cargo that is likely to take place in a given case, when 
the plans of the vessel are available. 

Fig. 234 is the midship section of a grain-laden vessel. The horizontal 
dotted line a Ct r shows the grain level, assuming the settlement to have 
taken place evenly, and is drawn at a distance below the deck, correspond- 
ing to the anticipated maximum settlement of the grain, i.e., about 5 per 
cent, of the depth of the hold. b b x is the ultimate line of the grain 
surface when the cargo has shifted, and may be taken to lie to the 
horizontal at the angle of repose of the grain. The wedge of grain a x (Ibx 


now occupies the position ctcbd, its centre of gravity moving from #, to 
</ 2) and the common centre of gravity of vessel and cargo moving from 
G to G v 

If w = weight of cargo shifted in tons, 

W ~ displacement of vessel in tons, 
9i3% = travel of centre of gravity of shifted cargo in feet, 

G G x will be parallel to the line joining g x and g 2 ; the point G will thus 
be raised relatively to the keel as well as moved laterally. For small angles, 

GG X = GM x e (nearly). 

From which equation Q } the angle at which the vessel comes to rest, may 
be obtained. 

This lateral movement of the centre of gravity obviously means a 
reduction of the righting arms, and in a vessel originally tender might en- 
danger her safety. In the case assumed there is no middle line bulkhead; 
if such were fitted, the angle of heel, as in the case of a liquid cargo, 
would be reduced. 

Practical Example. — In a grain-laden vessel of 48 feet beam, 9000 tons 
displacement, and 18 inches G M, 50 tons of cargo is shifted transversely 
through a distance of 27 feet. Calculate the angle of heel. 

In this case — 

GG 5^H7 d GM x Q 

KO X 27 

.*. « -^— — — « -io 
9000 x 1 '5 

= 6° nearly. 

If the shift of cargo were considerable, it might be necessary to allow for the 
vertical as well as the transverse movement in determining the angle of heel. 

Let h — the vertical distance between g x and g 2i 

d = the horizontal distance between g x and g 2 ; 

,r • , r r IV X H r 

then, Vertical movement of centre 01 gravity — — 7^ — feet, 

TT • r r . w x a r 

Horizontal movement of centre 01 gravity == — rr. — feet. 

This determines the position of the centre of gravity after shifting has taken 

place. Join this point with M, the metacentre, then the angle between this 

line and the middle line is the angle of heel required, provided it does not 
exceed io to 15 degrees. 


to h 



w h 

150 > 

: 20 


In the previous example, if the cargo shifted had been 150 tons, the 
vertical movement 5 feet, and the transverse movement 20 feet — 



Tan Q=- 

Substituting values — 

Tan a = 

i"5 x 9000 - 150 x 5 

= ' 2 35 

= 1 3 nearly. 

Since shifting of cargo may be more or less expected in grain-laden ships, 
the stability of such vessels should be carefully considered before setting out 
on a voyage, the effect of the shifting of the greatest quantity of cargo 
that may be anticipated, estimated, and a safe margin of stability provided. 

importance in fixing upon a value of GM with which to start a voyage. 
While it is desirable, in the interests of steadiness at sea, to avoid ex- 
cessive initial stability, if it is known that consumption of the coal will 
entail a diminution of the metacentric height, the latter to begin with should 
be sufficiently great to allow for such loss. In many cargo vessels the 
centre of gravity of the bunkers is higher in position than the common 
centre of gravity of ship and load, and the removal of the coal thus leads 
to an increase of the metacentric height and righting levers ; but in some 
steamers there are large reserve bunkers extending no higher than the lower 
deck, and the rise in the vessel's centre of gravity, due to the burning of 
the coal, causes considerable reduction in the metacentric height, reductions 
amounting to as much as ih feet being not unknown.* The need of 
investigating this question of the bunkers is thus manifest. 

Curves showing the condition with bunker coal in and out are now 
supplied by many shipbuilding firms with new vessels for the guidance of 
the officers. 

BALLASTING is the name given to the loading of deadweight other 
than cargo, to enable a vessel to make a voyage in safety. 

Unfortunately, vessels do not always find an available freight at the port 
of discharge, and have consequently often to make the return journey, or 
proceed, at least, to another port, without a remunerative cargo. Every 
seaman knows that it would be imprudent to attempt such a voyage, if it 
meant crossing the sea with a chance of rough weather, with an absolutely 
" light " ship. He knows, in the case of a sailing-ship, that the stability 
would probably be insufficient to withstand the heeling effect of a spread of 

* See a paper by the late Dr. Elgar in the T.I.N. A. for 1SS4. 


sails ; in the case of many steamers, that the stability would be dangerously 
small, owing to a relatively high position of the centre of gravity ; and, in 
all such cases, even assuming sufficient stability, that their slight grip of the 
water, and their greatly exposed surfaces, would cause them to be the sport 
of wind and waves, with a probability of serious damage before the end of 
the voyage. Accordingly, if he cannot get cargo, he takes ballast aboard, i.e., 
sand, gravel, rubbish, or water. Frequently, a combination of water and one 
of the other forms of ballast is used. In steamers, bunker coal is useful 
in this way. 

As to the total amount of ballast required, it should be sufficient to 
secure the following : — 

(1) An adequate immersion of the propeller in steamers to prevent 
racing of the engines and breaking of the tail shaft, and undue 
strains being brought upon the stern frame. 

(2) A stability curve of suitable area and range, with considerable 
righting moments at large angles of inclination in all vessels. 

(3) A good floating depth to give grip of the water, and to reduce, 
as far as possible, when among waves, the effective wave-slope angle, 
which, as we have seen, directly affects the magnitude of the arcs 
through which a vessel will roll. 

It would appear that a great variety of opinion exists as to the ratio 
which should hold between the amount of ballast and the full deadweight. In 
a paper by Mr. Thearle on "Ballasting of Steamers for Atlantic Voyages'' 
in the Transactions of the Institution of Naval Architects for 1903, the 
actual figures in 41 cases are given, and show the ballast draught to vary 
from "5, to 72 of the load draught, and the amount of ballast from '24 to 
•51 of the full deadweight, shelter-deck vessels with high sides having the 
greatest proportion of ballast and draught, and small vessels with flush decks 
or with very short erections the smallest Mr. Thearle points out, that for 
good results, the amount of ballast in ordinary tramp steamers when making 
voyages across the Atlantic in winter should not be less than one-third of 
the full deadweight, with the vessels 4 to 5 feet by the stern, and the pro- 
pellers about two-thirds immersed, experience having shown that damage in 
the form of loose rivets at the ends is likely to result where there is a 
less proportion of ballast. A point in ballasting not less important than 
having a sufficiency of deadweight, is that the latter should be carefully 
stowed. The same principles should, in fact, be followed here as in ordinary 
loading operations ; that is, the ballast should not be placed too high, or 
the stability may be endangered, nor too low, or there may be an undue 
depression of the ship's centre of gravity, and a consequent abnormal in- 
crease in the metacentric height, a state of things, as we have seen, inevitably 
leading to excessive rolling and great straining of the hull. 

In vessels having 'tween decks, part of the ballast, if of sand or 
rubbish, should be placed there ; in single-decked vessels some special 
arrangement should be made to raise the centre of gravity, either by fitting 


temporary bulkheads to bank up the ballast in the holds, or by carrying 
part of it properly secured on deck, or by any plan which experience and 
the special circumstances may suggest. Unfortunately, such precautions are 
not always taken, and thus many vessels in ballast are unduly stiff. Nowadays, 
particularly in steamers, water ballast is largely used. It has the obvious 
advantage over sand or rubbish of being more easily, quickly, and cheaply 
loaded and discharged. Moat modern cargo steamers have double bottoms 
and peak tanks ; some large vessels have also one or more deep tanks ex- 
tending from the bottom of the vessel to the first or second deck; while 
in a few instances ballast tanks have been built into the corners under the 
deck, also on top of the deck between the hatches, and in other places. 
For details of the construction of ballast tanks, the reader is referred to 
the chapter on practical details. 

A double bottom, of course, except in the special case in which it 
extends up the ship's side, is not the best place for ballast. The amount 
carried in a double bottom, however, is not of itself sufficient for a sea voyage, 
and if the remainder is loaded in deep tanks, or in corner tanks under the 
deck, of which the capacity has been carefully considered, a satisfactory 
immersion and a metacentric height such as to ensure good behaviour at 
sea may be attained. 

Where the ballast supplementary to that in the double bottom consists 
of stones or rubbish, it should be disposed so as to obtain a suitable 
position of the centre of gravity. 

Scarcely less important than the vertical distribution of ballast, is the 
placing of it longitudinally. In steamers, as already noted, there should be 
a preponderance aft to properly immerse the propeller. But this allowed 
for, the remainder should be disposed so as to obtain a suitable pitching 
period. This period is, we know, lengthened by winging out the weights 
towards the extremities and shortened by concentrating them amidships. To 
obtain, therefore, a satisfactory quick fore-and-aft motion, and avoid the 
constant tendency which a slow-moving vessel has to bury her extremities 
in the waves, supplementary ballast, whether water in deep tanks, or stones 
and rubbish, should be placed towards amidships, while peak tanks, where 
such are required, should be kept within moderate limits. 

Unfortunately, concentrating the ballast amidships in this way is likely 
to lead to the development of considerable bending moments, but these 
cannot well be avoided, and the strength of vessels should be made sufficient 
to meet all such demands. 

already been made of this point, which should be abundantly clear from the 
remarks on the loading of liquid cargoes. It is to be feared that many 
officers do not fully appreciate the danger of this practice. The ballast is 
loaded in order to increase the metacentric height and, therefore, the stability, 
but, as we have seen, the presence of the free surface during the process 
may deprive a vessel of her effective metacentric height and cause her to 


heel to a dangerous angle, if not to capsize. It is important to remember 
that the formula — 

Gm = L i 

as previously remarked, shows that it is the extent of the area of the free 
surface, not the magnitude of the quantity of liquid in the tank, which in- 
fluences the metacentric height. And commanding officers should see that 
when the ballast is out, the tanks are quite empty, particularly in the case 
of midship compartments which are of considerable breadth. 

As a concrete example, take the following :— In a certain vessel of 7000 
tons displacement, it is intended to run up a 'midship compartment of the 
double bottom, which is 80 feet long, 35 feet broad, 4 feet deep, approxi- 
mately rectangular in shape, and has a capacity for 320 tons of salt water. 

Given that the distance between the ship's centre of gravity and the top 
of the tank is 12 feet, calculate the reduction in metacentric height when 
the water in the tank is 1 foot deep, the metacentre being assumed to 
remain at the same height above the base throughout. 

We have here to consider two things, viz., the fall in the centre of 
gravity due to the admission of the water, and the virtual rise in the 
centre of gravity due to the free liquid surface. Taking the centre of 
gravity of the admitted water to be at half its depth, we have — 

80 x 15*5 
Fall m centre of gravity of vessel = — — « = "17 feet. 

In finding the effect of the free surface, if we suppose the fore-and-aft 
girders, including the middle one, to be pierced with holes, the whole breadth 
of the tank will be available in estimating the moment due to the shifting 
wedges of water, and, therefore — 

80 x -ik x ?.< x -ik n n 

' = I2 = 285833 (fo0t units) ' 


. . , - 2^5833 

Virtual rise in centre of gravity = —5 = i*i«j feet. 

& J 7080 x 35 J 

We thus get, 

Reduction of metacentric height = 1*15 - '17. 

= -98 feet. 

This reduction is serious, and in the case of many vessels would cause 
instability in the upright position. It is the general practice, however, to fit 
the centre line division without perforations. In that case, the virtual rise 
in the centre ot gravity would be a fourth of the above amount, or *2Q 
feet, and the reduction ot the metacentric height would only be — 

•29 - "17 = "12 feet, 

showing the powerful effect of a watertight centre division in a double 



common plan with many shipbuilders in supplying stability information to 
new vessels for the guidance of the officers, is to provide diagrams of curves 
depicting the nature of the stability under certain anticipated conditions of 
loading and ballasting, along with such remarks as may be necessary for 
the proper interpretation of the curves. In closing the present chapter, 
we shall give two examples of such stability diagrams, and shall discuss 
briefly how they may be employed in the actual working of vessels. Fig. 
235 is a diagram for a modern cargo steamer of the following dimensions: — 
Length 395 feet 6 inches, breadth 51 feet 6 inches, moulded depth 29 feet 
3 inches, mean load-draught 23 feet n£ inches. The vessel has a short 
poop, bridge, and forecastle, disconnected, and a main 'tween decks ; she is 
adapted to carry water ballast in a double bottom and in both peaks. 

' Fig. 236 is a similar diagram for a smaller cargo steamer also of 
modern design. The dimensions are : — Length 351 feet o inches, breadth 
49 feet 3 inches, moulded depth 28 feet 5 inches, mean load-draught 23 feet 
6| inches. The erections consist of poop, bridge, and forecastle; there is 
also a main 'tween decks, and accommodation for water ballast in a double 
bottom and in the after peak. 

Curves A to H in each diagram refer to the following conditions : — 
1st condition (curve A). — Light ship, />., vessel complete, water in boilers, 
but no cargo, bunker coal, stores or fresh water aboard, and all 
ballast tanks empty. 
2nd condition (curve B). — Same as 1st, but with bunker coal, stores, 

and fresh water aboard. 
3rd condition (curve C). — Vessel ready for sea, water in boilers, bunker 
coal, stores, and fresh water aboard, and the holds and 'tween decks 
filled with a homogeneous cargo of such density as just to bring 
the vessel to her legal summer load-line. 
4th condition (curve D). — Same as 3rd, but with bunker coal, stores 
and fresh water consumed, approximating to the condition at the 
end of a voyage. 
5 th condition (curve E). — Vessel ready for sea, water in boilers, bunker 

coal, stores and fresh water aboard, and all ballast tanks • filled. 
6th condition (curve F). — Same as 5th, but with bunker coal, stores 

and fresh water consumed. 
7th condition (curve G). — Same as 3rd, but laden with a coal cargo, 

part of the bridge 'tween decks being empty. 
Sth condition (curve H). — Same as yth, but with bunker coal, stores 

and fresh water consumed. 
In the case of the larger vessel, it will be observed that the 3rd con- 
dition (curve <?, fig. 235) is a critical one, the stability reserve being very 
small. When loading a cargo of the given density, it would probably be 
considered desirable, in the interests of the vessel's safety, to remove some 
of the cargo from the bridge 'tween decks, and run up a compartment of 


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133J Ml sy3A31 OMIlHOiy 


the double bottom so as to bring down the centre of gravity and improve 
the stability. 

In vessels of this size and description, safety demands that the righting 
arms at inclinations of 30 degrees and 45 degrees should not be less than 
about *8 of a foot. Let us find what fall in the centre of gravity would 
be necessary to secure this in the present case. At 30 degrees the righting 
lever is '26 feet ; it has thus to be increased by ('8 - "26) = '54 feet. 
Assuming the draught to remain unchanged- 
Increase of righting arm at» _ .. . r . . , 
. ,. ° °. [ = Fall in centre of gravity x sin. 30 degrees, 
inclination 01 30 degrees ) 

•54 = Fall in centre of gravity x *5, 

. . Fall in centre of gravity ~ — = 1*08 feet. 


The curve of stability under the new conditions may now be obtained by 
increasing the ordinates of curve G throughout by the amount — 

1 '08 x sine of angle of inclination. 

In this way curve /C, fig. 236, has been derived. 

With a stability diagram like fig. 235 or fig. 236 ready to hand, an 
officer should be able in most cases to satisfy himself as to the state of his 
vessel. In making deductions, however, he must be careful to note that he 
can only deal with draughts for which he has curves ; also, that differences 
in stowage may quite alter the nature of the stability. 

This would appear to limit the utility of the curves, but it may be pointed 
out, with regard to draughts, that a ship is usually either light, fully loaded, 
or in ballast, so that in this respect the curves should be found generally 
applicable. Differences in stowage give rise to more trouble. The stowage 
of a general cargo, or of homogeneous cargoes other than those for which 
special curves are provided, lead to variations in the positions of the centre 
•of gravity from those of the standard conditions at the same draught. To 
obtain a stability curve for any such new condition, the amount of the rise 
or fall of the centre of gravity from the position of a standard case must 
be known, and, with the information usually given, the only way of obtaining 
this would be by means of a special heeling experiment. If, however, the 
position of the centre of gravity above the base corresponding to the various 
conditions were stated, as in the examples given, a change in the position 
of the centre of gravity might be approximated to by a simple moment 
calculation. It would only remain, then, to deduce the righting levers of the 
new curve from those of the appropriate standard curve, by deducting or 
adding at each inclination the amount — 

Rise or fall of centre of gravity x sine of angle of inclination. 

The tables of conditions supplied with the diagrams of stability curves are 
very useful in working out problems like the foregoing. Suppose, for instance, 
it were intended to load the smaller of the two given vessels with a full 



general cargo. It would be first necessary, by means of the capacity plan, 
which is part of the equipment of all modern vessels, to approximate to the 
positions of the various weights forming the cargo ; then, by a moment cal- 
culation, to combine these weights and heights with those of the light ship 
(taken from the table) to obtain the height of the common centre of gravity 
of vessel and cargo. Such a case is worked out in detail on page 192. 

Suppose this done in the present case,* and the centre of gravity found 
to be '5 feet above the position corresponding to a full coal cargo (curve 
G, fig. 236). The levers of the required curve are equal to those of curve 
G, decreased throughout by the amount — 

■5 x sine of angle of inclination, 
as already described. In the subjoined table the righting levers at 15 degrees, 
30 degrees, etc., are tabulated, and the stability curve, marked K, is plotted 
in fig 236, 

Angles of 



x 5 



Ordinate* of 

Else of C.G. 

Ord mates of 

Standard C'un e 

x Sine of Angle 


(Coal Oariro). 

of Inclination. 

Stability Curve. 





' l 3 





r 7 8 


x '43 




I '40 

• 4 3 





As another example, and in this case referring to the larger vessel, 
suppose 200 tons of coal to be put into the bridge 'tween decks in excess 
of the amount allowed for in curve G (fig. 235), the same quantity being 
omitted from the lower hold to keep the mean draught as before. Let the 
height through which the centre of gravity of the coal has been raised be 
20 feet, then — 

Rise of centre of gravity"! 200 x 20 

of vessel 



= *37 feet. 

The levers of curve G (fig. 235), reduced by '37 x sine of angle of inclina- 
tion, furnish the data for constructing the stability curve of the new condition 
(this curve is not shown in the diagram). 

When a diagram of metacentres is available, along with a table of con- 
ditions, the GM for any condition of loading and ballasting can be quickly 
determined. Thus, if it were decided to load supplementary ballast in the 
larger vessel when in the 5th condition, with a view to increasing her grip 
of the water and making her more navigable, the new GM might be arrived 
at in the following manner : — 

*No reference has been made above to the question of trim, but, of course, in all loading 
problems this must be kept in view and the cargo distributed to obtain the best results, 
approximate calculations being made where necessary. 



Referring to the table of conditions, the metacentric height in the given 
standard case is found to be 7*57 feet. As this is excessive, the supple- 
mentary ballast should be stowed high, particularly as the stability curve (see 
E, fig. 235) is of great area and range. 

With regard to the amount of the additional ballast, let it be sufficient 
to make the total equal to about a third of the full deadweight, this having 
been shown to be a good average. Including bunker coal, stores and fresh 
water, the deadweight is 7677 tons, the total ballast should therefore be— 


" = 2559 tons. 

Including bunker coal and water ballast, 1954 tons is already loaded (see 
Table), therefore — 

Supplementary ballast = 2559 - 1954 
= 605 tons, 
or, in round figures, say 600 tons. 

In the present case, if such would also suit the trim, it would be an 
advantage to put the whole amount into the bridge 'tween decks. If only 
half of it can be so placed, and the remainder is passed into the main 
'tween decks, the height of the centre of gravity will be as obtained below, 
the centres of the supplementary ballast being assumed taken from the 
capacity plan as before. 



Heights of C.G. 

above base. 

about base. 

Ballast Condition 

(from table), - 

5 io 4 



Extra ballast in main 

'tween decks, 




Extra ballast in bridge 

'tween decks, 






102 ^76 

Height of centre of gravity above base — — — = 18 feet. 
6 . . 57°4 

From the deadweight scale, the increased load is found to sink the 

vessel 14J inches, which, added to 12 feet of inches, the mean ballast draught 

in the table, gives 13 feet 3 inches for the new condition. At this draught 

the metacentre is 23*3 feet above the base, so that — 

New G M - 233 - 18-0 
= 5*3 feet. 
There is thus a reduction of over 2 feet in the metacentric height, which, 
with the increased immersion, should ensure an improvement in the vessel's 
behaviour at sea. 

In the same way the effect of loading supplementary ballast in the 
smaller vessel may be determined. 

As a final example — suppose the smaller vessel, laden with coal, has to 



discharge part of her cargo at a certain port, and afterwards proceed to sea 
under the reduced load. The question is, how should the unloading be done 
so as to leave her in a favourable condition for prosecuting the voyage? 

Let the amount to be discharged be 2000 tons. From the deadweight 
scale, assuming the vessel to rise evenly, the reduction in draught due to 
unloading the coal is found to be 4 feet 9 inches. In order to keep the 
draught aft right, the coal should be taken out forward, say 1000 tons from 
the fore main-hold, and the remainder from the main and bridge 'tween 

Taking the centres from the capacity plan, and the figures for the 
loaded condition from the table, the calculation for the height of the centre 
of gravity is as follows : — 



Heights of C.G. 
above base. 

about base. 


Cargo removed from 

lower hold 
Cargo removed from 

main 'tween decks 
Cargo removed from 

bridge 'tween decks 



- 600 

- 400 





- I30OO 

- 15000 

- 12800 



Height of centre of gravity above base = ~TTZo~ — x 7'33 feet 

The new mean draught is thus 23' 6f" — 4' 9", or 18' 9f", and (from 
the metacentre diagram) the corresponding height of metacentre above the 
base is 19*9 feet. 

•. New G M = 19*9 - 17*33 
— 2 '57 feet. 

This is a larger metacentric height than in the fully loaded condition, but 
as the displacement is less, it may be considered satisfactory. 

If considered necessary, the trim might also be approximated in the 
above case by measuring from the capacity plan the distances between the 
centre of gravity of the load waterplane and the centres of the loads to be 
discharged, calculating the trimming moment, and dividing it by the moment 
to alter trim estimated in any of the ways described in Chapter VIII. 


1, In superintending the loading of his vessel, enumerate the points which should be 
kept in view by the commanding officer. 

Explain why great initial stability in a vessel is conducive to bad behaviour at sea. 

2. How should the items of a general cargo be stowed to obtain the best results at sea? 

(1) In the case of a vessel proportionately broad and shallow. 

(2) In the case of a vessel proportionately narrow and deep. 


3. If, in the process of loading, a vessel is observed to suddenly list to port or 
starboard, what may be inferred as the probable cause, and how should the subsequent loading 
be conducted so as to bring the vessel back to Ihe upright? 

4. Whether does a. general or a homogeneous cargo afford greater facilities for loading so 
as to produce a comfortable vessel at sea? Give reasons for your answer. 

5. A vessel b33 been loaded to her maximum draught, with a homogeneous cargo which 
entirely fills her, and the master desires to ascertain the metacentric height before sailing. 
Explain how he may readily obtain this knowledge. 

If the metacentric height were found to be deficient, what steps should the master take 
to correct it? 

6. Write down the formula for the reduction in the metacentric height due to the 
presence of a free liquid suiiace in the hold. 

One of the compartments of an oil steamer is partially filled with petroleum. Calculate 
the reduction in the metacentric height due to the free surface, given that the compartment is 
situated amidships, is 30 feet long, 42 feet broad, and approximately rectangular in shape at 
the level of the oil, and that the total displacement is 6500 tons. Ans.— '65 feet. 

7. Show that the presence of a middle-line bulkhead greatly modifies the effect of a tree 
liquid surface in the holds. Assuming a middle-line bulkhead in the vessel of the previous 
question, what would be the reduction in metacentric height? 

8. Enumerate the precautions which should be taken in loading a vessel with oil in bulk. 
Why are trunkways fitted in oil vessels ? 

9. Explain why it is that grain cargoes loaded in bulk are frequently found to shift 
during n voyage when bad weather has been encountered. 

A grain-laden vessel of 7000 tons displacement has a metacentric height of 2 feet 6 inches. 
If 100 tons of cargo shift transversely through a distance of 18 feet, what will be the angle 
of heel, assuming the vessel to have been upright before the shifting took place? 

Ans. — 6°, nearly. 

10. Show that the burning out of bunker coal may have an important influence on a 
vessel's condition. 

If the coal in h particular vessel, whose margin of stability is small, is contained in 'tween 
decks as well as lower bunkers, how should it be worked out in the interest of the safety of 
the vessel ? 

11. A steamer 470 feet in length, 15,600 tons displacement, drawing 27 feet 6 inches 
forward and aft, has a reserve bunker containing 500 tons of coal. The centre of gravity of 
the latter is 10 feet below that of the vessel, and 35 feet before the centre of gravity of the 
load-waterplane. The tons per inch is 60, the longitudinal metacentric height is equal to the 
length of the vessel, and the transverse metacentric height at the start of the voyage is 1 - 5 feet. 
Assuming the transverse metacentre to remain at the same point while the vessel rises to the 
lighter draught, estimate approximately the draught and transverse metacentric height when the 
coal in the reserve bunker is consumed. 

[ ( Forward, 26 feet, 2| inches. 

Am,.- { DraUghtS \Aft, 27 feet, 4 f inches. 

I Metacentric height, 117 feet. 

12. What is meant by ballasting? What should be aimed at in ballasting a steamer for 
a sea voyage? How would you expect a vessel to behave if laden with heavy ballast placed 
low down in the holds? 

13. A cargo steamer of 7000 tons deadweight is to be ballasted for an Atlantic voyage. 
With bunker coal, stores and fresh water aboard, and water in boilers, the displacement is 
3350 tons, the draught forward 8 feet and aft 10 feet 9 inches, and the centre of gravity 
195 feet above the base. Water ballast is then loaded as follows: — 1000 tons in double 


bottom, centre 2 feet above base and 2 feet before 'midships ; 650 tons in a deep tank abaft 
engine-room, centre 14 feet above base, and 54 feet abaft 'midships; 140 Lons in the fore-peak, 
centre 16 feet above base, and 163 feet before 'midships. Assuming the centre of gravity of 
the parallel layer to be 3 feet forward of 'midships, the average tons per inch in way of in- 
creased immersion to be 34, the average moment to alter trim 1 inch 670 foot tons, and the 
height of the transverse metacentre above the base with the ballast aboard 19 feet ; estimate 
approximately the draught and metacentric height when in ballast trim. 

f C Forward, II feet, 4^ inches. 

Am.-) Drau g hts (Aft, 16 feet, ij inches. 

I Metacentric height, 37 feet. 

14. If, while on her voyage, a vessel should exhibit signs of <£ tenderness," show that it 
would be unsafe to attempt to remedy matters by running up a compartment of the double 

Referring to example 11, it is proposed to fill a compartment of the double bottom, with 

a view to making good the reduction in metacentric height due to the consumption of the 

coal. The tank chosen for the purpose is approximately rectangular in shape, and has a 

perforated centre division ; it is 60 feet long, 44 feet broad, and 4 feet deep, and has 

capacity for 300 tons of salt water. Assuming the top of the tank to be 18 feet below the 

centre of gravity of the vessel, estimate approximately the metacentric height when the tank 

is half full, and also when it is full. ( '58 feet. 

Ans. — [ , , H ~ c . 
\i *p feet. 

15. A vessel whose load displacement is 7500 tons is being loaded in dock for a. summer 
voyage. If the water in the dock weighs 63 lbs. per cubic foot, to what extent may the 
centre of the disc — that is, the legal summer load-line in salt water — be immersed? The 
area of the load waterplane is 12,000 square feet. 

Ans. — 4 inches. 

16. In loading a general cargo, how should the heavy items be disposed longitudinally to 
ensure a vessel behaving well at sea? Give reasons. 

17. What stability information should be supplied with a new vessel for the guidance 01 
the officers? 



WATER. — Taking salt water to weigh 64 lbs. to a cubic foot, and fresh 
water 62*5 lbs., the number of cubic feet to a ton in each case is — 

r, 1 2240 

Salt water, -p— - 35, 

_ . 2240 

Fresh water, j— = 35*84. 

Let now W = a vessel's displacement in tons, 
then immersed volume in salt water = 35 x W cubic feet, 
and immersed volume in fresh water = 35*84 x W cubic feet. 
In passing from fresh to salt water, the vessel thus rises out of the water 
to the extent — 

35-84 W - 35 W = '84 W cubic feet. 
If A be the area of the waterplane in square feet, and d the distance 
through which the vessel rises in inches — 


■84 Wx 







i tons per 


of immersion 



water ; 


r = 




A = 

420 T, 




and we get- 

d - 

■84 W x 12 


420 T ' 41*7 T 

If instead of fresh water, river water weighing 63 lbs. per cubic foot be 
assumed, the immersed volume will be — 

W x ^~ = 35 - W cubic feet, 

and the difference in volume in river and in sea water, 

- W cubic feet. 

Substituting this in the expression for rf, we get — 

63 T 

Thus, if a vessel of 9500 tons displacement, whose tons per inch at the 


2 9 8 


load draught is 3$, were to pass from river water at 6$ lbs. per cubic foot 
into sea water, she would rise — 


4*3 inches. 

63 x 35 

MEAN DRAUGHT. — In reading a displacement from a displacement 
scale, it is the usual custom to employ the vessel's mean draught, i.e., the 
sum of the actual draughts read off at the stem and stern divided by 2. 
This assumes the waterplane drawn at this mean draught to cut off wedges 
of equal volumes forward and aft, which in ordinary cases would not happen. 
To cut off a displacement closely approximating to that of the vessel when 
out of the normal trim, a line should be drawn parallel to the base through 
the point in which the actual waterline intersects the locus of the centres 
of gravity of waterplanes. 

Fig. 237 shows a vessel trimming by the stern ; W L is the line of 
flotation at which it is required to know the displacement. Let S T be the 
locus of the centres of gravity of the waterplanes. Through S, the point of 
intersection of this locus and the line W L, let W. Z L 2 be drawn parallel to the 

Fig. 237. 


base. The displacement to the waterplane W 2 L 2 will be very nearly equal to that 
to the original waterplane W L. At amidships draw Q R normal to the keel 
line. Q is the mean draught corresponding to W L , but this mean draught, 
marked off on the displacement scale, would obviously give a reading less 
than the actual displacement by the amount of the layer between W l L l and 
W.,L 2 . The draught QR should therefore be employed. 
Since the triangles W W X Q and SRO are similar— 

qj? _ wj/i 


w 1 o' 

0R = TO" 


But W Wi is half the trim, W l Q half the vessel's length, and RS the distance 
abaft amidships of the centre of gravity of waterplane W»L>. Thus /?, the 
amount to be added to the mean draught to get the draught to use with 
the displacement scale, is readily obtained. 

In an actual case, if RS were 4 feet, the length of vessel 360 feet, 
and the trim 6 feet by the stern, we should get — 






x 4 x 12 


of an inch, 

corresponding to an increase of displacement over that given by the mean 
draught of about 30 tons. 

PROOF OF FORMULA BM = p.— In this formula, which expresses the 

height of the metacentre above the centre of buoyancy— 

BM = Height of metacentre (transverse or longitudinal) above centre 
of buoyancy. 
/= Moment of inertia of the waterplane about the middle line 
as axis in the case of the transverse metacentre, and about 
a transverse axis through the centre of gravity of the water- 
plane in the case of the longitudinal metacentre. 
V = Volume of displacement. 

Fig. 238. 

Consider first the transverse metacentre. Fig. 238, which illustrates the 
case, is a transverse view of a vessel inclined through a small angle from 
the upright. Before the inclination took place, the centre of buoyancy was 
at B • it is now at B lt and has thus travelled the distance B B v The line 
of the resultant upward pressure passes through B x and intersects the middle 
line in M, which by definition is the transverse metacentre. 

In the act of heeling the wedge of displacement WSW 1 passes across 
the ship into the position LSU its centre of gravity moving from g x to g., 
in a line parallel to B B v If V be the volume of the ship's displacement, 
and u the volume of either wedge— 

V x BB X = u x g y g 2 , 
or l/xBI\/lx0 = ux g x g* (1) 

Where 9 is the circular measure of the angle of inclination, which is as- 
sumed to be very small. 


1/ is assumed to be known, so that to find B M it is only necessary 
to calculate the value of the quantity u x g Y g,, i.e., the moment due to the 
movement of the wedge of displacement across the ship. being small, S, 
the point of intersection of the water lines W L and W X L^ is in the middle 

Calling the half breadth of the waterplane amidships, 6, 

6 2 

Sectional area of wedge W S W l or LS L x = —.ft 

and Volume of a thin slice of either wedge = ~*ft 5 -*, 

8X being the thickness of the slice. 

Also Moment due to movement of thisl b 2 4 , 

volume across the ship ) 2 u 3 

= * b\0.dX. 

Now the moment of the whole wedge is equal to the sum of the moments of 
all the slices into which it may be supposed divided. That is — 

Moment due to movement of 1 x , 2 , , t . 

u 1 a f = ^-b J .0.5x. 

whole wedge ; 3 

2 ... 

But S-6°5x is the expression for the moment of inertia of the waterplane 

about the middle line as axis. Calling this /, we get — 
Moment due to movements 
of wedge J 

Substituting this for u x g } g 2 in (1) — 

1.6 = V.BM.O 

or, BM= T - 

Take now the longitudinal metacentre. The inclination here is a fore- 
and-aft one, but except as modified by this circumstance, the proof is the same. 

Fig. 239 shows a fore-and-aft view of the vessel with a slight inclina- 
tion aft. B is the centre of buoyancy when floating at the waterplane W\L U 
Bi its position when at the line W L, ./??,* the intersection of the verticals 
through B and B ls being the longitudinal metacentre ; 0, the projection in the 
plane of the paper of the line of intersection of the waterplanes W L and 
WiLu is called the centre of flotation and occurs at the same point in the length 
as the centre of gravity of the waterplane W L h ly h 2 are the centres of the 
immersed and emerged wedges. As in the previous case, we have — 

1 ix h,h,= V x BB, 
U being the volume of either wedge, and V that of the displacement. 

The inclination being very small, B B x = B m x ft So that — 
u x hih % = V x B m x 9 (2). 

used here instead of ll/l to distinguish the longitudinal metacentre from the transverse. 


3 OI 

To calculate the quantity u x h x h^ consider a small element of the 
volume of the emerged wedge distant x from 0. The thickness of this 
element is X x 0, and if y be the breadth of the vessel at the place, and 
5 X the dimension of the element in the direction of the vessel's length, its 
volume will be — 
and its moment about a transverse axis through 

x 2 .y.0.dx. 
The moment of the whole wedge is the sum of the moments of the 

Fig. 239. 

1 TO 

elements, or 


and the moment of both wedges, double this quantity, or 

But 2^x i iy.dx is the moment of inertia of the watcrplane about a transverse 
axis through its centre of gravity 0. Calling this I, and substituting the 
value for the moment of the wedges thus obtained in (2), we get — 

LB = V.Bm.Q 


Bm = 


CO-EFFICIENTS OF FORM.— These are useful in comparing one vessel 
with another. The following are the usual co-efficients employed : — 


i, Co-efficient of area of load- water plane. 

2. Co-efficient of area of immersed midship section. 

3. Block co-efficient. 

4. Prismatic co-efficient. 

1. Co-efficient of Area of Load-Waterplane, — This is the ratio of 
the area of the load-waterplane to that of a rectangle enclosing it. In a new 
design it is important to know how this ratio compares with the corresponding 
ratio of a vessel of known performance. 

Example. — A vessel 360 feet long, 48 feet broad, is used as a basis in 
designing another vessel 340 feet long and 46 feet broad. The load-waterplane 
area in the standard case is 13,000 square feet, and it is intended to give the 
new vessel the same co-efficient of load-waterplane. Calculate the area of load- 
waterplane in the latter case. 

1 3000 

The standard co-efficient is — : 7: = '7 ^2: the area of the load-waterplane 

360 x 48 /J v 

in the new vessel will thus be : — 

340 x 45 x '752 = 11505 square feet. 

The load-waterplane co-efficient is also useful in approximate calculations like 
the following : — A vessel of 330 feet length and 45 feet breadth floats at her 
load draught. If 150 tons of cargo be discharged from a compartment amid- 
ships, calculate the decrease in draught, assuming the co-efficient of the plane 
of flotation to be "83, and the vessel to rise to a parallel waterplane. 

Area of L.W.P. = 330 x 45 x '8$ = i2325"5 square feet. 

Tons per inch immersion = — = 20^. 

^ 420 y ° 

.'. Decrease in draught = — — = S'12 inches. 

2. Co-efficient of Immersed Area of Midship Section. —This is the 
ratio of the area of immersed midship section to that of a rectangle having 
a depth equal to the vessel's moulded depth, and a breadth equal to the 
breadth of the vessel. Thus, in the case of a vessel of 28 feet breadth and 8 
feet mean draught, which has an area of immersed midship section of 210 
square feet, this co-efficient is — 


The immersed midship section co-efficient, like the previous one, is useful 
in designing, and should be carefully considered where speed is an important 

3. Block Co-efficient. — This is a volume ratio and expresses the 
relation between the immersed volume of a vessel's body and that of 
a rectangular figure surrounding it. 


If L = length of vessel, 

B = breadth of vessel, 

D = draught of vessel, 

rr.i ™ , rr • volume of displacement 

Inen, Block co-efficient = -, n n . 

L x B x D 

Example. — A vessel 500 feet long, 57 feet broad, has a moulded 
draught of 28 feet. Calculate the displacement, assuming a block co- 
efficient of 76. 

Displacement = 500 x 57 x 28 x 76 

= 606480 cubic feet. 

Again, find the block co-efficient of a vessel, given the following par- 
ticulars: — Length 185 feet, breadth 26 feet, mean draught in salt water 
10 feet, displacement, 1000 tons. 

„, . 1000 x 35 

Block co-efficient = -5 ? =='727. 

185 x 26 x 10 ' ' 

This co-efficient is of great value in comparing the forms of vessels, 
but it must be used with care. It is easy to show that two vessels of 
the same dimensions, block co-efficient, and displacement, may be very 
different in shape. In one case the midship section may be full and the 
ends fine; in the other, the midship section may be fine and the ends 
full. Generally speaking, in cargo boats having large block co-efficients, 
any fining of the body that is done should be reserved for the ends, 
the midship section being kept full. "Where this has not been done, 
vessels hard to drive and difficult to steer have resulted. 

4. Prismatic Co-efficient. — This expresses the ratio of the volume 
of displacement to the volume of a prism, whose section is the vessel's 
immersed midship section, and length the length of the vessel. Thus, in 
the case of a vessel 140 feet in length, which has an immersed midship 
section area of 210 square feet, and a displacement of 640 tons, the 
prismatic co-efficient is — 

640 x 35 ,„ A 

= 76. 

140 x 210 

It will be readily seen that this co-efficient affords a closer means of 
comparing immersed forms than the block co-efficient, and in the case of 
the two vessels above referred to, would show the one of fine midship 
section and full ends to be of poor design, the prismatic co-efficient being 
relatively higher than in the other vessel. It should be observed that a 
relation exists between co-efficients 2, 3, and 4. 

If y be the volume of displacement, A the area of immersed midship 
section, G% G 3t C 4i the co-efficients 2, 3, and 4 above described, then — 









x B x 


c 4 


x A 


= C< 

, x B x 





n _ __ _ 

Lx B x D x G 2 


So that if any two of the foregoing co-efficients be known, the third can be 

It is usual to plot curves in the displacement scale diagram, showing 
how the above co-efficients vary with change of draught From these curves 
the co-efficients at any draught may be obtained by simple measurement. 


Table of Natural Tangents, Sines, and Cosines. 



















— . 









'939 6 





I0 i 




2 \ 












2 \ 


'35 02 






1 of 




2 of 



'935 1 






' l 943 

























* T 993 














2 If 






















•21 2 1 
































'°S 2 3 


J 3 













* 2 354 



2 3l 





■06 1 1 







2 3i 











'97 J 3 










" 2 493 






*9 J 35 






* 2 539 



2 4i 










' 2 5°3 


2 4i 







'99 6 5 





2 4f 


















'°9 I 5 


1 si 




2 S\ 








1 si 




2 5h 





























' io 95 






































'99 2 5 














'3 10 5 















2 l\ 











'95 2 3 










•3 2 49 








'i 449 



1 8J 












1 8* 




















































2 9~h 











•941 1 


























4 2 i 













'9 2 43 












'93 2 5 



















3 1 


'5 T 5° 











































1 '5 2 5 2 



3 2 


'5 2 99 










3 2 i 





'99 J 3 







3 2 2 












3 2 t 













































1 -63 18 





















































•5 6 99 








































743 1 































*733 2 
















I ' I 5°3 






'47 7 1 










1 '8610 















































6 2 | 






■6i S 6 



















r 9 8 39 









777 1 














































5 2 




































5 2 £ 





































i'35 J 4 





'9 r 35 




" 6 593 































2 '3 2 75 






743 r 









|4 2 } 










'02 2 2 










































8 2 f 









3'866 7 


" 2 5°3 






2*5° 6 5 










' r i75 


































9'5 X 43 





'935 1 









*i 00 1 




*35° 2 




















■°9 1 5 





77 J 

4 , 5 I °7 

















-99 6 5 





'333 8 






































5'° 2 73 


' l 95° 


i5- 2 57o 
















3'°3 2 5 













'95 IQ 


79 i 




8? , 




7 2-I 

3* I2 39 

*95 2 3 











































28 6362 




















6*3 T 37 

























































•9647 ' 











Weights of Materials used in Shipbuilding. 


Per Cubic Foot. 


Per Cubic Foot. 


490 lbs 

Oak, Danzic 

50 lbs. 

Wrought Iron 

480 „ 

Elm, English 

35 .. 

Cast Iron 

45° » 

Elm, American 

44 u i 

Gun Metal 

534 ,* 


53 ., 

Brass, Cast 

518 „ 


64 « 


712 ,, 


46 » 


462 ,, 


52 „ 

Zinc, Sheet 

449 » 

Pine, White - 

35 » 


549 »> 

„ Red 

36 „ 

Aluminium, Cast - 

160 ,, 

„ Yellow 

3° » 

Oak, English 

58 „ 

„ Pitch 

45 » 

3 o8 


Rates of Stowage." 


No. of Cubic 
Feet to 1 Ton. 


Coal, Scotch 


Coal, Welsh 


Coal, Newcastle 


Manchester Bales 


The figure may reach 160. 

Pig Iron 


/Stowed with as little wood pack- 
\ ing as possible. 

Alkali in Casks - 




Varies from 40 to 52. 







Oats - 


Varies from different causes , 
weight placed in each bag, 

Cargo, rice in bags 

amount of paddy, etc. Cargo 
rice generally contains 20 per 
cent, paddy. 



Raw Sugar in Baskets 


Cotton, American 


Cotton, Indian 


Machine pressed. 

Cotton, Egyptian 




/The closer being very much 
\ pressed by hydraulic power. 

Wool, undumped 

2 35 

Wool, washed and dumped 


Wool, greasy and dumped 




Bacon and Hains in cases 


Peas and Beans 


Beef, frozen and packed 


Beef, chilled and hung in quarters 


Mutton, New Zealand 


j Mutton, River Plate 


In the above table of Stowage Rates no attempt is made to allow for 
broken stowage, the figures being obtained from measurements of parcels 
where the lost space was little or nothing. 

From a paper by Professor Purvis in T.I.N. A. Vol. 26. 

Additional Questions. 


i. Define the term area as applied to a plane surface, 
area of the plate shown in the following sketch : — 

Calculate the 

Ans. — ^'75 square feet. 

2. Calculate the area in square feet of the following: — (i) A square of 
1 1 *5 feet side. (2) A rectangle of 15 feet length, 3I feet breadth. (3) 
Triangle 6-5 feet base, 8-25 feet height. (4) A circle of 12-25 ^ eet diameter. 

Ans.— (1) 132*25. (2) 56*25. (3) 26-81. (4) 117-85. 

3. The ordinates in feet of a plane curve are 3, 5-5, 7-5, 8, and 9 
respectively, the common interval being 8 feet. Between the first and second 
ordinates, a half ordinate 4*6 feet is introduced, and another of 8*6 feet 
between the fourth and fifth ordinates. Calculate the area in square feet. 

Ans. — 220*4. 

4. State the Five-Eight Rule ; upon what assumption is it based ? 
Show how the Five-Eight Rule and Simpson's First Rule may be combined. 

The half ordinates in feet of a portion of the load waterplane of a vessel 

are 3j !•> 8, 8*5, 6'^, and 5 respectively, and the common distance between 

them, 12 feet. Calculate the area in square feet, employing a combination 

of the Five-Eight Rule and Simpson's First Rule. 

Ans. — 822. 

5. Referring to question No. 1, if the plate be steel $ of an inch 

thick, what is its weight in lbs.? 

Ans. — 937 lbs. 

6. A solid wrought iron pillar, 18 feet in length, is 4^ inches in 

diameter. Find its weight. 

Ans. — 851 lbs. 

* Many of these examples are based on questions set at the Board of Education Examinations 
in Naval Architecture. 



7. A portion of a cyclindrical steel shaft tube, \\ inches thick, is 20 
feet long, and its external diameter is 16 inches. Calculate its weight. 

Ans. — 4646 lbs. 

8. A deck 9000 square feet in area is to be laid with pitch-pine 
planks 4 inches thick and 5 inches wide. There are two openings 16 feet x 
12 feet and one opening 24 feet x 12 feet, which are not to be covered. 


(1) The number of running feet of deck planking; 

(2) The weight of the wood deck, excluding fastenings. 

Ans. — (1) 19,987. (2) 124,920 lbs. 

9. A derrick post 18 inches external diameter is built of J-inch steel 
plates. Estimate the weight of a length of 15 feet, neglecting straps and rivets. 

Ans. — 1402 lbs. 

10. Define displacement. The areas of the vertical transverse sections 
of a ship up to the load waterplane in square feet are respectively 25, 
105, 180, 250, 295, 290, 235, 145, and 30, and the common interval between 
them is 20 feet. The displacement in tons before the foremost section is 
5, and abaft the aftermost section is 6. Find the load displacement in cubic 
feet and in tons (salt water). 

Ans. — 30,900; 882 '8. 

n. — Deduce a formula by which the tons per inch immersion at any 
draught may be ascertained. 

Given that the half ordinates in feet of the load waterplane of a vessel 
are respectively -2, 4, 8-3, 11*3, 13*4, 13*4, 10-4, 7*2, and 2*2, and the length 
of the plane 130 feet, calculate the tons per inch immersion in salt water. 

Ans. — 5 '42. 

12. A prism of rectangular section 120 feet long and 30 feet broad, 
floats at a draught of 15 feet. Calculate the displacement in tons in salt 
water; also construct the curve of displacement and the curve of tons per 
inch of immersion for this vessel. 

Ans. — 1543. 

13. The tons per inch at the successive waterplanes of a vessel, which 
are rj feet apart, are respectively 6'5, 6 - 2, 5 "6, 4*5, and o. Construct the 
curve of tons per inch on a scale of 1 inch to 1 foot of draught, and 1 
inch to 1 ton. 

14. How is a "deadweight scale" constructed? Of what use is it to 
the commanding officer? 

15. What is meant by "mean draught"? Show that in the case of a 
vessel floating considerably out of her normal trim, it is incorrect to use the 
mean draught in reading the displacement from the displacement scale. 

A vessel 300 feet in length floats in salt water and trims 8 feet by the 
stern. If the waterplane intersects the locus of the centres of gravity of 
waterplanes at a point 3 feet abaft amidships, measured parallel to top of 



keel, and the tons per inch immersion be 23, estimate the difference between 
the actual displacement of the vessel and that obtained from the displace- 
ment scale, using the mean draught. 

Ans. — 22 tons. 

16. Obtain an expression giving the extent to which a vessel rises in 
passing from fresh to salt water. 

A vessel whose displacement is 4000 tons, leaves a harbour in which 
the water is partly salt, and proceeds to sea. If the water in harbour weighs 
1 o 1 5 ozs. per cubic foot, calculate the number of inches through which 
the vessel will rise on reaching salt water, given that the tons per inch is 30. 

Ans. — 1 '18. 

17. A vessel of box form is 210 feet long, 30 feet broad, and has an 
even draught of water of 10 feet when floating in sea water. If a sheathing 
of teak 3 inches thick were worked over the bottom, and also over the ends 
and sides to a height of 12 feet above the bottom, what would be the 
additional weight, taking teak at 50 lbs. per cubic foot, and what would then 
be the draught of water. 

Ans. — 68 tons, 10 feet z\ inches. 

18. A vessel carries in her hold a cube, each side of which is 10 
feet. If the cube be put overboard and attached to the ship by means 
of a chain, what will be the effect upon the vessel's draught, the cube being 
supposed of greater density than salt water. The area of the vessel's water- 
plane is 4000 square feet. 

Ans, — Vessel rises 3 inches. 

19. A rectangular pontoon 100 feet long, 50 feet broad, 20 feet deep, 
is empty, and floating in sea water at a draught of 10 feet. What altera- 
tion will take place in the floating condition of the pontoon if the centre 
compartment is breached and in free communication with the sea, if — 

(a) The pontoons were divided into five equal watertight com- 

partments by transverse bulkheads, extending the full depth of 
the pontoon ? 

(b) The watertight bulkheads stopped at a deck which is not water- 

tight, 12 feet from the bottom of the pontoon ? 

((a) Vessel will sink bodily 2 feet 6 inches. 

1(b) Vessel will founder. 


1. Show how the principle of moments is applied in obtaining the 
centre of gravity of a plane area such as a vessel's waterplane. 

2. The half-ordinates of a load-waterplane of a vessel in feet, com- 
mencing from aft, are, respectively— -i, 5, ri'6, 15-4, i6'8, 17, 16-9, 16-4, 
I 4'5) 9"4» an( * 'h anc * tne common interval is n feet. Find — 


(i) The area of the plane in square feet; 

(2) The distance of its centre of gravity from the 17-feet ordinate, 

stating whether the centre of gravity is before or abaft that 


Ans. — (1) 2732*4. (2) 2'83 feet forward. 

3. A vessel is 180 feet long, and the transverse sections from the 
load-waterline to the keel are semicircles. Find the longitudinal position of 
the centre of buoyancy, the half-ordinates of the load-waterplane being 1, 
5, 13, 15, 14, 12, and 10 feet, respectively. 

Ans. — 73*76 feet from 10-feet ordinate. 

4. Given a diagram showing the locus of the centre of buoyancy, 
constructed as described in Chapter II., explain how the height of the 
centre of buoyancy corresponding with any waterplane may be ascertained. 

5. Construct the locus of the centre of buoyancy for an upright 
prism of rectangular section, and also for a prism whose section is an 
equilateral triangle, and which floats with one of its faces horizontal. 

6. Illustrate by a simple example the arrangement of the numerical 
work usually followed in an ordinary displacement paper for obtaining the 
displacement and position of the centre of buoyancy of a ship. 

7. The load displacement of a ship is 5000 tons, and the centre of 
buoyancy is ro feet below the load-waterline. In the light condition the 
displacement of the ship is 2000 tons, and the centre of gravity of the 
layer between the load and the light lines, is 6 feet below the loadline. 
Find the vertical position of the centre of buoyancy below the loadline in 
the light condition. 

Ans. — 16 feet. 


1. Distinguish clearly between hogging and sagging strains. What causes 
these strains, and at what parts of a loaded cargo steamer are they likely 
to be a maximum ? 

2. What is a u curve of weight," and a "curve of buoyancy"? De- 
scribe how these curves are constructed for a vessel afloat in still water. 
What conditions must these curves comply with in relation to each other? 

What are the usual assumptions made in constructing curves of weight 
and buoyancy for a vessel afloat among waves? 

3. A vessel of box form 240 feet long, 40 feet broad, 20 feet deep, 
floats in salt water at a level draught of 8 feet. If the vessel's weight is 
1000 tons evenly distributed, and she is loaded at each end for length of 
70 feet with 600 tons, also evenly distributed, draw the curves of weight 
and buoyancy. 

4. Write down the formula employed in calculating the longitudinal 
stress on the material at any point of a section of a beam under a longi- 
tudinal bending moment. 


5. What assumptions are made in applying the formula referred to in 
the previous question to the case of a ship ? 

6. A steel beam of X section is 12 inches deep, -| inch thick, and has 
6-inch flanges top and bottom. Calculate the moment of inertia of the section. 

Ans, — 254 inch units. 

7. Referring to the previous question, if the beam is 20 feet long and 
supported at each end, and loaded in the middle with a weight of 6 tons, 
calculate the maximum tensile and compressive stresses in tons per square 
inch. The weight of the beam itself may be neglected in working out the 

Ans.—S'S, S-$. 

8. State the maximum longitudinal stress, as ordinarily calculated, in a 
large and in a small steel cargo steamer, when poised on waves of their 
own length. Give reason for any difference in the values. 

9. In the case of some large steel passenger vessels having long super- 
structures of light build, the latter are cut about mid length, and a sliding 
joint made. What is the reason for this? 

10. Enumerate the stresses to which ships are subjected which tend to 
produce changes in their transverse forms. State what parts assist the 
structure to resist change of form. 


1. Sketch and describe the three-deck, spar-deck, and awning-deck 
type of vessels. 

2. In designing a cargo vessel of full form, state generally how you 
would proceed to shape the body with a view to securing the best results. 

3. Sketch in profile a well-deck and a quarter-deck type of vessel. 
What are the essential features of each type? 

4. Describe briefly the trend of development in the construction of 
cargo steamers. Sketch in section a vessel on the web frame system, 
also one with deep frames. 

5. Sketch in outline midship section of a turret-deck steamer. What 
are the advantages claimed for this type over cargo vessels of ordinary form? 

6. Describe with the sketches the Ropner Trunk Steamer, and the 
Isherwood Patent Ship. What are the chief features of these types? 


1. Sketch and describe an ordinary bar keel. 

2. How is the scarph of a bar keel formed? What is the length 
of a scarph in terms of the thickness of the keel? How are the rivets 
arranged, and what is their spacing? 

3. Before proceeding with the framing it is necessary to set the keel 


straight on the blocks, How are the keel lengths temporarily joined 
together so that this may be correctly done? 

4. What is a side-bar keel? Is it a better or worse form than that 
referred to in the previous questions ? Give reasons. 

5. Mention any practical difficulty attendant on the constructing of a 
keel on the side-bar system, and state what means are taken to over- 
come it. 

6. What are the advantages and disadvantages of projecting keels ? 
Sketch and describe a form of keel which entails no outside projection, 
and show that the arrangement is satisfactory from a point of view of 

7. Show a good shift of butts of the flat keel with reference to those 
of the vertical keel and angles connecting them ; also with reference to the 
garboard strakes of plating, 

8. Describe, and show by sketches in section and side elevation, how 
an intercostal plate keelson (or vertical keel) is worked and secured in an 
ordinarily transversely framed vessel with a flat plate keel. 

9. What are bilge-keels ? Why are they fitted ? Sketch an efficient 
form of bilge-keel, indicating the connections to the hull. 

1 o. Why are hold keelsons fitted ? Sketch a side and a bilge-keelson. 
What advantage is gained by fitting intercostal plates to the shell between 
the keelson bars ? 

11. How is the strength maintained at the joints of hold keelson bars? 
Make a sketch showing details of riveting, etc. 

12. What is the usual spacing of transverse frames? Show by a sketch 
how a frame, reverse frame, and floorplate are connected. 

13. What are frame heel pieces? Where are they fitted? They are 
not usually fitted at the ends of a vessel. Why ? 

14. Sketch an ordinary floor. How far does it extend up the ship's 
side? Where are floorplates usually joined? Make a sketch at a joint, 
showing the rivets. 

15. Show in section the common forms of ship beams, and state where 
each section should be employed. 

16. Why are beams cambered ? Is their strength increased thereby ? 
What is the usual camber of upper-deck beams? 

17. Deck beams are sometimes fitted at every frame, and sometimes 
at alternate frames. State the circumstances in which each arrangement may 
be employed to most advantage. 

18. Why are deck beams not reduced towards their ends, as on the 
principle of the girder they might be. 

19. Describe the usual methods of forming "bracket," "slabbed," and 
"turned" beam knees, and state which, in your opinion, is most efficient. 

20. Sketch a bracket knee showing in detail the connections to the 
frame and beam. What are Lloyd's requirements as to the number of rivets 
in beam knees? 


21. In the design of a certain vessel, requiring by rule a tier of 
lower-deck beams at the usual spacing, it is proposed to modify or dispense 
with the latter in order to improve the facilities for stowage. Show how 
this might be done without reducing the strength. 

22. What are web frames? Why are they fitted? Sketch a web frame 
showing all connections in a vessel having ordinary floors. 

23. Discuss the relative merits of making the web frames continuous, 
and hold stringers intercostal, and vice versa. Show in detail the connec- 
tion of a web frame to the margin-plate of an inner bottom. 

24. What is meant by "deep framing"? What are the advantages of 
this system of construction over that consisting of combined ordinary fram- 
ing and web frames. 

25. Sketch and describe a M'lntyre ballast tank. What are its essential 
features ? 

26. Describe the cellular system of constructing double bottoms; com- 
pare it in details with the system referred to in the previous question. 

27. Assuming continuous longitudinals and intercostal floors, show by 
sketches the construction of a cellular double bottom for a length of one 
compartment, indicating the man-holes through the longitudinals and tank 
top, and showing details of the connections of the longitudinals to the floors, 
tank top and shell. 

28. Show by a sketch how the plating of the tank top or inner bottom 
is usually arranged, giving details of the butt and edge connections. At certain 
parts the plating is increased in thickness. Name these parts, and state why 
the increase is made. 

29. Signs of straining have frequently been observed in the riveting 
connecting the tank knees to the margin-plate of the double bottom, par- 
ticularly at the upper part of the knees. Show by a sketch the means 
usually taken in modern vessels to prevent such straining. 

30. What are the advantages and disadvantages of flanging the edges 
of plates in lieu of fitting angles ? 

31. Why are wash-plates fitted in deep ballast tanks and in peak tanks? 

32. Show by a sketch how a deep tank is made watertight at the deck. 

33. What considerations determine the diameters of pillars in a ship? 
In fitting pillars to beams, where should they be placed in order to develop 
their greatest efficiency? 

34. What is the limit of breadth of ship allowed by Lloyd's Rules 
for one and for two rows of pillars, respectively? 

35. Show by sketches the usual methods of attaching pillars at their 
heads and heels. 

36. In the case of a deck having beams at every frame, show how it 
may be efficiently supported by a tier of pillars at alternate frames. 

37. Sketch an arrangement of wide-spaced pillars, showing how the deck 
between the pillars is supported. Give details of the attachments to tank 
top and deck. 


38. Certain parts of the shell-plating of a ship are thicker than others. 
Name these parts, and give reasons for the increased thickness. 

39. What are Lloyd's requirements regarding the length of shell-plates 
and the position of end joints? Sketch a good arrangement of shell butts 
or joints. 

40. Sketch and describe the various plans adopted of fitting shell- 
plating, indicating specially a system by which the fitting of frame packing 
pieces is obviated. 

41. What are Lloyd's requirements as to the number of rows of rivets 
in shell landings? Show by rough sketches a single, a double, and a 
treble-riveted edge lap, indicating the thickness of the plates, width of laps, 
and diameter and spacing of rivets. 

42. What are the advantages and disadvantages of overlapped end 
joints as compared with butted joints ? 

43. Lapped joints and butted joints having single straps, show a 
tendency to open when under stress. What is the reason of this ? 

44. How would you proceed to stop a leaky end joint of butted type 
in a strake of bottom plating? 

45. It is the practice in many shipyards to scarph overlapped joints 
where they are crossed by the landings so as to avoid the use of packing 
pieces. Show by sketches how this is done (a) in the case of a joint in 
an outside strake ; (b) in the case of a joint in an inside strake. 

46. In a riveted joint, discuss the general considerations which govern 
the diameter and pitch of rivets, and their distance from the edge of the 

47. Explain why, as a rule, the ratio of the size of rivets to the 
thickness of the plates they connect becomes reduced as plates increase in 
thickness. Show that a limit to this ratio is fixed by practical considerations. 

48. Sketch and describe the various heads and points common in 
ship work, and state where each is used. 

49. State the diameters of rivets required by Lloyd's Rules for plates 
of the following thicknesses — £", V, f", and 1", respectively. What should 
be the pitch of rivets in watertight work? 

50. What is the spacing of rivets in frames and beams? Why is the 
rivet spacing closer in bulkhead frames than in frames elsewhere, and how 
is the loss of strength thus caused made good? 

51. Why are the rivets connecting the framing to the shell-plating of closer 
pitch in way of deep water ballast tanks and peak ballast tanks than elsewhere. 

52. Rivets are usually manufactured of cone shape under the heads. 
Why ? 

53. Two plates have to be joined by rivets. Discuss the advantages 
and disadvantages of — 

(a) Punching the rivet holes ; 
(&) Drilling the rivet holes. 


Describe how the punching and fitting of the plates should be con- 
ducted to secure efficient work. 

54. Iron rivets are found to have a higher strength efficiency in iron 
plates than in steel plates. Give a reason for this. Why are iron rivets 
employed in steel shipbuilding in preference to steel rivets ? 

55. What is a drift punch? Explain its uses., Show that in certain 
circumstances the use of a drift punch might lead to bad workmanship. 

56. What are the principal functions of a deck stringer ? Show by 
sketches how you would connect and^ fasten a stringer to the beams, fram- 
ing, and plating of a ship. 

57. How would you proceed in arranging the fastenings in a stringer 
plate at the butts? A stringer plate is 50 inches wide and -|-inch thick; 
sketch the riveting in a beam and at a butt, and show that the arrange- 
ment is a good one. 

58. A steel ship is found on her first voyage at sea to be structurally 
weak longitudinally. How would you attempt to effectually strengthen the ship 
with the least additional weight of material? 

59. What are deck tieplates? Sketch an arrangement of tieplates on 
the main deck of a sailing-ship, showing how they are fitted. Explain why 
they are arranged diagonally as well as fore-and-aft. 

60. Decks require to be strengthened in way of large openings. 
Show by a sketch the usual compensation at the sides and corners of a 
large upper-deck cargo hatch. 

6 1 . Discuss the relative values of teak, pitch pine, and yellow pine, 
as materials for deck planking. 

62. Describe in detail how you would proceed to lay a wood deck 

(a) Where no steel deck is fitted ; 

(b) Where there is a steel deck. 

Show by sketches the connections at a butt joint of the deck planking in 
each case. 

63. What is the Rule height for hatch coamings at upper and at bridge 
decks. Show by detail sketches how the end and side coamings of an upper- 
deck hatchway are bound to the deck structure. 

64. How are hatch openings protected against inroads from the sea ? 
Sketch an arrangement of beams for supporting the covers of a main cargo 
hatch in a modern vessel. 

65. Describe the mechanical appliances usually installed in cargo steamers 
for loading and discharging cargo. 

66. Sketch a derrick, showing how it is supported at the heel, and 
detail the arrangements for topping and slewing it. 

67. Assuming two winches to be fitted to one hatch, sketch roughly 
two arrangements by which direct leads to the winch barrels may be obtained. 

68. In what circumstances may it be desirable to hinge the derricks 
on special posts instead of on the masts? Sketch a derrick-post and 
derrick, and show how the former is connected to the deck. 


69. How are steam winches supported (a) on an unsheathed steel deck? 
(b) Where a wood deck is laid? What arrangement is made to minimise 
vibration of the deck due to the working of the winches ? 

70. Show in section the construction of a lower mast in a large 
sailing-ship. At what parts is the mast-plating doubled? Why are the 
doublings fitted? 

71. Show by rough sketches how a mast is wedged at a deck, and 
how it is supported at the heel 

72. Sketch an appliance fitted in modern vessels for tightening up the 
standing rigging. Show how it is connected to the ship. 

73. What is a "spiked bowsprit"? Show how a bowsprit is sup- 
ported and stayed. 

74. What reduction in diameter is allowed in a steamer's masts as 
compared with those of a sailing-ship? How is a steamer's mast supported 
at the heel where it is stopped at a lower deck ? 

75. State the advantages of having a good system of watertight bulk- 
heads in a steamer. What are Lloyd's requirements in respect to water- 
tight bulkheads for a steamer of 300 feet and one of 400 feet length, 
respectively ? 

76. Explain why, in ordinary cases, only one transverse watertight bulk- 
head is fitted in a sailing-ship. 

77. How are watertight bulkheads usually built and stiffened? Show by 
a sketch the arrangement of the plating, spacing of stiffeners, and details of 
the attachments of the latter in a main transverse watertight bulkhead of a 
large cargo steamer. 

78. In many modern cargo steamers the stiffeners below the deck are 
fitted vertically only. What are the advantages of the arrangement ? Are 
there any disadvantages ? 

79. Taking the case of a fore-peak bulkhead, which is deep and 
narrow, how would you arrange the stiffeners so as to get the greatest 
efficiency with the least weight of material? 

80. A hold stringer consisting of a bulb plate and double angles passes 
through a watertight bulkhead. Show how you would make the bulkhead 
watertight around the girder. 

81. Referring to the previous question, if the stringer were stopped on 
each side of the bulkhead, show by a sketch how you would endeavour 
to maintain the strength at the junction. 

82. Sketch and describe a common method of fitting a stem bar in a 
modern cargo vessel, where there is a flat plate keel. 

83. Sketch roughly an iron or a steel sternpost of a cargo steamer, 
showing how it is connected with and fastened to the keel. Why is the 
sole piece of the sternpost of a single-screw ship frequently made broad and 
shallow in way of the aperture? 

84. Sketch a a bracket arrangement as fitted for supporting the after- 
end of each propeller shaft in a small twin screw steamer. 


What is the principal objection to a brackets? Describe a plan by 
which this is overcome in many modern high speed vessels. 

85. Sketch and describe a modern single plate rudder, showing the 
spacing of the arms and details of the pintles. 

86. Commonly, a rudder is supported by the bottom gudgeon of the 
sternpost. Sketch the arrangement and indicate the means taken to ensure 
that the rudder shall work without undue friction. 

87. Show by rough sketches the usual method of preventing the ac- 
cidental unshipping of a rudder and of limiting the angle through which 
the rudder turns. 

88. Sketch a rudder coupling, the diameter of rudder stock being 9 
inches ; indicate the number, position, and diameter of the bolts. 


1. Define stable, unstable, and neutral equilibrium as applied to the 
case of a vessel floating freely in still water. Illustrate your definitions by 
suitable sketches. 

2. Explain briefly what are the elements in the design of a vessel 
which control the position of the transverse metacentre. Show that the position 
of the metacentre is only of relative importance. 

3. Describe in detail an "inclining experiment." State what precautions 
should be taken in order to ensure a reliable result. 

An inclining experiment is to be conducted on a certain vessel, her 
displacement at the time being 2600 tons, and mean draught 8 feet 6 inches. 
The inclining weight is 6 tons, arranged in two lots of 3 tons, one on each 
side of the upper deck. The pendulum is 29*5 feet in length. The follow- 
ing is done : — First, one lot of the inclining weights is moved from port to 
starboard through 40 feet. The deflection of the pendulum is observed and 
the weight returned to its original position. Then the second lot is moved 
from starboard to port through the same distance, an observation taken, and 
the weight, as before, returned. The mean deflection of the pendulum is 
found to be 1*9 inches. Estimate from the information given the metacentric 
height of the vessel when in the above condition. 

A/is.S'6 feet. 

4. Obtain and prove the expression for the height of the transverse 
metacentre above the centre of buoyancy. 

5. A vessel is 30 feet wide, 15 feet deep, and the centre of gravity 
of the vessel and its lading is at the middle of the depth of the vessel 
for all variations in the draught of water. Construct to scale the metacentric 

6. Sketch the metacentric diagrams of any two vessels of different types 
with which you are acquainted. Give reasons for any differences * in the 
form of the curves. 


7. A vessel 140 feet long, and whose body plan half sections are squares, 

floats with its sides upright, and the centres of all the sections lie in the 

plane of flotation. The lengths of the sides of the sections, including the 

end ordinates, are '8, 3*6, 7*0, 8*o, 6*4, 3-0, and 7 feet, respectively, the sections 

being equally spaced. Calculate the distance between the centre of buoyancy 

and the metacentre. 

Am. — 4*51 feet. 

8. In the case of what class of vessel must the centre of gravity be 
below the centre of buoyancy, for equilibrium? 

9. A vessel of constant rectangular section, 200 feet long, 40 feet broad, 
draws 20 feet of water when intact. Two rectangular watertight compartments, 
10 feet in width, measuring in from the ship's side, and 10 feet in depth, 
the bottom of each being 6 feet below the original waterplane, extend each 
side of amidships for a length of 60 feet. 

If the centre of gravity of the vessel is 15 feet above the keel, find 
the metacentric height — (a) When the vessel is intact (b) When the side 
compartments (assumed empty) are in open communication with the sea. 

Ans.-{ {a) r66 feet 
\{b) -07 feet. 


1. Obtain the expression which gives the height of the longitudinal 
metacentre above the centre of buoyancy. 

2. Calculate the longitudinal metacentric height for a log of wood 20 
feet long and of square section, the side being 2 feet 6 inches, when floating 
freely and at rest at a draught of r foot 6 inches. 

Ans. — 2172 feet. 

3. A raft 15 feet long is constructed of two logs of timber 18 inches 
in diameter and 4 feet between centres, and is planked over with wood 
3 inches thick, forming a platform 12 feet by 5 feet. All the wood is of 
the same density, and the raft floats in sea water with the logs half immersed. 
Find the longitudinal metacentric height and the moment to alter trim 1 inch. 
{See note to question No. 6 on opposite page). 

Ans. — 31*33 feet, 295 foot lbs. 

4. A small weight is placed on board a vessel in any longitudinal 
position. Explain how you would proceed to find the changes in the draughts 
forward and aft. 

5. A cargo vessel is 48 feet broad on the load waterline. Given that 
the tons per inch of immersion is 35, calculate approximately the moment 
to alter trim 1 inch. 

Ans.~ 788 foot tons. 

6. A vessel of circular section, 80 feet long and 20 feet diameter, 


floats with the axis in the waterplane. Calculate the trimming effect of 
shifting a weight of 15 tons from mid length to a point 10 feet from the 
after end. The centre of gravity is 2 feet below the waterplane. 

Note. — The centre of buoyancy may be fixed in relation to the trans- 
verse metacentre. 

Ans. — i2>\ inches by the stern. 

7. Describe any simple method of providing commanding officers with 
such information concerning their own vessels as will enable them to deal 
quickly and correctly with trim problems. 

8. The trim line of a certain vessel corresponding to the load draught 
makes an angle of 42 degrees with the horizontal. 

Plot the trim line, and from it obtain the change of trim due to shifting 
50 tons through 100 feet aft. The displacement is 8000 tons. 

Ans. — 6| inches by stern. 


1. Given that the righting levers of a vessel at angle of 15 , 30°, 45 , 
6o °j 75°> an d 9°° respectively, are ^74, 1*53, 2*1, 2*18, 1*65, '9 feet, con- 
struct the curve of stability, and indicate the maximum righting lever and 
the angle at which it occurs. The metacentric height is 2*62 feet. 

Ans. — 2*22 feet, 55°. 

2. What are the features in a vessel affecting the range of the curve 
of stability? Show that a great metacentric height may be associated with 
a short range. 

3. Draw in one figure the curves of stability of two dissimilar types 
of vessels with which you are acquainted, and give the reasons for any 
differences which exist in the nature of the curves you show. 

4. Some merchant vessels will not remain in an upright position when 
unloaded. Explain the reason of this. Draw the curve of stability of a 
vessel when in the condition named. 

5. A sailing-ship is heeled by the pressure of the wind on the sails. 
Assuming her to be at a steady angle of heel, show in a sketch the 
forces acting, and state the relation of the moments of these forces to 
each other. 

6. A vessel of box form 200 feet long, 40 feet broad, 20 feet deep, 
floats in sea water at a level draught of 15 feet. Assuming a metacentric 
height of 2 feet, construct the curve of statical stability. 

7. Draw cross curves of stability for a vessel of square section at 
angles of 45° and 90 respectively, assuming the centre of gravity to be 
1 foot below the centre of the section. 

8. Having given the value of the righting arm of a vessel at a certain 
inclination when at her load displacement, the position of the centre of 



gravity being known, show how you would find it at the same inclination 
when at a reduced displacement, due to the consumption of the bunker coal. 


i. What is meant by the phrase "Period of a single roll"? It is 
desired to obtain the period of roll of a cargo vessel when in a given 
condition. How could this be ascertained experimentally ? 

2. What is the transverse radius of gyration ? How is it obtained ? 

3. What effect has the variation of the metacentric height upon the value 
of the rolling period? 

In a given vessel what is the difference between the rolling periods 
corresponding to a metacentric height of 2 feet and 4 feet, respectively, 
assuming the transverse radius of gyration to be 18 feet and the same in 
both cases ? 

4. Explain why waves that are relatively high in relation to their lengths 
are more powerful in causing vessels to roll heavily than waves that are 
relatively low. 

5. Describe a simple experimental method of proving that a vessel 
when broadside on to a series of regular waves always tends to place her 
masts parallel to the normal to the wave slope. 

6. State the length and period as actually observed of large Atlantic 
storm waves ordinarily met with. 

What, by inference, should the natural roll period approximate to in 
the case of a vessel intended to trade in the Atlantic, in order to obtain 
the best results. 

7. Mention an appliance that has been recently employed to minimise 
the rolling motions of vessels at sea. Show by quoting the results in any 
actual case, what success has attended the new system. 


1. A vessel is to be loaded with a general cargo of which the weights 
and other particulars are known. How would you proceed to find the 
vertical position of the centre of gravity ? Assuming the displacement scale 
and the diagram of metacentres to be available, how would you determine 
the metacentric height with the proposed system of loading? 

2. The stability curve at the load draught in a certain vessel is of 
considerable area and range, but shows upsetting levers at angles near the 
origin. How do you account for this? In the case of such a vessel, what 
considerations would influence you in fixing upon a value of metacentric 
height with which to start a voyage. 

3. What is the chief objection to deck cargoes? Show that a deck 
cargo of timber, if well stowed and secured, may improve a vessel's sea, 


4. What is the angle of repose for wheat? 

In certain circumstances, grain carried in the hold of a steamer is 
found to slide at a much smaller inclination than its normal angle of 
repose. Describe these circumstances, and explain the causes to which they 
give rise which lead to the reduction in the sliding angle. 

5. What proportion of the full deadweight should a modern steamer 
carry in making an Atlantic voyage in ballast? To what extent should the 
propeller be immersed? What has frequently happened when a voyage has 
been made in too light a trim, and rough weather has been encountered ? 


Area, Centre of Gravity of 
,, Metrical Units of. 
,, of Portion of Curve between Two 

Consecutive Ordinates 
,, of Rectangle 
,, of Rhomboid 
,, of Square 
,, of Trapezoid 
,, of Triangle . 
,, of VVaterplane 
Areas, Combination of Simpson's Rules fo: 
,, Simpson's First Rule for 
,, Simpson's Second Rule for 
,, Tchebycheft's Rule for . . I 

,, Trapezoidal Rule for . 
Atwood's Formula for Statical Stability 
Awning Deck Vessels, Restriction of 

Draught in 
Balanced Rudder .... 
Ballast, Advantages of Water over Dry 
,, Conditions Fixing Amount Re 

quired .... 
,, Longitudinal Disposition of 
,, Stowage of 
Ballast Tanks, Early Methods of Con 

,, Function of . . 109 

,, Methods of Making Water 

tight joint at margin of 
,, M'Intyre System of Con- 

,, of Special Type 

,, Testing of 

, , Why Seldom Fitted in 

Sailing Ships 
Ballasting, Danger of Filling Tanks at Sea 
,, Effect on Stability of Filling 

Tanks .... 
„ Importance in Minimising 

Pounding Strains of Efficient 
,, Purpose of . . . 284 

Bar Keel, Chief Objection to . 
,, Description of 

,, with Intercostal Centre Keelson 

,, with Single Plate Centre Keelson 

Beams, Function of Deck 

,, Number of Tiers required in a 

Vessel ..... 

Beam Knees, Bracket .... 

,, Comparison of Methods of 

Forming . . 10S, 
,, Considerations influencing 

Depth and Thickness of 










1 10 



I 10 









Beam Knees, Width across Throats 

Lloyd's Rules for Number 
of Rivets in . 

„ Size of in Single-Deck 

Vessels .... log 

Slabbed .... 107 

,, Turned . . 108, 109 

Beam, Effect of on Curve of Stability 237, 241 






Beams, Lloyd's Rules for Spacing of 
,, Method of fitting Wide-Spaced . 
,, Reason for Giving Camber to 
,, Under Unsheathed Steel or Iron 


Beam Sections, Forms of 

Bending Moments and Shearing Forces 

of Floating Vessels . 51, 52, 55 

Bending Moments and Shearing Forces 

of Simple Beams .... 45-50 
Bending Moments, Effect of Orbital 

Motion of Water Particles on . . 54 

Bilge Keels 96, 97 

Bilge Keels, Experiments with H.M.S. 

Repulse and Revenue . 265 

,, Extinctive Value of 264, 265, 266 

,, Prof. Bryan's Investigations 265 

Bilge Keelson . ... 

Block Co-efficient ..... 

Bowsprit, How Secured and Stayed 

Bowsprit, Spiked . 

Bow Rudder, design of . 

Bow Rudder, Function of 

Bulkheads, Arrangement and Spacing of 

Stiffeners of 

„ Centre Line . 

,, Connection of to Ship's Side 169-170 

,, Construction of . . 168-171 

,, Function of . . .165 

,, Lower Limit to Number of in 

,, Lloyd's Rules for Number of 

Transverse Watertight 
,, Screen. .... 
,, Spacing of Rivets in Water- 
tight. . . I37-I3S> 
Stiffening of Peak Tank 
,, Thickness of Plating of 
,, Value of Collision 
Bulkhead Liners, Compensation for Omit- 

Bulkhead Liners, Reason for fitting 138, 
Bulkhead Stiffeners, Advantage of flang- 
ing plates in lieu of- 








Bulkhead Stiffeners, Method of Fitting 16S, 169 

3 2 4 




Bulkheads of Deep Tanks . . 169 
,, ,, Oil Vessels . . .169 
,, Height of Transverse Water- 
tight 167 

Bntlslraps of Keelson and Hold Stringer 

Angles, Method of Fitting . 104-105 
Cargo Steamers, Awning or Shelter- 
Deck Type of . 76, 78 
,, ,, Compensation for Omis- 

sion of Hold Pillars in 84 
,, ,, Erections on . . 77 

,, ,, Freak Designs of . 77 

,, ,, Isherwood Type of . 89-92 

,, ,, Partial Awning-Deck 

Type of 79 

,, ,. Quarter-Deck Type of. 78 

,, ,, Single- Deck Type of . 83 

,, ,, Strength Types of . 75 

,, ,, Three- Island Type of. 77 

., ,. Trunk Type of. . 87 

Turret-Deck Type of . 85 

Well-Deck Type of 77 

Camber to Beams, Reason for giving . 106 

Cargo Cranes, Advantage of . . . 155 

Cargo Gear in Sailing-Ships . . . 155 

Cargo Gear in Steam-Ships . . . 155 

Cargo Hatchways, Arrangementsforsecur- 

ing Water-tightness of 152 
,, ,, Arrangements for tak- 

ing Chafe of Cargo . 152 
, y ,, Function of . . 148 

, , , , Height of Coamings of 148-149 

,, ,, Method of Framing . 148 

,, ,, Size in Modern Vessels 

of .... 148 
,, ,, Web Plates and Fore 

and Afters in . 151-152 

Cargo Ports and Doors . . . 152-154 

Cellular System of constructing Double 

Bottoms 112-115 

Centre of Buoyancy, Approximate Posi- 
tion of . .184 
,, ,, Explanation of Term 33 
,, ,, Locus of . . 36, 40 
,, ,, of Prismatic Vessels 33 
,, ,, of Vessels of Or- 
dinary Form . 34-40 

Centre of Effort 249 

Centre of Gravity, Definition of . 28 

,, Influence on Curve of 

Stability of Position of 240 
„ of an Area ■ . . 28-32 

„ of a Ship, Method of 

Finding Position of 187-191 
,, of the Area of a Half- 

Waterplane . . 29-32 
Centre Girder, Connection to Flat-Plate 

Keel 9 6 > 97 

Centre Keelson . . . . 44> 93"97 
Centre-Line Bulkhead, Construction of . 171 
Centre of Lateral Resistance . . . 249 
Change of Draught in Passing from Fresh 

to Salt Water 297 

Change of Trim .... 198, 213 
Coal Cargoes, Precautions Necessary in 

Loading ... .281 


Co-efficient of Load Waterplane . . 302 
„ Midship Section . . 302 

, , Resistance to Roll j ng, 

Froude's . . . 264 
Collision Bulkhead, Stiffening of . 168, 169 
,, Value of . . 166 

Compressive Stresses, Effect of, on Thin 

Deck-Plating .... 66 

Correction of Wedges . . 225, 226 

Countersinking of Rivet Holes . . 139 

Coupling for Rudder . . 176/- 176'/* 

Cross Curves of Stability . . 231-236 

Cross Curves of Trim for Box-Shaped . 

Vessel 211 

Cross Curves of Trim, how Obtained . 209 
Curve of Bending Moments and Shearing 

Forces for Simple Beams . 46-50 
,, Bending Moments and Shearing 
Forces for Vessel Afloat i n 
Still Water .... 51 

,, Bending Moments and Shearing 
Forces for Vessel Loaded with 
Homogeneous Cargo . . 5 2 

,, Bending Moments and Shearing 
Forces for Vessel on a Wave 
of Her Own Length . . 55, 56 
„ Centres of Buoyancy . 36, 40, 185 

,-, Displacement, how Constructed 20 

,, Flotation .... 255 

,, Loads for Simple Beams . . 49, 50 

,, Loads of Vessel Afloat in Still 

Water 51, 52 

,, Loads of Vessel Among Waves 55, 56 
,, Moment to Alter Trim One 

Inch .... 199, 213 

,, Tons per Inch Immersion . 22 

,, Transverse Metacentres . 185, 186 

Curves of Stability, Effect of Beam on 237, 241 

,, ,, for Commanding 

Officers . 289, 290 

. , „ for Vessels of Cir- 

cular Section . 218 

,, ,, for Vessels of Box 

Form . 237, 239, 240 
,, ,, Influence of Free- 

board on 238, 239, 241 
,, ,, Influence of Posi- 

tion of Centre of 
Gravity on . . 240 
,, ,, of Actual Ships . 241 

,, ,, Tangent at the 

Origin . . 230, 231 
Curves of Weight and Buoyancy . . 54 

Deadweight Scale ..... 21 
,, ,, Use of to Ship's Officers 21 

Deck Beams, Function of 105 

Decks, Comparative Values of Wood and 

Steel 142 

,, Function of . , . .142 

Deck Loads . . . . 281 

,, Openings, Strengthening at Cor- 
ners of ... 146 
„ Plating, Compensation for Cutting 

Openings in . . , 145 

„ Plating, Objection to Joggling 

Edge Seams of . . , 145 



■ 145 

44, 142 



- 157 





Deck Plates, Precaution Necessary in 
,, Stringer Plates . 
Decks, Strength Value of Upper 
Deep Tanks, Frame Riveting in Way of 
„ Function of Centre Line 

Bulkheads in . 
„ Hatchways, . 120 

,, Methods of obtaining water- 

tightness at margin of 
,, Usual Positions of 

Derricks, Advantages of Plumb 
,, Function of Cargo 

,, Number of in Steamers 
,, Value of Hydraulic . 
Derrick Posts 

Tables . . _ . 

Displacement Calculation, Specimen 

,, of Vessel out of Normal 

Trim, To Obtain . 29s 

Docking Stresses .... 7° 

Doors in Watertight Bulkheads . . 171 
Double Bottom, Advantages of a Contin- 
uous . . in 
,, Butts of Centre and Side 

Girders in . . 116 

,, Cellular System of Con- 

structing . . 112, 115 
,, Connection of Side Fram- 

ing to margin of . 115. 116 
,, Gusset Plates and Angles 

at margin of . . 1 16 

Partial ill 

Plating of .116 

,, Reduction in Thickness 

of Shell Plating in way of 1 15 
,, Riveted Connections of . 1 16 

,, Strengthening Forward 

in Full Vessels in way of 117 
,, Testing of . . 120 

Drift Punch, Objections to Excessive 

Use of . . . . . . 96 

Dynamical Stability, Definition of . . 245 
„ Moseley's Formula for 24S 
Ellipsoid, Volume of ... 14 
Equilibrium of Floating Bodies, Condi- 
tion of 177 

Erections on Steamers, Structural Value of 77, 79 
Five-Fight Rule for Areas . 8 

Flanging of Plates in Lieu of Fitting 

Ang!e Bars . . . 112 

Flat-plate Keel, Description of . 96 

Flat-plate Keel, with Intercostal Centre 

Keelson . ... 96 

Flat-plate Keel, with Centre through 

Plate Keelson- .... 96 
Floors, Connection to Centre Keelson 103 

Floors, Ordinary .... 103 

Form of Modern Cargo Steamers, De- 
velopment of . . . . . 76 
Frames, Advantages and Disadvantages 

of joggled . . . 132 

,, Reversed ... 42, 100, 101 

,, Transverse . 42, 100 

Frame Heel Pieces . . . 101 

Frame Slips, Use of . 129, 130 

Freeboard, Influence of on Curve of 

Stability . . . . _ . 237-241 

Garboard Strakes Precaution in Arrang- 
ing End [oints of ... 128 
Girders Under Deck . .123 
Grain Cargoes, Causes of Shifting of . 279 
,, Government Regulations 

Regarding . 280 

,, Margin of Stability Re- 

quired with . 284 

,, Stowage of . 278,308 

Gudgeons, Rudder . 176/- 1 76/ 

Gusset Plates and Angles at Margin of 

Double Bottoms . .116 

Gyroscopic Apparatus for Minimising 

Rolling . . . 267, 268 

Hatch Cleats, spacing of . 152 

Hatchways, cargo .... 14S-152 

Hatch Coamings, Advantages of Round 

Corners at Upper Deck . . 15° 

Hatch Coamings, Scantlings of 149 

Hatchways into Deep Tanks . 120-152 











2 57 

Hatch Webs, Number of 

,, ,, Method of fitting 

Heel Pieces, Frame 
Hogging and Sagging Strains. 
Holds, Penalty exacted for Unobstructed 
Hold Pillars, Compensation for Omis- 
sion of . 
,, ,, Wide Spaced . . 84, 

Homogeneous Cargoes, Loading of 
Horizontal Shearing Stress . . 60. 

Inclining and Rolling Experiments, Value 

of . 
Inclining Experiment . 1S7 

Integrator, Mechanical . 
Intercostal and Single Plate Centre Keel- 
sons, Comparison of 
Isherwood Type of Steamer 
Isochronous Rolling 
[ibboom ... 

Joints of Shell Plating, Arrangement of 127 
Joints of Shell Plating, Comparison of 

Overlapped and Butted . 
Joints of Shell Plating, Lloyd's Rules for 
Joints of Shell Plating, Method of curing 

Leaky 134 

Joints of Shell Plating, Methods of form- 

[oints of Shell Plating, Scarphing of End 
Keel, Flat Plate . 

,, Scarpb of Solid Bar 
,, Scarpb, Use of Tack Rivets in 
,, Side Bar ... 
,, Solid Bar 
Keelson and Hold Stringer butt straps. 

Method of Fitting . . . 104, 105 

Knighthead Plate . . 163 

Law of Archimedes . . iS 

Liquid Cargoes . . , 274 27S 

Lloyd's Numerals, how Derived . . 97-100 

Lloyd's Rules, Definitions of Length, 

Breadth, and Depth, as given in . 98 

Lloyd's Rules for Breadth of Shell Plates 129 
Lloyd's Rules for Camber of Deck Beams 106 
Lloyd's Rules for Diameters of Rivets . 137 






3 2 7 


Lloyd's Rules for Joints of Shell Plating . 128 
Lloyd's Rules for Number of Transverse 

Watertight Bulkheads . . . 167 

Lloyd's Rules for Position of Collision 

Bulkhead .... 166 

Lloyd's Rules for Riveting of Edge Seams 

of Shell Plating in Large Vessels . 133 
Lloyd's Rules for Seasoning of Pine Deck 

Planking 148 

Lloyd's Rules for Spacing of Beams . 106 
Lloyd's Rules Regarding Diameter of 

Masts of Steamships , . .164 

Loading and Ballasting 272-2S7, 292, 293 

Loading of General Cargoes . 272, 273 

,, HLmogeneous Cargoes , 274 

Local Stresses ..... 73 

Locus of Centres of Buoyancy . . 36, 40 

Longitudinal Metacentre . 19S, 199, 202 

Strains .... 51-53 

,, Strength of Shallow Vessels 100 

,, Stresses . . . 66, 67 

Machinery Casings . . 146, 171 

Masts of Steamships, Diameters of. . 164 

Masts of Steamships, Staying of . , 165 

Masts, Function of in Sailing-ships . 159 

,, Function of in Steamers 156, 159, 164 

,, Number of Plates in Round . 160 

,, of Sailing-ships, Riveting of End 

and Edge Joints in . . 160 

,, Stresses on 161, 164 

Mast Mountings, Importance of Strong , 164 

Mast Steps, Construction of . . 161, 165 

,, Wedging, Method of Fitting . . 161 

Materials of Construction, Modern System 

of Distributing 79 

Mauretania, Longitudinal Stress on 

R.M.S 66 

M'Intyre System of Constructing Ballast 

Tanks . . ..Ill 

Mean Draught . . .20, 22, 293 

Metacentre, Proof of Formula for Posi- 
tion of . . . 299, 300 
Transverse, Approximate Meth- 
ods of finding Position of 183, 1S4 
, , Transverse, Calculation for Posi- 
tion of 181, 182 
,, Transverse, Definition of . 179 
Metacentric Height in Sailing-ships . 194 
,, Height, Safe Minimum Value 

of 194 

,, Height, Transverse . 179 

Metacentre, Longitudinal, in Vessels of 

Simp'e Forms . 200 

,, Longitudinal, in Vessels of 

Ordinary Forms 198, 199 

Metacentric Stability . .179 

Moment of a Force . . . . 25, 26 

,, of Inertia, Explanation of Term 180 

,, of Inertia of a Waterplane 1S0, 181, 

200, 201 
,, of Inertia of a Section of a Beam 59 
,, of Inertia of a Section of a Ship 65 

,, of Stresses resisting bending of 

Beams and Ships . . . 59, 65 

,, to Alter Trim One Inch . 199, 213 

Neutral Axis of a Beam . ... 58 


Neutral Axis of a Ship .... 62-64 

,, Stress on Shell Plating at 69, 126 

Normand's Approximate Trim Formula . 213 

Oil Vessels, Bulkheads of 169 

,, Isher wood's System Applied 

to Construction of . , 91 
,, Loading of . . . 277, 278 

Outer Bottom, Function of . . . 125 
,, Plating, Relative Value of 

Different Parts of . 126 

Outlines of Construction . . 42 

Panting Strains ..... 73 

Partial Awning Deck Type of Cargo 

Steamer . ... 79 

Peaks, Spacing of Transverse Frames in 100 

Peak Tank, Bulkheads, Stiffening of . 117 

Peak Tanks, Function of . . .117 

,, Pitch of Shell Rivets thro' 

Frames in way of 117 

,, Testing of . . . . 120 

,, Value of Wash Plates in . 117 

Period of Roll 256 

, , Effect of Motion Ahead on 266 

Period of Wave ..... 258 
Pillars, Arrangement of, for Shifting 

Boards . . . .122 

,, Comparison of Short and Long 120 

,, Heads and Heels of . . 121- 124 

„ Number of Rows Required . 121 

,, Quarter . . . 121 

Pillars, in Deep Tanks . . . .119 

,, Portable .... 123, 124 

,, Rivets in End Attachments of . 123 

,, Runners under Beams for . . 122 

,, Wide Spaced . . 124, 125 

Pintle, Detail of Bottom . . 176/, 1767' 

,, Function of Lock . 176/* 

Pitching and Heaving . . 268-270 

Pounding Strains . . . J^ y 285 

Prismatic Co-efficient .... 303 

Propeller Brackets for Twin Screw 

Steamers .... 176^, 176^ 

Pyramid, Volume of a . . . . 14 

Quarter-deck Type of Steamer . . 78 

Quarter-deck Type of Steamer, Compen- 
sation at Break of Main Deck in . 78 
Radius of Gyration, Transverse . . 256 
Rates of Stowage . . . 308 
Rectangle, Area of ... 2 
Resistance of Beams to Change of Form . 56 
Reversed Frames . . 42, 100 
Rhomboid, Area of ... 2 
Righting Moments by Metacentre Method 217 
,, Curve of . 233 
Rigging Screws, Use of ... 163 
Rivet Holes, Advantages and Disadvan- 
tages of Drilling . . 140 
,, Method of Correcting Blind 

and Partially Blind . 141 

,, Objections to Punching . 14O 

Riveted Connections, Strength of , 141 

,, ,, of Stern Post to 

Shell Plating 176a, 176^ 
,, Joints, Experiments to find 

Strength of . , . . 141 

,, Joints, Frictional Strength of . 141 

3 23 


Riveting of Edge Seams of Shell Plating 

in Large Vessels .... 

Riveting of Edge and End Joints of 

Masts . . . i6o, 164 

,, Edge and End Joints of 

Top Masts 
Edges of Sheer Strakes 
End Joints of Bowsprit 
Plating .... 
Frames to Shell Plating in 

way of Deep Tanks 119, 138 

Joints of Watertight Bulk- 
heads .... 168 
Shell Plating of R.M.S. 
Lusj'tam'a and Mauretania 
Stem to Shell Plating 175, 
Rivets, Considerations Governing Sizes of 
Forms of Heads and Points of 13S. 
for Watertight Wo-k, Spacing of 137 
in Bulkhead Frames, Spacing of 
in End Attachments of Pillars 
in Flat Plate Keels, Spacing of . 
in Joints of Shell Plating, Spacing of 
in Seams of Shell Plating, number 

of Rows of 
Spacing of in Bar Keels . 94, 

Strength in Iron Plates of Iron . 
,, Steel Plates of Iron . 

Through Frames and Shell Plat- 
ing in Oil Compartments of 
Bulk Oil Vessels . 
Rivet Holes, Countersinking of . 

,, Precaution Necessary in 

Marking and Punching 

Rolling of Ships, Analysis of Resistance to 

,, Effect of Synchronism of 

Periods of Ship and 

Waves on . . 261, 263 

,, Experiments with Water 

Chambers . . 266, 267 
,, Extinctive Value of Bilge 

Keels . . 264-266 

,, Influence of Change of 

Course and Speed on . 
,, Influence of Metacentric 

Height on . 
,, Instantaneous Axis of 

Rotation . . 254, 

,, Isochronous . 

,, Resistance to 

,, Use of Gyroscope for 

Rudder, Alternative Plans for Carrying 
Weight of 
Balanced, advantage of a . 
Bow ..... 

Coupling. . . . 176/, 176;;/ 
Consisting of Forged Frame and 

Side Plates . . . 1 jbm- 1760 
Gudgeons .... iy6r 

Considerations Governing Scant- 
lings of .... 176c 
of Large Steamer . , 176^/, 176/ 
Pintles .... 176/-176/ 
Relative Meritsjof Cast Steel and 

Forgings for , , T . 176.- 
















Rudder, Single Plate . . . 1762, 176/ 

,, Stops . ... 176/& 

,, Bearing or Thrust Block . . 176/ 
Sailing-ships, Watertight Bulkheads in . 167 
Sails in Steamships, use of . . 164 

Scale of Deadweight .... 21 
Scantling Numbers, Lloyd's . . 97-100 

Scarph, Bar Keel 93 

Scarphing of End Joints of Shell-plating 

in Way of Seams . . . 135, 136 

Sea Waves, Theory of . . 257 

Sections of Beams . . . 107 

Self-trimming Types of Cargo Steamers 86-89 
Shaft Bossing in Twin Screw Steamers 176^, 176^ 
Shallow Vessels, Provision for Strength- 
ening . . . . . .100 

Shearing Forces ..... 45-56 

,, Graphical Method of 

Finding . . 49, 51, 56 
Sheerstrakes, Precaution in Arranging 

End Joints of . 128 

,, Riveting of Edge Seams of 133 

Shear Stress, Maximum. . . 68, 69 

,, Mean .... 67 

Shearing Stresses, Position of Maximum 

Longitudinal .... 69, 127 

Shell Plating, Advantages and Disadvant- 
ages of Joggled . . 131 
,, Advantages and Disadvant- 

ages of butted End Joints 133 
,, Arrangement of End Joints 

of. 127, 128 

Methods of Forming Joints 
of . 129 

,, of Small Vessels at Ends, 

Taper of . . 127 

,, Precautions necessary in 

working . . . 136 

, , Reason of Comparative 

Uniformity in Thickness 

of 127 

,, Relative Importance of Dif- 

ferent Paris of . .126 

,, Riveting of Edge Seams in 

Large Vessels . . 133 

,, Scantlings of in Two Cases 127 

,, Thickness at Sternpost of . 127 

Shell Plates, Advantages and Disadvant- 

ofWide. . . . 129 

,, Lloyd's Rules for Breadths of 129 

Shelter Deck Type of Steamer . . 76, 77 

Shift of Cargo, Effect of . . 2S2, 283 

Shrouds, Mast . 162 

Side Bar Keel . . ge 96 

Side Keelsons . ... 103 

Side Stringers, Connections to Bulk- 
heads . . 171, 172 
»> •>* Function of . . 82, 104 
»» ^ How Constructed . . 104 
»* >< Number Required by 

Lloyd's Rules . . 104 

Simpson's Rules, Application of 6-10, 16, 17, 
19, 30. 32. 35i 40. 1S2, 202, 22S, 247 
Single Deck Vessels, Size of Beam Knees 

in Large I0g 

Single Plate Rudder , , 176^ 176/, 176/ 



C 1 ,r PAG "' 

Sphere, Volume of ... 14 

Square, Area of . I 

Stability, Dynamical 245 

,, Effect of a Squall on . 249-251 

Information for Commanding 

Officers ' 288 

,, Initial . 187 

,, Metacentric . .179 

Statical, Atwood's Formula for 221 

Statical, Causes Influencing 

Forms of Curves . 237 

Statical, Cross Curves ot . 231-236 

,, Statical, Effect of Adding or 

Removing Weights . 193, 194 
,, Statical, Effect of Consumption 

of Bunker Coal . 192, 284 

,, Statical, Safe Curve of 244 

Statical, Specimen Calculation 

,, Statical, Tangent to Curve at 

Origin 230, 231 

Standing Rigging , 162, 165 

Steadiness . . 272 

Steam Winches, Arrangement for Sup- 
porting . 157 
,, Arrangement of . 157 
,, Seats for . 15S 
Steam Winch Pipe Stools . . .159 
Stem, Connection to Bar Keel . 173, 174 
,, ., Flat Plate Keel 174, 175 
Side Bar Keel 174, 175 
Ordinary Form of . 173 
Scarphs, Position of .176 
Sternpost, Scarphs of . 176c, 176^ 
Sternposts of Single Screw Steamers Ij6a-ij6d 
Siernposts of Twin Screw Steamers 176/ 
Sternposts, Relative Merits of Steel Cast- 
ings and Forgings for . . 176^ 
Sternposts, Connection to Shell Plating 

176.2:, 176^ 
Sternposts of Sailing Ships 176 

Stowage Rates . . . 308 

Strength of Beams, Influence of Form of 

Section on .61 

Strength Types of Cargo Steamers . 75 

Stress at any Point of a Section of a Ship 64 
Stresses, Compressive, Effect of on thin 

Deck-plating ... 66 

Due to Action of Propeller 73 

Due to Docking . 70 

,, on Shell Plating 

, , ' Position of Maximum 

tudinal Bending . 
,, Position of Maximum 

tudinal Sheering . 
,, Transverse, Due to Rolling 
Stringer Plates on Deck Beams 
Submarine Vessels, Stability of 


. 66, 69 


66, 126 



219, 220 

Tables of Natural Tangents, Sines and 

Cosines 3°5-3°7 

Tack Rivets, Function of . .176 

(J Objection to use of . 93, 176 

Tap Rivets .... 140 

TchebychefTs Rules for Areas . 11, 12 

Telescopic Topmasts . . . .164 

Three Island Type of Cargo Steamer . 77 



Tieplates, Deck 

Timber Cargoes, Stowage of . 

,, Type of Vessel Suitable 

for . . . 28 1 

Topmasts, Method of Fitting . 161, 164 

,, Riveting of Joints of plating of 162 

Tons per Inch Immersion . 22 

Tranaverse Frames, Spacing of 100 

1, ,, Types of. . . 100 

Transverse Metacentre . 179, 1S1, 1^2 

, , M eta ccn tre, Approximate 

Methods of Finding Posi- 
tion of . . 183, 184 
,, Metacentres, Curve of . 185, 1S6 
,, Metacentric Height, Safe 

Minimum Value of 
, , Metacentric Height in Sailing- 

,, Stresses Due to Incorrect 

Stresses Due to Rolling 
,, System of Construction 

Trapezoid, Area of a 
Trapezoidal Rule for Curvilinear Areas 
Triangle, Area of a 
Trim, Approximate Calculation of . 
Change of . 
Cross Curves of . 
Effect of Filling Fore-peak Tank on 
In formation for Commanding 

Officers ... 
Lines . . . 207, 

Mr. Long's Method . 206 

Normand's Approximate Formula 
Worked-out Examples 203, 205, 

Trochoidal Theory of Waves 257, 

Tunnel Door . . . . 171 

Type of Steamer, Awning 01 Shelter Deck 76, 77 
,, Dixon <N: Harroway . 87, 88 

,, Isherwood . 

,, Partial Awning Deck 

,, Ropner Trunk 

,, Single Deck 

,, Three Island 

, , Turret 

Well Deck . 
Twin Screw Steamer Propeller Bracket 




7 2 





213, 214 

19S, 213 

209, 211 









Volume of Ellipsoid . 14 

,, of Pyramid . . 14 

, , of Rectangular, Solid . . 14 

of Ship ' . 14, 15, 16 

,, of Sphere . ... 14 

,, of Wedge bounded by Curved 

Surface . 221, 222, 224 

,, Units of 13 

Water Ballast, Advantage bf High Posi- 
tion of .120 
,, Chambers . . 266, 267 
Watertight Bulkhead Doors into 'Tween 

Decks . . . 171. 174 

,, Bulkhead Doors, Arrange- 

ments for Operating 172, 173 

Watertight Bulkheads . . 165-171 

Wave, Period of . 25S 




Wave, Speed of .... 258 
Waves, Lengths and Periods of Atlantic 

Storm 258, 259 

Web Frame, Connections Lo Beams and 

Inner Bottom 103 
,, Definition of . 102 
Web Frames and Side Stringers, Compar- 
ative Strength of . . 103 
Weight of Fresh Water . . 297 
Weights of Materials 307 
Weight of Salt Water 18 


Wind Curve . . . 249, 250 

Wood Decks, Comparative Values of 

Different Timbers for 147 
,, Fastenings for. . 147 

,, Objections to Use of Slips 

in Laying . . 148 

,, Precautions necessary in 

laying . . .146 

, , Seasoning of Planking 

intended for 147 

Yards . 163